1,199 research outputs found

    America's Veterans: A Sound Investment

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    In this report, the authors argue that society should leverage the latest generation of men and women leaving the military, and the skills, expertise and experience they bring to the civilian workforce. The authors examine the employment challenges facing the nation's nearly 2.6 million post-9/11 combat veterans as they transition to civilian jobs. They note that recent veterans "have struggled with unemployment rates that exceed the national average" despite recent survey findings that showed "most managers felt that military veterans were "better" or "much better" than civilians in areas such as teamwork, reliability, openness to other cultures and races, and work ethic." General Caldwell and Major Burke knock down several stereotypes about recent veterans and offer recommendations that business and government can undertake to help veterans successfully navigate the civilian labor market

    Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the western North Atlantic: a guide to their identification

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    This is an identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). It was designed to assist laypersons in identifying cetaceans encountered in the western North Atlantic Ocean and was intended for use by ongoing cetacean observer programs. This publication includes sections on identifying cetaceans at sea as well as stranded animals on shore. Species accounts are divided by body size and presence or lack of a dorsal fin. Appendices cover tags used on cetacean species; how to record and report cetacean observations at see and for stranded cetaceans; and a list of contacts for reporting cetacean strandings. (Document pdf contains 183 pages - file takes considerable time to open

    Transition in Afghanistan through an enduring Afghan National Security Force

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    Quando em Novembro de 2009 foi criada a NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan, os programas de treino de forças de segurança afegãs eram díspares não existindo planos com vista a uma adequada transferência de competências para a Afghan National Security Force até 2014. Na verdade, o enfoque baseava‑se na intenção de inverter tendências negativas no plano da segurança nacional e na formação de militares e polícias em quantidade necessária à condução de operações de contra‑subversão. Qualidade e quantidade eram dois princípios não co‑pagináveis – ou se criava uma força profissional pequena ou uma força grande com capacidades limitadas resultantes de um treino igualmente limitado. No entanto, dada a dimensão geográfica do Afeganistão e a necessidade do Exército e da Polícia em garantirem a segurança e a estabilidade no país, a qualidade não podia ser comprometida em nome da quantidade. Consequentemente, a NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan conduziu um processo deliberado de formação e treino de uma força profissional, auto‑sustentável e duradoura. O progresso registado nos últimos dois anos requereu um empenho e investimento significativo por parte dos Estados Unidos, da NATO e de outros países da coligação. Através de uma parceria, as forças de segurança afegãs estão a caminho de assumirem responsabilidades de segurança que competiam até agora à NATO

    Assumption of Risk

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    Marlowe\u27s cosmology

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    A general study of Marlowe \u27s cosmology may by no means be original, for numerous critics have mentioned the subject in varying degrees; however, there is a wide disparity or opinion concerning the relative importance of the subject in relation to the playwright. This study is not exhaustive; it is significant, however, because it attempts to prove by means of biographical and historical backgrounds the idea that Mar­lowe had an intellect that was always climbing after knowledge infin­ite. In this study there are two obvious omissions: the plays Dido, Queen of Carthage, and The Massacre at Paris. These two plays have been omitted because Dido, Queen of Carthage, according to the title page, was written by Marlowe and Thomas Nashe, and Marlowe\u27s share is not clear; and the text of The Massacre at Paris is available only in fragmentary form

    Evaluation of a Ninth Grade Transition Program for At-Risk Students.

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    Researchers have identified the transition from middle to high school as a critical point in teenagers\u27 educational development. Despite sweeping educational reforms, many students are leaving high school without graduating. Local school districts are struggling to redesign high schools to provide the educational programs necessary for at-risk students\u27 success. Creating smaller learning communities and developing transition programs have shown success in addressing these problems. Sustained research shows promise in minimizing the effects of the transition process and adds to the body of knowledge. A case study approach using archival data was used to explore the differences in three Bearcat PRIDE treatment groups and their 8th (pre-treatment) and 9th (post-treatment) grade measures. Results of this study suggested students who participated in the Bearcat PRIDE program showed greater success in academic performance, reduced disciplinary actions, increased school attendance, and participation in extra-curricular activities of their 8th (pre-treatment) and 9th (post-treatment) grade measures

    Educating Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom: Efficacy, Attitudes, and Differentiation of Instruction

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    The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine which variable, teacher self-efficacy or teachers’ attitudes toward gifted students, better explains teachers’ willingness to differentiate instruction for gifted students. Survey data from 341third through eighth grade teachers were analyzed using multiple regression. Teachers’ attitudes toward gifted students were measured using the Survey of Practices with Students of Varying Needs (short version). The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale was used to measure teacher self-efficacy. The outcome variable, teachers’ willingness to differentiate instruction for gifted students, was measured by an instrument adapted by the researcher from an instrument developed by Heacox (2002), the Survey of Instructional Practices. Years of teaching experience was also used as control variable. Stepwise regression revealed that a total of 20% of the variance of the dependent variable can be explained by the combined effect of the two predictor variables and the control variable. The largest contribution to explaining the variance in differentiation practices for gifted students is contained within teacher efficacy with the second largest contribution being teacher attitudes. This research indicated that teacher self-efficacy is a better predictor than teachers’ attitudes toward gifted students when trying to predict teachers’ willingness to differentiate instruction for gifted students being taught in the regular classroom. While this study found statistically significant results for both of the internal factors studied, efficacy and attitude, as predictors of teachers’ willingness to differentiate instruction for gifted students, it explains only a small part of teacher’s willingness to differentiate instruction for gifted students in the regular classroom. The researcher recommends that future researchers employ the use of surveys that ask respondents to rate a list of both internal and external factors believed to influence differentiation for gifted students on how much they believe each factor influences their decisions to differentiate instruction. This method might produce a broader view of what teachers believe to be obstacles to differentiation

    Development and Validation of an Experimental Test Rig for Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement of Forced Convective Heat Transfer

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    This report details the development of a facility for the experimental investigation of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) enhancement of forced convection heat transfer. The test facility was developed for the Thermal and Transparencies Laboratory (TATLAB), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), for use in future research into the applicability of EHD for the miniaturization of Air Force heat exchangers. During this research, a closed l6op, medium scale electrohydrodynamic test rig was developed and brought online. The test fluid loop was integrated with a data acquisition and parameter control system. Basic loop and fluid performance testing was accomplished through the use of a 3mm hydraulic diameter, square channel test section using Flourinert FC-72, a dielectric electronics coolant, as the working fluid. Due to the design of the test section, no heat transfer data was generated in this initial study. However, this study greatly expanded the experimental and practical understanding of the EHD phenomenon within AFRL, by providing a working knowledge of the basics of effective EHD test section design, contamination control procedures, and loop design and operation. Deficiencies in the design of the loop, data acquisition system, and test section were identified and recommendations for improvements in future work were delivered. The Air Force Research Laboratory is now poised to generate useful EHD heat transfer data with this test facility

    Productivity of Florida Springs: first semi-annual report to Biology Division, Office of Naval Research, progress from June 1, 1952 to January 31, 1953

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    Work has begun on studying the factors responsible for productivity in the Florida springs, which are nearly constant temperature, constant chemical, steady state giant laboratories. Progress has been made on five aspects: qualitative description, quantitative description, completion of knowledge of chemical factors, measurement of productivity , development of productivity theory. Measurement of the primary productivity in Silver Springs and Green Cove Springs by two new methods: the raising of organisms in cages, and the measurement of night & day differences in oxygen downstream agree roughly. Production in these springs is greater than previous production figures reported for marine, fresh water, and land areas. Instantaneous measures of production show large variations with season, time of day, cloud cover. Production estimates range from 11,000 lbs per acre per year to 70,000 lbs. glucose per acre per year during daylight hours. Essential stability of the springs environment has been shown with respect to temperature, phosphorus, and plant cover. A correlation of species number with lack of stability has been shown with insects. Quantitative studies have shown very large plant base to pyramids of mass. Correlation of marine invasion with chlorinity has been shown. The essential aspects of pH regulated phosphorus geochemistry in Florida have been outlined. Some theoretical ideas on productivity have been evolved. Mapping of sessile organisms in springs and taxonomic identification of dominants are half completed. Plans for second six months include measurement of herbivore and carnivore production rates and completion of food chain efficiency determinations in Silver Springs as a preparation for subsequent comparisons between springs. (34pp.
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