1,908 research outputs found

    Hiperfluxo portal na forma hepatosplênica da esquistossomose mansônica

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess portal hemodynamics in patients with portal hypertension due to hepatosplenic schistosomiasis as well as to assess the contribution of splanchnic hyperflow to the pathophysiology of the portal hypertension. METHODS: Sixteen patients with schistosomal portal hypertension and previous history of upper digestive bleeding due to esophageal varices rupture underwent elective esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy and were prospectively studied. All patients underwent intraoperative invasive hemodynamic portal monitoring with a 4F-thermodilution catheter. The intraoperative portal hemodynamic assessment was conducted after laparotomy (initial) and after esophagogastric devascularization (final). RESULTS: The initial portal pressure was elevated (mean 28.5 ± 4.5 mm Hg), and a significant drop of 25% was observed at the end of the surgery (21.9 ± 4.9 mm Hg). The initial portal flow was elevated (mean 1766.9 ± 686.6 mL/min). A significant fall (42%) occurred at the end of the surgical procedure (1025.62 ± 338.7 mL/min). Fourteen patients (87.5%) presented a portal flow of more than 1200 mL/min, and in 5 cases, values greater than 2000 mL/min were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy promote a significant reduction of the elevated portal pressure and flow in schistosomal portal hypertension. These data favor the hypothesis of portal hyperflow in the physiopathology of portal hypertension of schistosomiasis.OBJETIVOS: o objetivo do presente estudo é estudar a hemodinâmica portal em pacientes com hipertensão portal secundária a forma hepatoesplênica da esquistossomose e avaliar a contribuição do hiperfluxo esplênico na sua fisiopatologia CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados prospectivamente 16 pacientes portadores de hipertensão portal secundária à forma hepatoesplênica da esquistossomose mansônica com indicação de tratamento cirúrgico. Todos foram submetidos a avaliação hemodinâmica portal com cateter de termodiluição 4F antes e após a realização de desvascularização esofago-gástrica com esplenectomia. RESULTADOS: Na avaliação intra-operatória inicial observou-se pressão (28,5 + 4,5 mmHg ) e fluxo (1750,59 ± 668,14 ml/min) portais iniciais bem acima dos valores considerados normais. Houve queda significante de 25% na pressão (21,65 ± 5,55 mmHg ) e de 42% no fluxo (1011,18 ± 332,73 ml/min) ao término da cirurgia. Quatorze pacientes (87.5%) apresentavam fluxo portal superior a 1200 ml/min e, em 5 casos, valores superiores a 2000 ml/min foram observados. CONCLUSÕES: A pressão e o fluxo portais estão aumentados na hipertensão portal esquistossomótica. A desvascularização esofago-gástrica com esplenectomia reduz significativamente tanto a pressão quanto o fluxo portais. Estes dados favorecem a hipótese do hiperfluxo esplâncnico (esplênico e mesentérico) na fisiopatologia da hipertensão portal na esquistossomose forma hepatoesplênica

    Usage of Arduino-based Datalogger for thermal comfort variables monitoring

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    Environmental monitoring is an effective tool to identify problems in anthropic areas, and the emergence of cyber-physical sensors contributes to technological advances in the area. This paper introduces a device based on the Arduino cyber-physical platform to monitor air temperature and relative humidity in real-time with high efficiency. With the relationship between these two environmental variables, it will be possible to calculate the Heat Index (CI), the Temperature and Humidity Index (ITU), the Effective Temperature Index (ET), and the Thermal Discomfort Index (IDT). The Datalogger developed is easily programmable and easy to assemble and presented stable operation and proper functioning

    O/IR Polarimetry for the 2010 Decade (GAN): Science at the Edge, Sharp Tools for All

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    Science opportunities and recommendations concerning optical/infrared polarimetry for the upcoming decade in the field of Galactic science. Community-based White Paper to Astro2010 in response to the call for such papers.Comment: White Paper to the Galactic Neighborhood (GAN) Science Frontiers Panel of the Astro2010 Decadal Surve

    Apontamentos sobre a Educação do Campo em Colorado do Oeste/Rondônia: notas de um camponês letrado

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    Abstract. This paper will address concerns about the dichotomy between Education in the countryside and Rural Education. Based on the theoretical reference reading, we decided to confront what we know of the Brazilian educational system, with the reality we experienced and, in addition, to confront the official discourse of plural education with the desire and need of social movements for a more dignified education. The social movement chosen for our analysis was the Small Farmers' Movement (MPA), as it is a movement of wide reach and support in our region. For this we elect a person who is part of the movement to carry out a semi-structured interview. The interviewee is graduated in a course directly involved with Education which also gives him theoretical background to discuss this topic. According to the data collected the people of the MPA believe in a better educational system, and this improvement goes through the dialogue between the State and Social Movements. In the case of the MPA, this dialogue has as its central idea the valorization of the peasant culture within the school environment and, the guarantee of the maintenance of the rural schools can thus help to reduce the rural exodus and consequently to improve the quality of life.Abstract. This paper will address concerns about the dichotomy between Education in the countryside and Rural Education. Based on the theoretical reference reading, we decided to confront what we know of the Brazilian educational system, with the reality we experienced and, in addition, to confront the official discourse of plural education with the desire and need of social movements for a more dignified education. The social movement chosen for our analysis was the Small Farmers' Movement (MPA), as it is a movement of wide reach and support in our region. For this we elect a person who is part of the movement to carry out a semi-structured interview. The interviewee is graduated in a course directly involved with Education which also gives him theoretical background to discuss this topic. According to the data collected the people of the MPA believe in a better educational system, and this improvement goes through the dialogue between the State and Social Movements. In the case of the MPA, this dialogue has as its central idea the valorization of the peasant culture within the school environment and, the guarantee of the maintenance of the rural schools can thus help to reduce the rural exodus and consequently to improve the quality of life.Resumen. Este trabajo abordará las inquietudes sobre la dicotomía existente entre Educación en el Campo y Educación del Campo. A partir de la lectura de referencial teórico, decidimos confrontar lo que conocemos del sistema educativo brasileño, con la realidad por nosotros vivida y, además, confrontar el discurso oficial de educación plural con el deseo y la necesidad de movimientos sociales por una educación más digna. El movimiento social elegido para nuestro análisis fue el Movimiento de los Pequeños Agricultores (MPA), por ser un movimiento de amplio alcance y respaldo en nuestra región. Para ello elegimos a una persona integrante del movimiento para la realización de una entrevista semiestructurada. El entrevistado es graduado en un curso directamente involucrado con la Educación lo que también le da basamento teórico para discurrir sobre tal temática. De acuerdo con los datos recogidos las personas del MPA creen en un sistema educativo mejor y, esa mejora pasa por el diálogo entre Estado y Movimientos Sociales. En el caso del MPA, ese diálogo tiene como idea central la valorización de la cultura campesina dentro del ambiente escolar y, la garantía del mantenimiento de las escuelas del campo, así, puede ayudar a disminuir el éxodo rural y, consecuentemente, mejorar la calidad de vida.Abstract. This paper will address concerns about the dichotomy between Education in the countryside and Rural Education. Based on the theoretical reference reading, we decided to confront what we know of the Brazilian educational system, with the reality we experienced and, in addition, to confront the official discourse of plural education with the desire and need of social movements for a more dignified education. The social movement chosen for our analysis was the Small Farmers' Movement (MPA), as it is a movement of wide reach and support in our region. For this we elect a person who is part of the movement to carry out a semi-structured interview. The interviewee is graduated in a course directly involved with Education which also gives him theoretical background to discuss this topic. According to the data collected the people of the MPA believe in a better educational system, and this improvement goes through the dialogue between the State and Social Movements. In the case of the MPA, this dialogue has as its central idea the valorization of the peasant culture within the school environment and, the guarantee of the maintenance of the rural schools can thus help to reduce the rural exodus and consequently to improve the quality of life.Este trabalho abordará as inquietações sobre a dicotomia existente entre Educação no Campo e Educação do Campo. A partir da leitura de referencial teórico, decidimos confrontar o que conhecemos do sistema educacional brasileiro, com a realidade por nós vivenciada e, além disso, confrontar o discurso oficial de educação plural com o desejo e a necessidade de movimentos sociais por uma educação mais digna. O movimento social escolhido para a nossa análise foi o Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA), por ser um movimento de amplo alcance e respaldo em nossa região. Para isso elegemos uma pessoa integrante do movimento para a realização de uma entrevista semiestruturada. O entrevistado é graduado em um curso diretamente envolvido com a Educação o que também lhe dá embasamento teórico para discorrer sobre tal temática. De acordo com os dados coletados, as pessoas do MPA acreditam em um sistema educacional melhor e, essa melhora passa pelo diálogo entre Estado e Movimentos Sociais. No caso do MPA, esse diálogo tem como ideia central a valorização da cultura camponesa dentro do ambiente escolar e, a garantia da manutenção das escolas do campo, assim, pode ajudar a diminuir o êxodo rural e, consequentemente melhorar a qualidade de vida. Palavras-chave: Educação do Campo, Movimento Social, Sistema Educacional.   Notes on Rural Education in Colorado do Oeste/Rondônia: notes of a literate peasant Abstract. This paper will address concerns about the dichotomy between Education in the countryside and Rural Education. Based on the theoretical reference reading, we decided to confront what we know of the Brazilian educational system, with the reality we experienced and, in addition, to confront the official discourse of plural education with the desire and need of social movements for a more dignified education. The social movement chosen for our analysis was the Small Farmers' Movement (MPA), as it is a movement of wide reach and support in our region. For this we elect a person who is part of the movement to carry out a semi-structured interview. The interviewee is graduated in a course directly involved with Education which also gives him theoretical background to discuss this topic. According to the data collected the people of the MPA believe in a better educational system, and this improvement goes through the dialogue between the State and Social Movements. In the case of the MPA, this dialogue has as its central idea the valorization of the peasant culture within the school environment and, the guarantee of the maintenance of the rural schools can thus help to reduce the rural exodus and consequently to improve the quality of life. Keywords: Rural Education, Social Movement, Educational System.   Apuntes sobre la Educación del Campo en Colorado do Oeste/Rondônia: notas de un campesino letrado Resumen. Este trabajo abordará las inquietudes sobre la dicotomía existente entre Educación en el Campo y Educación del Campo. A partir de la lectura de referencial teórico, decidimos confrontar lo que conocemos del sistema educativo brasileño, con la realidad por nosotros vivida y, además, confrontar el discurso oficial de educación plural con el deseo y la necesidad de movimientos sociales por una educación más digna. El movimiento social elegido para nuestro análisis fue el Movimiento de los Pequeños Agricultores (MPA), por ser un movimiento de amplio alcance y respaldo en nuestra región. Para ello elegimos a una persona integrante del movimiento para la realización de una entrevista semiestructurada. El entrevistado es graduado en un curso directamente involucrado con la Educación lo que también le da basamento teórico para discurrir sobre tal temática. De acuerdo con los datos recogidos las personas del MPA creen en un sistema educativo mejor y, esa mejora pasa por el diálogo entre Estado y Movimientos Sociales. En el caso del MPA, ese diálogo tiene como idea central la valorización de la cultura campesina dentro del ambiente escolar y, la garantía del mantenimiento de las escuelas del campo, así, puede ayudar a disminuir el éxodo rural y, consecuentemente, mejorar la calidad de vida. Palabras clave: Educación del Campo, Movimiento Social, Sistema Educativo

    Levantamento quantitativo de trabalhos sobre VO2max nas publicações da revista brasileira de cineantropometria e desenvolvimento humano

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    O consumo de O2 é objeto de estudo em diversos periódicos na área de Educação Física, em suas diversas interfaces com as estruturas morfológica e funcional em humanos, com especial influência no desempenho de praticamente toda tarefa cotidiana. Considerando, portanto seu valor para aptidão e autonomia funcional, o estudo buscou investigar qual foi a frequência de trabalhos sobre capacidade aeróbia e/ou VO2max publicados na Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desenvolvimento Humano (RBCDH) entre 1999 a 2011. O objetivo do estudo foi, primeiramente, elaborar um levantamento quantitativo sobre a variável em questão e, em seguida, apresentar estudos que discutam essas variáveis. Na metodologia foi aplicado um estudo descritivo de cunho bibliográfico. Foram consultadas 10 obras impressas e 14 estudos derivados de meio eletrônico. Basicamente os resultados demonstraram que foram publicados 506 artigos no período estudado e que a média anual era de aproximadamente 38 artigos. Especificamente, sobre o VO2max, a média era de 13% (69) do total de artigos. Percebe-se então, a importância que a capacidade aeróbia deve receber por parte da comunidade científica em seus aspectos estruturantes, em sua influência na dimensão da aptidão psicofísica humana e em sua relação no contexto da autonomia funcional e de qualidade de vida

    S-PLUS : exploring wide field properties of multiple populations in galactic globular clusters at different metallicities

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    Multiple stellar populations (MSPs) are a ubiquitous phenomenon in Galactic globular clusters (GCs). By probing different spectral ranges affected by different absorption lines using the multiband photometric survey S-PLUS, we study four GCs – NGC 104, NGC 288, NGC 3201, and NGC 7089 – that span a wide range of metallicities. With the combination of broad and narrow-band photometry in 12 different filters from 3485A (u) to 9114A (z), we identified MSPs along the rectified red-giant branch in colour–magnitude diagrams and separated them using a K-means clustering algorithm. Additionally, we take advantage of the large Field of View of the S-PLUS detector to investigate radial trends in our sample. We report on six colour combinations that can be used to successfully identify two stellar populations in all studied clusters and show that they can be characterized as Na-rich and Na-poor. For both NGC 288 and NGC 7089, their radial profiles show a clear concentration of 2P population. This directly supports the formation theories that propose an enrichment of the intra-cluster medium and subsequent star formation in the more dense central regions. However, in the case of NGC 3201, the trend is reversed. The 1P is more centrally concentrated, in direct contradiction with previous literature studies. NGC 104 shows a well-mixed population. We also constructed radial profiles up to 1 half-light radius of the clusters with HST data to highlight that radial differences are lost in the inner regions of the GCs and that wide-field studies are essential when studying this

    Understanding Polarized Foreground from Dust: Towards Reliable Measurements of CMB Polarization

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    Science opportunities and recommendations concerning optical/infrared polarimetry for the upcoming decade in the field of cosmology. Community-based White Paper to Astro2010 in response to the call for such papers.Comment: White Paper to the Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (GCT) Science Frontiers Panel of the Astro2010 Decadal Surve