599 research outputs found

    Accurate light-time correction due to a gravitating mass

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    This work arose as an aftermath of Cassini's 2002 experiment \cite{bblipt03}, in which the PPN parameter γ\gamma was measured with an accuracy σγ=2.3×10−5\sigma_\gamma = 2.3\times 10^{-5} and found consistent with the prediction γ=1\gamma =1 of general relativity. The Orbit Determination Program (ODP) of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which was used in the data analysis, is based on an expression for the gravitational delay which differs from the standard formula; this difference is of second order in powers of mm -- the sun's gravitational radius -- but in Cassini's case it was much larger than the expected order of magnitude m2/bm^2/b, where bb is the ray's closest approach distance. Since the ODP does not account for any other second-order terms, it is necessary, also in view of future more accurate experiments, to systematically evaluate higher order corrections and to determine which terms are significant. Light propagation in a static spacetime is equivalent to a problem in ordinary geometrical optics; Fermat's action functional at its minimum is just the light-time between the two end points A and B. A new and powerful formulation is thus obtained. Asymptotic power series are necessary to provide a safe and automatic way of selecting which terms to keep at each order. Higher order approximations to the delay and the deflection are obtained. We also show that in a close superior conjunction, when bb is much smaller than the distances of A and B from the Sun, of order RR, say, the second-order correction has an \emph{enhanced} part of order m2R/b2m^2R/b^2, which corresponds just to the second-order terms introduced in the ODP. Gravitational deflection of the image of a far away source, observed from a finite distance from the mass, is obtained to O(m2)O(m^2).Comment: 4 figure

    A note on light velocity anisotropy

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    It is proved that in experiments on or near the Earth, no anisotropy in the one-way velocity of light may be detected. The very accurate experiments which have been performed to detect such an effect are to be considered significant tests of both special relativity and the equivalence principleComment: 8 pages, LaTex, Gen. Relat. Grav. accepte

    The fimbria-fornix/cingular bundle pathways: A review of neurochemical and behavioural approaches using lesions and transplantation techniques

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    Extensive lesions of the fimbria-fornix pathways and the cingular bundle deprive the hippocampus of a substantial part of its cholinergic, noradrenergic and serotonergic afferents and, among several other behavioural alterations, induce lasting impairment of spatial learning and memory capabilities. After a brief presentation of the neuroanatomical organization of the hippocampus and the connections relevant to the topic of this article, studies which have contributed to characterize the neurochemical and behavioural aspects of the fimbria-fornix lesion "syndrome" with lesion techniques differing by the extent, the location or the specificity of the damage produced, are reviewed. Furthermore, several compensatory changes that may occur as a reaction to hippocampal denervation (sprouting changes in receptor sensitivity and modifications of neurotransmitter turnover in spared fibres) are described and discussed in relation with their capacity (or incapacity) to foster recovery from the lesion-induced deficits. According to this background, experiments using intrahippocampal or "parahippocampal" grafts to substitute for missing cholinergic, noradrenergic or serotonergic afferents are considered according to whether the reported findings concern neurochemical and/or behavioural effects. Taken together, these experiments suggest that appropriately chosen fetal neurons (or other cells such as for instance, genetically-modified fibroblasts) implanted into or close to the denervated hippocampus may substitute, at least partially, for missing hippocampal afferents with a neurochemical specificity that closely depends on the neurochemical identity of the grafted neurons. Thereby, such grafts are able not only to restore some functions as they can be detected locally, namely within the hippocampus, but also to attenuate some of the behavioural (and other types of) disturbances resulting from the lesions. In some respects, also these graft-induced behavioural effects might be considered as occurring with a neurochemically-defined specificity. Nevertheless, if a graft-induced recovery of neurochemical markers in the hippocampus seems to be a prerequisite for also behavioural recovery to be observed, this neurochemical recovery is neither the one and only condition for behavioural effects to be expressed, nor is it the one and only mechanism to account for the latter effects

    Effects of grafts containing cholinergic and/or serotonergic neurons on cholinergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic markers in the denervated rat hippocampus

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    Long-Evans female rats sustained aspirative lesions of the septohippocampal pathways and, 2 weeks later, received intrahippocampal suspension grafts prepared from the regions including either the medial septum and the diagonal band of Broca (group S), or the mesencephalic raphe (group R), or from both these regions together (group S + R). Sham-operated (group SHAM) and lesion-only (group LES) rats were used as controls. Six months after grafting, high affinity synaptosomal uptake of choline (HACU) and serotonin (HASU), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and, using HPLC, the content of serotonin ([5-HT]), 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid ([5-HIAA]) and noradrenaline ([NA]) were determined in three rostro-caudal segments of the hippocampus (designated hereafter as the dorsal, the 'middle' and the ventral segments). In all three segments of the dorsal hippocampus, septohippocampal lesions decreased HACU, ChAT activity, HASU and [5-HT]; [5-HIAA] was decreased only in the middle and ventral hippocampal segments. The lesions also resulted in an above normal increase of [NA]. Septal grafts increased HACU and ChAT in the three hippocampal regions, had no effect on serotonergic markers and attenuated the lesion-induced increase of [NA] in only the dorsal and middle hippocampal segments. Raphe grafts increased HASU, [5-HT] and [5-HIAA] in the dorsal and middle hippocampal segments, had no effects on cholinergic markers and did not affect the lesion-induced increase of [NA]. Co-grafts increased HACU, ChAT activity, HASU, [5-HT] and [5-HIAA], and attenuated the lesion-induced increase in [NA]. These data demonstrate that grafts of fetal neurons placed into the denervated hippocampus may induce a neurochemical recovery which depends upon the anatomical origin of the grafted cells. They also show that co-grafting allows to combine the neurochemical properties of two fetal brain regions grafted separately. Furthermore, our findings suggest that graft-derived cholinergic reinnervation of the hippocampus prevents the lesion-induced increase of noradrenaline concentration which is likely to result from sympathetic sprouting. Thus, our data confirm the results of a previous experiment carried out at a post-grafting delay of 10-11 months, and show that the graft-induced effects reported previously are already massively present by 6 months after surgery

    The effects of intrahippocampal raphe and/or septal grafts in rats with fimbria-fornix lesions depend on the origin of the grafted tissue and the behavioural task used

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    Long-Evans female rats sustained electrolytic lesions of the fimbria and the dorsal fornix and, two weeks later, received intrahippocampal suspension grafts of fetal tissue. The grafts were prepared from regions including either the medial septum and the diagonal band of Broca (septal grafts), or the mesencephalic raphe (raphe grafts), or from both these regions together (co-grafts). All rats were submitted to a series of behavioural tests (home cage and open-field locomotion, spontaneous alternation, radial-arm maze and Morris water maze performance) run over two periods after grafting (one to nine weeks and 20-35 weeks). Two weeks after completion of behavioural testing, histological (acetylcholinesterase and Cresyl Violet staining) and/or neurochemical (choline acetyltransferase activity, high-affinity synaptosomal uptake of choline and serotonin, noradrenaline, serotonin and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid concentrations) verifications were performed on the hippocampus. Compared to sham-operated rats, lesion-only rats exhibited hyperactivity which was transient in a familiar environment (home cage) and lasting in an unfamiliar one (open field), decreased rates of spontaneous T-maze alternation, and impaired memory performance in both the radial-arm maze and the Morris water maze. These rats also showed decreased cholinergic and serotonergic markers with a maximal depletion in the septal two-thirds of the hippocampus. Noradrenaline concentration tended to be increased in the dorsal third of the hippocampus, but was not modified in the other two-thirds. While septal grafts specifically increased the cholinergic markers and raphe grafts the serotonergic ones, neither of these grafts produced a lasting effect on any behavioural variable. Conversely, the co-grafts, which increased both the cholinergic and serotonergic markers in the septal two-thirds of the hippocampus, completely normalized the Morris water maze probe trial performance, but failed to affect any of the other behavioural variables. Our present results confirm that grafts of fetal neurons injected into the denervated hippocampus may induce a neurochemical recovery that depends on the anatomical origin of the grafted cells, and that co-grafting two fetal brain regions allows the combination of their individual neurochemical properties. Furthermore, our results show that these neurochemical effects of the co-grafts may be involved in the recovery of behavioural function observed in the water maze. However, somewhat paradoxically, those effects appear inefficient for inducing any recovery in other behavioural tasks, even in the radial-arm maze; which is assumed to measure similar spatial functions

    When injected into the fimbria-fornix/cingular bundle, not in the raphe, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine prevents amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion

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    The locomotor effects of acute amphetamine treatment (1 mg/kg, i.p.) were assessed in Long-Evans rats after 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5, 7-DHT) injections into the fimbria-fornix/cingular bundle (FiFx/CB; 4 microg/side), or the dorsal and median raphe (Raphe; 10 microg). In control rats, amphetamine induced a significant increase of home-cage activity for about 2 h. This effect was similar in Raphe rats, but was absent in FiFx/CB rats. The raphe lesions reduced serotonin concentrations by 50% in the dorsal hippocampus, 75% in the ventral hippocampus and 58% in the fronto-parietal cortex. After FiFx/CB lesions, the reduction amounted 50, 61 and only 25%, in each of these regions, respectively. In the fronto-partietal cortex, dopamine concentration was significantly decreased in Raphe (-27%) and FiFx/CB rats (-65%). The results suggest that a serotonergic denervation of the hippocampus by injections of 5,7-DHT into the FiFx/CB pathways hampers the stimulating effects of amphetamine on locomotor activity. This effect might be related to the reduced dopaminergic tone in the fronto-parietal cortex

    Gravitational waves from coalescing binaries and Doppler experiments

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    Doppler tracking of interplanetary spacecraft provides the only method presently available for broad-band searches of low frequency gravitational waves. The instruments have a peak sensitivity around the reciprocal of the round-trip light-time T of the radio link connecting the Earth to the space-probe and therefore are particularly suitable to search for coalescing binaries containing massive black holes in galactic nuclei. A number of Doppler experiments -- the most recent involving the probes ULYSSES, GALILEO and MARS OBSERVER -- have been carried out so far; moreover, in 2002-2004 the CASSINI spacecraft will perform three 40 days data acquisition runs with expected sensitivity about twenty times better than that achieved so far. Central aims of this paper are: (i) to explore, as a function of the relevant instrumental and astrophysical parameters, the Doppler output produced by in-spiral signals -- sinusoids of increasing frequency and amplitude (the so-called chirp); (ii) to identify the most important parameter regions where to concentrate intense and dedicated data analysis; (iii) to analyze the all-sky and all-frequency sensitivity of the CASSINI's experiments, with particular emphasis on possible astrophysical targets, such as our Galactic Centre and the Virgo Cluster.Comment: 52 pages, LaTeX, 19 Postscript Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Standardized metadata for human pathogen/vector genomic sequences

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    High throughput sequencing has accelerated the determination of genome sequences for thousands of human infectious disease pathogens and dozens of their vectors. The scale and scope of these data are enabling genotype-phenotype association studies to identify genetic determinants of pathogen virulence and drug/insecticide resistance, and phylogenetic studies to track the origin and spread of disease outbreaks. To maximize the utility of genomic sequences for these purposes, it is essential that metadata about the pathogen/vector isolate characteristics be collected and made available in organized, clear, and consistent formats. Here we report the development of the GSCID/BRC Project and Sample Application Standard, developed by representatives of the Genome Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases (GSCIDs), the Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) for Infectious Diseases, and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), informed by interactions with numerous collaborating scientists. It includes mapping to terms from other data standards initiatives, including the Genomic Standards Consortium's minimal information (MIxS) and NCBI's BioSample/BioProjects checklists and the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI). The standard includes data fields about characteristics of the organism or environmental source of the specimen, spatial-temporal information about the specimen isolation event, phenotypic characteristics of the pathogen/vector isolated, and project leadership and support. By modeling metadata fields into an ontology-based semantic framework and reusing existing ontologies and minimum information checklists, the application standard can be extended to support additional project-specific data fields and integrated with other data represented with comparable standards. The use of this metadata standard by all ongoing and future GSCID sequencing projects will provide a consistent representation of these data in the BRC resources and other repositories that leverage these data, allowing investigators to identify relevant genomic sequences and perform comparative genomics analyses that are both statistically meaningful and biologically relevant

    IgG Responses to Anopheles gambiae Salivary Antigen gSG6 Detect Variation in Exposure to Malaria Vectors and Disease Risk

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    Assessment of exposure to malaria vectors is important to our understanding of spatial and temporal variations in disease transmission and facilitates the targeting and evaluation of control efforts. Recently, an immunogenic Anopheles gambiae salivary protein (gSG6) was identified and proposed as the basis of an immuno-assay determining exposure to Afrotropical malaria vectors. In the present study, IgG responses to gSG6 and 6 malaria antigens (CSP, AMA-1, MSP-1, MSP-3, GLURP R1, and GLURP R2) were compared to Anopheles exposure and malaria incidence in a cohort of children from Korogwe district, Tanzania, an area of moderate and heterogeneous malaria transmission. Anti-gSG6 responses above the threshold for seropositivity were detected in 15% (96/636) of the children, and were positively associated with geographical variations in Anopheles exposure (OR 1.25, CI 1.01–1.54, p = 0.04). Additionally, IgG responses to gSG6 in individual children showed a strong positive association with household level mosquito exposure. IgG levels for all antigens except AMA-1 were associated with the frequency of malaria episodes following sampling. gSG6 seropositivity was strongly positively associated with subsequent malaria incidence (test for trend p = 0.004), comparable to malaria antigens MSP-1 and GLURP R2. Our results show that the gSG6 assay is sensitive to micro-epidemiological variations in exposure to Anopheles mosquitoes, and provides a correlate of malaria risk that is unrelated to immune protection. While the technique requires further evaluation in a range of malaria endemic settings, our findings suggest that the gSG6 assay may have a role in the evaluation and planning of targeted and preventative anti-malaria interventions

    Systems Integration of Biodefense Omics Data for Analysis of Pathogen-Host Interactions and Identification of Potential Targets

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    The NIAID (National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases) Biodefense Proteomics program aims to identify targets for potential vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics for agents of concern in bioterrorism, including bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens. The program includes seven Proteomics Research Centers, generating diverse types of pathogen-host data, including mass spectrometry, microarray transcriptional profiles, protein interactions, protein structures and biological reagents. The Biodefense Resource Center (www.proteomicsresource.org) has developed a bioinformatics framework, employing a protein-centric approach to integrate and support mining and analysis of the large and heterogeneous data. Underlying this approach is a data warehouse with comprehensive protein + gene identifier and name mappings and annotations extracted from over 100 molecular databases. Value-added annotations are provided for key proteins from experimental findings using controlled vocabulary. The availability of pathogen and host omics data in an integrated framework allows global analysis of the data and comparisons across different experiments and organisms, as illustrated in several case studies presented here. (1) The identification of a hypothetical protein with differential gene and protein expressions in two host systems (mouse macrophage and human HeLa cells) infected by different bacterial (Bacillus anthracis and Salmonella typhimurium) and viral (orthopox) pathogens suggesting that this protein can be prioritized for additional analysis and functional characterization. (2) The analysis of a vaccinia-human protein interaction network supplemented with protein accumulation levels led to the identification of human Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 4 protein as a potential therapeutic target. (3) Comparison of complete genomes from pathogenic variants coupled with experimental information on complete proteomes allowed the identification and prioritization of ten potential diagnostic targets from Bacillus anthracis. The integrative analysis across data sets from multiple centers can reveal potential functional significance and hidden relationships between pathogen and host proteins, thereby providing a systems approach to basic understanding of pathogenicity and target identification
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