100 research outputs found

    Analyzing technology acceptance and perception of privacy in ambient assisted living for using sensor-based technologies

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    People increasingly use various technologies that enable them to ease their everyday lives in different areas. Not only wearable devices are gaining ground, but also sensor-based ambient devices and systems are increasingly perceived as beneficial in supporting users. Especially older and/or frail persons can benefit from the so-called lifelogging technologies assisting the users in different activities and supporting their mobility and autonomy. This paper empirically investigates users' technology acceptance and privacy perceptions related to sensor-based applications implemented in private environments (i.e., passive infrared sensors for presence detection, humidity and temperature sensors for ambient monitoring, magnetic sensors for user-furniture interaction). For this purpose, we designed an online survey entitled "Acceptance and privacy perceptions of sensor-based lifelogging technologies"and collected data from N = 312 German adults. In terms of user acceptance, statistical analyses revealed that participants strongly agree on the benefits of such sensorbased ambient technologies, also perceiving these as useful and easy to use. Nevertheless, their intention to use the sensor-based applications was still rather limited. The evaluation of privacy perceptions showed that participants highly value their privacy and hence require a high degree of protection for their personal data. The potential users assessed the collection of data especially in the most intimate spaces of domestic environments, such as bathrooms and bedrooms, as critical. On the other hand, participants were also willing to provide complete data transparency in case of an acute risk to their health. Our results suggest that users' perceptions of personal privacy largely affect the acceptance and successful adoption of sensor-based lifelogging in home environments

    Increased risk of miscarriage among women experiencing physical or sexual intimate partner violence during pregnancy in Guatemala City, Guatemala: cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Violence against women by their male intimate partners (IPV) during pregnancy may lead to negative pregnancy outcomes. We examined the role of IPV as a potential risk factor for miscarriage in Guatemala. Our objectives were: (1) To describe the magnitude and pattern of verbal, physical and sexual violence by male intimate partners in the last 12 months (IPV) in a sample of pregnant Guatemalans; (2) To evaluate the influence of physical or sexual IPV on miscarriage as a pregnancy outcome.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All pregnant women reporting to the maternity of a major tertiary care public hospital in Guatemala City from June 1st to September 30th, 2006 were invited to participate in this cross-sectional study. The admitting physician assessed occurrence of miscarriage, defined as involuntary pregnancy loss up to and including 28 weeks gestation. Data on IPV, social and demographic characteristics, risk behaviours, and medical history were collected by interviewer-administered questionnaire. Laboratory testing was performed for HIV and syphilis. The relationship between IPV and miscarriage was assessed through multivariable logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>IPV affected 18% of the 1897 pregnant Guatemalan women aged 15-47 in this sample. Verbal IPV was most common (16%), followed by physical (10%) and sexual (3%) victimisation. Different forms of IPV were often co-prevalent. Miscarriage was experienced by 10% of the sample (<it>n </it>= 190). After adjustment for potentially confounding factors, physical or sexual victimisation by a male intimate partner in the last 12 months was significantly associated with miscarriage (ORadj 1.1 to 2.8). Results were robust under a range of analytic assumptions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Physical and sexual IPV is associated with miscarriage in this Guatemalan facility-based sample. Results cohere well with findings from population-based surveys. IPV should be recognised as a potential cause of miscarriage. Reproductive health services should be used to screen for spousal violence and link to assistance.</p

    Foam-Mat Freeze-Drying of Blueberry Juice by Using Trehalose-β-Lactoglobulin and Trehalose-Bovine Serum Albumin as Matrices

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of pure protein compounds and trehalose incorporated into blueberry juice for foam-mat freeze-drying on the foam and powder properties. Foam-mat freeze-drying (FMFD) of blueberry juice was tested at − 55 °C for 24 h. Matrices used were trehalose + β-lactoglobulin (T3BL1) and trehalose + bovine serum albumin (T3A1) and compared with maltodextrin + whey protein isolate (M3W1). Physicochemical properties of foam and powder, e.g., foam stability, foam density, moisture, rehydration time, color, particle morphology, total phenolic, and anthocyanins (total and individuals), were investigated. T3BL1 and T3A1 had more stable foam than M3W1. However, overrun of T3BL1 and T3A1 foamed were inferior to the M3W1 sample. The M3W1 sample recovered 79% powder (dry weight) and was superior to others. Rehydration time of powdered T3BL1 and T3A1, with bulk densities of 0.55–0.60 g cm−3, was the fastest (34–36 s). The blueberry powders of M3W1 showed more irregular particle size and shape, while the samples with trehalose and pure proteins generated particles of more uniform size with obvious pores. T3BL1 and T3A1 showed less redness (a*) values than the M3W1 product. All samples were considered pure red due to hue values < 90. M3W1 was superior in total phenolic content (TPC) and total monomeric anthocyanins (TMA) compared with both samples made with trehalose + β-lactoglobulin and trehalose+bovine serum albumin. Delphinidin-3-glucoside (Del3Gl) concentration was found to be higher in M3W1. Also, M3W1 had higher cyanidin-3-glucoside (Cyn3Gl) and malvidin-3-glucoside (Mal3Gl) concentration. M3W1 also prevented the degradation of these bioactive compounds better than the other FMFD samples. The use of pure proteins and trehalose as matrices in the FMFD process had little advantage compared with maltodextrin/whey protein isolate. Thus, maltodextrin/whey protein isolate seems an ideal matrix for the manufacture of FMFD blueberry

    New trends in fast liquid chromatography for food and environmental analysis

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    Diffusion Approximations of the Ruin Probability for the Insurer–Reinsurer Model Driven by a Renewal Process

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    We introduce here a diffusion-type approximation of the ruin probability both in finite and infinite time for a two-dimensional risk process, where claims and premiums are shared with a predetermined proportion. This type of process is often called the insurer–reinsurer model. We assume that the flow of claims is governed by a general renewal process. A simple ruin probability formula for the model is known only in infinite time for the special case of the Poisson process and exponentially distributed claims. Therefore, there is a need for simple analytical approximations. In the literature, in the infinite-time case, for the Poisson process, a De Vylder-type approximation has already been introduced. The idea of the diffusion approximation presented here is based on the weak convergence of stochastic processes, which enables one to replace the original risk process with a Brownian motion with drift. By applying this idea to the insurer–reinsurer model, we obtain simple ruin probability approximations for both finite and infinite time. We check the usefulness of the approximations by studying several claim amount distributions and comparing the results with the De Vylder-type approximation and Monte Carlo simulations. All the results show that the proposed approximations are promising and often yield small relative errors

    Ruin probability for the insurer-reinsurer model for exponential claims: A probabilistic approach

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    In this paper, we consider a two-dimensional risk process in which the companies split each claim and premium in a fixed proportion. It serves as a classical framework of a quota-share reinsurance contract for a given business line. Such a contract reduces the insurer's exposure to the liabilities created through its underwriting activities. For the analyzed model, we derive a joint infinite-time ruin probability formula for exponentially distributed claims. To this end, we apply a change of measure technique. We illustrate the admissible range of parameters of the risk process. We also justify our result using Monte Carlo simulations and compare it with Theorem 2 in Avram, Palmowski and Pistorius [Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 42 (2008) 227], which was obtained by explicitly inverting a Laplace transform of the ruin probability. Our formula leads to a correction of that result. Finally, we note that the obtained formula leads to efficient approximation of the ruin probability for other claim amount distributions using De Vylder's idea

    Aproksymacja typu De Vyldera prawdopodobie«stwa ruiny dla modelu ubezpieczyciel-reasekurator

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    W niniejszej pracy rozważano problem aproksymacji prawdopodobieństwa ruiny dla dwuwymiarowego procesu ryzyka, dla którego wszystkie szkody jak i zebrana składka dzielone są pomiędzy dwa składowe procesy ryzyka wg wcześniej zdefiniowanej i stałej w czasie proporcji. Taki proces ryzyka może opisywać układ ubezpieczyciela i reasekuratora, dla których wszystkie polisy w portfelu objęte są kontraktem reasekuracji proporcjonalnej. Stosując technikę zaproponowaną przez De Vyldera uzyskano aproksymację prawdopodobieństwa ruiny w przypadku, gdy szkody w rozważanym dwuwymiarowym procesie ryzyka są z dowolnego rozkładu o skończonych pierwszych trzech momentach. Jakość uzyskanych przybliżeń prawdopodobieństwa ruiny została zweryfikowana za pomocą symulacji Monte Carlo dla kilku typowych rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa używanych do modelowania szkód ubezpieczeniowych. Wszystkie wyniki wskazują, że zaproponowana aproksymacja prowadzi do małych błędów względnych. Na koniec, opracowana technika została użyta dla rzeczywistych danych uzyskanych od jednego z polskich towarzystw ubezpieczeniowych.In this article we introduce a De Vylder type of approximation of the ruin probability for a two-dimensional risk process, where claims and premiums are shared with a predetermined proportion. Such a process is usually associated with the insurer-reinsurer model. Applying De Vylder's idea to the risk process we obtain an approximation of the ruin probability for an arbitrary claim amount distribution only assuming that the third moment exists. We check the performance of the approximation by means of the Monte Carlo simulations studying several typical claim amount distributions. All results show that the proposed approximation yields very small relative errors. Finally, we illustrate the approximation by considering real-world loss data obtained from a Polish insurance company
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