263 research outputs found

    MosquitoMap and the Mal-area calculator: new web tools to relate mosquito species distribution with vector borne disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mosquitoes are important vectors of diseases but, in spite of various mosquito faunistic surveys globally, there is a need for a spatial online database of mosquito collection data and distribution summaries. Such a resource could provide entomologists with the results of previous mosquito surveys, and vector disease control workers, preventative medicine practitioners, and health planners with information relating mosquito distribution to vector-borne disease risk.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A web application called MosquitoMap was constructed comprising mosquito collection point data stored in an ArcGIS 9.3 Server/SQL geodatabase that includes administrative area and vector species x country lookup tables. In addition to the layer containing mosquito collection points, other map layers were made available including environmental, and vector and pathogen/disease distribution layers. An application within MosquitoMap called the Mal-area calculator (MAC) was constructed to quantify the area of overlap, for any area of interest, of vector, human, and disease distribution models. Data standards for mosquito records were developed for MosquitoMap.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MosquitoMap is a public domain web resource that maps and compares georeferenced mosquito collection points to other spatial information, in a geographical information system setting. The MAC quantifies the Mal-area, i.e. the area where it is theoretically possible for vector-borne disease transmission to occur, thus providing a useful decision tool where other disease information is limited. The Mal-area approach emphasizes the independent but cumulative contribution to disease risk of the vector species predicted present. MosquitoMap adds value to, and makes accessible, the results of past collecting efforts, as well as providing a template for other arthropod spatial databases.</p

    SandflyMap: leveraging spatial data on sand fly vector distribution for disease risk assessments

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    We feature SandflyMap (www.sandflymap.org), a new map service within VectorMap (www.vectormap.org) that allows free public online access to global sand fly, tick and mosquito collection records and habitat suitability models. Given the short home range of sand flies, combining remote sensing and collection point data give a powerful insight into the environmental determinants of sand fly distribution. SandflyMap is aimed at medical entomologists, vector disease control workers, public health officials and health planners. Data are checked for geographical and taxonomic errors, and are comprised of vouchered specimen information, and both published and unpublished observation data. SandflyMap uses Microsoft Silverlight and ESRI’s ArcGIS Server 10 software platform to present disease vector data and relevant remote sensing layers in an online geographical information system format. Users can view the locations of past vector collections and the results of models that predict the geographic extent of individual species. Collection records are searchable and downloadable, and Excel collection forms with drop down lists, and Excel charts to country, are available for data contributors to map and quality control their data. SandflyMap makes accessible, and adds value to, the results of past sand fly collecting efforts. We detail the workflow for entering occurrence data from the literature to SandflyMap, using an example for sand flies from South America. We discuss the utility of SandflyMap as a focal point to increase collaboration and to explore the nexus between geography and vector-borne disease transmission

    Lineage divergence detected in the malaria vector Anopheles marajoara (Diptera: Culicidae) in Amazonian Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cryptic species complexes are common among anophelines. Previous phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mtDNA <it>COI </it>gene sequences detected paraphyly in the Neotropical malaria vector <it>Anopheles marajoara</it>. The "Folmer region" detects a single taxon using a 3% divergence threshold.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To test the paraphyletic hypothesis and examine the utility of the Folmer region, genealogical trees based on a concatenated (<it>white </it>+ 3' <it>COI </it>sequences) dataset and pairwise differentiation of <it>COI </it>fragments were examined. The population structure and demographic history were based on partial <it>COI </it>sequences for 294 individuals from 14 localities in Amazonian Brazil. 109 individuals from 12 localities were sequenced for the nDNA <it>white </it>gene, and 57 individuals from 11 localities were sequenced for the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Distinct <it>A. marajoara </it>lineages were detected by combined genealogical analysis and were also supported among <it>COI </it>haplotypes using a median joining network and AMOVA, with time since divergence during the Pleistocene (<100,000 ya). <it>COI </it>sequences at the 3' end were more variable, demonstrating significant pairwise differentiation (3.82%) compared to the more moderate 2.92% detected by the Folmer region. Lineage 1 was present in all localities, whereas lineage 2 was restricted mainly to the west. Mismatch distributions for both lineages were bimodal, likely due to multiple colonization events and spatial expansion (~798 - 81,045 ya). There appears to be gene flow within, not between lineages, and a partial barrier was detected near Rio Jari in Amapá state, separating western and eastern populations. In contrast, both nDNA data sets (<it>white </it>gene sequences with or without the retention of the 4th intron, and ITS2 sequences and length) detected a single <it>A. marajoara </it>lineage.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Strong support for combined data with significant differentiation detected in the <it>COI </it>and absent in the nDNA suggest that the divergence is recent, and detectable only by the faster evolving mtDNA. A within subgenus threshold of >2% may be more appropriate among sister taxa in cryptic anopheline complexes than the standard 3%. Differences in demographic history and climatic changes may have contributed to mtDNA lineage divergence in <it>A. marajoara</it>.</p

    DNA barcoding reveals both known and novel taxa in the Albitarsis Group (Anopheles: Nyssorhynchus) of Neotropical malaria vectors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mosquitoes belonging to the Albitarsis Group (<it>Anopheles</it>: <it>Nyssorhynchus</it>) are of importance as malaria vectors across the Neotropics. The Group currently comprises six known species, and recent studies have indicated further hidden biodiversity within the Group. DNA barcoding has been proposed as a highly useful tool for species recognition, although its discriminatory utility has not been verified in closely related taxa across a wide geographic distribution.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DNA barcodes (658 bp of the mtDNA <it>Cytochrome c Oxidase </it>- <it>COI</it>) were generated for 565 <it>An. albitarsis </it>s.l. collected in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Trinidad and Venezuela over the past twenty years, including specimens from type series and type localities. Here we test the utility of currently advocated barcoding methodologies, including the Kimura-two-parameter distance model (K2P) and Neighbor-joining analysis (NJ), for determining species delineation within mosquitoes of the Neotropical Albitarsis Group of malaria vectors (<it>Anopheles</it>: <it>Nyssorhynchus</it>), and compare results with Bayesian analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Species delineation through barcoding analysis and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis, fully concur. Analysis of 565 sequences (302 unique haplotypes) resolved nine NJ tree clusters, with less than 2% intra-node variation. Mean intra-specific variation (K2P) was 0.009 (range 0.002 - 0.014), whereas mean inter-specific divergence were several-fold higher at 0.041 (0.020 - 0.056), supporting the reported "barcoding gap". These results show full support for separate species status of the six known species in the Albitarsis Group (<it>An. albitarsis </it>s.s., <it>An. albitarsis </it>F, <it>An. deaneorum</it>, <it>An. janconnae</it>, <it>An. marajoara </it>and <it>An. oryzalimnetes</it>), and also support species level status for two previously detected lineages - <it>An. albitarsis </it>G &<it>An. albitarsis </it>I (designated herein). In addition, we highlight the presence of a unique mitochondrial lineage close to <it>An. deaneorum </it>and <it>An. marajoara </it>(<it>An. albitarsis </it>H) from Rondônia and Mato Grosso in southwestern Brazil. Further integrated studies are required to confirm the status of this lineage.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>DNA barcoding provides a reliable means of identifying both known and undiscovered biodiversity within the closely related taxa of the Albitarsis Group. We advocate its usage in future studies to elucidate the vector competence and respective distributions of all eight species in the Albitarsis Group and the novel mitochondrial lineage (<it>An. albitarsis </it>H) recovered in this study.</p

    Lidar Based Emissions Measurement at the Whole Facility Scale: Method and Error Analysis

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    Particulate emissions from agricultural sources vary from dust created by operations and animal movement to the fine secondary particulates generated from ammonia and other emitted gases. The development of reliable facility emission data using point sampling methods designed to characterize regional, well-mixed aerosols are challenged by changing wind directions, disrupted flow fields caused by structures, varied surface temperatures, and the episodic nature of the sources found at these facilities. We describe a three-wavelength lidar-based method, which, when added to a standard point sampler array, provides unambiguous measurement and characterization of the particulate emissions from agricultural production operations in near real time. Point-sampled data are used to provide the aerosol characterization needed for the particle concentration and size fraction calibration, while the lidar provides 3D mapping of particulate concentrations entering, around, and leaving the facility. Differences between downwind and upwind measurements provide an integrated aerosol concentration profile, which, when multiplied by the wind speed profile, produces the facility source flux. This approach assumes only conservation of mass, eliminating reliance on boundary layer theory. We describe the method, examine measurement error, and demonstrate the approach using data collected over a range of agricultural operations, including a swine grow-finish operation, an almond harvest, and a cotton gin emission study

    Species composition, larval habitats, seasonal occurrence and distribution of potential malaria vectors and associated species of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Republic of Korea

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Larval mosquito habitats of potential malaria vectors and related species of <it>Anopheles </it>from three provinces (Gyeonggi, Gyeongsangbuk, Chungcheongbuk Provinces) of the Republic of Korea were surveyed in 2007. This study aimed to determine the species composition, seasonal occurrence and distributions of <it>Anopheles </it>mosquitoes. Satellite derived normalized difference vegetation index data (NDVI) was also used to study the seasonal abundance patterns of <it>Anopheles </it>mosquitoes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mosquito larvae from various habitats were collected using a standard larval dipper or a white plastic larval tray, placed in plastic bags, and were preserved in 100% ethyl alcohol for species identification by PCR and DNA sequencing. The habitats in the monthly larval surveys included artificial containers, ground depressions, irrigation ditches, drainage ditches, ground pools, ponds, rice paddies, stream margins, inlets and pools, swamps, and uncultivated fields. All field-collected specimens were identified to species, and relationships among habitats and locations based on species composition were determined using cluster statistical analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In about 10,000 specimens collected, eight species of <it>Anopheles </it>belonging to three groups were identified: Hyrcanus Group - <it>Anopheles sinensis</it>, <it>Anopheles kleini</it>, <it>Anopheles belenrae</it>, <it>Anopheles pullus</it>, <it>Anopheles lesteri</it>, <it>Anopheles sineroides</it>; Barbirostris Group - <it>Anopheles koreicus</it>; and Lindesayi Group - <it>Anopheles lindesayi japonicus</it>. Only <it>An. sinensis </it>was collected from all habitats groups, while <it>An. kleini, An. pullus </it>and <it>An. sineroides </it>were sampled from all, except artificial containers. The highest number of <it>Anopheles </it>larvae was found in the rice paddies (34.8%), followed by irrigation ditches (23.4%), ponds (17.0%), and stream margins, inlets and pools (12.0%). <it>Anopheles sinensis </it>was the dominant species, followed by <it>An. kleini, An. pullus </it>and <it>An. sineroides</it>. The monthly abundance data of the <it>Anopheles </it>species from three locations (Munsan, Jinbo and Hayang) were compared against NDVI and NDVI anomalies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The species composition of <it>Anopheles </it>larvae varied in different habitats at various locations. <it>Anopheles </it>populations fluctuated with the seasonal dynamics of vegetation for 2007. Multi-year data of mosquito collections are required to provide a better characterization of the abundance of these insects from year to year, which can potentially provide predictive capability of their population density based on remotely sensed ecological measurements.</p

    The Typical Flight Performance of Blowflies: Measuring the Normal Performance Envelope of Calliphora vicina Using a Novel Corner-Cube Arena

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    Despite a wealth of evidence demonstrating extraordinary maximal performance, little is known about the routine flight performance of insects. We present a set of techniques for benchmarking performance characteristics of insects in free flight, demonstrated using a model species, and comment on the significance of the performance observed. Free-flying blowflies (Calliphora vicina) were filmed inside a novel mirrored arena comprising a large (1.6 m1.6 m1.6 m) corner-cube reflector using a single high-speed digital video camera (250 or 500 fps). This arrangement permitted accurate reconstruction of the flies' 3-dimensional trajectories without the need for synchronisation hardware, by virtue of the multiple reflections of a subject within the arena. Image sequences were analysed using custom-written automated tracking software, and processed using a self-calibrating bundle adjustment procedure to determine the subject's instantaneous 3-dimensional position. We illustrate our method by using these trajectory data to benchmark the routine flight performance envelope of our flies. Flight speeds were most commonly observed between 1.2 ms−1 and 2.3 ms−1, with a maximum of 2.5 ms−1. Our flies tended to dive faster than they climbed, with a maximum descent rate (−2.4 ms−1) almost double the maximum climb rate (1.2 ms−1). Modal turn rate was around 240°s−1, with maximal rates in excess of 1700°s−1. We used the maximal flight performance we observed during normal flight to construct notional physical limits on the blowfly flight envelope, and used the distribution of observations within that notional envelope to postulate behavioural preferences or physiological and anatomical constraints. The flight trajectories we recorded were never steady: rather they were constantly accelerating or decelerating, with maximum tangential accelerations and maximum centripetal accelerations on the order of 3 g

    Calibration of muon reconstruction algorithms using an external muon tracking system at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    To help constrain the algorithms used in reconstructing high-energy muon events incident on the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), a muon tracking system was installed. The system consisted of four planes of wire chambers, which were triggered by scintillator panels. The system was integrated with SNO's main data acquisition system and took data for a total of 95 live days. Using cosmic-ray events reconstructed in both the wire chambers and in SNO's water Cherenkov detector, the external muon tracking system was able to constrain the uncertainty on the muon direction to better than 0.6°