11 research outputs found

    Lack of orientation specific adaptation to vertically oriented Glass patterns in human visual cortex: an fMRI adaptation investigation

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    The perception of coherent form configurations in natural scenes relies on the activity of early visual areas that respond to local orientation cues. Subsequently, high-level visual areas pool these local signals to construct a global representation of the initial visual input. However, it is still debated whether neurons in the early visual cortex respond also to global form features. Glass patterns (GPs) are visual stimuli employed to investigate local and global form processing and consist of randomly distributed dots pairs called dipoles arranged to form specific global configurations. In the current study, we used GPs and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) adaptation to reveal the visual areas that subserve the processing of oriented GPs. Specifically, we adapted participants to vertically oriented GP, then we presented test GPs having either the same or different orientations with respect to the adapting GP. We hypothesized that if local form features are processed exclusively by early visual areas and global form by higher-order visual areas, then the effect of visual adaptation should be more pronounced in higher tier visual areas as it requires global processing of the pattern. Contrary to this expectation, our results revealed that adaptation to GPs is robust in early visual areas (V1, V2, and V3), but not in higher tier visual areas (V3AB and V4v), suggesting that form cues in oriented GPs are primarily derived from local-processing mechanisms that originate in V1. Finally, adaptation to vertically oriented GPs causes a modification in the BOLD response within early visual areas, regardless of the relative orientations of the adapting and test stimuli, indicating a lack of orientation selectivity

    Forecasting Brain Activity Based on Models of Spatio-Temporal Brain Dynamics: A Comparison of Graph Neural Network Architectures

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    Comprehending the interplay between spatial and temporal characteristics of neural dynamics can contribute to our understanding of information processing in the human brain. Graph neural networks (GNNs) provide a new possibility to interpret graph structured signals like those observed in complex brain networks. In our study we compare different spatio-temporal GNN architectures and study their ability to model neural activity distributions obtained in functional MRI (fMRI) studies. We evaluate the performance of the GNN models on a variety of scenarios in MRI studies and also compare it to a VAR model, which is currently often used for directed functional connectivity analysis. We show that by learning localized functional interactions on the anatomical substrate, GNN based approaches are able to robustly scale to large network studies, even when available data are scarce. By including anatomical connectivity as the physical substrate for information propagation, such GNNs also provide a multi-modal perspective on directed connectivity analysis, offering a novel possibility to investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics in brain networks

    Lack of orientation specific adaptation to vertically oriented Glass patterns in human visual cortex: an fMRI adaptation investigation

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    The perception of coherent form configurations in natural scenes relies on the activity of early visual areas that respond to local orientation cues. Subsequently, high-level visual areas pool these local signals to construct a global representation of the initial visual input. However, it is still debated whether neurons in the early visual cortex respond also to global form features. Glass patterns (GPs) are visual stimuli employed to investigate local and global form processing and consist of randomly distributed dots pairs called dipoles arranged to form specific global configurations. In the current study, we used GPs and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) adaptation to reveal the visual areas that subserve the processing of oriented GPs. Specifically, we adapted participants to vertically oriented GP, then we presented test GPs having either the same or different orientations with respect to the adapting GP. We hypothesized that if local form features are processed exclusively by early visual areas and global form by higher-order visual areas, then the effect of visual adaptation should be more pronounced in higher tier visual areas as it requires global processing of the pattern. Contrary to this expectation, our results revealed that adaptation to GPs is robust in early visual areas (V1, V2, and V3), but not in higher tier visual areas (V3AB and V4v), suggesting that form cues in oriented GPs are primarily derived from local-processing mechanisms that originate in V1. Finally, adaptation to vertically oriented GPs causes a modification in the BOLD response within early visual areas, regardless of the relative orientations of the adapting and test stimuli, indicating a lack of orientation selectivity

    Visual Attention Modulates Glutamate-Glutamine Levels in Vestibular Cortex: Evidence from Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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    Attending to a stimulus enhances the neuronal responses to it, while responses to nonattended stimuli are not enhanced and may even be suppressed. Although the neural mechanisms of response enhancement for attended stimuli have been intensely studied, the neural mechanisms underlying attentional suppression remain largely unknown. It is uncertain whether attention acts to suppress the processing in sensory cortical areas that would otherwise process the nonattended stimulus or the sub cortical input to these cortical areas. Moreover, the neurochemical mechanisms inducing a reduction or suppression of neuronal responses to nonattended stimuli are as yet unknown. Here, we investigated how attention directed toward visual processing cross-modally acts to suppress vestibular responses in the human brain. By using functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a group of female and male subjects, we find that attention to visual motion downregulates in a load -dependent manner the concentration of excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate and its precursor glutamine, referred to together as Glx) within the parietoinsular vestibular cortex (PIVC), a core cortical area of the vestibular system, while leaving the concentration of inhibitory neurotransmitter (GABA) in PIVC unchanged. This makes PIVC less responsive to excitatory thalamic vestibular input, as corroborated by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Together, our results suggest that attention acts to suppress the processing of nonattended sensory cues cortically by neurochemically rendering the core cortical area of the nonattended sensory modality less responsive to excitatory thalamic input

    Vestibular Stimulation Modulates Neural Correlates of Own-body Mental Imagery

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    There is growing evidence that vestibular information is not only involved in reflexive eye movements and the control of posture but it also plays an important role in higher order cognitive processes. Previous behavioral research has shown that concomitant vestibular stimuli influence performance in tasks that involve imagined self-rotations. These results suggest that imagined and perceived body rotations share common mechanisms. However, the nature and specificity of these effects remain largely unknown. Here, we investigated the neural mechanisms underlying this vestibulocognitive interaction. Participants (n = 20) solved an imagined self-rotation task during caloric vestibular stimulation. We found robust main effects of caloric vestibular stimulation in the core region of the vestibular network, including the rolandic operculum and insula bilaterally, and of the cognitive task in parietal and frontal regions. Interestingly, we found an interaction of stimulation and task in the left inferior parietal lobe, suggesting that this region represents the modulation of imagined body rotations by vestibular input. This result provides evidence that the inferior parietal lobe plays a crucial role in the neural integration of mental and physical body rotation

    Brain connectivity studies on structure-function relationships: a short survey with an emphasis on machine learning

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    This short survey reviews the recent literature on the relationship between the brain structure and its functional dynamics. Imaging techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) make it possible to reconstruct axonal fiber tracks and describe the structural connectivity (SC) between brain regions. By measuring fluctuations in neuronal activity, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides insights into the dynamics within this structural network. One key for a better understanding of brain mechanisms is to investigate how these fast dynamics emerge on a relatively stable structural backbone. So far, computational simulations and methods from graph theory have been mainly used for modeling this relationship. Machine learning techniques have already been established in neuroimaging for identifying functionally independent brain networks and classifying pathological brain states. This survey focuses on methods from machine learning, which contribute to our understanding of functional interactions between brain regions and their relation to the underlying anatomical substrate

    Brain Connectivity Studies on Structure-Function Relationships: A Short Survey with an Emphasis on Machine Learning

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    This short survey reviews the recent literature on the relationship between the brain structure and its functional dynamics. Imaging techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) make it possible to reconstruct axonal fiber tracks and describe the structural connectivity (SC) between brain regions. By measuring fluctuations in neuronal activity, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides insights into the dynamics within this structural network. One key for a better understanding of brain mechanisms is to investigate how these fast dynamics emerge on a relatively stable structural backbone. So far, computational simulations and methods from graph theory have been mainly used for modeling this relationship. Machine learning techniques have already been established in neuroimaging for identifying functionally independent brain networks and classifying pathological brain states. This survey focuses on methods from machine learning, which contribute to our understanding of functional interactions between brain regions and their relation to the underlying anatomical substrate

    PSCD Domains of Pleuralin-1 from the Diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis : NMR Structures and Interactions with Other Biosilica-Associated Proteins

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    Diatoms are eukaryotic unicellular algae characterized by silica cell walls and associated with three unique protein families, the pleuralins, frustulins, and silaffins. The NMR structure of the PSCD4 domain of pleuralin-1 from Cylindrotheca fusiformis contains only three short helical elements and is stabilized by five unique disulfide bridges. PSCD4 contains two binding sites for Ca2+ ions with millimolar affinity. NMR-based interaction studies show an interaction of the domain with native silaffin-1A as well as with alpha-frustulins. The interaction sites of the two proteins mapped on the PSCD4 structure are contiguous and show only a small overlap. A plausible functional role of pleuralin could be to bind simultaneously silaffin-1A located inside the cell wall and alpha-frustulin coating the cell wall, thus connecting the interfaces between hypotheca and epitheca at the girdle bands. Restrained molecular dynamics calculations suggest a bead-chain-like structure of the central part of pleuralin-1

    Efficient learning in children with rapid GABA boosting during and after training

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    It is generally thought that children learn more efficiently than adults. One way to accomplish this is to have learning rapidly stabilized such that it is not interfered with by subsequent learning. Although gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) plays an important role in stabilization, it has been reported that GABAergic inhibitory processing is not fully matured yet in children compared with adults. Does this finding indicate that more efficient learning in children is not due to more rapid stabilization? Here, we measured the concentration of GABA in early visual cortical areas in a time-resolved fashion before, during, and after visual perceptual learning (VPL) within subjects using functional MRS (fMRS) and then compared the concentrations between children (8 to 11 years old) and adults (18 to 35 years old). We found that children exhibited a rapid boost of GABA during visual training that persisted after training ended, whereas the concentration of GABA in adults remained unchanged. Moreover, behavioral experiments showed that children exhibited rapid development of resilience to retrograde interference, which indicates that children stabilize VPL much faster than adults. These results together suggest that inhibitory processing in children's brains is more dynamic and adapts more quickly to stabilize learning than in adults, making learning more efficient in children