5,208 research outputs found

    Joint source-channel coding for a quantum multiple access channel

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    Suppose that two senders each obtain one share of the output of a classical, bivariate, correlated information source. They would like to transmit the correlated source to a receiver using a quantum multiple access channel. In prior work, Cover, El Gamal, and Salehi provided a combined source-channel coding strategy for a classical multiple access channel which outperforms the simpler "separation" strategy where separate codebooks are used for the source coding and the channel coding tasks. In the present paper, we prove that a coding strategy similar to the Cover-El Gamal-Salehi strategy and a corresponding quantum simultaneous decoder allow for the reliable transmission of a source over a quantum multiple access channel, as long as a set of information inequalities involving the Holevo quantity hold.Comment: 21 pages, v2: minor changes, accepted into Journal of Physics

    Minimal-memory realization of pearl-necklace encoders of general quantum convolutional codes

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    Quantum convolutional codes, like their classical counterparts, promise to offer higher error correction performance than block codes of equivalent encoding complexity, and are expected to find important applications in reliable quantum communication where a continuous stream of qubits is transmitted. Grassl and Roetteler devised an algorithm to encode a quantum convolutional code with a "pearl-necklace encoder." Despite their theoretical significance as a neat way of representing quantum convolutional codes, they are not well-suited to practical realization. In fact, there is no straightforward way to implement any given pearl-necklace structure. This paper closes the gap between theoretical representation and practical implementation. In our previous work, we presented an efficient algorithm for finding a minimal-memory realization of a pearl-necklace encoder for Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) convolutional codes. This work extends our previous work and presents an algorithm for turning a pearl-necklace encoder for a general (non-CSS) quantum convolutional code into a realizable quantum convolutional encoder. We show that a minimal-memory realization depends on the commutativity relations between the gate strings in the pearl-necklace encoder. We find a realization by means of a weighted graph which details the non-commutative paths through the pearl-necklace. The weight of the longest path in this graph is equal to the minimal amount of memory needed to implement the encoder. The algorithm has a polynomial-time complexity in the number of gate strings in the pearl-necklace encoder.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; extends paper arXiv:1004.5179v

    Hydrogen absorption in oxide-supported palladium nanocrystals

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    The squashed entanglement of the noiseless quantum Gaussian attenuator and amplifier

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    We determine the maximum squashed entanglement achievable between sender and receiver of the noiseless quantum Gaussian attenuators and amplifiers and we prove that it is achieved sending half of an infinitely squeezed two-mode vacuum state. The key ingredient of the proof is a lower bound to the squashed entanglement of the quantum Gaussian states obtained applying a two-mode squeezing operation to a quantum thermal Gaussian state tensored with the vacuum state. This is the first lower bound to the squashed entanglement of a quantum Gaussian state and opens the way to determine the squashed entanglement of all quantum Gaussian channels. Moreover, we determine the classical squashed entanglement of the quantum Gaussian states above and show that it is strictly larger than their squashed entanglement. This is the first time that the classical squashed entanglement of a mixed quantum Gaussian state is determined

    Renyi generalizations of the conditional quantum mutual information

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    The conditional quantum mutual information I(A;BC)I(A;B|C) of a tripartite state ρABC\rho_{ABC} is an information quantity which lies at the center of many problems in quantum information theory. Three of its main properties are that it is non-negative for any tripartite state, that it decreases under local operations applied to systems AA and BB, and that it obeys the duality relation I(A;BC)=I(A;BD)I(A;B|C)=I(A;B|D) for a four-party pure state on systems ABCDABCD. The conditional mutual information also underlies the squashed entanglement, an entanglement measure that satisfies all of the axioms desired for an entanglement measure. As such, it has been an open question to find R\'enyi generalizations of the conditional mutual information, that would allow for a deeper understanding of the original quantity and find applications beyond the traditional memoryless setting of quantum information theory. The present paper addresses this question, by defining different α\alpha-R\'enyi generalizations Iα(A;BC)I_{\alpha}(A;B|C) of the conditional mutual information, some of which we can prove converge to the conditional mutual information in the limit α1\alpha\rightarrow1. Furthermore, we prove that many of these generalizations satisfy non-negativity, duality, and monotonicity with respect to local operations on one of the systems AA or BB (with it being left as an open question to prove that monotoniticity holds with respect to local operations on both systems). The quantities defined here should find applications in quantum information theory and perhaps even in other areas of physics, but we leave this for future work. We also state a conjecture regarding the monotonicity of the R\'enyi conditional mutual informations defined here with respect to the R\'enyi parameter α\alpha. We prove that this conjecture is true in some special cases and when α\alpha is in a neighborhood of one.Comment: v6: 53 pages, final published versio

    Quantum enigma machines and the locking capacity of a quantum channel

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    The locking effect is a phenomenon which is unique to quantum information theory and represents one of the strongest separations between the classical and quantum theories of information. The Fawzi-Hayden-Sen (FHS) locking protocol harnesses this effect in a cryptographic context, whereby one party can encode n bits into n qubits while using only a constant-size secret key. The encoded message is then secure against any measurement that an eavesdropper could perform in an attempt to recover the message, but the protocol does not necessarily meet the composability requirements needed in quantum key distribution applications. In any case, the locking effect represents an extreme violation of Shannon's classical theorem, which states that information-theoretic security holds in the classical case if and only if the secret key is the same size as the message. Given this intriguing phenomenon, it is of practical interest to study the effect in the presence of noise, which can occur in the systems of both the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper. This paper formally defines the locking capacity of a quantum channel as the maximum amount of locked information that can be reliably transmitted to a legitimate receiver by exploiting many independent uses of a quantum channel and an amount of secret key sublinear in the number of channel uses. We provide general operational bounds on the locking capacity in terms of other well-known capacities from quantum Shannon theory. We also study the important case of bosonic channels, finding limitations on these channels' locking capacity when coherent-state encodings are employed and particular locking protocols for these channels that might be physically implementable.Comment: 37 page

    Geothermal probabilistic cost study

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    A tool is presented to quantify the risks of geothermal projects, the Geothermal Probabilistic Cost Model (GPCM). The GPCM model was used to evaluate a geothermal reservoir for a binary-cycle electric plant at Heber, California. Three institutional aspects of the geothermal risk which can shift the risk among different agents was analyzed. The leasing of geothermal land, contracting between the producer and the user of the geothermal heat, and insurance against faulty performance were examined

    Multi-storey building retrofit with a focus on the façade selection process: A UK commercial office case study

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    Fulltext in: http://www.arcom.ac.uk/-docs/proceedings/ar2013-0081-0090_Garmston_Fox_Pan_de%20Wilde.pdfPoorly-insulated existing buildings contribute significantly to the energy use of the built environment. In the UK, the existing building stock is replaced at a rate of less than 2% a year; thus, many of today’s buildings will still be in use in 2060. Retrofitting aged buildings can significantly reduce their energy use. This paper analyses the selection process and success factors in retrofit façade decision-making. Literature relating to building retrofit and façade selection is reviewed. A case study is conducted on a five-storey 1970s UK commercial office building, retrofitted in 2011. Data is collected via in-depth interviews with key project decision-makers, a documentary evidence review, and thermography of the completed retrofitted façade. The façade evolution is mapped according to seven identified project stages and the RIBA Plan of Work 2007. The retrofit satisfied the client’s aesthetic needs, while delivering an 85% reduction in the ’wall’ U-value and a ’B’ rated Energy Performance Certificate. Value engineering (VE) greatly influenced the façade selection, with less expensive alternatives replacing original elements of the façade design. The façade’s thermal success is linked to the VE focusing on façade elements covering only a small extent of the building. Façade success factors key to attracting tenants (lower running costs and aesthetics) may apply to commercial buildings in general. Thermography aided in assessing the retrofitted thermal envelope, but to act as a tool to aid retrofit façade selection, it should ideally involve a ’before’ and ’after’ survey

    Ultraviolet-laser induced desorption of NO from the Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>(0001) surface: Involvement of a precursor state?

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    NO molecules interact with the Cr2O3(0001) surface to form a chemisorption bond of 1.0 eV. At higher coverages an additional more weakly bound species appears in thermal desorption spectra with a binding energy of 0.35 eV. By infrared spectroscopy the weakly adsorbed species is identified to be an unusually strong bound NO-dimer exhibiting a weak feature at 1857 cm−1 beside the chemisorbate absorption band at 1794 cm−1. Laser induced desorption experiments performed at 6.4 eV are presented with main emphasis on the high coverage regime. The desorbing molecules are detected quantum state selectively using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization. The desorbing molecules are strongly rotationally and vibrationally excited conform with a nonthermal excitation process. The velocity distributions of single rovibronic states of desorbing NO are bimodal and exhibit a strong coupling of rotation and translation. With increasing coverages an additional channel is observed appearing in the time-of-flight spectra of ν“=0 as smoothly increasing intensity at long flight times. The numeric values of these unusually long flight times are indicative for long residence times on the surface rather than small kinetic energies. The desorption efficiencies weakly depend on the concentration and vibrational state ranging from (2.0±0.3)x10−17cm2 at low coverages to (1.0±0.4)x10−17cm2 at high coverages for ν“=0. The intensity of the desorption signal per laser pulse only increases proportional to the chemisorbate coverage. The data are interpreted assuming the dimers to act as extrinsic precursors within the desorption process