157 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of the trilayer cuprate superconductor Bi2_2Sr2_2Ca2_2Cu3_3O10+δ_{10+\delta}

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    The low-energy electronic structure of the trilayer cuprate superconductor Bi2_2Sr2_2Ca2_2Cu3_3O10+δ_{10+\delta} near optimal doping is investigated by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The normal state quasiparticle dispersion and Fermi surface, and the superconducting d-wave gap and coherence peak are observed and compared with those of single and bilayer systems. We find that both the superconducting gap magnitude and the relative coherence-peak intensity scale linearly with TcT_c for various optimally doped materials. This suggests that the higher TcT_c of the trilayer system should be attributed to parameters that simultaneously enhance phase stiffness and pairing strength.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figre

    Peacock bass mortality associated with catch-and-release sport fishing in the Negro River, Amazonas State, Brazil

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    Sport fishing for peacock bass Cichla spp. in the Brazilian Amazon has increased in popularity and attracts anglers who generate significant economic benefits in rural regions. The sustainability of this fishery is partly dependent on the survival of fish caught through catch-and-release fishing. The objective of this work was to investigate, hooking mortality of Cichla spp., including speckled peacock bass (C. temensis Humbolt), butterfly peacock bass (C. orinocensis Humbolt), and popoca peacock bass (C. monoculus Agassiz) in the basin of the Negro River, the largest tributary of the Amazon River. Fish were caught at two different sites using artificial lures, transported to pens anchored in the river and monitored for 72 hours. A total of 162 individual peacock bass were captured and hooking mortality (mean % ± 95% confidence intervals) was calculated. Mean mortality was 3.5% (± 5.0), 2.3% (± 3.5) and 5.2% (± 10.2) for speckled peacock bass, butterfly peacock bass, and popoca peacock bass, respectively. Lengths of captured fish ranged from 26 to 79 cm (standard length), however, only fish under 42 cm died. This research suggests that catch-and-release sport fishing of peacock bass does not result in substantial mortality in the Negro River basin.A pesca esportiva de tucunarés Cichla spp., na Amazônia brasileira, aumentou em popularidade nos últimos anos e tem atraído pescadores esportivos que geram benefícios econômicos para essa região. Entretanto, a sustentabilidade dessa pescaria depende em parte da sobrevivência dos peixes capturados por meio da prática do pesque e solte. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a mortalidade de Cichla spp., incluindo o tucunaré paca (C. temensis Humbolt), o borboleta (C. orinocensis Humbolt) e o popoca (C. monoculus Agassiz) em dois locais na bacia do rio Negro, o maior tributário do rio Amazonas. Os peixes foram capturados por variados tipos de iscas artificiais e posteriormente monitorados em viveiros construídos no próprio rio por 72 horas. Um total de 162 tucunarés foi capturado, e as mortalidades (% ± intervalo de confiança 95%) foram calculadas. A mortalidade foi 3,5% (± 5,0), 2,3% (± 3,2) e 5,2% (±10,2) para o paca, o borboleta e o popoca, respectivamente. O comprimento padrão dos peixes capturados variou de 26 a 79 cm, mas apenas os peixes menores até 42 cm morreram. A pesquisa sugere que a pesca esportiva não causou substancial mortalidade na população de Cichla spp. na bacia do rio Negro

    Intimate partner violence, substance use, and health comorbidities among women: A narrative review

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    Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV), including physical, sexual, and psychological violence, aggression, and/or stalking, impacts overall health and can have lasting mental and physical health consequences. Substance misuse is common among individuals exposed to IPV, and IPV-exposed women (IPV-EW) are at-risk for transitioning from substance misuse to substance use disorder (SUD) and demonstrate greater SUD symptom severity; this too can have lasting mental and physical health consequences. Moreover, brain injury is highly prevalent in IPV-EW and is also associated with risk of substance misuse and SUD. Substance misuse, mental health diagnoses, and brain injury, which are highly comorbid, can increase risk of revictimization. Determining the interaction between these factors on the health outcomes and quality of life of IPV-EW remains a critical need. This narrative review uses a multidisciplinary perspective to foster further discussion and research in this area by examining how substance use patterns can cloud identification of and treatment for brain injury and IPV. We draw on past research and the knowledge of our multidisciplinary team of researchers to provide recommendations to facilitate access to resources and treatment strategies and highlight intervention strategies capable of addressing the varied and complex needs of IPV-EW

    A global collaboration to study intimate partner violence-related head trauma: The ENIGMA consortium IPV working group

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    Intimate partner violence includes psychological aggression, physical violence, sexual violence, and stalking from a current or former intimate partner. Past research suggests that exposure to intimate partner violence can impact cognitive and psychological functioning, as well as neurological outcomes. These seem to be compounded in those who suffer a brain injury as a result of trauma to the head, neck or body due to physical and/or sexual violence. However, our understanding of the neurobehavioral and neurobiological effects of head trauma in this population is limited due to factors including difficulty in accessing/recruiting participants, heterogeneity of samples, and premorbid and comorbid factors that impact outcomes. Thus, the goal of the Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium Intimate Partner Violence Working Group is to develop a global collaboration that includes researchers, clinicians, and other key community stakeholders. Participation in the working group can include collecting harmonized data, providing data for meta- and mega-analysis across sites, or stakeholder insight on key clinical research questions, promoting safety, participant recruitment and referral to support services. Further, to facilitate the mega-analysis of data across sites within the working group, we provide suggestions for behavioral surveys, cognitive tests, neuroimaging parameters, and genetics that could be used by investigators in the early stages of study design. We anticipate that the harmonization of measures across sites within the working group prior to data collection could increase the statistical power in characterizing how intimate partner violence-related head trauma impacts long-term physical, cognitive, and psychological health

    Adolescents' experiences of being food-hypersensitive: a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Experiencing or being at risk of adverse reactions to certain food items is a common health issue, especially among children and adolescents. Research has shown that living with the risk of food reactions and always having to take measures to avoid certain food in one's diet has a negative impact on quality of life. The aim of this study was to illuminate adolescents' experiences of being food hypersensitive.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three focus group interviews and six individual interviews were carried out with all together 17 adolescents, 14–18 years of age, who had exclusion diets at school due to food hypersensitivity. The interviews were taped and transcribed verbatim and a qualitative content analysis was carried out.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Five categories with subcategories, and one pervading theme, emerged. The categories were: <it>Perceiving oneself as being particular</it>, <it>Feeling constrained</it>, <it>Experiencing others' ignorance</it>, <it>Keeping control</it>, and <it>Feeling it's okay</it>. A pervading theme was conceptualised as <it>Striving to normalise the experience of being food-hypersensitive</it>. The adolescents regarded themselves as competent and courageous, but also described how they avoided the extra attention it implied to ask for special food considerations taken into account. Their self-conceptions were probably essential for their management of and attitude toward the hypersensitivity condition. They felt deprived, and those at risk of severe food reactions experienced insecurity and fear. Feelings of being disregarded were expressed, as well as facing unreliability and a lack of understanding from others. The continual work of constant vigilance and decision-making was described as time-consuming and frustrating. However, the adolescents also experienced considerate and supportive surroundings and were at pains to tone down the negative experiences and consequences of being food-hypersensitive.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Food avoidance by itself, and not only the somatic food reactions, brings about consequences with significant impacts on adolescents' lives. The findings from this study have implications for all of those who deal with adolescents who are food-hypersensitive, and not only health professionals. A deeper insight into adolescents' experiences gives an understanding which can improve the care-givers' efforts.</p

    The importance of parameter choice in modelling dynamics of the eye lens

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    The lens provides refractive power to the eye and is capable of altering ocular focus in response to visual demand. This capacity diminishes with age. Current biomedical technologies, which seek to design an implant lens capable of replicating the function of the biological lens, are unable as yet to provide such an implant with the requisite optical quality or ability to change the focussing power of the eye. This is because the mechanism of altering focus, termed accommodation, is not fully understood and seemingly conflicting theories require experimental support which is difficult to obtain from the living eye. This investigation presents finite element models of the eye lens based on data from human lenses aged 16 and 35 years that consider the influence of various modelling parameters, including material properties, a wide range of angles of force application and capsular thickness. Results from axisymmetric models show that the anterior and posterior zonules may have a greater impact on shape change than the equatorial zonule and that choice of capsular thickness values can influence the results from modelled simulations