14 research outputs found

    Глобальні кліматичні зміни як загроза видовій біорізноманітності високогір’я Українських Карпат

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    Приводится обзор литературы, посвященной влиянию глобального потепления на распространение холодолюбивых видов растений в высокогорьях Европы. На основании анализа многочисленных примеров исчезновения местообитаний олиготермных видов в альпийской зоне Украинских Карпат сделан вывод о том, что их вымирание в значительной мере обусловлено изменениями климата. Для привлечения внимания к этому аспекту обеднения биоразнообразия перечислены наиболее уязвимые виды и указаны места их наибольшей концентрации в Украинских Карпатах.The literature review on the impact of global warming on distribution of cryophilous plant species in the high-mountain zone of Europe is presented. On the basis of numerous examples of oligothermic species habitat extinction in the alpine zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians a conclusion is drawn that climate change contributes significantly to their decline. Most vulnerable species are listed and the main sites of their concentration in the Ukrainian Carpathians are mentioned to draw attention to that aspect of biodiversity loss

    Quantitative susceptibility mapping identifies hippocampal and other subcortical grey matter tissue composition changes in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is associated with widespread brain alterations. Using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) alongside transverse relaxation rate ( ), we investigated regional brain susceptibility changes in 36 patients with left-sided (LTLE) or right-sided TLE (RTLE) secondary to hippocampal sclerosis, and 27 healthy controls (HC). We compared three susceptibility calculation methods to ensure image quality. Correlations of susceptibility and with age of epilepsy onset, frequency of focal-to-bilateral tonic–clonic seizures (FBTCS), and neuropsychological test scores were examined. Weak-harmonic QSM (WH-QSM) successfully reduced noise and removed residual background field artefacts. Significant susceptibility increases were identified in the left putamen in the RTLE group compared to the LTLE group, the right putamen and right thalamus in the RTLE group compared to HC, and a significant susceptibility decrease in the left hippocampus in LTLE versus HC. LTLE patients who underwent epilepsy surgery showed significantly lower left-versus-right hippocampal susceptibility. Significant changes were found between TLE and HC groups in the amygdala, putamen, thalamus, and in the hippocampus. Specifically, decreased R2* was found in the left and right hippocampus in LTLE and RTLE, respectively, compared to HC. Susceptibility and were significantly correlated with cognitive test scores in the hippocampus, globus pallidus, and thalamus. FBTCS frequency correlated positively with ipsilateral thalamic and contralateral putamen susceptibility and with in bilateral globi pallidi. Age of onset was correlated with susceptibility in the hippocampus and putamen, and with in the caudate. Susceptibility and changes observed in TLE groups suggest selective loss of low-myelinated neurons alongside iron redistribution in the hippocampi, predominantly ipsilaterally, indicating QSM's sensitivity to local pathology. Increased susceptibility and in the thalamus and putamen suggest increased iron content and reflect disease severity

    Rola mediów w kształtowaniu wizerunku wymiaru sprawiedliwości – zarys problematyki

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    The media transmission is performing the substantial role in the forming of the social image of functioning of bodies of the judiciary. It is held through the process of the cooperation in frames of legal education concerning standards of functioning of courts and principles and procedural guarantees concerning all participants in legal proceedings. Appearing media news reports diverge from their main role, i.e. informing and serving the general public, and distort the image of the administration of justice. The distortion contributes to deepening the existing divergences between the real  functioning of courts and the work of lawyers, and the image which has been created by the media. It influences the negative evaluation of the functioning of the entire judiciary system and lowers trust in the law as well as institutions that create it and use it. It can also cause populist aspiration among some politicians to change currently applicable rules of law or its distortion by the media.Przekaz medialny pełni istotną rolę w kształtowaniu społecznego obrazu funkcjonowania organów wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Dzieje się tak przez proces współpracy w ramach edukacji prawnej dotyczącej standardów funkcjonowania sądów oraz zasad i gwarancji procesowych dotyczących wszystkich uczestników postępowania sądowego. Niejednokrotnie jednak pojawiające się doniesienia medialne odchodzą od swojej głównej roli (czyli informowania i służenia opinii publicznej) na rzecz deformowania społecznego obrazu wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Owa deformacja przyczynia się do pogłębiania istniejących rozbieżności między rzeczywistym wyglądem i funkcjonowaniem sądów oraz pracą prawników a obrazem, który stworzyło sobie społeczeństwo w oparciu o przekaz medialny. Bez wątpienia wpływa to na negatywną ocenę funkcjonowania całego wymiaru sprawiedliwości i obniżenie zaufania do prawa oraz instytucji je tworzących i stosujących. Powyższe może być przyczyną penalnopopulistycznych inspiracji dla polityków oraz „medialnego niszczenia prawa”

    "Obrazy roślinności Królestwa Polskiego" edited by Zygmunt Wóycicki

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    Conservation of inanimate nature in interwar Poland (1918-1939) and in south-eastern Poland and western Ukraine today

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    The first section of the paper describes activities related to the conservation of inanimate nature in pre-war Poland, with a focus on its south-eastern territories. The chapters which follow present examples of the stepwise process of creation of national parks and reserves, while the final part discusses efforts taken to conserve the non-living nature of the study regions within the borders of Poland and Ukraine after the Second World War. The article emphasises that the idea of nature conservation inculcated in the study areas 100 years ago by several generations of naturalists is still being cultivated and developed

    Gazing at owls? Human-strigiform Interfaces and their Role in the Construction of Gravettian Lifeworlds in East-Central Europe

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    This paper develops a new perspective on human-owl relations in the Pavlovian, a regional group of the early Gravettian of East-Central Europe. It argues that the regular representation of owls in figurative art and ornamentation in this context must be understood as a result of unique conditions of encounter and interaction emerging at the intersection of Southern Moravian early MIS 2-environments, Pavlovian sociocultural practice, and owl presence and behaviour. It is shown that the diverse and tree-rich environments of East-Central Europe, and the Pavlovian Hill region in particular, provided highly favourable living conditions for a rich owl community. In conjunction with Pavlovian settlement behaviour which produced large-scale aggregation sites and seems to have been associated with a more sedentary mode of life, humans were thus particularly exposed to owls that likely dominated the nightly soundscapes of the region. This coincides with the fact that many of the present owl species are resident birds and aligns with compelling evidence for a pronounced ‘sense of place’ in the region's early Gravettian. The paper therefore suggests considering the saliency of negotiating the owl theme in the Pavlovian as an expression of the general eco-cultural entanglement of humans and owls in this setting. I argue that human-owl relations in the Pavlovian might have ultimately been fashioned by a shared sense of place.Human Origin

    Czarnohora : przyroda i człowiek

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    Sorbenty. Podział i kryteria doboru

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    Omówiono podstawowy podział i kryteria, jakimi należy się kierować podczas doboru sorbentów.It discussed basic division and criterions which should be follow during selection sorbing agents

    Jakość pian gaśniczych wytwarzanych z wód powierzchniowych silnie zanieczyszczonych. Część II – Parametry pian gaśniczych uzyskanych z zanieczyszczonych wód powierzchniowych

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pian gaśniczych uzyskanych z zanieczyszczonych wód powierzchniowych oraz możliwość wykorzystywania w akcjach gaśniczych wód zanieczyszczonych.This article describes results of research of fire-fighting foams received from polluted surface waters and possibility for application polluted waters in fire extinguishing

    Jakość pian gaśniczych wytwarzanych z wód powierzchniowych silnie zanieczyszczonych. Część I – Zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych

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    W artykule przedstawiono źródła i rodzaje zanieczyszczeń wód powierzchniowych oraz klasyfikację czystości wód.This article describes sources and kind of contaminations in surface waters and classification of water clearness