41 research outputs found

    Explosion reactivity characterisation of pulverised torrefied spruce wood

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    Pulverised biomass is increasingly being used for power generation in 100% biomass plants or mixed with coal as a way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The fire and explosion hazards of pulverised wood and other agricultural waste materials have been recognised for some time. However, safety data for biomass are very scarce in the public literature, and non-existent for upgraded biomass products such as torrefied biomass. This is largely due to the challenges that biomass poses for explosion characterisation in the standard methods (1 m3 ISO vessel or 20 L sphere). The authors have developed and calibrated a new system for the 1 m3 ISO vessel that overcomes these challenges. In this work we present the first data in the open literature for the explosion characteristics of torrefied biomass. Results for untreated Norway spruce wood and Kellingley coal are also included for comparison. Flame speeds and post-explosion residue analysis results are also presented. Torrefied spruce wood was found to be more reactive than Kellingley coal and slightly more reactive than its parent material in terms of KSt, Pmax and flame speed. The differences between coal and biomass samples highlight that it should not be assumed that safety systems for coal can be applied to torrefied or raw wood materials without suitable modifications

    A low-cost paper-based platform for fast and reliable screening of cellular interactions with materials

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    A paper-based platform was developed and tested for studies on basic cell culture, material biocompatibility, and activity of pharmaceuticals in order to provide a reliable, robust and low-cost cell study platform. It is based upon a paper or paperboard support, with a nanostructured Latex coating to provide an enhanced cell growth and sufficient barrier properties. Wetting is Limited to regions of interest using a flexographically printed hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane Layer with circular non-print areas. The nanostructured coating can be substituted for another coating of interest, or the regions of interest functionalized with a material to be studied. The platform is fully up-scalable, being produced with roll-to-roll rod coating, flexographic and inkjet printing methods. Results show that the platform efficiency is comparable to multi-well plates in colorimetric assays in three separate studies: a cell culture study, a biocompatibility study, and a drug screening study. The color intensity is quantified by using a common office scanner or an imaging device and the data is analyzed by a custom computer software without the need for expensive screening or analysis equipment

    Risks for Central Nervous System Diseases among Mobile Phone Subscribers: A Danish Retrospective Cohort Study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate a possible link between cellular telephone use and risks for various diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). We conducted a large nationwide cohort study of 420 095 persons whose first cellular telephone subscription was between 1982 and 1995, who were followed through 2003 for hospital contacts for a diagnosis of a CNS disorder. Standardized hospitalization ratios (SHRs) were derived by dividing the number of hospital contacts in the cohort by the number expected in the Danish population. The SHRs were increased by 10–20% for migraine and vertigo. No associations were seen for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis or epilepsy in women. SHRs decreased by 30–40% were observed for dementia (Alzheimer disease, vascular and other dementia), Parkinson disease and epilepsy among men. In analyses restricted to subscribers of 10 years or more, the SHRs remained similarly increased for migraine and vertigo and similarly decreased for Alzheimer disease and other dementia and epilepsy (in men); the other SHRs were close to unity. In conclusion, the excesses of migraine and vertigo observed in this first study on cellular telephones and CNS disease deserve further attention. An interplay of a healthy cohort effect and reversed causation bias due to prodromal symptoms impedes detection of a possible association with dementia and Parkinson disease. Identification of the factors that result in a healthy cohort might be of interest for elucidation of the etiology of these diseases

    The risk of subjective symptoms in mobile phone users in Poland – An epidemiological study

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    Objectives: To assess the type and incidence of subjective symptoms related to the use of mobile phones in Polish users. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in 2005 using a questionnaire survey. Although it has been quite a long time, up to now, no such data have been published for Poland. The questionnaire consisted of 53 questions concerning sex, age, education, general health, characteristics of a mobile phone (hand-held, loud-speaking unit) as well as the habits associated with its use (frequency and duration of calls, text messages, etc.) and complaints associated with using a mobile phone. Results: As many as 1800 questionnaires were sent. The response was obtained from 587 subjects aged 32.6±11.3 (48.9% women, 51.1% men); the age did not differ significantly between men and women. The subjects owned a cell phone for an average of 3 years. Majority of the respondents used the phone intensively, i.e. daily (74%) or almost daily (20%). Headaches were reported significantly more often by the people who talked frequently and long in comparison with other users (63.2% of the subjects, p = 0.0029), just like the symptoms of fatigue (45%, p = 0.013). Also, the feeling of warmth around the ear and directly to the auricle was reported significantly more frequently by the intensive mobile phone users, compared with other mobile phone users (47.3%, p = 0.00004 vs. 44.6%, p = 0.00063, respectively). Most symptoms appeared during or immediately after a call and disappeared within 2 h after the call. Continuous headache, persisting for longer than 6 h since the end of a call, was reported by 26% of the subjects. Conclusions: Our results show that the mobile phone users may experience subjective symptoms, the intensity of which depends on the intensity of use of mobile phones

    UN Peacekeeping at 75: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects

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    This year marks the 75th anniversary of what the UN itself understands to be its first peacekeeping operation. It is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on the track record of UN peacekeeping in its efforts to try to maintain and realize peace and security. Moreover, this milestone invites us to ponder what lies ahead in the realm of peacekeeping. For this reason, this forum article brings together both academics and UN officials to assess the achievements and challenges of UN peacekeeping over the past 75 years. Through a dialogue among peacekeeping scholars and practitioners, we hope to identify current trends and developments in UN peacekeeping, as well as explore priorities for the future to improve the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations in terms of achieving their mandate objectives, such as maintaining peace, protecting civilians, promoting human rights, and facilitating reconciliation. This forum article is structured into six thematic sections, each shedding light on various aspects of UN peacekeeping: (1) foundational principles of UN peacekeeping - namely, consent, impartiality, and the (non-)use of force; (2) protection of civilians; (3) the primacy of politics; (4) early warning; (5) cooperation with regional organizations; and (6) the changing geopolitical landscape in which UN peacekeeping operates

    Quantitative image analysis for the characterization of microbial aggregates in biological wastewater treatment : a review

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    Quantitative image analysis techniques have gained an undeniable role in several fields of research during the last decade. In the field of biological wastewater treatment (WWT) processes, several computer applications have been developed for monitoring microbial entities, either as individual cells or in different types of aggregates. New descriptors have been defined that are more reliable, objective, and useful than the subjective and time-consuming parameters classically used to monitor biological WWT processes. Examples of this application include the objective prediction of filamentous bulking, known to be one of the most problematic phenomena occurring in activated sludge technology. It also demonstrated its usefulness in classifying protozoa and metazoa populations. In high-rate anaerobic processes, based on granular sludge, aggregation times and fragmentation phenomena could be detected during critical events, e.g., toxic and organic overloads. Currently, the major efforts and needs are in the development of quantitative image analysis techniques focusing on its application coupled with stained samples, either by classical or fluorescent-based techniques. The use of quantitative morphological parameters in process control and online applications is also being investigated. This work reviews the major advances of quantitative image analysis applied to biological WWT processes.The authors acknowledge the financial support to the project PTDC/EBB-EBI/103147/2008 and the grant SFRH/BPD/48962/2008 provided by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (Portugal)

    Doing Gender Im Technisch-Naturwissen-Schaftlichen Bereich

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    Für die Lösung des Nachwuchsproblems in den Technikwissenschaften spielt die Gewinnung von Frauen eine zentrale Rolle. Die in der Expertise dargestellten Befunde verdeutlichen dreierlei: (1) In den Natur- und Technikwissenschaften "verliert" man Frauen sehr früh im Lebensverlauf. (2) Wie beim Durchlauf eines Trichters (leaking pipeline) verringert sich mit jeder Bildungs- und Karrierestufe die Anzahl von Frauen in diesen Fächern und Berufen. (3) Die Erhöhung des Interesses für Technikwissenschaften von Mädchen und Frauen ist nicht nur "ein Problem" für das Bildungssystem, sondern ganz wesentlich auch des Arbeitsmarktes. Die Befunde der Expertise zeigen, dass es unbedingt notwendig ist, jungen Frauen, die in technischen Berufen gut ausgebildet sind, eine höhere Chance als bisher zu geben, (a) ihren Beruf aus dem Bereich Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik (im Folgenden kurz: MINT) auszuüben und (b) dies auch mit den gleichen Gratifikationen wie Männer. Diese Herausforderung muss - und zwar unabhängig von der Nachfrage nach neuem Personal in technischen Berufen - schnell gemeistert werden, wenn Wirtschaft und Politik ein ernst gemeintes Interesse an "Frauen in MINT-Berufen" besitzen