7 research outputs found

    Właściwości elektryczne i magnetyczne materiałów funkcjonalnych typu ziemia rzadka - metal przejściowy praca doktorska /

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    Praca doktorska. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków), 2011.Zawiera bibliogr. Indeks.Dostępna także w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dostępu: Internet.Funkcjonalność związków ziemia rzadka - metal przejściowy, terb, dysproz w podsieci ziemi rzadkiej, metale przejściowe, synteza związków międzymetalicznych, materiały wyjściowe, proces, parametry syntezy, analiza strukturalna związków międzymetalicznych, metoda Debye'a - Scherrera - Hulla, analiza numeryczna dyfraktogramów, struktura krystaliczna typu MgCu2, struktura krystaliczna związków Tb0.27Dy0.73(Mn1-xFex)2, Tb0.27Dy0.73(Fe1-xCox)2, Tb0.27Dy0.73(Fe1-xNix)2, Tb0.27Dy0.73(Co1-xNix)2, parametr komórki elementarnej w zależności od średniej liczby elektronów 3d, w związkach typu R(M/L)2, oporność elektryczna związków międzymetalicznych, reguła Matthiesena, oporność właściwa związków, parametry charakteryzujące oporność właściwą w zależności od średniej liczby elektronów 3d, temperatury Curie związków międzymetalicznych, metoda wyznaczania temperatury Curie z oporności elektrycznej, temperatura Curie związków, temperatura Curie w zależności od średniej liczby elektronów 3d, efekt Mössbauera, eksperyment, właściwości probabilistyczne sieci krystalicznej, oś łatwa namagnesowania, opracowanie widm mössbauerowskich, oddziaływania nadsubtelne w związkach w temperaturze 4.2K, 77 K, 295K, 4.2K, parametry oddziaływań nadsubtelnych w zależności od średniej liczby elektronów 3d, nadsubtelne pole magnetyczne w zależności od temperatury, struktura elektronowa, metoda FLAPW, gęstości stanów, energie rozszczepienia, momenty magnetyczne pasma 5d, 6s w związkach, momenty magnetyczne związków, magnetyczne pole nadsubtelne ziem rzadkich w związkach, korelacje wielkości fizycznych, oporność magnetyczna, spin metalu przejściowego, momenty magnetyczne pasm, 5d, 6s, magnetyczne pole nadsubtelne 57Fe, moment magnetyczny metalu przejściowego, korelacje temperatury Curie, analiza strukturalna, oporność elektryczna, temperatura Curie, obliczenia FLAP

    Phase transformations of stoichiometric mixtures of hematite and iron under FAST conditions

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    Since the mechanism of the synthesis of magnetite from a stoichiometric mixture of hematite and iron isstill under debate, systematic studies of the phase transformations in such powder mixture processedunder field assisted sintering conditions, are presented. Phase contributions, grain sizes and stoichiometriesof the sintered composites were determined using scanning electron microscopy, high energyX-ray diffraction and M€oßbauer spectroscopy. It was shown that with an increasing sintering temperaturean accelerated growth of magnetite can be observed, while the amount of hematite decreases.Additionally, intermediate wustite phase was observed with a maximum intensity where iron vanishedfrom the samples. Therefore, it was concluded that the transition from hematite - iron mixture tomagnetite actually takes place in two steps. In the first step, iron reduces hematite to magnetite andoxidizes itself to wustite. In the second step, wustite enables the nucleation of magnetite and with thehelp of hematite it transforms into nearly pure stoichiometric magnetite at higher sintering temperatures.In composites sintered from pure hematite under the same conditions only a minor transition tohighly nonstoichiometric magnetite was observed emphasizing the above mentioned route oftransformation

    Structural properties of Mn-substituted hercynite

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    In this work spinel series with the general formula Fe1-xMnxAl2O4 (where x = 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7) were synthesized and characterized with respect to their structure and microstructure. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) was used to identify the phase composition that revealed a single phase spinel material. Rietveld refinements of the XRD patterns were carried out in order to determine the lattice and oxygen positional parameters of the spinel compounds. Mössbauer effect measurements were performed at room temperature to determine the local chemical environment of the Fe ions, their valences, and degrees of spinels inversion. It was shown that an increase in the Mn content led to a decrease in the ratio of Fe2+ to Fe3+. The results obtained from Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) were used to establish the chemical formulas of the synthesized spinels. Finally, the microstructure that was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed a compact microstructure with an octahedral crystal habit

    Structural changes and pseudo-piezoelectric behaviour of field assisted sintered calcium titanate

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    The polycrystalline perovskite calcium titanate has an orthorhombic crystal structure at room temperature, which belongs to a centro-symmetric point group. Due to this fact, it does not show piezoelectric behaviour. However, such behaviour is observed in nanostructured calcium titanate prepared by sol-gel synthesis and field assisted sintering. Whereas, the conventionally sintered sample does not show this behaviour. Presumably, the instability of regular TiO6_6 octahedra results in the off-centering of titanium positions of the field assisted sintered calcium titanate. This phenomenon leads to the generation of electric dipoles due to the lattice distortions produced by the formation of highly localized defects, i.e. oxygen vacancies, during densification by the field assisted sintering. As a result, pseudo-piezoelectric behaviour is observed, which confirms that the field assisted sintering triggers the piezoelectric effect but not the conventional sintering. The charge ( Q ) produced in the field assisted sintered sample and the piezoelectric constant (d33_{33}*) values have been determined to be Q = (2.1 ± 0.3) pC and d33+_{33+}* ~(7.13 ± 0.4) pm/V or d33_{33-}* ~(-5.95 ± 0.3) pm/V, respectively. This particular response of nanostructured calcium titanate is of great interest in biomedicine because it can improve the osseointegration of an implant

    Tunable Pseudo-Piezoelectric Effect in Doped Calcium Titanate for Bone Tissue Engineering

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    CaTiO3_3 is a promising candidate as a pseudo‐piezoelectric scaffold material for boneimplantation. In this study, pure and magnesium/iron doped CaTiO3_3 are synthesized by sol‐gelmethod and spark plasma sintering. Energy dispersive X‐ray mapping confirm the homogenousdistribution of doping elements in sintered samples. High‐energy X‐ray diffraction investigationsreveal that doping of nanostructured CaTiO3_3 increased the strain and defects in the structure ofCaTiO3_3 compared to the pure one. This led to a stronger pseudo‐piezoelectric effect in the dopedsamples. The charge produced in magnesium doped CaTiO3_3 due to the direct piezoelectric effect is(2.9 ± 0.1) pC which was larger than the one produced in pure CaTiO3_3 (2.1 ± 0.3) pC, whereas themaximum charge was generated by iron doped CaTiO3_3 with (3.6 ± 0.2) pC. Therefore, the pseudopiezoelectricbehavior can be tuned by doping. This tuning of pseudo‐piezoelectric responseprovides the possibility to systematically study the bone response using different piezoelectricstrengths and possibly adjust for bone tissue engineering

    Formation of maghemite nanostructures in polyol: tuning the particle size via the precursor stoichiometry

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    This study investigates a thermal synthesis in which ironIJII) and ironIJIII) chlorides are used to formmaghemite nanoflowers in the presence of sodium hydroxide and a solvent mixture ofN-methyldiethanolamine and diethylene glycol. The agglomeration process leading to nanoflower formationis examined by testing temperatures of synthesis ranging from 180 °C to 220 °C and holding timesfrom 2 h to 12 h. A temperature of 220 °C and a holding time of 2 h are confirmed to be suitable synthesisparameters for nanoflower formation. The process of primary particle ordering during agglomeration leadingto cooperative magnetic behaviour is discussed. The stoichiometric ratio of Fe2+^{2+} and Fe3+^{3+} ions was variedin the precursor solution and it is shown to have a strong influence on particle and crystallite sizes, andthereby on the magnetic properties. A larger Fe3+^{3+} ion content during the synthesis leads to larger particlesand crystallites, while a higher content in Fe2+^{2+} ions favours nucleation at the expense of growth. An additionaltreatment with iron nitrate leads to further growth of crystallites as well as particles. Stable, mostlymonodisperse suspensions of multicore particles with diameters ranging from 18.4 nm to 28.7 nm showBrownian relaxation times between 0.2 μs and 9 μs and dynamic susceptibilities at 25 kHz from about 7 ×103^{−3} m3 kg1^{−1} [Fe] to 20 × 103^{−3} m3 kg1^{−1} [Fe], making the particles interesting candidates for magnetic hyperthermiaand magnetic particle imaging