17 research outputs found

    Metafisika Informasi dalam Perspektif Pemikiran Jean Baudrillard: Kontekstualisasinya dengan Pertautan Media dan Politik di Indonesia

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    The 21st century is the age of information. Information spreads through newspapers, magazines, television; and also scattered very massively over the internet. This paper was written for two reasons. First, people sometimes perceive information identical with truth. Second, the metaphysics of information is important to be discussed when it is associated with the phenomenon of media and politics in Indonesia. This paper analyses the metaphysics of information by \u27disclosing\u27 information structures that refer to Jean Baudrillard\u27s thought. For Baudrillard, behind the phenomenon of information there are actually three elements at once, namely representation, manipulation, and simulation. The three elements above, influence each other. Real information is the result of the process of representation, ie the process of re-preserving reality and then transmitting that representation of reality to others. Manipulation also becomes an important element in information. According to Baudrillard, the element of simulation in this information is still closely related to the first element, namely representation. Baudrillard said that in the simulation, information will be actualized, meaning that it will be dramatized in a spectacular fashion, but at the same time kept away from communication, and reduced to a sign


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    The 21st century is the age of information. Information spreads through newspapers, magazines, television; and also scattered very massively over the internet. This paper was written for two reasons. First, people sometimes perceive information identical with truth. Second, the metaphysics of information is important to be discussed when it is associated with the phenomenon of media and politics in Indonesia. This paper analyses the metaphysics of information by 'disclosing' information structures that refer to Jean Baudrillard's thought. For Baudrillard, behind the phenomenon of information there are actually three elements at once, namely representation, manipulation, and simulation. The three elements above, influence each other. Real information is the result of the process of representation, ie the process of re-preserving reality and then transmitting that representation of reality to others. Manipulation also becomes an important element in information. According to Baudrillard, the element of simulation in this information is still closely related to the first element, namely representation. Baudrillard said that in the simulation, information will be actualized, meaning that it will be dramatized in a spectacular fashion, but at the same time kept away from communication, and reduced to a sign


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    Penetapan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara membawa implikasi besar, yakni bahwa Pancasila perlu dijabarkan baik sebagai sumber dari segala sumber hukum, sebagai pandangan hidup, maupun sebagai filsafat negara (philosofisch grondslag). Namun demikian, permasalahan besar justru muncul di era reformasi inikarena kenyataannya Pancasila justru semakin jauh ditinggalkan. Faktor pendidikan menjadi faktor yang memiliki peran besar dalam persoalan ini. Berdasarkan kajian fenomenologis yang penulis lakukan terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan Pancasila di Indonesia, khususnya di tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengah, satu persoalan besar yang menyebabkan ?óÔé¼?ôgagalnya?óÔé¼?Ø pendidikan Pancasila adalah karena pemilihan metode pembelajaran yang kurang tepat. Metode ini oleh karenanya perlu disempurnakan dengan ?óÔé¼?ôbelajar?óÔé¼?Ø pada aliran progresivisme pendidikan yang menekankan pentingnya pengalaman dalam proses belajar. Proses belajar perlu mengakomodasi peran pengalaman tersebut dengan menghadirkan contoh kasus yang konkret dan empiris, sehingga dengan mengalami, peserta didik akan lebih mengerti dan memahami. Kata kunci: pendidikan Pancasila, metode pembelajaran, pengalaman, progresivisme


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    Terrorism is one of the most terrible crimes. Various efforts have been conducted by the government, however, until now terrorism is still a serious issue. As a human behavior, the crime of terrorism is one thing that can be analized from various perspectives, as well as from the existentialism philosophy framework of Gabriel H. Marcel as described in this article. In relation to the analysis of terrorist behavior in Indonesia, it can be concluded that acts of terrorism, espe- cially those committed by suicide bombings, are ontologically behavioral parts of human chosen efforts to achieve "Being", which also involves meeting between "I" and "You". Regardless of any deed done (in terms of material deeds), in Marcel's perspective, such deeds are formally examples of "human" acts be- cause of the "procedure" passed by the terrorist according to the phases pro- posed by Marcel. Although it may be a barbaric act, but judging from the formal side of the decision he chooses, the perpetrator of terror is the actor who attains "Being" because he finds the presence of "Thou" in the decisions he takes

    The future of character education in the era of artificial intelligence

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    This study aims to analyze the future and sustainability of character education in the era of artificial intelligence. This issue is very important because several research findings show that artificial intelligence-based technology threatens the process of internalizing academic ethical values in education. If this problem is not overcome, it is feared that the implementation of character education will be marginalized by the use of artificial intelligence technology. This research is a philosophical research model on actual problems using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use document studies, while the methodical elements used in data  analysis are description, analysis, synthesis, hermenutics, language analytics, and heuristics. This research found that the development of artificial intelligence technology in education is an unavoidable phenomenon. The world of education as one of the strategic vehicles for improving the quality of human self, has a double duty. First, education must continue to maintain and preserve academic ethical values amid the development of artificial intelligence technology. Second, education at the same time must also be able to eliminate anxiety, fear, or phobia of the use of artificial intelligence. Based on these findings, this study emphasizes the importance of developing character education and artificial intelligence education in a harmonious and balanced manner in order to maintain the future sustainability of character education in the era of artificial intelligence

    Nyuguh Tradition: Religious and Cultural Harmony in Kampung Adat Kuta, Ciamis, West Java

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    Indonesia is a country rich in culture. However, the nation's cultural wealth still has not been studied and is not even recognized by the public. The lack of studies on the cultural richness of this nation is feared that it will cause the nation's own cultural traditions to be unrecognized, until eventually they will disappear and no longer be preserved by the next generation of the nation. This study aims to complete the study of the people of Kuta, especially about the relationship between tradition and religion. The research model used is a literature research model combined with field research. Data collection in this study was carried out in several ways, namely through document searches, direct observation to the Kampung Adat Kuta and conducting interviews with leaders. Based on the research conducted, it was found that the traditional process of Nyuguh carried out by the indigenous people of Kuta is one way for the community to preserve culture, and as an expression of gratitude and efforts to maintain the safety of all residents in the village. The Nyuguh tradition is full of religious values, namely the value of togetherness, simplicity, safety, respect, obedience, balance between religion and culture, and the purification of property. As a part of the culture owned by the people of Kampung Adat Kuta, the Nyuguh tradition is a form of harmonization between the cultural traditions of the ancestral heritage and the Islamic religious beliefs held by the community at this time. The fact that the Nyuguh tradition still survives today with various adjustments in it, shows that harmony between culture and religion can be realized and sustainable among the people of the Kuta Traditional Village

    Critical Analysis of Javanese Epistemology and Its Relevance to Science Development in Indonesia

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    Humans have developed science to understand the phenomena they face in their lives. As such, the development of science is inexorably linked with epistemology because it emphasizes the question of truth—the focus of epistemology. The development of science and knowledge has been influenced by specific interests, motives, needs, and historic/cultural backgrounds. To ensure that science is developed in a manner best suited for Indonesian society, such development must be rooted in extant Indonesian cultural values, such as those found in Javanese culture. This study attempts to formulate Javanese epistemology as a basis for scientific development in Indonesia. It finds, first, that knowledge is known as “kawruh” among the Javanese people; second, knowledge is not always limited to the cognitive dimension; and third, a specific criterion for truth is harmony, or “pener”. Javanese people consider “rasa” capable of bringing humans to the supreme knowledge. Although objective knowledge exists, every individual achievement of reality is different. Javanese people consider the validity or truthfulness of statements/actions rooted in their harmony with the empirical rational principle of truth and the existing order, following the adage “bener tur pener”


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    Socialism is an ideology assumed that shared ownership is the best way of life. Socialism did not proposed any private property because it makes people selfish and destroy the community harmony. Socialism wants the organization of production by the state as a suggestion to remove poverty and exploitation. Socialism proposed equal rights for all groups, and classes of people to enjoy prosperity, wealth and prosperity. The state has to secure as much as possible factor of production for the welfare of all the people, and not focused on personal well-being. Socialism assumes that the state is above public institutions that govern society selflessly. The key values in socialism is equality, cooperation, and compassion. The production is done on the basis of usability and not just for the profit. Competition replaced with planning. Every person working for the community and contribute to the common good so that it appears concern for others. Second, the underlying ontological foundation of socialism ideology associated with the ethical nature of man; human nature; and harmony of the society. The ideology of socialism found ethical nature of man is good; human nature is a social being; and assumes that there is harmony in the society

    Ontologi Pathet: Kajian Kritis Terhadap Pathet sebagai Representasi Norma Ontologis Transendental dalam Pergelaran Wayang

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    Pathet is one of the most important parts in a puppet performance. Unfortunately, discussions about pathets, especially from a metaphysical perspective are very rarely found so that the wayang metaphysics is not comprehensive. This study examines the metaphysical dimensions in the puppet performance pathet in Anton Bakker's metaphysical perspective, with the aim to complete the existing puppet metaphysics studies. This research uses the methodical method of assessment, namely interpretation; induction and deduction; internal coherence; holistic; historical continuity; idealization; comparison; heuristics; inclusive or analogous language; and description, and reflection. The results of this study indicate that: first, pathet is a representation of the concept of harmony in puppet shows. Pathet is a transcendental ontological norm in puppet shows. Transcendental ontological norms, in the perspective of Anton Bakker's ontology thinking, are called harmony. In other words, it can be said that the pathet is a representation of harmony or ontological norms that apply in a puppet show. All aesthetic elements of the show are returned to the pathet, and must remain in the corridor of the applicable pathet


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    Communication ethics is still a problem in the public domain, especially on social media. There were several viral cases on the internet due to ethical issues in communicating on social media lately. The bias of social media space as private space which is consumed publicly has caused ethical problems in the field of communication. This ethical problem needs to be overcome by educating society about communication ethics in the public sphere, especially on social media. This study aims to describe the concept of empan papan as one of the key concepts in Javanese communication ethics. Based on literature studies combined with hermeneutic analysis, the results show that empan papan can be an alternative communication ethics in the era of information technology. Empan papan is the concept of Javanese situational communication ethics which emphasizes communication on five principles, namely the principle of self-placement, the principle of truth, the principle of accuracy, the principle of situation, and the principle of conditions. This study recommends the need to educate society about the use of communication ethics on board leaders in social media