58 research outputs found

    Escape from planarity in fragment-based drug discovery : A synthetic strategy analysis of synthetic 3D fragment libraries

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    In fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD), there is a developing appreciation that 3D fragments could offer opportunities that are not provided by 2D fragments. This review provides an overview of the synthetic strategies that have been used to prepare 3D fragments, as discussed in 25 papers published from 2011 to mid-May 2020. Three distinct strategies are highlighted: (i) diversity-oriented synthesis; (ii) the synthesis and diversification of scaffolds; and (iii) computational design and synthesis (where 3D fragments were computationally enumerated and filtered on the basis of computationally generated 3D shape descriptors and other properties). We conclude that a workflow that combines computational design and one other strategy, together with a consideration of fragment properties, 3D shape and ‘fragment sociability’, could allow 3D fragments to feature more widely in fragment libraries and could facilitate fragment-to-lead optimisation

    Pharmacological Characterization of [ 3

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    Modulators of CXCR4 and CXCR7/ACKR3 Function

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    Copyright © 2019 by The Author(s). The two G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) and atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3) are part of the class A chemokine GPCR family and represent important drug targets for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, cancer, and inflammation diseases. CXCR4 is one of only three chemokine receptors with a US Food and Drug Administration approved therapeutic agent, the small-molecule modulator AMD3100. In this review, known modulators of the two receptors are discussed in detail. Initially, the structural relationship between receptors and ligands is reviewed on the basis of common structural motifs and available crystal structures. To date, no atypical chemokine receptor has been crystallized, which makes ligand design and predictions for these receptors more difficult. Next, the selectivity, receptor activation, and the resulting ligand-induced signaling output of chemokines and other peptide ligands are reviewed. Binding of pepducins, a class of lipid-peptides whose basis is the internal loop of a GPCR, to CXCR4 is also discussed. Finally, small-molecule modulators of CXCR4 and ACKR3 are reviewed. These modulators have led to the development of radio- and fluorescently labeled tool compounds, enabling the visualization of ligand binding and receptor characterization both in vitro and in vivo. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: To investigate the pharmacological modulation of CXCR4 and ACKR3, significant effort has been focused on the discovery and development of a range of ligands, including small-molecule modulators, pepducins, and synthetic peptides. Imaging tools, such as fluorescent probes, also play a pivotal role in the field of drug discovery. This review aims to provide an overview of the aforementioned modulators that facilitate the study of CXCR4 and ACKR3 receptors

    Principals in Programming Languages: Technical Results

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    This is the companion technical report for ``Principals in Programming Languages'' [20]. See that document for a more readable version of these results. In this paper, we describe two variants of the simply typed λ\lambda-calculus extended with a notion of {\em principal}. The results are languages in which intuitive statements like ``the client must call open\mathtt{open} to obtain a file handle'' can be phrased and proven formally. The first language is a two-agent calculus with references and recursive types, while the second language explores the possibility of multiple agents with varying amounts of type information. We use these calculi to give syntactic proofs of some type abstraction results that traditionally require semantic arguments

    Identification of overlapping but differential binding sites for the high-affinity CXCR3 antagonists NBI-74330

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    ABSTRACT CXC chemokine receptor CXCR3 and/or its main three ligands CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL11 are highly upregulated in a variety of diseases. As such, considerable efforts have been made to develop small-molecule receptor CXCR3 antagonists, yielding distinct chemical classes of antagonists blocking binding and/or function of CXCR3 chemokines. Although it is suggested that these compounds bind in an allosteric fashion, thus far no evidence has been provided regarding the molecular details of their interaction with CXCR3. Using site-directed mutagenesis complemented with in silico homology modeling, we report the binding modes of two high-affinity CXCR3 antagonists of distinct chemotypes: Here we show that NBI-74330 is anchored in the transmembrane minor pocket lined by helices 2 (W2.60, D2.63), 3 (F3.32), and 7 (S7.39, Y7.43), whereas VUF11211 extends from the minor pocket into the major pocket of the transmembrane domains, located between residues in helices 1 (Y1.39), 2 (W2.60), 3 (F3.32), 4 (D4.60), 6 (Y6.51), and 7 (S7.39, Y7.43). Mutation of these residues did not affect CXCL11 binding significantly, confirming the allosteric nature of the interaction of these small molecules with CXCR3. Moreover, the model derived from our in silico-guided studies fits well with the already published structure-activity relationship data on these ligands. Altogether, in this study, we show overlapping, yet different binding sites for two high-affinity CXCR3 antagonists, which offer new opportunities for the structure-based design of allosteric modulators for CXCR3

    Alkynamide phthalazinones as a new class of TbrPDEB1 inhibitors

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    Several 3′,5′-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) have been validated as good drug targets for a large variety of diseases. Trypanosoma brucei PDEB1 (TbrPDEB1) has been designated as a promising drug target for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis. Recently, the first class of selective nanomolar TbrPDEB1 inhibitors was obtained by targeting the parasite specific P-pocket. However, these biphenyl-substituted tetrahydrophthalazinone-based inhibitors did not show potent cellular activity against Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei) parasites, leaving room for further optimization. Herein, we report the discovery of a new class of potent TbrPDEB1 inhibitors that display improved activities against T. brucei parasites. Exploring different linkers between the reported tetrahydrophthalazinone core scaffold and the amide tail group resulted in the discovery of alkynamide phthalazinones as new TbrPDEB1 inhibitors, which exhibit submicromolar activities versus T. brucei parasites and no cytotoxicity to human MRC-5 cells. Elucidation of the crystal structure of alkynamide 8b (NPD-048) bound to the catalytic domain of TbrPDEB1 shows a bidentate interaction with the key-residue Gln874 and good directionality towards the P-pocket. Incubation of trypanosomes with alkynamide 8b results in an increase of intracellular cAMP, validating a PDE-mediated effect in vitro and providing a new interesting compound series for further studies towards selective TbrPDEB1 inhibitors with potent phenotypic activity

    Optical control of the ?2-adrenergic receptor with opto-prop-2: A cis-active azobenzene analog of propranolol

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    In this study, we synthesized and evaluated new photoswitchable ligands for the beta-adrenergic receptors ?1-AR and ?2-AR, applying an azologization strategy to the first-generation beta-blocker propranolol. The resulting compounds (Opto-prop-1, -2, -3) have good photochemical properties with high levels of light-induced trans-cis isomerization (>94%) and good thermal stability (t1/2 > 10 days) of the resulting cis-isomer in an aqueous buffer. Upon illumination with 360-nm light to PSScis, large differences in binding affinities were observed for photoswitchable compounds at ?1-AR as well as ?2-AR. Notably, Opto-prop-2 (VUF17062) showed one of the largest optical shifts in binding affinities at the ?2-AR (587-fold, cis-active), as recorded so far for photoswitches of G protein-coupled receptors. We finally show the broad utility of Opto-prop-2 as a light-dependent competitive antagonist of the ?2-AR as shown with a conformational ?2-AR sensor, by the recruitment of downstream effector proteins and functional modulation of isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes

    Multiplexed experimental strategies for fragment library screening against challenging drug targets using SPR biosensors

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    Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor methods are ideally suited for fragment-based lead discovery. However, generally applicable experimental procedures and detailed protocols are lacking, especially for structurally or physico-chemically challenging targets or when tool compounds are not available. Success depends on accounting for the features of both the target and the chemical library, purposely designing screening experiments for identification and validation of hits with desired specificity and mode-of-action, and availability of orthogonal methods capable of confirming fragment hits. The range of targets and libraries amenable to an SPR biosensor-based approach for identifying hits is considerably expanded by adopting multiplexed strategies, using multiple complementary surfaces or experimental conditions. Here we illustrate principles and multiplexed approaches for using flow-based SPR biosensor systems for screening fragment libraries of different sizes (90 and 1056 compounds) against a selection of challenging targets. It shows strategies for the identification of fragments interacting with 1) large and structurally dynamic targets, represented by acetyl choline binding protein (AChBP), a Cys-loop receptor ligand gated ion channel homologue, 2) targets in multi protein complexes, represented by lysine demethylase 1 and a corepressor (LSD1/CoREST), 3) structurally variable or unstable targets, represented by farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase (FPPS), 4) targets containing intrinsically disordered regions, represented by protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), and 5) aggregation-prone proteins, represented by an engineered form of human tau (tau K18M). Practical considerations and procedures accounting for the characteristics of the proteins and libraries, and that increase robustness, sensitivity, throughput and versatility are highlighted. The study shows that the challenges for addressing these types of targets is not identification of potentially useful fragments per se, but establishing methods for their validation and evolution into leads

    Targeted LC–MS derivatization for aldehydes and carboxylic acids with a new derivatization agent 4-APEBA

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    Based on the template of a recently introduced derivatization reagent for aldehydes, 4-(2-(trimethylammonio)ethoxy)benzeneaminium dibromide (4-APC), a new derivatization agent was designed with additional features for the analysis and screening of biomarkers of lipid peroxidation. The new derivatization reagent, 4-(2-((4-bromophenethyl)dimethylammonio)ethoxy)benzenaminium dibromide (4-APEBA) contains a bromophenethyl group to incorporate an isotopic signature to the derivatives and to add additional fragmentation identifiers, collectively enhancing the abilities for detection and screening of unknown aldehydes. Derivatization can be achieved under mild conditions (pH 5.7, 10 °C). By changing the secondary reagent (1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide instead of sodium cyanoborohydride), 4-APEBA is also applicable to the selective derivatization of carboxylic acids. Synthesis of the new label, exploration of the derivatization conditions, characterization of the fragmentation of the aldehyde and carboxylic acid derivatives in MS/MS, and preliminary applications of the labeling strategy for the analysis of aldehydes in urine and plasma are described
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