37 research outputs found


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    Teacher‟s self-evaluation is a way to guide teachers in identifying strengths and weaknesses in learning. Improving teacher‟s professionalism started by recognizing and realizing the weaknesses in learning, and by a willingness to enhance self-competence. This article is a result of a research that examined four domains that affect student achievement, namely the strategies and teacher‟s behavior in learning, planning and preparation done before learning, reflection on learning, and collegiality that supported teacher professionalism. This study aims at describing the strengths and weaknesses of teachers in learning process, and describing the need for teachers to increase professionalism in teaching. The data was obtained by an instrument in form of a questionnaire of teacher‟s self-evaluation. Respondents consisted of 28 senior high school German teachers of the IGBJI Malang branch, 7 principals and their staffs. The instrument used has been validated. The results showed that most of the teachers carried out most of the components contained in the strategies and teaching behaviors and implemented teaching planning and preparation. In teaching planning and in learning process, however, teacher colleagues were still rarely involved for professional development. Reflection on the learning process and planning is rarely conducted jointly with colleagues. For further improvement of teacher learning, more intensive discussions with colleagues, principals, and supervisors are required. Besides, teachers can observe teaching process of other teachers, obtain feedback on learning not only from colleagues, but also from principals and supervisors, and coaching done by the principal or learning expert. Keywords: Self-Evaluation, Teaching, Improvement, Professionalism, Strengths, Weaknesses, High School‟s Teacher

    The Effectiveness of Audio Visual - Based Learning Media to Improve German Writing Ability Class XII Students of Jakarta Lab Vocational School

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of audio-visual media in improving the German writing skills of class XII students of SMK LAB Jakarta. The research method used is quantitative and ANCOVA analysis technique. The type of research used is quasi-experimental. The sample used in this study was 30 students of class XII A RPL as the experimental class and another class of XII B TKJ which amounted to 30 people as control class students who were chosen randomly (Random Sampling). The writing ability of students learning to use audio-visual media produces students who are able to develop creative ideas widely, able to increase accuracy in sentence structure or spelling in writing simple essays. The analysis successfully verified that the use of audio-visual media was effective in improving students' German writing skills. The statistical value of the ANCOVA test results yielded 0.004 < 0.05 and the F value was 8.813 < who receive treatment using audio-visual in the learning process have more diverse writing skills with broad ideas than students who apply conventional learning

    Teaching Listening to Secondary Students: The Use of ICT

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    Teaching English to secondary students needs to be considered in order to formulate their learning levels and their needs. This is crucial in order for the learning process to be successful. However, as teaching English should be integrated into other language skills, the use of media which is mostly helpful for particular skills sometimes can be time consuming, and not all teachers are able to prepare and use it in their classes. Thus, a teacher has no time to practice one of the skills sufficiently using particular media to support the learning process. Listening skills for instance, technology in which nowadays has been developed to facilitate students to improve their listening skills is better to be used by English teachers in order to find suitable listening sources. Thus, a research question of how is the significance of BBC Learning English to be used in teaching listening skills in secondary students was tried to be endeavored. Hence, a quantitative method was used in this research. It was found that BBC learning English is significant to be used in English classes of secondary school. Moreover, the questionnaire that students filled out showed that their motivation and enthusiasm revealed a positive response. Keywords: ICT, teaching English, listening skill, secondary students, medi

    Critical Thinking Ability of German Literature Departement’s Students of Universitas Negeri Malang in Writing Thesis

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    This article is a research result which aims to uncover the critical thinking skills of students of German Literature Department, Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) in writing thesis. The method used is qualitative content analysis with a coding sheet as an instrument. The data is taken from some chapters in German thesis, to be particular the background, the discussion, and the conclusion sections. The collected data is reduced, grouped, then the emerging patterns are analyzed and conclusions are drawn. Students' critical thinking skills in writing thesis were analyzed from four cognitive abilities (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and argumentation) and nine cognitive standards (clarity, clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, and fairness). The results showed that students' critical thinking skills were good in the aspects of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. However, from the argumentation aspect, students’ critical ability is still considered weak, because they produced errors in ethos, logos and pathos arguments, still made incomplete structures, and did not meet the criteria for critical thinking/cognitive standards of breadth and depth

    Graduate Students’ Attitude Toward Plagiarism in Academic Writing

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    Plagiarism is one of academic dishonesty that becomes a central issue and challenge faced by the educational sector. Students who study in a higher level of education will face many kinds of academic writing, which is not easy to deal with. Moreover, students need to find information related to their writing to support theories and arguments for their academic writing. This study aims to find out graduate language students’ attitude toward plagiarism in academic writing. This present study used a quantitative approach and survey as the design of the study. The target population was all of the graduate students in language study program in the second semester from four departments; English Language Teaching, Indonesian Language Teaching, Arabic Language Teaching, and Keguruan Bahasa department. 86 students were chosen as a sample using random sampling. Questionnaire and interview were used as the instruments in this study. The questionnaire was divided into three parts; cognitive, emotional and behavior. The result shows that 66% or 57 students have a neutral attitude toward plagiarism. It means that they knew that plagiarism was an improper action, but they can tolerate plagiarism action. However, 33% or 28 students have a negative attitude toward plagiarism which means that they cannot tolerate plagiarism action. In contrast, only 1% or 1 student has a positive attitude toward plagiarism which means that they do not think that plagiarism is an improper action. Keywords: Attitude, Plagiarism, Academic Writin


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    Self-assessment and peer assessment is an essential alternative assessment in this 5.0 era and in this pandemic time. Thus, this study objectives are to examine differences between self-assessment and peer assessment, as well as to describe students' perceptions of the application of self-assessment and peer assessment in the Aufsatz II course. This study uses a correlational research design. From the results of the study, it is known that the self-assessment and peer assessment of Aufsatz's writing ability has some differences in the aspects of content and coherence, while self assessement and peer assessments for the aspects of vocabulary, orthography, and grammar have no significant differences. Students still find some difficulties in making self-assessment and peer assessments, and they prefer teacher assessments to self-assessment and peer assessments

    Blended Learning in Teacher Profession Education (PPG) of Germany Education as The 21st Century Teacher Training Model

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    This study aims to solve problems related to the policy of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) program. This research produces a syllabus of in-office TPD for the German language to solve problems faced in the field; it is necessary to provide provision and preparation for lecturers so that the preparation and implementation of learning have the same standards and goals and the percentage of pedagogic material is more than the professional content. Meanwhile the composition of the competency test is otherwise. In this study, a new policy of TPD is formulated based on 21st century competencies and 21st century learning models that have been successfully applied in Australia, namely a life skills-based learning approach, or known as life- based learning. This framework has become the flagship program for learning innovation at the State University of Malang. The research employed a research and development method that begins with problem identification or problem formulation. The syllabus design is created and developed based on performance and needs analysis, and oriented to the principles of teacher training in the 21st century. These principles are reflected in the syllabus which contains pegadodic competences, professional competence, the ability to use digital media through blended learning and digital-based learning. Based on the results of the validation by German learning experts&nbsp; and&nbsp; suggestions&nbsp; from&nbsp; users,&nbsp; it&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; concluded&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; PPG&nbsp; German syllabus design is feasible to use. Nevertheless, it is necessary to refine the time allocation according to the needs and clarity of evaluation and assessment

    Does Digital Media Literacy Influence Students’ Perception of Hoax?

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    The purpose of this study was to find out whether there was the significant relationship between digital media literacy and students' perception of hoax. This research uses descriptive correlation methods with surveys as data collection. Respondents in this study were students of diploma, undergraduate, and graduate from 18 study programs at the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. This study uses surveys conducted online using the Google Form website. The data were then analyzed by using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation in SPSS software. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of digital media literacy and the perception of hoaxes, and it was in the moderate correlation. Based on the review of related literature, moderate correlation was occur due to several factors such as biased thinking, easily provoked age group, and difficulties in finding accurate media agencies

    Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap informasi hoax di media digital

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    Student perception of hoax information in digital mediaThis study aims to determine student perception of hoax information distributed in digital media. The research is a survey study involving bachelor and master’s students from 18 study programs at the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, as participants. Data were collected through questionnaires circulatedonline using Google Form. They were then analyzed using SPSS, including Descriptive Statistics and Independence Sample T-Test. The results showed that the majority of students aredeeply concerned about hoax information in digital media. The majority of students checked the information available in the media, confirmed whether the information received is valid, and further assessed that media such as radio, newspapers, television, magazines, and social media can spread hoaxes.Keywords:survey, perception, hoax, digital mediaPersepsi mahasiswa terhadap informasi hoax di media digitalTujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap informasi hoax yang tersebar di media digital. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei dengan responden penelitian yang terdiri dari mahasiswa program D3, S1 dan S2 pada 18 program studi di Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang. Pengumpulan data angket dilakukan secara daring menggunakan aplikasi Google Form. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan SPSS, meliputi Descriptive Statistics dan Independence Sample T-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa mempunyai kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap informasi hoax di media digital.  Mayoritas mahasiswa memeriksa informasi yang ada  di media, serta memastikan informasi yang diterima valid. Kemudian menilai bahwa media seperti radio, surat kabar, televisi, majalah dan media sosial dapat menjadi sarana untuk menyebarkan hoax. Kata Kunci: survei, persepsi, hoax, media digita

    Indlish: Indonesian-English Production and Its Formation

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    Language hybridity production is a linguistics phenomenon that comes up nowadays among multilanguage speakers. Indlish then comes up as a part of Englishes, this new term refers to language hybridity formed from the combination of the Indonesian affixations and the English words. This qualitative research conducted in two months for collecting the speakers’ hybrid words productions. The participants on this research are 32 graduate students that speak in at least 4 languages and at most 7 languages. The result shows that there is a formation of the hybrid words produced by the students, the formation is followed by the Indonesian rule of affixation addition and places the English words instead of the Indonesian. Keywords: morphology, word production, hybrid, Indonesian, Englis