37 research outputs found

    Improving Student Creative Thinking Skills Through Project Based Learning

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    The purpose of this study is to improve the ability to think creatively, make pyrolysis devices and make fuel oil from plastic waste. This research is a classroom action research conducted in 3 cycles with the stages of each cycle which includes 4 stages, namely observation, process, observation and reflection. The research subjects were students of class XI IPA 3 SMA Negeri 14 Semarang as many as 34 people who entered 12 sons and 22 girls. Data collection uses test instruments and measurement of creative thinking abilities and student response questionnaires. The data were analyzed descriptively and from the results of research that showed fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration after the application of hydrocarbon and petroleum learning. The results show that the average way of thinking of students is inthecreativepredicate.withahighincreaseineachindicatoroffluencyandelaboration   Keywords: creatively; project-based learning; classroom action research

    Implementation of Chemo-entrepreneurship Teaching Approach for Improving Students' Life Skills

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    The Implementation of Chemo-entrepreneurship (CEP) Teaching Approach in Improving Students' Life Skills The study aimed at developing an innovative teaching method. Chemo-entrepreneurship (CEP) approach is a method is Chemistry teaching which relates the theory with everyday objects. This method provides the knowledge as well as the skills of Chemistry in order to transform raw materials into valuable products. The focus of the study was the improvement of students' achievement and the devel­opment of students' life skills. The subjects of the study were 39 students from the Chemistry Education Department of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). The data were obtained from the observation of the subjects, which were finally analyzed descriptively. The results of the study showed that the CEP teaching method was successfully implemented, and the students got better achievement. The study also revealed that the means of students' life skills were also improved.s' achievement of learning was in­creased. Students' average life skill score was also improved

    Mutation on Bacillus BAC4 Using Acridine orange as an Effort for Increasing Antibiotic Production = Mutasi pada Bacillus subtilis BAC4 dengan larutan akridin oranye sebagai upaya peningkatan produksi antibiotika

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    ABSTRACT The efforts to get a new antibiotic require to be done continuously, because infection diseases still become the main health problems in Indonesia. A new local strain of Bacillus subtilis BAC4 has been known producing an antibiotic that inhibites Serratia marcescens A TCC 27117 growth. Nevertheless, the optimum conditions have not been studied seriously. The objective of this research was to conduct mutation on B. subtilis BAC4 in order to obtain a mutant cell that overproducts In producing antibiotic. The mutation process was performed by using acridine orange of 1 g.C\u27 randomly at various volumes. The production of antibiotic was conducted using batch fermentation and antibiotic assay was performed with Elgar absorption method using S. marcescens ATCC 27117 as bacteria assay. Research result provided a B. subtilis M10 mutant with overproduction of antibiotic. Characterization of B. subtilis M10 mutant showed that the mutant cell has size of (0.5-1.0) pm x (1.85-2.5) pmspore has the form of ellipse with thick wavy wall, positive reaction for catalase, and fO(111ing acid from glucose and xylose Keywords: mutant, Bacillus, acridin, and antibiotics

    Peningkatan Life Skill Mahasiswa Kimia Berorientasi Chemoentrepreneurship (Cep) Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Stad

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    Based on the questionnaire to students UNNES Natural Sciences Department of Chemistry, professor of learning methods are still in the form of lectures and such very boring for students. Moreover, the material is an organic chemistry lecture course, especially the less favored and considered difficult by students because it is abstract, so it needs to be assisted visualization. It is therefore interesting to study as well as creativity and innovation fostering student learning and not so monotonous. The purpose of this study to determine the increase in life skill-oriented students Chemoentrepreneurship (CEP) through the STAD cooperative learning. This research is a class act consisting of three cycles. Each stage consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study is a student of Chemistry Department of Education UNNES third semester. Focus examined in this study is the increase in life skill students (academic skills). The data obtained and analyzed using descriptive methods to determine the increase in student life skill. From the research, learning classical exhaustiveness increased from stage I (43%), stage II (50%), and stage III (86%). The average score life skill (cognitive aspects) college students increased from cycle I, II, and III, respectively, 71.28; 78.21 and 89.15 .. Based on the results of this study can be concluded that the life skill students can be increased through the STAD cooperative learning-oriented CEP

    Demand of ICT-based chemistry learning media in the disruptive era

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    The challenges of education in the era of the industrial revolution include disruption 4.0, 21st-century skills, globalization, and global competition. Chemistry is a subject that needs to be developed in order to improve the educational system in the era of disruption. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the needs of the media-based chemistry study ICT at grade X redox materials in State Senior Highschool 8 Semarang during the disruption. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method which consists of the study of literature and the study of the field. Method of data collection is done through observation, question form, documentation, interview teachers, as well as interview students. This research instrument consisting of a sheet of observation, question form, and sheet interview. The results showed that chemical-based learning media limited ICT in State Senior Highschool 8 Semarang redox materials especially in class X. That is because of the teacher's difficulty in innovating to develop learning media chemistry-based ICT and lack of student understanding and literacy in the study of chemical materials. Teachers play an important role in order to educate the students towards the era of disruption. In this era of chemical subjects not only taught students with literacy (reading, writing, math) but the need for a new form of literacy the literacy data, technology, and human resources in order to overcome learning difficulties and improving students learning outcomes for better value

    Transformasi Setil Alkohol Menjadi Dimer Setil Alkohol dan Setil Asetat

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    Setil alkohol merupakan alkohol rantai panjang (C16) yang berasal dari senyawa turunan minyak sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan transformasi setil alkohol menjadi dimer setil alkohol dan setil asetat untuk meningkatkan nilai ekonomis dari setil alkohol. Reaksi dengan asam fosfat ini dilakukan dengan mengaduk campuran dari setil alkohol dalam THF eterate, asam fosfat, dan CTAB selama 90 menit pada suhu 180oC dengan perbandingan mmol setil alkohol dan asam fosfat 1:8. Hasil reaksi kemudian diekstraksi dengan eter. Lapisan organik ditambah Na2 CO3 sampai netral kemudian dicuci dengan akuades. Sisa air dihilangkan dengan penambahan Na2 SO4 anhidrat, sedangkan sisa pelarut dihilangkan dengan gas N2 . Reaksi dengan anhidrida asam asetat dilakukan dengan mengaduk campuran setil alkohol dalam THF eterate, anhidrida asam asetat dan H2 SO4 serta hasilnya dimurnikan melalui penambahan NaHCO3 sampai basa, kemudian dinetralkan dengan air. Hasil reaksi dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR, GC dan GC-MS. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hasil reaksi setil alkohol menggunakan asam fosfat adalah dimer dari setil alkohol dengan kelimpahan relatif 17,36% dan hasil reaksi setil alkohol dengan anhidrida asam asetat adalah setil asetat dengan kelimpahan relatif 36, 80%

    Transformasi α-Pinena dengan Bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 25923

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    Indonesia adalah Negara utama yang memproduksi minyak atsiri di dunia. Minyak terpentin adalah minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan dari destilasi getah pinus Pinus merkusi J ungh. Et. De. Vr. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan nilai minyak terpentin dengan mengubah kandungan utamanya, α-pinena menjadi senyawa baru menggunakan P. Aeruginosa dalam metode mikrobiologi. Minyak terpentin diambil dari Perhutani Laboratorium Jawa Tengah, dibuat dengan seri konsentrasi 0,5%, 1%, 2%, dan 4%. Minyak terpentin diinokulasi dalam suspensi P. areuginosa selama 48 jam pada suhu kamar (25-28oC). Hasilnya diekstraksi menggunakan dietil eter. Filtrat Terpentin dianalisis menggunakan GCdan IR. Hasil analisis GC menunjukkan puncak baru di konsentrasi 0,5%, 1%, dan 2%, tetapi dalam konsentrasi 4% tidak menunjukkan puncak baru. Hasil IR menunjukkan hidroksil (OH-) dan C-O alkohol. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa minyak terpentin dapat ditransformasi untuk menjadi senyawa yang mengandung gugus-OH melalui metode mikrobiologi dengan menggunakan bakteri P. aeruginosa. Indonesia is the main producer of essential oil in the world. Turpentine oil is an essential oil which is obtained from pine resin distillation of Pinus merkusi Jungh. et. De.Vr. The aim of this experiment was to increase the value of turpentine oil by changing its main content, i.e. α-pinene, into a new compound using P. aeruginosa in microbiological method. Turpentine oil was collected from Perhutani Central Java Laboratory, and was made into 0.5%; 1%; 2%; and 4% concentrations and it was inoculated in P. areuginosa suspension for 48 hours in room temperature (25°C-280C). The result was extracted using diethylether. The filtrate of turpentine was analyzed using GC and IR. The GC analysis result showed a new peak in 0.5%; 1%; and 2% concentrations, but in the 4% concentration didn’t show a new peak. The IR result showed alcohol with hydroxyl (-OH) and –C–O groups. This experiment concluded that turpentine oil may be transformed using P. aeruginosa in a microbiological method to become a substance containing –OH group.</p

    Sintesis Crude Palm Oil Methyl Ester Melalui Reaksi Transesterifikasi Minyak Kelapa Sawit Dengan Metanol

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    Crude Palm Oil Methyl Ester (CPOME) adalah senyawa metil ester yang berasal dari reaksi transesterifikasi minyak kelapa sawit (CPO) dengan metanol. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan sintesis CPOME melalui reaksi transesterifikasi minyak kelapa sawit dengan metanol menggunakan variasi katalis HCl, H2SO4 dan H3PO4. Reaksi dilakukan dengan cara merefluk pada suhu 60-64oC selama 6 jam dengan rasio molar metanol/minyak kelapa sawit sebesar 6:1. Konsentrasi katalis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 0,5% b/b terhadap berat minyak kelapa sawit. Senyawa yang telah terbentuk dari reaksi didiamkan selama 1 malam agar lapisan CPOME dan lapisan gliserol dapat memisah. Lapisan CPOME dicuci dengan air hangat sampai netral lalu disaring. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengeringan dengan menambahkan Na2SO4 anhidrat. Berdasarkan hasil reaksi diperoleh cairan jernih berwarna orange dengan bau yang khas. Senyawa hasil reaksi memiliki kerapatan 0,8935 g/ml dan indeks bias 1,4624. Hasil perhitungan rendemen menunjukkan bahwa persentase rendemen tertinggi diperoleh pada penambahan HCl (45,71%) kemudian H2SO4 (34,07%) dan H3PO4 (28,43%). Berdasarkan data kromatogram GC, persentase produk CPOME yang terbentuk pada penambahan HCl diperoleh hasil yang paling tinggi (75,68%) lalu diikuti H2SO4 (70,80%) dan H3PO4 (59,08%). Hasil Spektra Massa menunjukkan munculnya 5 puncak utama senyawa CPOME, yaitu metil tetradekanoat, metil heksadekanoat, metil cis-9, cis-12-oktadekadienoat, metil cis-9-oktadekenoat, dan metil oktadekanoat


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa melalui pembelajaran guided inquiry pada materi larutan penyangga serta kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah pretest-posttest control group design. Penelitian dimulai dari observasi ke sekolah, uji homogenitas data awal, menentukan sampel penelitian, uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen, serta memberikan perlakuan yang berbeda kepada kedua sampel. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas XI MIA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan XI MIA 4 sebagai kelas kontroL. Uji N-gain nilai pretest dan posttest diperoleh gain score (0,60) lebih besar dari 0,51. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa pada kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. Uji ketuntasan klasikal pada kelas eksperimen mencapai 89%, lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol yaitu 72%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kelas eksperimen telah mencapai ketuntasan klasikal, sedangkan kelas kontrol tidak mencapai ketuntasan karena kurang dari kriteria ketuntasan klasikal yaitu 75%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan model guided inquiry berbantuan lembar kerja siswa dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    The Acid Catalyzed Reaction of α-Pinene Over Y-Zeolite

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    The hydration of α-pinene has been studied in the presence of Y-zeolite (Si/Al = 2.89) as a solid acid catalyst. The reaction was performed in batch reactor in isopropyl alcohol at various temperature and reaction time with magnetic stirrer. The acid catalyst hydration reaction of a-pinene yields a complex mixture of monoterpenes, alcohols and hydrocarbons. The selectivity of α-terpineol (the monocyclic alcohol) as main product was 59.20% with a conversion of 83.83% and the non alcoholic as the isomerization co-product as 30% after 60 min at 65 °C. The conversion and selectivity to α-terpineol increase significantly with in increase in temperature and reaction times