22 research outputs found
Site Specific Nitrogen Management Simulated by CropSyst Model under Different Inputs of Nitrogen Fertilizer
Site Specific Nitrogen Management Simulated by CropSyst Model under Different Inputs of Nitrogen Fertilizer (Y Wijayanto): Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM) has been suggested as the only means for increasing productivity of crops and minimizing the environmental impacts. Despite of this, it is also widely recognized that compared to uniform application, SSNM provides a significant challenges related to the level of management. This is due to the fact that SSNM relates to the management of field / site (or fields / sites) and considers also the spatial and temporal component of factors leading to crop production. A method is urgently required and the most appropriate one is crop model. This study was aimed at using CropSyst to model yields due to the difference in N applications and its implementation for SSNM. The study area was located at Jenggawah Village, Sub-District Jenggawah, Jember Regency. Thirty soil samples were taken and six farmer’s fields were chosen for the purpose of modeling. Interview was conducted to obtain the information about the management of farmer’s fields. Yields in each farmer’s fields were used as an integrated indicator. The results suggested that the predicted yields at farmer’s fields were in agreement with those in reality. Simulated yields based on different amount of N inputs showed yields were proportional with different N inputs. This study concluded that there do exist a significant amount of potential applications of CropSyst for Site Specific Nitrogen Managemen
Analisis Variabilitas Total Nitrogen Tanah dengan Menggunakan Geostatistika pada Lahan Perkebunan Tebu Studi Kasus di Tanggul Kulon Kabupaten Jember
Potatoes are a commodity that has high carbohydrates after rice, wheat and paddy which makes potatoes one of the most popular commodities. The high level of seed-borne pathogen infection causes decreased productivity. Tissue culture is one of the methods used to minimize the level of pathogen contamination. The acclimatization phase is a very crucial phase because at this stage it is hoped that potato plants which were previously in in-vitro conditions can adapt to the in-vivo environment. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are fungi that can form a symbiosis with plants. The symbiosis that occurs is that mycorrhizae are able to produce growth hormone which can also help in carrying out nutrient uptake. This experiment was conducted using a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consisted of two factors. The first factor is potato cultivar which consists of granola cultivar (K1) and Atlantic cultivar (K2) and the second factor is mycorrhizal dose (M) which consists of 4 levels, namely without mycorrhizal (M0), mycorrhizal dose of 1 gram (M1), mycorrhizal dose of 3 grams (M2), and mycorrhizal dose of 5 grams (M3). The experimental results were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and if there was a significant difference, further tests were carried out using the Least Significance Diffent (LSD) test at the 5% level. Based on the experimental results, it was shown that mycorrhizal administration had a significant effect on the parameters of plant height and leaf area. The potato cultivar factor did not have a significant effect on all observation parameters. As well as the treatment of mycorrhizal factors and potato cultivars did not show any interaction on all observation parameters
A Study of Using QUEFTS Model for Establishing Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendation in Maize on the Basis of Farmer Fields
Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) of Maize is considered low. There are two important factors responsible for this condition: (a) uniform fertilizer recommendation, (b) lack of consideration on soil variability, Indigenous Nutrient Supply and plant nutrient needs. A method for studying low NUE and the capability of studying these two factors are urgently required. This study used Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility on Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) model. The main aim of this study was to employ and evaluate QUEFTS model for establishing site specific fertilizer recommendation in maize on the basis of farmer fields. Due to a unique characteristic of farmer field, it may be interesting to observe the pattern of soil fertility in relation to yields. Six farmer\u27s fields and thirty soil samples were taken and analysed in the laboratory. The results showed that QUEFTS model was a valuable tool to make fertilizer recommendation by using yields as an integrated indicator. The results also showed that QUEFTS model was a promising method for establishing fertilizer recommendation for maize. The merits of model for determining Indigenous Nutrient Supply, nutrient yield limiting factors, balanced fertilizer recommendation show that QUEFTS model is a valuable tool for site specific fertilizer recommendation
Spatial Variability of Total Nitrogen, pH, and Organic Carbon in Organic and Inorganic Farming
There have been significant efforts to transform traditional farming into organic farming practices. It is believed that this transformation would guarantee the long term production while it also maintains the environment. Studying the differences between these two practices in the form of maps can be useful for understanding spatially how effective the transformation has been achieved. This is because soil varies in space. The main aim of this research is to study the spatial variability of Total Nitrogen, pH and Organic Carbon in the soil. Methods used in this study consists of : (a) data capture; (b) data input in GIS; (c) processing data using Kriging: (d) analysis and presentation of results. The results showed that : (a)Soil organic content in the study area was generally low suggesting the future warning; (b) Using pH, Organic Carbon and Total N as indicators of assessing the differences between organic and inorganic practices, indicating that there has not been significant different between these practices; (c)The analysis of spatial variability using Kriging in GIS environment could uncover the spatial variability and suggested the way of managing the study area.
Keywords: organic farming, inorganic farming, spatial variability, soil propertie
Penerapan Teknologi Akuaponik Di Desa Sumberpakem Kecamatan Sumberjambe Kabupaten Jember
Aquaponik adalah sistem pertanian berkelanjutan dimana merupakan penggabungan budidaya ikan atau perikanan dengan penanaman tanaman baik sayuran atau buah buahan dalam satu lingkungan dimana saling mendukung atau biasanya dikembangkan dalan konsep dasar Aquaponik menggabungkan akuakultur (budidaya ikan) dan hidroponik (budidaya tanaman tanpa tanah). Pemberian ikan di bak atau kolam air, dimana akan menghasilkan limbah dalam bentuk amonia. Bakteri nitrifikasi mengubah amonia menjadi nitrat yang lebih rendah beracun. Air yang kaya nutrisi ini kemudian digunakan untuk menyuburkan tanaman dalam sistem hidroponik. Sistem kerja air yang mengandung limbah ikan dialirkan ke sistem hidroponik, di mana tanaman menyerap nutrisi yang ada dalam air. Tanaman ini menyaring air dan menghilangkan kelebihan nutrisi dan zat berbahaya, sementara akar mereka memberikan oksigen ke dalam air. Setelah air diolah oleh tanaman, air bersih dikembalikan ke bak ikan, menciptakan lingkaran yang berkelanjutan. Program pengabdian bertujuan untuk memberikan pendidikan dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang konsep dan manfaat aquaponik serta potensi keberlanjutan dan keuntungan ekonomi dari metode ini
Perlindungan Buah Jambu Kristal dari Serangan Lalat Buah Sebagai Optimalisasi Kualitas di Desa Tamanagung Kecamatan Cluring Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Tamanagung Village, Cluring District, Banyuwangi Regency is one area that cultivates crystal guava fruit for markets in areas in East Java and even big cities in Indonesia. However, one of the difficulties for farmers is to maintain good quality crystal guava and meet market criteria such as crunchy texture, sweetness, slightly runny, no spots, not rotten and free from maggots. Crystal guava fruit can be sold for Rp. 5,000.00 to Rp. 6,000.00 per kilogram but can drop dramatically if there is a decrease in fruit quality. In this service, fruit cover was chosen as this technology to protect crystal guava fruit (Psidium guajava) from fruit fly (Bactrocera spp.) attacks. The focus of this service program is the use of technology that is simple but can be applied quickly by farmers and has a real impact on cultivation results. Protection provides better yields such as avoiding fruit defects, is of higher quality and will increase the selling value of crystal guava fruit. In the end, this program will be able to increase the economic welfare of crystal guava farmers. It is hoped that the positive impact felt by farmers in community service locations can also be felt by farmers in other areas
[Perkembangan Penggunaan Big Data pada Bidang Pertanian di Indonesia] : Review
Sektor pertanian menghadapi banyak masalah, terutama di negara berkembang, dan masalah ini sangat membutuhkan solusi yang sangat tergantung pada kemanfaatan teknologi seperti data besar, mesin pertanian, dan inovasi modern lainnya. Tujuan review ini adalah mengkaji perkembangan penggunaan data besar dalam bidang pertanian di Indonesia, beberapa keunggulan dan kelemahan dan memberikan saran pengembangan penggunaan data besar di Indonesia. Hasil review lima aplikasi teknologi big data di Indonesia (HARA, E-Tani, Keraba Tani, KATAM dan Tandhur) menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang memanfaatkan big data tersebut masih dalam taraf awal pengembangan. Review ini memberikan rekomendasi aspek aspek yang secara potensial bisa dikembangkan
Learning from Community Practices: Social Capital of Farming Communities in Supporting Sustainable Agriculture
The use of chemical production facilities in farming, both food crops and horticultural crops, has an impact on agricultural land and human health, as well as causes damage to the environment, soil, water, air and living creatures. To achieve success in sustainable development, this is done by identifying social capital and developing farmer capacity. The research objectives are to identify sustainable agricultural practices carried out by farmers, identify community social capital in supporting sustainable agriculture. The research area was determined purposively in Pontang Village, Jember district. Determination of the research sample was carried out by simple random sampling on rice farmers. The research sample consisted of 106 respondents (margin of error of 10%). The data used in this research are primary and secondary data obtained from interviews, observations and document studies. Data analysis was carried out descriptively using scoring and categorization. Some sustainable agricultural practices carried out by communities in the research area are: organic agriculture, crop rotation and polyculture, soil management and agroforestry. Extension workers also conduct Field Schools (FS) for farmers. Farmers are given the knowledge and skills to utilize agricultural waste around them to make organic fertilizer. Extension workers also teach farmers in making PGPR, Beauveria bassiana, Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf), Trichoderma, and planting refugia in rice fields. The social capital of the farming community in supporting sustainable agriculture is in the moderate category, as well as the supporting dimensions such as the social, norm and network dimension are also in the moderate category
[Perkembangan Penggunaan Big Data pada Bidang Pertanian di Indonesia] : Review
Sektor pertanian menghadapi banyak masalah, terutama di negara berkembang, dan masalah ini sangat membutuhkan solusi yang sangat tergantung pada kemanfaatan teknologi seperti data besar, mesin pertanian, dan inovasi modern lainnya. Tujuan review ini adalah mengkaji perkembangan penggunaan data besar dalam bidang pertanian di Indonesia, beberapa keunggulan dan kelemahan dan memberikan saran pengembangan penggunaan data besar di Indonesia. Hasil review lima aplikasi teknologi big data di Indonesia (HARA, E-Tani, Keraba Tani, KATAM dan Tandhur) menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang memanfaatkan big data tersebut masih dalam taraf awal pengembangan. Review ini memberikan rekomendasi aspek aspek yang secara potensial bisa dikembangkan
Green Deli Rose Apples (Syzygium samarangense) has several beneficial properties in terms of usability, cultivation, health, and economy. The intensive development of green deli rose apples plants is needed given increasing demand, needs, and has bright prospects. One of the efforts to develop green deli rose apples plants is through handling plant propagation. Propagation of green deli rose apples can be done in two ways, namely generative and vegetative. Generative propagation requires a relatively long time, while vegetative propagation have difficult to growth in rooted. Shoot-cuttings is one of the vegetative propagation that has been chosen because it is easier to root than the old parts of the plant. The use of plant growth regulators (PGR) is needed to stimulate green deli rose apples shoot-cuttings rooting. Alternative PGR is giving shallot extract and coconut water as a substitute for synthetic auxin which has a relatively expensive price. The purpose of this study was to determine the combination of the effect of the concentration shallot extract and coconut water, as well as to find out the concentration of shallot extracts and coconut water which was most influential on the growth of shoot-cutting of green deli rose apples. The extract shallot concentration used is control, 0,5%, 1,0%, and 1,5%. The coconut water concentration used is control, 20%, 30% and 40%. Data obtained next analyzed and tested using DMRT α 5%. The result showed te best treatment combination for concentration shallot extract of 0,5% and coconut water of 20%.
Keywords: greend deli rose apples, shoot-cutting, shallot extract, coconut water
Jambu air madu deli hijau (MDH) (Syzygium samarangense) memiliki beberapa sifat yang menguntungkan baik dari segi kegunaan, budidaya, kesehatan, maupun ekonomi. Pengembangan tanaman secara intensif diperlukan mengingat permintaan dan kebutuhan yang semakin meningkat, serta memiliki prospek yang cerah. Salah satu usaha pengembangan tanaman yaitu melalui penanganan perbanyakan tanaman. Perbanyakan dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu generatif dan vegetatif. Perbanyakan secara generatif membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama, sedangkan perbanyakan vegetatif memiliki kendala sulit membentuk perakaran. Stek pucuk merupakan salah satu perbanyakan vegetatif yang banyak dipilih karena lebih mudah berakar dibandingkan bagian tanaman tua. Penggunaan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) diperlukan untuk merangsang perakaran stek pucuk jambu air MDH. Alternatif ZPT yaitu pemberian ekstrak bawang merah dan air kelapa sebagai pengganti auksin sintetis yang memiliki harga relatif mahal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kombinasi pengaruh konsentrasi ekstrak bawang merah dan air kelapa terhadap pertumbuhan stek pucuk jambu air MDH, serta mengetahui konsentrasi ekstrak bawang merah dan air kelapa yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan stek pucuk jambu air MDH. Konsentrasi ekstrak bawang merah yang digunakan antara lain kontrol, 0,5%, 1% dan 1,5%. Konsentrasi air kelapa yang digunakan antara lain kontrol, 20%, 30%, dan 40%. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis dan diuji menggunakan DMRT α 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi perlakuan terbaik untuk konsentrasi ekstrak bawang merah dan air kelapa adalah konsentrasi 0,5% dan air kelapa 20%.
Kata Kunci: jambu air madu deli hijau, stek pucuk, ekstrak bawang merah, air kelap