16 research outputs found

    The Application of Non-linear Cubic Regression in Rice Yield Predictions

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    The rice yields have fluctuated in Wonogiri Regency. This occasion happened in 2016-2018. Therefore, a prediction is needed to know whether rice yields will increase or decrease in the following year. The purpose of this study was to apply the polynomial non-linear regression method of third-degree in predicting rice yields. This study utilized the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the system design, black-box testing as the functional testing, and MSE testing as the validity testing. The computed data was data of 2016-2018. The results showed that the prediction of 2017-2019 using the harvested area model produced more accurate calculations. The harvested area model produced the same MSE value in manual and application calculations, which were 405433,1349 in 2017, 312677,7798 in 2018, and 171183.6347 in 2019. The polynomial non-linear cubic regression is a solution to predict rice yields. The output of the application is the prediction information for rice yield


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    Information technology is currently developing very rapidly. Especially after the Covid-19 Pandemic which makes activities and work done online. Communication allows the exchange of information between users and recipients. The Informatics Study Program is one of the study programs at STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta. Currently there are no special services available as a medium for delivering information for students and the wider community. So it is necessary to have a website that is useful for conveying information related to the activities of the Informatics Study Program. One of the widely available Content Management System is WordPress. In this study, the design and construction of a WordPress-based study program website uses the Waterfall model. Which stages in the Waterfall model consist of needs analysis, system design and software design, design and development, implementation, testing and maintenance. In the testing phase, the System Usability Scale (SUS) model is used to test the usability level or usability of the website. The test results show the usability level in the precentile ranks of 91.6%. With the category of being included in the class A scale or letter grades level and having an adjective rating level of BEST IMAGINABLE or ACCEPTABLE in the acceptability ranges. This assessment is based on 40 respondents consisting of Education Personnel, Lecturers, Students and the General Public

    Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Berbasis Android untuk Meningkatkan Promosi Produk pada CV Putra Nugraha

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    Pemasaran merupakan salah satu kunci utama sebuah perusahaan dalam mengenalkan produknya. Di era transformasi teknologi informasi ini menuntut perusahaan bergerak cepat mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi. Khususnya dibidang pemasaran. CV Putra Nugraha merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang percetakan buku maupun majalah dalam skala kecil sampai besar. Perusahaan tersebut telah memiliki official website sebagai sarana untuk mengenalkan produknya ke konsumen. Hanya saja era saat ini perkembangan teknologi web mulai bergeser ke teknologi mobile. Beberapa aktifitas informasi katalog, pemesanan dan lainnya lebih mudah diakses dengan perangkat mobile. Sehingga perlu adanya tambahan teknologi alternatif untuk mendukung official website. Teknologi ini berupa aplikasi mobile berbasis Android. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi mobile berbasis Android ini dilaksanakan dengan tiga tahapan, yaitu: pengambilan data, perancangan, dan sosialisasi serta implementasi. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh adalah terbentuknya aplikasi Android yang dapat diakses lewat Google Playstore. Selain itu juga meningkatkan promosi produk dari CV Putra Nugraha. Dimana dengan naiknya promosi produk akan dapat meningkatkan jumlah pendapatan dari CV Putra Nugraha


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    Respiratory diseases are one of the most common diseases in Indonesia. Respiratory diseases increase the risk of fatal if not treated immediately. However, it is unfortunate that knowledge about the risk of respiratory disease is still lacking. The search method used in making this expert system is forward chaining with binary tree structure. Namely doing the processing of a set of data, then conducted inference in accordance with the rules applied to find the optimal conclusion. Experts provide rules for determining symptoms and illness. While the calculation and ranking of diseases that may suffer patients using the method fuzzy tsukamoto to provide the results of calculations that are certain based on the parameters. Then the patient's diagnostic process is done by the system. The Diagnostic Expert System for Respiratory Disease has been successfully established and can be used to assist in estimating the illness suffered by the patient as the result of the developed system is not much different from the running system. Based on the comparison of disease diagnosis result in expert system with manual system then the system accuracy level is 90,9%. Based on the website view has the largest percentage of 71.42 in good description, for user friendly / ease of respiratory system experts get the largest percentage of 85.71 in good information, to assist in the process of disease information and treatment get the largest percentage of 57.14 in a good description, to help the diagnosis process becomes easier to get the largest percentage of 71.42 in good information, for this expert system provides information on respiratory disease treatment accurately get the largest percentage of 57.14 in either


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    District Tawangmangu has many types of villa that can be able to the local people and the community itself. Information about where the villa is needed by tourists also the general public is the route information to the villa in district Tawangmangu. The aim of the research is to apply Floyd Warshall algorithm in finding the shortest route for villa in Tawangmangu District which has 150 and about 30 which will be displayed in the Web interface with the help of Google Maps API. The closest villa location to the Grojokan sewu tourist is the villa Indra Sari with a yield of 245 meters. As well as comparisons with Google Maps got results 80% of the 30 different test paths and due diligence with respondents showed a feasibility rate of 88,75% indicating that the application made is well-deserved by the user, Floyd Warshall algorithm is applied because the principle held by the algorithm Floyd Warshall is the principle of optimality. The result is an application that can show the shortest route, along with from the starting location to the destination location of the villa

    Perbandingan Prediksi Tinggi Muka Air Bendungan Wonogiri dengan Single Exponential Smoothing dan Brown’s Exponential Smoothing

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    Intensitas hujan tahunan di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solomengakibatkan debit aliran sungai besar di beberapa anak sungai. Debit aliransungai yang besar mengakibatkan tinggi muka air di beberapa pos pemantauanmeningkat. Tinggi muka air di setiap pos pemantauan diukur setiap hari denganperiode yang sama, pagi (06.00), siang (12.00), dan sore (18.00). oleh karena itu data tinggi muka air merupakan data runtun waktu. Salah satu metode peramalan data runtun waktu adalah single exponential smoothing dan Brown’s double exponential smoothing. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pemodelan data tinggi muka air sungai Bengawan Solo pada pos pemantauan Wonogiri Juni – Desember 2018

    Cybersecurity Vulnerability Behavior Scale in College During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The penetration of Indonesian internet users in first quarter of 2020 has increased by 17 percent compared to 2019. Based on Google Consumer Barometer in 2018, many 79% of Internet users in Indonesia use the internet on a daily basis. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, universities had to do Study From Home and Work From Home. This resulted, use of information technology and computers also increasing. This increase will have an impact on the level of cybercrime vulnerability. The scale of cyber vulnerability is needed to measure level of cybersecurity in universities, especially in data managers. There are five scales, Very Safe, Safe, Vulnerable, Very Vulnerable, and Dangerous. Where the scale is used in negative and positive statements. The measurement results show an average value of 3.3 or a vulnerable scale. Total average value of negative statements is 2.53 or scale close to vulnerability. So it is necessary to socialize the importance of cybersecurity to minimize occurrence of cybercrime