294 research outputs found

    Not A Multicultural Society

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    This article was intended to criticise the expert's claims towards across disciplines who stated the Balinese people were a multicultural society and had been inherited since royal and prehistoric times. Whereas, the multiculturalism was as the main concepts that make up the newly formed multicultural conception of society in the United States in the 1960s. The claim was a historical reality that was not neutral, which was more geared to the present interests, in order to justify the general opinion that stated Balinese people was the most tolerant society in Indonesia. The historical evidence and practice interfaith society life, both past and present proof indicates otherwise, the Balinese people was not a multicultural society, but only a plural society. The conclusions were derived based the three questions formulated. which was why people who have the power to speak on behalf of Bali need to conduct disciplinary body against the Hindus and the Muslims, how the practices of self-disciplining to the Hinduism and Islam people implemented or implemented, and what the implications of that self-disciplining of practicing for the Balinese of Hinduism and Muslim. As the cornerstone of thinking in answering, these three issues used Michel Foucault's way of thinking, especially, in the domain of disciplinary power

    Indian Influences on Balinese Culture: the Role of Hinduism and Buddhism in Present Day Bali

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    Indian culture has dominantly influenced the Indonesian people, particularly in the western part of the archipelago. This, which started centuries ago, can still be seen in the peoples' daily lives in social, cultural, economic and political matters. Both the Hindu and Buddhist lessons have been practiced in Bali, although it is argued that the Buddhist lessons had been developed earlier than the Hindu ones. These developments have strongly characterized Balinese daily life, so, it is very important to understand how people anticipate and solve some crucial issues regarding the processes of modernization and globalization. There are some important questions that need to be addressed on the Indian influences in strengthening the Balinese culture from the earlier periods until the modern and even postmodern times. In this case, the specific questions are: Firstly, how did the Balinese accept these two lessons in their daily lives in the context of Balinization processes? Secondly, what kinds of tangible and intangible cultures of the Hindu and Buddhist lessons can be seen in the present day Bali? Thirdly, how do they strengthen the Bali identity or Balinization, known as “Ajeg Bali”

    Monitoring Sebaran Vegetasi Mangrove yang Direhabilitasi di Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya

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    Kawasan pesisir Wonorejo merupakan kawasan mangrove yang direhabilitasi menjadi kawasan ekowisata. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola pembentukan zonasi vegetasi pada ekosistem mangrove yang telah direhabilitasi. Lokasi pengamatan berada pada 3 stasiun, yaitu Stasiun 1 terletak pada batas atas zona supratidal, Stasiun 2 di pertengahan zona intertidal, dan Stasiun 3 pada zona subtidal. Struktur vegetasi mangrove dianalisis berdasarkan Kerapatan Jenis (K), Dominansi (D), dan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP); sedangkan sebaran vegetasi mangrove berdasarkan karakteristik lingkungan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (Principal Component Analysis, PCA). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa jenis yang dominan pada Stasiun 1 adalah Nypa fruticans (84,2%), sedangkan pada Stasiun 2 jenis yang dominan adalah Excoecaria agallocha (40,9%), dan di Stasiun 3 adalah Avicennia alba (83,4%). Tingkat kerusakan vegetasi mangrove di Wonorejo dikategorikan sedang, dengan kerapatan pohon antara ≥ 1000 – < 1500 per hektar. Indeks keanekaragaman pada semua stasiun juga tergolong rendah karena bernilai kurang dari 1,5. Ekosistem ini mulai menunjukkan adanya suksesi ekosistem, terbukti dengan mulai adanya jenis-jenis mangrove lain yang tidak ditanam dengan sengaja. Hasil analisis PCA menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif antara parameter jenis vegetasi dengan tinggi rendaman pasut, salinitas, dan pH, yang berkontribusi membentuk sumbu F2 positif. Artinya ketiga parameter tersebut merupakan faktor utama yang menentukan apakah ekosistem tersebut sesuai untuk pertumbuhan jenis mangrove tertentu

    Keanekaragaman Komunitas Krustasea Di Kepulauan Matasiri Kalimantan Selatan* [the Community Diversity of Crustacean in Matasiri Islands, South Kalimantan]

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    Studies on the community diversity of crustaceans have been conducted in the waters of Matasiri Islands, South Kalimantan, from 19th November to 1st December 2010. This research was conducted to determine the density, diversity and the presence of crustacean fauna in the waters of South Kalimantan, especially in the Matasiri Islands. Samples were collected using trawl gear operated by KR (Research Ship) BarunaJaya VIII in four Stations and three Stations of free collecting along the islands. Free sampling was conducted along the beach and the reef edge by breaking live and dead rocks, and digging sand and mud in the mangrove or using hand net around the beach of Matasiri Islands. Collection is also done using the gillnet gear which is installed in shallow water during high tides about 4 hours.The samples were collected during low tide. The results obtained were 1882 individuals covering 86 species and 19 families. The diversity index ranges between 0.97 (the lowest at Station 3 of free collecting) and 3.74 (the highest in Station 3 of trawl). While the similarity index ranged from 0.36 (the lowest in Station 1 of trawl) to 0.97 (the highest in Station 3 of free collecting). Penaeidae prawn has the highest density in each observed station. Portunidae crab has the second highest density. South Kalimantan waters especially Matasiri Islands is still in good condition for crustacean life

    The Analysis of Performance Based on Balanced Scorecard at Karangasem Hospital

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    Background and purpose: Karangasem Hospital has adopted balanced scorecard method in preparation of the strategic plan. The performance evaluation has been done based on accountability report only with the three other perspectives have never been analysed before. This study was conducted to assess those four perspectives.Methods: Cross-sectional survey was carried out among 110 inpatients and 95 employees which were selected conveniently. The data were collected by interviews using questionnaire. The data were analyzed with kartesius graph to get each item of patients and employees satisfaction that need to be priority. Secondary data analysis conducted to know the tendency of those four perspectives.Results: Based on the assessment of the four perspectives showed that the overall score is 44.7 %. It is defined as sufficient category. This also can be observed that each perspective of finance, customers and internal business process included in sufficient category. Their scores are 16.65%, 12.5% and 15.62%. Meanwhile, for the learning and growth perspective showed as weak category (0). Kartesius graph analysis showed that two items of patient's satisfaction have to do with procedure and quick service need to be concerned. However, the employees' satisfaction showed that there are five sub items which need to be concerned. They are quick response, management support and working environment.Conclusion: The performance of Karangasem Hospital based on scorecard is in the sufficient category and patients/employee's satisfaction still need to be concerned on certain items
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