7 research outputs found

    Design of Wireless Sensor Network for Drainage Monitoring System

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    Drainage is defined as the infrastructure for drying the land from the excess and unutilized water; rainwater and waste water. Drainage conditions should be monitored in order to maintain its proper function. In fact, not all areas have drainage monitoring team. It leads to irregular monitoring of the drainage condition. The irregular monitoring has contribution on the clogging of the drainage that imply to the siltation which trigger flooding in the neighbourhood. Manual monitoring is also inefficient. It needs a lot of dedicated persons who are only able to record limited report with low accuracy. These weaknesses lead to the slow handling for problems in drainage. This paper discuss about the design of drainage systems intended to monitor conditions at several points in drainage system using wireless sensor networks. Some sensor nodes are deployed at several determined points to be connected each other.  The recorded data will be stored into a database that is visualized by Geographical Information System (GIS). The monitoring parameters are water levels in drainage, water discharge and rainfall conditions around the drainage area. This system is expected to monitor the drainage conditions real time continuously, and to store the data properly. The presenting data through GIS is expected to be a reference for determining drainage master plan in an area.   Keywords: Drainage, Node sensor, wireless sensor networ

    Data Logging pada Real Time Passenger Information System Berbasis NI myRIO

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    Jumlah kendaraan di kota- kota besar akan semakin bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu, begitu juga dengan kota Pekanbaru. Peningkatan volume kendaraan yang tidak disertai dengan peningkatan volume jalan akan menimbulkan masalah kemacetan lalu lintas yang tidak terhindarkan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Pemerintah Daerah Pekanbaru menerapkan sistem Bus Trans Metro Pekanbaru, yang dikenal dengan TMP pada tahun 2009. Diharapkan pengguna kendaraan pribadi akan beralih ke TMP. Namun hingga saat ini, TMP masih memiliki peminat yang rendah. Tidak sebandingnya bus yang beroperasi dan panjangnya jalur operasi menyebabkan selang waktu antar bus pada satu tempat menjadi sangat lama. Tidak adanya kepastian kapan bus akan sampai ke halte menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan sistem ini. Posisi dan kecepatan bus yang didapat dari modul GPS akan dibaca myRIO (Kontroler) dan dikirimkan ke database mySQL pada server PCR. Data tersebut akan digunakan untuk menentukan waktu sampai ke perhentian berikutnya. Data waktu akan ditempilkan pada situs web. Selain itu, alat yang dibuat akan dilengkapi NFC reader untuk pembuatan sistem pembayaran tiket yang akan memotong saldo berdasarkan jarak yang ditempuhJumlah kendaraan di kota- kota besar akan semakin bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu, begitujuga dengan kota Pekanbaru. Peningkatan volume kendaraan yang tidak disertai denganpeningkatan volume jalan akan menimbulkan masalah kemacetan lalu lintas yang tidakterhindarkan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Pemerintah Daerah Pekanbaru menerapkansistem Bus Trans Metro Pekanbaru, yang dikenal dengan TMP pada tahun 2009. Diharapkanpengguna kendaraan pribadi akan beralih ke TMP. Namun hingga saat ini, TMP masih memilikipeminat yang rendah. Tidak sebandingnya bus yang beroperasi dan panjangnya jalur operasimenyebabkan selang waktu antar bus pada satu tempat menjadi sangat lama. Tidak adanyakepastian kapan bus akan sampai ke halte menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkankegagalan sistem ini. Posisi dan kecepatan bus yang didapat dari modul GPS akan dibaca myRIO(Kontroler) dan dikirimkan ke database mySQL pada server PCR. Data tersebut akan digunakanuntuk menentukan waktu sampai ke perhentian berikutnya. Data waktu akan ditempilkan padasitus web. Selain itu, alat yang dibuat akan dilengkapi NFC reader untuk pembuatan sistempembayaran tiket yang akan memotong saldo berdasarkan jarak yang ditempuh

    Mesin Penjual Softdrink Otomatis Berbasis ATMega8535

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    Vending Machine merupakan mesin penjual minuman softdrink dengan menggunakan koin atau uang kertas sebagai transaksinya. Pada tulisan  disajikan rancangan sebuah alat penjualan softdrink otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler ATMega8535. Komponen yang digunakan adalah TCS3200, Motor DC, Pushbutton, 7-Segment, dan Motor Servo. Sensor akan mendeteksi mata uang kertas untuk menentukan besar nilainya mata uang. Motor DC digunakan sebagai aktuator pada penarikan uang. Kemudian untuk masukan dari mesin ini menggunakan Pushbutton berfungsi sebagai tombol pemilihan minuman. Pada mesin terdapat penunjukan jumlah minuman. Sedangkan sistem kerja penjatuhan minuman menggunakan motor servo setiap slot minuman. Untuk uang Rp5.000 hanya dapat melakukan sekali transaksi sedangkan uang Rp10.000 melakukan dua transaksi karena alat tidak menerima kembalian. Pengujian dilakukan pada pendeteksian mata uang, penarikan uang, dan pengeluaran minuman. Dari hasil pengujian didapat rata rata persentase keberhasilan vending machine dengan uang Rp5.000 sebesar 96.6% dan ketika uang Rp10.000 persentase keberhasilannya mencapai 93.2

    Characterization and structural analysis of RF magnetron sputtered strontium stannate thin films

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    This paper presents physical and morphology properties of strontium stannate (SrSnO3) perovskite-type as a candidate of an n-type material thin film for organic-inorganic hybrid diode heterojunction for optoelectronics application. Typical wet-process of SrSnO3 deposition produce thick film and having 10-8 S/cm order in conductivity. The SrSnO3 thin films were deposited on ITO glass substrates by RF magnetron sputtering using a purity 99.9% SrSnO3 target with 5.0 mTorr of gas pressure and 100 W of RF power at room temperature. The gas composition of pure argon (75%) and reactive oxygen gas (25%) was used for 60 min. XRD diffraction patterns revealed that the thin films are orthorhombic crystal structure with lattice parameter a=5.7040 Ǻ, b=8.06 Ǻ and c=5.7080 Ǻ with a strong orientation in the (002) direction. SEM images showed that films exhibited uniform surface morphology with a roughness average of Ra=2.258 nm and thickness of 311 nm. The EDX spectrum confirmed the presence of O, Sr, and Sn elements in the films with 75.22%, 8.29%, 16.49% in atomic number, respectively. The films were having a conductivity of 8.33x102 S/cm with low resistivity of 12.4x10-3 W-cm

    A compact design of multi-feeder data logging system for power quality measurement with a multiplexer and a single PQ transducer

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    This paper presents a simple and costs effective equipment design multi-feeder data logger for recording and monitoring power quality. The system design uses remote supervising and multi-feeder data logging system (RESMOS). The data collected through resmos portable unit (RMPU) will automatically be saved with the format as binary and comma separated value (CSV). The time setting on the RMPU can be configured with minimum one minute per logging. This data logger uses a single transducer with a multiplexer for recording and monitoring ten channels of power quality at busbar. The system design has been validated with national metrology laboratory scientific and industrial research institute of Malaysia (SIRIM). This tool has the advantage that it can be used to measure harmonic data more than 21st at the same time for ten channels and equipped with software making it easier for analysis data with low operational costs versus another power quality equipment. The experimental results indicate that the proposed technique can accelerate data reading with conversion rate one sample per second for each channel. The device can be used to measure harmonic level and power quality with a confidence level above 95% and percentage error under 2.43% for total harmonics distortion (THD) and 1.72% for voltage harmonics

    Implementation of Grid Mapping Method for Firefighting Legged Robot

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    The firefighting robot contest is an event to encourage high education students to explore electronics and robotic skill. The difficulty level of the contest increases from year to year though the arena layout is relatively similar. The field of arena consists of maze, detachable doors and distractorswhich requires smart idea to enable the robot to be well-performed. The combination of home position and random fire spot at each round of the game make each team have to find the most effective method to win the match. This paper presents an implementation the grid map method on the Azmi four legged robot using ultrasonic PING sensor, GPYA021 infrared sensor and GY-955 gyroscope. An ultrasonic sensor is attached on each of four sides of the robot. The data from each sensor will be interpreted as the distance of the front, right, left and back of the robot relative to the wall. Interpretation depends on the robot's current position. Virtual mapping technique was used by assuming that the arena consists of grids which have uniform size. Each grid was given a consecutive index numbering i.e a symbolic number which in practice be manifested in terms of distance unit. The results showed that the grid map method in this study worked well, tested on four randomized configurations, the robot successfully carried out the search task and returned to the home position with an acceptable execution time

    Morphological, structural and electrical properties of pentacene thin films grown via thermal evaporation technique

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    The physical and structural characteristics of pentacene thin films on indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass were studied. The pentacene films were deposited using the thermal evaporation method with deposition times of 20, 30, and 60 minutes. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images revealed that film thickness increased with deposition time, with a bulk phase layer appearing at 60 minutes. The presence of the thin-film phase corresponding to 15.5 Å lattice spacing was demonstrated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns in pentacene films with deposition times of 20 and 30 minutes. Meanwhile, with a deposition time of 60 minutes and a lattice spacing of 14.5 Å, the existence of the bulk phase was verified in the pentacene film. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of the crystallinity of the pentacene films revealed that the pentacene films deposited on ITO-coated glass exhibited the formation of similar islands with modular grains, results in a fine crystalline structure. From the current-voltage (I-V) and current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics, the pentacene films were ohmic and that current increased as the pentacene’s thickness decreased. Pentacene films deposited on an ITO-coated glass substrate showed potential in the development of broadband and narrowband optoelectronic devices on a transparent substrate