789 research outputs found

    Collisional excitation of HC3N by para- and ortho-H2

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    New calculations for rotational excitation of cyanoacetylene by collisions with hydrogen molecules are performed to include the lowest 38 rotational levels of HC3N and kinetic temperatures to 300 K. Calculations are based on the interaction potential of Wernli et al. A&A, 464, 1147 (2007) whose accuracy is checked against spectroscopic measurements of the HC3N-H2 complex. The quantum coupled-channel approach is employed and complemented by quasi-classical trajectory calculations. Rate coefficients for ortho-H2 are provided for the first time. Hyperfine resolved rate coefficients are also deduced. Collisional propensity rules are discussed and comparisons between quantum and classical rate coefficients are presented. This collisional data should prove useful in interpreting HC3N observations in the cold and warm ISM, as well as in protoplanetary disks.Comment: 8 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Effect of Gain-Dependent Phase Shift on Fiber Laser Synchronization

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated synchronization of fiber laser arrays at low and moderate pump levels. It has been suggested that a key dynamical process leading to synchronized behavior is the differential phase shift induced by the gain media. We explore theoretically the role of this effect in generating inphase dynamics. We find that its presence can substantially enhance the degree of inphase stability to an extent that could be practically important. At the same time, our analysis shows that a gain-dependent phase shift is not a necessary ingredient in the dynamical selection of the inphase state, thus, leading us to reconsider the essential mechanism behind inphase selection in fiber laser arrays

    Collisional excitation of singly deuterated ammonia NH2_2D by H2_2

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    The availability of collisional rate coefficients with H2_2 is a pre-requisite for interpretation of observations of molecules whose energy levels are populated under non local thermodynamical equilibrium conditions. In the current study, we present collisional rate coefficients for the NH2_2D / para--H2_2(J2=0,2J_2 = 0,2) collisional system, for energy levels up to Jτ=77J_\tau = 7_7 (EuE_u\sim735 K) and for gas temperatures in the range T=5300T = 5-300K. The cross sections are obtained using the essentially exact close--coupling (CC) formalism at low energy and at the highest energies, we used the coupled--states (CS) approximation. For the energy levels up to Jτ=42J_\tau = 4_2 (EuE_u\sim215 K), the cross sections obtained through the CS formalism are scaled according to a few CC reference points. These reference points are subsequently used to estimate the accuracy of the rate coefficients for higher levels, which is mainly limited by the use of the CS formalism. Considering the current potential energy surface, the rate coefficients are thus expected to be accurate to within 5\% for the levels below Jτ=42J_\tau = 4_2, while we estimate an accuracy of 30\% for higher levels

    Slow Switching in Globally Coupled Oscillators: Robustness and Occurrence through Delayed Coupling

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    The phenomenon of slow switching in populations of globally coupled oscillators is discussed. This characteristic collective dynamics, which was first discovered in a particular class of the phase oscillator model, is a result of the formation of a heteroclinic loop connecting a pair of clustered states of the population. We argue that the same behavior can arise in a wider class of oscillator models with the amplitude degree of freedom. We also argue how such heteroclinic loops arise inevitably and persist robustly in a homogeneous population of globally coupled oscillators. Although the heteroclinic loop might seem to arise only exceptionally, we find that it appears rather easily by introducing the time-delay in the population which would otherwise exhibit perfect phase synchrony. We argue that the appearance of the heteroclinic loop induced by the delayed coupling is then characterized by transcritical and saddle-node bifurcations. Slow switching arises when the system with a heteroclinic loop is weakly perturbed. This will be demonstrated with a vector model by applying weak noises. Other types of weak symmetry-breaking perturbations can also cause slow switching.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, RevTex, twocolumn, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Collisional excitation of doubly and triply deuterated ammonia ND2_2H and ND3_3 by H2_2

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    The availability of collisional rate coefficients is a prerequisite for an accurate interpretation of astrophysical observations, since the observed media often harbour densities where molecules are populated under non--LTE conditions. In the current study, we present calculations of rate coefficients suitable to describe the various spin isomers of multiply deuterated ammonia, namely the ND2_2H and ND3_3 isotopologues. These calculations are based on the most accurate NH3_3--H2_2 potential energy surface available, which has been modified to describe the geometrical changes induced by the nuclear substitutions. The dynamical calculations are performed within the close--coupling formalism and are carried out in order to provide rate coefficients up to a temperature of TT = 50K. For the various isotopologues/symmetries, we provide rate coefficients for the energy levels below \sim 100 cm1^{-1}. Subsequently, these new rate coefficients are used in astrophysical models aimed at reproducing the NH2_2D, ND2_2H and ND3_3 observations previously reported towards the prestellar cores B1b and 16293E. We thus update the estimates of the corresponding column densities and find a reasonable agreement with the previous models. In particular, the ortho--to--para ratios of NH2_2D and NHD2_2 are found to be consistent with the statistical ratios

    Rapid Polymerase Chain Reaction–Based Test for the Detection of Female Urogenital Chlamydial Infections

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Amplicor Chlamydia trachomatis Test (Roche Molecular Systems, Branchburg, NJ), a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based technique, as a screening test for the detection of female urogenital C. trachomatis infections, comparing it to an enzyme immunoassay method

    Dynamics of a Josephson Array in a Resonant Cavity

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    We derive dynamical equations for a Josephson array coupled to a resonant cavity by applying the Heisenberg equations of motion to a model Hamiltonian described by us earlier [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 63}, 144522 (2001); Phys. Rev. B {\bf 64}, 179902 (E)]. By means of a canonical transformation, we also show that, in the absence of an applied current and dissipation, our model reduces to one described by Shnirman {\it et al} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 79}, 2371 (1997)] for coupled qubits, and that it corresponds to a capacitive coupling between the array and the cavity mode. From extensive numerical solutions of the model in one dimension, we find that the array locks into a coherent, periodic state above a critical number of active junctions, that the current-voltage characteristics of the array have self-induced resonant steps (SIRS's), that when NaN_a active junctions are synchronized on a SIRS, the energy emitted into the resonant cavity is quadratic in NaN_a, and that when a fixed number of junctions is biased on a SIRS, the energy is linear in the input power. All these results are in agreement with recent experiments. By choosing the initial conditions carefully, we can drive the array into any of a variety of different integer SIRS's. We tentatively identify terms in the equations of motion which give rise to both the SIRS's and the coherence threshold. We also find higher-order integer SIRS's and fractional SIRS's in some simulations. We conclude that a resonant cavity can produce threshold behavior and SIRS's even in a one-dimensional array with appropriate experimental parameters, and that the experimental data, including the coherent emission, can be understood from classical equations of motion.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Evaluation of “Dream Herb,” Calea zacatechichi

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    A recent surge in the use of dietary supplements, including herbal remedies, necessitates investigations into their safety profiles. “Dream herb,” Calea zacatechichi, has long been used in traditional folk medicine for a variety of purposes and is currently being marketed in the US for medicinal purposes, including diabetes treatment. Despite the inherent vulnerability of the renal system to xenobiotic toxicity, there is a lack of safety studies on the nephrotoxic potential of this herb. Additionally, the high frequency of diabetes-associated kidney disease makes safety screening of C. zacatechichi for safety especially important. We exposed human proximal tubule HK-2 cells to increasing doses of this herb alongside known toxicant and protectant control compounds to examine potential toxicity effects of C. zacatechichi relative to control compounds. We evaluated both cellular and mitochondrial functional changes related to toxicity of this dietary supplement and found that even at low doses evidence of cellular toxicity was significant. Moreover, these findings correlated with significantly elevated levels of nephrotoxicity biomarkers, lending further support for the need to further scrutinize the safety of this herbal dietary supplement