1,065 research outputs found

    Communicating Java Threads

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    The incorporation of multithreading in Java may be considered a significant part of the Java language, because it provides udimentary facilities for concurrent programming. However, we belief that the use of channels is a fundamental concept for concurrent programming. The channel approach as described in this paper is a realization of a systematic design method for concurrent programming in Java based on the CSP paradigm. CSP requires the availability of a Channel class and the addition of composition constructs for sequential, parallel and alternative processes. The Channel class and the constructs have been implemented in Java in compliance with the definitions in CSP. As a result, implementing communication between processes is facilitated, enabling the programmer to avoid deadlock more easily, and freeing the programmer from synchronization and scheduling constructs. The use of the Channel class and the additional constructs is illustrated in a simple application

    Identifying Misalignments between Public Participation Process and Context in Urban Development

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    Public participation is a common element in state-of-the-art urban development projects. Tailoring the public participation process to the local context is a popular strategy for ensuring sufficient turnout and meaningful engagement, but this strategy faces several challenges. Through a review of case studies of public participation in urban development projects, we identify ten typical misalignments between the public participation process and the local context, including the lack of policy maker support, adverse personal circumstances of participants, low collaborative capacity, and mistrust, among others. When a public participation process is not aligned to the local context, the process may generate outcomes that compromise public interests, inequitably distribute benefits among stakeholders, or favor powerful private interests. This study offers caution and guidance to planning practitioners and researchers on how to contextualize public participation in urban development projects through the categorization of common misalignments that ought to be avoided

    Identifying Misalignments between Public Participation Process and Context in Urban Development

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    Public participation is a common element in state-of-the-art urban development projects. Tailoring the public participation process to the local context is a popular strategy for ensuring sufficient turnout and meaningful engagement, but this strategy faces several challenges. Through a review of case studies of public participation in urban development projects, we identify ten typical misalignments between the public participation process and the local context, including the lack of policy maker support, adverse personal circumstances of participants, low collaborative capacity, and mistrust, among others. When a public participation process is not aligned to the local context, the process may generate outcomes that compromise public interests, inequitably distribute benefits among stakeholders, or favor powerful private interests. This study offers caution and guidance to planning practitioners and researchers on how to contextualize public participation in urban development projects through the categorization of common misalignments that ought to be avoided

    A Real time network at home

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    This paper proposes a home network which integrates both real-time and non-real-time capabilities for one coherent, distributed architecture. Such a network is not yet available. Our network will support inexpensive, small appliances as well as more expensive, large appliances. The network is based on a new type of real-time token protocol that uses scheduling to achieve optimal token-routing through the network. Depending on the scheduling algorithm, bandwidth utilisations of 100 percent are possible. Token management, to prevent token-loss or multiple tokens, is essential to support a dynamic, plug-and-play configuration. Small appliances, like sensors, would contain low-cost, embedded processors with limited computing power, which can handle lightweight network protocols. All other operations can be delegated to other appliances that have sufficient resources. This provides a basis for transparency, as it separates controlling and controlled object. Our network will support this. We will show the proposed architecture of such a network and present experiences with and preliminary research of our design

    Plasmodium falciparum: Funktionelle Analyse von Proteinen des sekretorischen Transportweges in transfizierten Zellen

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    In erythrozytären Entwicklungsstadien von Plasmodium falciparum werden Parasitenproteine zu verschiedenen Kompartimenten innerhalb des Parasiten transportiert sowie in die Wirtszelle exportiert und stehen in direktem Zusammenhang mit der schweren klinischen Symptomatik der Malaria tropica. Der Transport der meisten Parasitenproteine wird durch die Gegenwart von Brefeldin A (BFA) inhibiert. Die Zielstruktur von BFA ist die konservierte Sec7 Domäne der Arf-Guanin-Nukleotid-Austauschfaktoren (Arf-Gef), die für die Aktivierung von Arf (ADP-Ribosylierungsfaktor) und für die Ausbildung von COP I-Transportvesikeln notwendig ist. Über double cross-over Gen-Austausch in P. falciparum konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass eine Punktmutation innerhalb der Sec7 Domäne ausreichend ist, um BFA-Resistenz der Parasiten zu begründen. Es wurden Komplementations-Studien in der Hefe S. cerevisiae durchgeführt, die einen intermediären Phänotyp hervorbrachten und darauf hindeuten, dass das P. falciparum Arf-Gef möglicherweise als GDP-GTP-Austausch-Protein in ER-/Golgi-Transportprozessen funktioniert. In der Sec7 Region des PfArf-Gef existiert eine ungewöhnlich lange Einschubsequenz, deren Bedeutung in der Hefe und in silico untersucht wurde. Exportierte Parasitenproteine, die beispielsweise in die Kompartimente des Apikalkomplexes oder in den Apikoplast transportiert werden, besitzen meist N-terminale ER-Signalsequenzen, während viele der in die Wirtszelle transportierten Proteine interne hydrophobe Regionen besitzen, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie als ?ungewöhnliche? ER-Signalsequenzen fungieren könnten. Die interne hydrophobe Region von PfGbp130 (glycophorine binding protein) und verkürzte Varianten dieses Bereiches sowie die experimentell charakterisierte Signalsequenz von Exp-1 wurden in der Hefe S. cerevisiae als ER-Signalsequenzen getestet und erwiesen sich als nicht funktionell. Möglicherweise existieren ungewöhnliche oder verschiedene sekretorische Wege in P. falciparum, die in heterologen Systemen nicht rekonstituiert werden können. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Teilaspekte der sekretorischen Prozesse in P. falciparum untersucht. Die Identifizierung und molekulare Analyse weiterer Mediatormoleküle im Proteintransport des Parasiten sind notwendig, um ein möglichst komplettes Bild über die sekretorischen Abläufe entwerfen zu können

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Dengan Pemanfaatan Media Kartu Kuis Who Am I Pada Pembelajaran PKn Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 03 Ngadirejo Kecamatan Mojogedang Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar PKn bagi siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 03 Ngadirejo Kecamatan Mojogedang Kabupaten Karanganyar tahun pelajaran 2012/2013 melalui pemanfaatan media kartu kuis who am I. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 03 Ngadirejo tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Objek penelitian ini adalah aktivitas belajar PKn siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, wawancara langsung, dokumentasi, dan tes. Rancangan penelitian tindakan yang dipilih yaitu model siklus terdiri dari dua siklus, dengan teknik analisis data interaktif. Setiap siklus meliputi unsur perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Dari hasil analisis data menunjukkan adanya peningkatan aktivitas belajar melalui penerapan media kartu kuis who am I. Persentase aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I adalah 62,5% (bertanya), 45,8% (perhatian), 75% (mengerjakan tugas), antuasiasme (62,5%), 54,2% (kerja sama kelompok). Persentase aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus II meningkat dengan persentase 79,1% (bertanya), 87,5 (perhatian), 95,8 (mengerjakan tugas), 87,5 (antusiasme), dan 83,3% (kerja sama kelompok). Hasil ini menunjukkan keaktifan siswa dari masing-masing aspek telah mencapai prosentase di atas 75%, dan penelitian telah dikatakan berhasil pada siklus II

    Dimensions of professional competences for interventions towards sustainability

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    This paper investigates sustainability competences through the eyes of professional practitioners in the field of sustainability and presents empirical data that have been created using an action research approach. The design of the study consists of two workshops, in which professional practitioners in interaction with each other and the facilitators are invited to explore and reflect on the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to conduct change processes successfully towards sustainability in a variety of business and professional contexts. The research focuses on the competences associated with these change processes to devise, propose and conduct appropriate interventions that address sustainability issues. Labelled ‘intervention competence’, this ability comprises an interlocking set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that include: appreciating the importance of (trying to) reaching decisions or interventions; being able to learn from lived experience of practice and to connect such learning to one’s own scientific knowledge; being able to engage in political-strategic thinking, deliberations and actions, related to different perspectives; the ability for showing goal-oriented, adequate action; adopting and communicating ethical practices during the intervention process; being able to cope with the degree of complexity, and finally being able to translate stakeholder diversity into collectively produced interventions (actions) towards sustainability. Moreover, this competence has to be practised in contexts of competing values, non-technical interests and power relations. The article concludes with recommendations for future research and practice

    Aligning Public Participation to Stakeholders’ Sustainability Literacy—A Case Study on Sustainable Urban Development in Phoenix, Arizona

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    In public planning processes for sustainable urban development, planners and experts often face the challenge of engaging a public that is not familiar with sustainability principles or does not subscribe to sustainability values. Although there are calls to build the public’s sustainability literacy through social learning, such efforts require sufficient time and other resources that are not always available. Alternatively, public participation processes may be realigned with the sustainability literacy the participants possess, and their capacity can modestly be built during the engagement. Asking what tools might successfully align public participation with participants’ sustainability literacy, this article describes and evaluates a public participation process in Phoenix, Arizona, in which researchers, in collaboration with city planners, facilitated sustainability conversations as part of an urban development process. The tool employed for Visually Enhanced Sustainability Conversation (VESC) was specifically designed to better align public participation with stakeholders’ sustainability literacy. We tested and evaluated VESC through interviews with participants, city planners, and members of the research team, as well as an analysis of project reports. We found that the use of VESC successfully facilitated discussions on pertinent sustainability issues and embedded sustainability objectives into the project reports. We close with recommendations for strengthening tools like VESC for future public engagements

    Die Harvestehuder Johanniskirche. Ein repräsentatives Bauwerk der Neugotik

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    Der vierte Teil der Hamburgischen Kirchengeschichte in Aufsätzen ist dem 19. Jahrhundert gewidmet. Angesichts der folgenreichen Auf- und Umbrüche, der vielen wichtigen Themen und prägenden Gestalten bilden die hier wieder abgedruckten oder neu verfassten Texte nur einige der für die Kirchengeschichte Hamburgs in dieser bewegten Epoche einschlägigen Ereignisse und Entwicklungen ab. Ungeachtet aller Ergänzungsmöglichkeiten bietet dieser Band zahlreiche neue wie erhellende Einblicke in den spannenden Urbanisierungsprozess einer Großstadt und ihrer Kirchen auf ihrem von Katastrophen und Glücksfällen, von Reformeifer und Konservativismus gleichermaßen gezeichneten Weg in die Moderne.The fourth part of Hamburg\u27s church history in essays is dedicated to the 19th century. Considering the momentous upheavals and upheavals and the variety of important themes and formative figures, the texts reprinted or newly written here reflect only some of the events and developments relevant to Hamburg\u27s church history in this eventful epoch. Irrespective of all possible additions, this volume offers numerous new and enlightening insights into the exciting urbanization process of a city and its churches on their path to modernity, marked by catastrophes and fortunes, reformist zeal and conservatism