74 research outputs found

    A service-oriented hybrid access network and clouds architecture

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    Many telecom operators are deploying their own cloud infrastructure with the two-fold objective of providing cloud services to their customers and enabling network function virtualization. In this article we present an architecture we call SHINE, which focuses on orchestrating cloud with heterogeneous access and core networks. In this architecture intra and inter DC connectivity is dynamically controlled, maximizing the overall performance in terms of throughput and latency while minimizing total costs. The main building blocks are: a future-proof network architecture that can scale to offer potentially unlimited bandwidth based on an active remote node (ARN) to interface end-users and the core network; an innovative distributed DC architecture consisting of micro-DCs placed in selected core locations to accelerate content delivery, reducing core network traffic, and ensuring very low latency; and dynamic orchestration of the distributed DC and access and core network segments. SHINE will provide unprecedented quality of experience, greatly reducing costs by coordinating network and cloud and facilitating service chaining by virtualizing network functions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Mucisphaera calidilacus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel planctomycete of the class Phycisphaerae isolated in the shallow sea hydrothermal system of the Lipari Islands

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    For extending the current collection of axenic cultures of planctomycetes, we describe in this study the isolation and characterisation of strain Pan265(T) obtained from a red biofilm in the hydrothermal vent system close to the Lipari Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, north of Sicily, Italy. The strain forms light pink colonies on solid medium and grows as a viscous colloid in liquid culture, likely as the result of formation of a dense extracellular matrix observed during electron microscopy. Cells of the novel isolate are spherical, motile and divide by binary fission. Strain Pan265(T) is mesophilic (temperature optimum 30–33 °C), neutrophilic (pH optimum 7.0–8.0), aerobic and heterotrophic. The strain has a genome size of 3.49 Mb and a DNA G + C content of 63.9%. Phylogenetically, the strain belongs to the family Phycisphaeraceae, order Phycisphaerales, class Phycisphaerae. Our polyphasic analysis supports the delineation of strain Pan265(T) from the known genera in this family. Therefore, we conclude to assign strain Pan265(T) to a novel species within a novel genus, for which we propose the name Mucisphaera calidilacus gen. nov., sp. nov. The novel species is the type species of the novel genus and is represented by strain Pan265(T) (= DSM 100697(T) = CECT 30425(T)) as type strain

    Description of Polystyrenella longa gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from polystyrene particles incubated in the Baltic Sea

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    Planctomycetes occur in almost all aquatic ecosystems on earth. They have a remarkable cell biology, and members of the orders Planctomycetales and Pirellulales feature cell division by polar budding, perform a lifestyle switch from sessile to motile cells and have an enlarged periplasmic space. Here, we characterise a novel planctomycetal strain, Pla110Ï„^{Ï„}, isolated from the surface of polystyrene particles incubated in the Baltic Sea. After phylogenetic analysis, the strain could be placed in the family Planctomycetaceae. Strain Pla110Ï„^{Ï„} performs cell division by budding, has crateriform structures and grows in aggregates or rosettes. The strain is a chemoheterotroph, grows under mesophilic and neutrophilic conditions, and exhibited a doubling time of 21 h. Based on our phylogenetic and morphological characterisation, strain Pla110Ï„^{Ï„} (DSM 103387Ï„^{Ï„} = LMG 29693Ï„^{Ï„}) is concluded to represent a novel species belonging to a novel genus, for which we propose the name Polystyrenella longa gen. nov., sp. nov

    Tautonia plasticadhaerens sp. nov., a novel species in the family Isosphaeraceae isolated from an alga in a hydrothermal area of the Eolian Archipelago

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    A novel planctomycetal strain, designated ElPT^{T}, was isolated from an alga in the shallow hydrothermal vent system close to Panarea Island in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Cells of strain ElPT^{T} are spherical, form pink colonies and display typical planctomycetal characteristics including division by budding and presence of crateriform structures. Strain ElPT^{T} has a mesophilic (optimum at 30 °C) and neutrophilic (optimum at pH 7.5) growth profile, is aerobic and heterotrophic. It reaches a generation time of 29 h (μmax_{max} = 0.024 h−1^{-1}). The strain has a genome size of 9.40 Mb with a G + C content of 71.1% and harbours five plasmids, the highest number observed in the phylumPlanctomycetes thus far. Phylogenetically, the strain represents a novel species of the recently described genus Tautonia in the family Isosphaeraceae. A characteristic feature of the strain is ist tendency to attach strongly to a range of plastic surfaces. We thus propose the name Tautonia plasticadhaerens sp. nov. for the novel species, represented by the type strain ElPT^{T} (DSM 101012T^{T} = LMG 29141T^{T})

    Calycomorphotria hydatis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel species in the family Planctomycetaceae with conspicuous subcellular structures

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    A novel strain belonging to the family Planctomycetaceae, designated V22T^{T}, was isolated from sediment of a seawater fish tank in Braunschweig, Germany. The isolate forms pink colonies on solid medium and displays common characteristics of planctomycetal strains, such as division by budding, formation of rosettes, a condensed nucleoid and presence of crateriform structures and fimbriae. Unusual invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane and filamentous putative cytoskeletal elements were observed in thin sections analysed by transmission electron microscopy. Strain V22T^{T} is an aerobic heterotroph showing optimal growth at 30 °C and pH 8.5. During laboratory cultivations, strain V22T^{T} reached generation times of 10 h (maximal growth rate of 0.069 h−1^{-1}). Its genome has a size of 5.2 Mb and a G + C content of 54.9%. Phylogenetically, the strain represents a novel genus and species in the family Planctomycetaceae, order Planctomycetales, class Planctomycetia. We propose the name Calycomorphotria hydatis gen. nov., sp. nov. for the novel taxon, represented by the type strain V22T^{T} (DSM 29767T^{T} = LMG 29080T^{T})

    Rosistilla oblonga gen. nov., sp. nov. and Rosistilla carotiformis sp. nov., isolated from biotic or abiotic surfaces in Northern Germany, Mallorca, Spain and California, USA

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    Planctomycetes are ubiquitous bacteria with fascinating cell biological features. Strains available as axenic cultures in most cases have been isolated from aquatic environments and serve as a basis to study planctomycetal cell biology and interactions in further detail. As a contribution to the current collection of axenic cultures, here we characterise three closely related strains, Poly24T^{T}, CA51T^{T} and Mal33, which were isolated from the Baltic Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. The strains display cell biological features typical for related Planctomycetes, such as division by polar budding, presence of crateriform structures and formation of rosettes. Optimal growth was observed at temperatures of 30–33 °C and at pH 7.5, which led to maximal growth rates of 0.065–0.079 h−1^{-1}, corresponding to generation times of 9–11 h. The genomes of the novel isolates have a size of 7.3–7.5 Mb and a G + C content of 57.7–58.2%. Phylogenetic analyses place the strains in the family Pirellulaceae and suggest that Roseimaritima ulvae and Roseimaritima sediminicola are the current closest relatives. Analysis of five different phylogenetic markers, however, supports the delineation of the strains from members of the genus Roseimaritima and other characterised genera in the family. Supported by morphological and physiological differences, we conclude that the strains belong to the novel genus Rosistilla gen. nov. and constitute two novel species, for which we propose the names Rosistilla carotiformis sp. nov. and Rosistilla oblonga sp. nov. (the type species). The two novel species are represented by the type strains Poly24T^{T} (= DSM 102938T^{T} = VKM B-3434T^{T} = LMG 31347T^{T} = CECT 9848T^{T}) and CA51T^{T} (= DSM 104080T^{T} = LMG 29702T^{T}), respectively

    The Microbiome of Posidonia oceanica Seagrass Leaves Can Be Dominated by Planctomycetes

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    Seagrass meadows are ubiquitous, fragile and endangered marine habitats, which serve as fish breeding grounds, stabilize ocean floor substrates, retain nutrients and serve as important carbon sinks, counteracting climate change. In the Mediterranean Sea, seagrass meadows are mostly formed by the slow-growing endemic plant Posidonia oceanica (Neptune grass), which is endangered by global warming and recreational motorboating. Despite its importance, surprisingly little is known about the leaf surface microbiome of P. oceanica. Using amplicon sequencing, we here show that species belonging to the phylum Planctomycetes can dominate the biofilms of young and aged P. oceanica leaves. Application of selective cultivation techniques allowed for the isolation of two novel planctomycetal strains belonging to two yet uncharacterized genera

    Wissensgesellschaft als Herausforderung für ländlich-periphere Regionen: Beispiele aus Nordostdeutschland

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    Die Heuristik einer dreidimensionalen Wissensgesellschaft wird in diesem Band aufgegriffen und weiterentwickelt. Die soziale, die ökonomische und die technische Dimension der Wissensgesellschaft werden im theoretischen Teil ausdifferenziert und anhand charakteristischer Ausprägungen strukturiert, z.B. individuelle Kompetenzen, kollektive Lernprozesse, Wirtschaftsfaktor Wissen, Zentralität, Mobilität oder Einbindung in globale Institutionensysteme. Diese strukturierenden Elemente bilden die Grundlage für die Auswahl von vertiefenden Studien im ländlichen, peripher gelegenen Raum Nordostdeutschlands im Hinblick auf Wachstumskerne in Brandenburg, Gesundheitsinfrastruktur, Mobilitätsangebote und Anschluss an Kommunikationstechnologien sowie Aus- und Weiterbildung, Bildungsnetzwerke und Bildungslandschaften. Beim Vergleich von Theorie und Praxis, von heuristischem Modell und Fallstudien, ist die Auswahl der Beispiele nicht repräsentativ und deckt nicht die ganze Vielfalt und Vielschichtigkeit der Wissensgesellschaft in ländlich- peripheren Räumen ab. Erste Konturen, wie die Wissensgesellschaft in diesen Räumen zum Ausdruck kommt, welche strategischen Herausforderungen dies mit sich bringt und welchen Anteil die räumliche Planung an den anstehenden strategischen Ansätzen haben kann, zeigen sich dennoch. Der Fachkräftemangel scheint eine zentrale Ausprägung und Herausforderung der Wissensgesellschaft in der ländlichen Peripherie zu sein. Die scharfe, theoretisch begründete Trennung der Dimensionen ist in der Praxis nicht in dieser Form aufrechtzuerhalten: So sind die für die ökonomische Dimension charakteristischen Innovationen nicht ohne soziale Lernprozesse und brückenschlagende Institutionensysteme, die hier der technischen Dimension zugerechnet werden, denkbar. Letztere wiederum funktionieren nur dann tatsächlich, wenn Menschen und Wissen mobilisiert werden und damit Wissensnetzwerke entstehen. Die peripher gelegenen ländlichen Räume sind genauso wie die Metropolräume Teil der Wissensgesellschaft. Damit sind beide Raumtypen gleichermaßen Wettbewerbs- und Selektionsprozessen ausgesetzt. Aus dieser Konstellation ergeben sich für ländlich-periphere Regionen Kernherausforderungen, die sich in zwei sich ergänzenden strategischen Ansätzen manifestieren: eine mitnehmende Basisstrategie und eine flankierende Profilierungsstrategie. Der Beitrag der räumlichen Planung zur Steuerung der wissensgesellschaftlich relevanten Veränderungsprozesse beschränkt sich weitgehend auf folgende Funktionen: Sensibilisierung für räumliche Zusammenhänge, Organisation räumlichen Wandels und Umsetzungsbegleitung sowie damit verbunden Interessenausgleich der vielen unterschiedlichen Akteure einer Region.The heuristics of a three-dimensional knowledge society has been addressed and further developed in this volume. The social, economic and technical dimensions are differentiated and structured in accordance to characteristic manifestations such as individual competences, collective learning processes, knowledge as an economic factor, centrality, mobility, or integration in global institutional systems. These structuring elements provide the basis for the choice of in-depth studies in the rural, peripherally located area of northeast Germany with regard to regional growth cores in Brandenburg, health infrastructure, mobility offerings, access to communication technologies, and educational networks and educational landscapes. Regarding the comparison of theory and practice, of the heuristic model and the case studies, the choice of examples is not representative and does not cover the entire diversity and complexity of the knowledge society in rural peripheral areas. However, the case studies do provide an initial picture of how the knowledge society finds expression in these areas, the strategic challenges it brings with it, and the role that spatial planning can play in necessary strategic approaches. The shortage of skilled workers seems to be a central feature of and a challenge for the knowledge society in the rural periphery. The sharp, theoretically founded differentiation made between the dimensions cannot be sustained in this form in practice. Thus the innovations characteristic for the economic dimension are not feasible without social learning processes and bridging institutional systems, which are here regarded as part of the technical dimension. Furthermore, these processes and systems will only actually function when people and knowledge are mobilised and knowledge networks develop. The peripherally located rural areas are just as much part of the knowledge society as the metropolitan areas. Both types of area are thus similarly subject to processes of competition and selection. This constellation gives rise to key challenges for rural peripheral regions that manifest themselves in two complementary strategic approaches: a participatory basic strategy and a flanking strategy focused on profiling. The contribution of spatial planning to the processes of change related to the knowledge society is thus mainly restricted on raising awareness of spatial interrelations, organising spatial transformation and guiding implementation while ensuring the interests of the many different regional actors

    Current Guidelines for Obesity Prevention in Childhood and Adolescence

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    Objective: Current guidelines for prevention of obesity in childhood and adolescence are discussed. Methods: A literature search was performed in Medline via PubMed, and appropriate studies were analyzed. Results: Programs to prevent childhood obesity have so far remained mainly school-based and effects have been limited. Analyses by age group show that prevention programs have the best results in younger children (Conclusion: Behavior-oriented prevention programs showed only limited long-term effects. Certain groups at risk for the development of obesity are not reached effectively by current programs. Although universally valid conclusions cannot be drawn given the heterogeneity of available studies, clearly combining behavior-based programs with community-based prevention to counteract an ‘obesogenic environment' is crucial for sustainable success of future obesity prevention programs

    The dialect dictionary

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    In this chapter, the making of dialect dictionaries is discussed. We dwell on the user-oriented metalexicographical considerations, and on the ensuing macrostructural and microstructural options. Special attention is devoted to fieldwork procedures for unwritten language varieties. We try and answer the basic questions of field work: What?, Where?, Who?, How? And How much
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