108 research outputs found

    Colloquium: Atomic spin chains on surfaces

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    In the present Colloquium, we focus on the properties of 1-D magnetic systems on solid surfaces. From the emulation of 1-D quantum phases to the potential realization of Majorana edge states, spin chains are unique systems to study. The advent of scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) based techniques has permitted us to engineer spin chains in an atom-by-atom fashion via atom manipulation and to access their spin states on the ultimate atomic scale. Here, we present the current state of research on spin correlations and dynamics of atomic spin chains as studied by the STM. After a brief review of the main properties of spin chains on solid surfaces, we classify spin chains according to the coupling of their magnetic moments with the holding substrate. This classification scheme takes into account that the nature and lifetimes of the spin-chain excitation intrinsically depend on the holding substrate. We first show the interest of using insulating layers on metals, which generally results in an increase in the spin state's lifetimes such that their quantized nature gets evident and they are individually accessible. Next, we show that the use of semiconductor substrates promises additional control through the tunable electron density via doping. When the coupling to the substrate is increased for spin chains on metals, the substrate conduction electron mediated interactions can lead to emergent exotic phases of the coupled spin chain-substrate conduction electron system. A particularly interesting example is furnished by superconductors. Magnetic impurities induce states in the superconducting gap. Due to the extended nature of the spin chain, the in-gap states develop into bands that can lead to the emergence of 1-D topological superconductivity and, consequently to the appearance of Majorana edge states

    Non-collinear spin states in bottom-up fabricated atomic chains

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    Non-collinear spin states with unique rotational sense, such as chiral spin-spirals, are recently heavily investigated because of advantages for future applications in spintronics and information technology and as potential hosts for Majorana Fermions when coupled to a superconductor. Tuning the properties of such spin states, e.g., the rotational period and sense, is a highly desirable yet difficult task. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the bottom-up assembly of a spin-spiral derived from a chain of Fe atoms on a Pt substrate using the magnetic tip of a scanning tunneling microscope as a tool. We show that the spin-spiral is induced by the interplay of the Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya components of the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction between the Fe atoms. The relative strengths and signs of these two components can be adjusted by the interatomic Fe distance, which enables tailoring of the rotational period and sense of the spin-spiral.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Itinerant Nature of Atom-Magnetization Excitation by Tunneling Electrons

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    We have performed single-atom magnetization curve (SAMC) measurements and inelastic scanning tunneling spectroscopy (ISTS) on individual Fe atoms on a Cu(111) surface. The SAMCs show a broad distribution of magnetic moments with \unit[3.5]{\mu_{\rm B}} being the mean value. ISTS reveals a magnetization excitation with a lifetime of \unit[200]{fsec} which decreases by a factor of two upon application of a magnetic field of \unit[12]{T}. The experimental observations are quantitatively explained by the decay of the magnetization excitation into Stoner modes of the itinerant electron system as shown by newly developed theoretical modeling.Comment: 3 Figures, Supplement not included, updated version after revisio

    Long spin relaxation times in a transition metal atom in direct contact to a metal substrate

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    Long spin relaxation times are a prerequisite for the use of spins in data storage or nanospintronics technologies. An atomic-scale solid-state realization of such a system is the spin of a transition metal atom adsorbed on a suitable substrate. For the case of a metallic substrate, which enables directly addressing the spin by conduction electrons, the experimentally measured lifetimes reported to date are on the order of only hundreds of femtoseconds. Here, we show that the spin states of iron atoms adsorbed directly on a conductive platinum substrate have an astonishingly long spin relaxation time in the nanosecond regime, which is comparable to that of a transition metal atom decoupled from the substrate electrons by a thin decoupling layer. The combination of long spin relaxation times and strong coupling to conduction electrons implies the possibility to use flexible coupling schemes in order to process the spin-information