16 research outputs found

    Pengimbasan Ketahanan Terhadap Penyakit Antraknos Pada Cabai Besar (Capsicum Annuum) Dengan Colletotrichum Glodeosporiodies Avirulen = Induced Resistance to Antracnose on Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Using A Virulent Colleto

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to know the effect of avirulent colletotrichum gloeosporiodies isolate as resistance inducer to antracnose disease and existence of phytoalexin as a result of induced resistance, as well as its antifungal effect in vitro. ... Keyword: induced resistance - antracnose - avirulent colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolat

    KEANEKARAGAMAN DAN PEMANFAATAN TUMBUHAN BAWAH PADA SISTEM AGROFORESTRI DI PERBUKITAN MENOREH, KABUPATEN KULON PROGO (Diversity and Untilization of Understorey in Agroforestry System of Menoreh Hill, Kulon Progo Regency)

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    ABSTRAKAgroforestri yang diadopsi masyarakat dalam bentuk pekarangan dan tegalan menyimpan potensi keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan bawah yang diduga memiliki berbagai manfaat bagi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan bawah pada sistem agroforestri dan pemanfaatannya oleh masyarakat di perbukitan Menoreh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan melakukan inventarisasi jenis tumbuhan bawah serta wawancara dengan tokoh masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan bawah yang selama ini dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan dalam kurun waktu November 2012 sampai dengan April 2013, berlokasi di perbukitan Menoreh Kabupaten Kulon Progo yang terbagi dalam 3 zona berdasarkan ketinggian tempat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan bawah cenderung semakin tinggi pada lokasi yang lebih tinggi. Jenis tumbuhan bawah di pekarangan lebih banyak dibandingkan di tegalan pada semua zona ketinggian tempat. Tumbuhan bawah yang berhasil teridentifikasi sebanyak 41 jenis, 28 jenis di antaranya dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai bahan obat, antara lain untuk penyakit kulit, demam dan beberapa penyakit degeneratif seperti hipertensi, kanker, asam urat, asma dan sebagainya. Cara pemanfaatannya dengan dimakan langsung (dilalap), direbus, dibuat teh dan diambil sari patinya. Beberapa jenis tumbuhan bawah telah dimanfaatkan masyarakat secara tradisional sebagai bahan obat dan dibudidayakan sebagai sumber penghasilan tambahan. ABSTRACTAgroforestry adopted community in the form of homegardens and drylands holds the potential diversity of plants below that allegedly have various benefits for the community. This study aims to determine the diversity of plant species under the agroforestry system and its utilization by the community in the hills Menoreh. The method used is a survey method to conduct an inventory of understorey species and interviews with community leaders on the use of understorey has been done. The study was conducted in the period November 2012 to April 2013, located in the hills Menoreh, Kulon Progo regency is divided into three zones based on altitude. Based on this research, the diversity of understorey species the higher tends to a higher location. Understorey species in the homegardens more than in drylands at all altitude zones. Understorey species which were identified as many as 41 species, 28 species of which society is used as medicine, such as for skin diseases, fever and some degenerative diseases such as hypertension, cancer, gout, asthma and so on. To utilization to be eaten immediately (engulfed), stewed, made tea and juice taken the extract. Understorey species have been used traditionally as a community drug substance and cultivated as a source of additional income

    Inhibitory Action of Pisatin, a Phytoalexi\u27m of Pisum Sativum, for Spore Germination of Plant Fungi.

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    ABSTRAK Pisatin, fitoaleksin dari kacang kapri (Pisum sativum L.), diekstraksi dari polong kapri dengan menggunakan perangsang HgC12 dan AgNO3. Ronsentrasi optimum HgC12 dan AgNO3 untuk merangsang pembentukan pisatin adalah 10 M. Spora Ascochyta piss, patogen kacang kapri, ternyata lebih tahan terhadap pisatin dibanding dengan Botrytis cinerea (patogen polyfagus kacang kapri)ù¹ dan Pestalotia funerea (bukan patogen kacang kapri). Key words: polong kapri, patogen, pisati

    Kemelimpahan dan Struktur Tingkat Trofik Serangga pada Tingkat Perkembangan Agroforestri Jati yang Berbeda di Nglanggeran, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta

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    Modifikasi pemanfaatan lahan memiliki dampak baik ekonomi maupun ekologi. Perlindungan terhadap keanekaragaman hayati menjadi pusat perhatian dari sisi ekologi sementara pemanfaatan lahan demi produktivitas dianggap sebagai solusi ketahanan pangan. Serangga berada di dua isu tersebut yaitu konservasi dan ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas serangga berdasarkan pada peran mereka dalam tingkatan trofik pada tiga tingkat perkembangan agroforestri (AF) jati yang berbeda (awal, tengah, lanjut). Pengambilan data dilakukan di Nglanggeran, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta sepanjang musim kemarau (April, Mei, dan Juni 2016). Metode koleksi serangga yang digunakan adalah sweep net, pitfall dan sticky trap yang ditempatkan pada petak ukur (PU) 20 x 20 m2. Petak ukur dibuat dan diletakkan secara purposive pada masing-masing tingkatan AF. Total terdapat 8 PU yang terdiri dari 3 PU untuk tingkatan AF awal dan tengah, serta 2 PU untuk AF lanjut. Serangga yang tertangkap bervariasi berdasar pada tingkat perkembangan agroforestri dan bulan pengamatan. Terdapat perbedaan keragaman serangga (jumlah dan jenis) berdasarkan perbedaan tingkatan agroforestri (awal, tengah, dan lanjut) pada lahan lahan agroforestri berbasis jati di Desa Nglanggeran, Zona Batur Agung, Gunungkidul. Agroforestri awal dan tengah menunjukkan kemelimpahan serangga (ordo) terbanyak dengan proporsi tertinggi serangga yang berperan sebagai hama berasal dari ordo Lepidoptera, Diptera, Blattaria, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Isoptera, dan Dermaptera. Tingkatan AF berpengaruh terhadap kehadiran serangga dari ordo Hymenoptera dan Diptera, lebih lanjut keragaman vegetasi pada agroforestri (awal dan tengah) dapat meningkatkan keragaman serangga baik yang berperan sebagai hama (trofik 2) maupun musuh alami (trofik 3).Kata kunci: agroforestri; hama; jati; serangga; trofik Insect Abundance and Its Structure Trophic Level on Different Level of Teak-Based Agroforestry Development at Nglanggeran Village, Gunungkidul District, YogyakartaAbstractModifications of land use have the economic and ecological implications. Protection upon biodiversity has been the center of concern on ecological side, while productivity of the land use has been considered a solution for food security. Insects are between these two major issues, namely conservation and food security.This study was aimed at tracing the structure of insect community based on its role on the trophic level on three different phases of teak-based agroforestry systems (early, middle, and advanced). The data was obtained in the area of Nglanggeran, Gunungkidul Regency of Yogyakarta during the dry season (April, May, and June 2016). Further, method of insect sample inventory utilized sweep net, pitfall trap, and sticky trap placed on measured area of 20 x 20 m2. The plots were placed purposively on each of agroforestry land, with the total of 8 plots, consisting of 3 areas of early and middle levels of agroforestry land, and 2 for late phase. Catched insects varied according to agroforestry growth and observation time. This research suggests that insect’s variety (abundance and morphospecies) is found based on agroforestry levels (early phase, middle phase and late phase) on observed teak agroforestry land in Nglanggeran Village of Batur Agung Zone, Gunungkidul. Early and middle agroforestry showed an abundance of insects (order), in which the largest proportion of them is categorized as pest (Lepidoptera, Diptera, Blattaria, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Isoptera, and Dermaptera). The growth level of agroforestry has a direct impact on the presence of insects of Hymenoptera and Diptera orders. Furthermore, the variety of vegetation in early and middle agroforestry could increase the variety of insects functioning as either pest (trophic 2) or natural predators (trophic 3)

    Kesehatan hutan: suatu pendekatan dalam perlindungan hutan

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    Asosiasi Serangga-Gall pada Petak Suksesi di Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama I

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    Gall merupakan pertumbuhan tidak normal atau merupakan pembengkakan pada jaringan tumbuhan yang dapat disebabkan karena serangan organisme lain. Serangga, mite, nematode, bakteri, fungi, dan virus dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada tumbuhan tersebut. Gall juga dapat disebabkan oleh gangguan mekanis. Umumnya, gall tidak secara langsung mengakibatkan kematian tumbuhan. Namun demikian adaanya gall pada beberapa bagian tumbuhan (khususnya daun) dapat mengalami kematian lebih dahulu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman jenis serangga yang berasosiasi dengan gall dan mengetahui frekuensi keberadaan serangga tersebut pada 3 petak berbeda, yang mewakili tahapan suksesi yang berbeda. Tiga petak di Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama I, yaitu Petak 16 (mewakili suksesi tahap I), Petak 7 (II) dan Petak 5 (III) digunakan sebagai model. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang dijumpai pada petak ukur. Keberadaan gall diketahui melalui gejala dan tanda yang ditemui. Frekuensi kehadiran serangga-gall diwakili dengan kuantifikasi persen kejadian. Rearing dilakukam pada fase larva serangga-gall yang diperoleh untuk mendapatkan imagonya. Data lapangan dikumpulkan dua kali, yaitu bulan Agustus (musim kemarau) dan November (musim hujan)


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    Fusarium oxysporum is the causal agent of damping-off disease. The fungus attacks seedlings of many plant species, including Acacia mangium. In order to effectively control the disease, detailed information on how the fungus infects seedlings of A. mangium and how the plant responds to the fungal infection is essentially needed. The objectives of this research were to investigate: (1) the infection process of F. oxysporumon seedlings of A. mangium, (2) the defence response of A. mangium seedling to infection by F. oxysporum. The fungal pathogen was identified, followed by performance of pathogenicity test. The infection process was followed by macroscopic observation as well as microscopic observation. The result indicated that fungal spore germination was observed at two-day post inoculation in planta. At four-daypost inoculation, hyphae of F. oxysporum had penetrated the collar root of A. mangium seedling via stomata aperture. In addition, fungal hyphae had grown intercellulary in to the vascular tissue. Correspondingly, hypersensitive response was also detected at the stomata aperture. However, this defence mechanism is not effective in stopping the fungus since F. oxysporum is a necrotropic pathogen. Moreover, accumulation of lignin, but not callose, was observed


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    ABSTRACT Seasonal effect on the growth of Atelocauda digitata, the cause of rust disease on Acacia auriculiformis in Yogyakarta. The research was aimed to determine the growth of Atelocauda digitata which attacks Acacia auriculiformis in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta and determine the process of A. digitata infection on A. auriculiformis. Quantification of the presence of pathogen and the damage as part of tree health monitoring was represented by the percentage of disease incidence and severity, that was used as a benchmark of A. digitata dynamics. Pathogenic organisms were confirmed by pathogenicity test. The process of infection was studied microscopically and macroscopically. Percentage of disease incidence and severity of all three observation plots during the rainy and the dry season were dynamic, with the highest damage discovered in Plot 5. A.  digitata infecting A. auriculiformis produces three types of spores, namely teliospores, uredospores and aeciospores. The hyphae  infected the leaf tissue two days after inoculation through stomata. Intracellular hyphae were found five days after inoculation

    Initial Infection of Falcataria moluccana Leaves and Acacia mangium Phyllodes by Uromycladium tepperianum Fungi in a Laboratory Trial

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    Sengon is a fast growing species that is cultivated widely in Indonesia. Lately, sengon is severely attacked by fungus Uromycladium tepperianum that causing gall rust disease. It is also known to attack various types of acacia. This study aims to determine the fungal infection process U. Tepperianum on sengon leaves and the possibility of infection on Acacia mangium in the laboratory trial. Leave samples and fungal pathogen teliospores obtained from Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Several approach procedures conducted to achieve these objectives were: (1) identification of diseased trees, (2) collecting samples of diseased leaves, branches, twigs, and stems, and (3) artificial inoculation and investigating the infection process of U. tepperianum teliospores in the laboratory. The results showed that the process of infection in sengon started by teliospores germination and germ tube formation. Successive germ tube forming penetration pegs. In the plant tissue, the penetration peg formed hypha and further developed into intracellular and intercellular hyphae. The artificial inoculation on A. mangium leaf surface showed few spores can germinate. However, none of them managed to penetrate.