137 research outputs found

    Population Dynamics of Microarthropods (Oribatida and Collembola) in Rainfed Paddy Field Ecosystem in Pati, Central Java

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    A study on population dynamics of microarthropods (oribatids and collembolans) in rainfed paddy field ecosystem inPati, Central Java was undertaken with the aim to evaluate which group of soil microarthropods that dominated in each phase of rain fed paddy field. The soil fauna was collected using a soil corer of20 cm diameter to a depth of 0-15 cm, every 30 days.In the fallow, soil fauna was sampled from 4 randomized points per plot, meanwhile in the rice field phases (dry seeded rice and transplanted rice), it was sampled from 4 randomized points in the fields and in the bunds, respectively. per plot. Soil microarthropods in each season were then extracted in a Berlese funnel extractor.During the fallow phase, the dominant soil microarthropods were Oribatida of the Acari (1200 individual m,l) andsome groups of Collembola, namely Hypogastruridae (/200 individual m:2), Entomobryidae (500 individual m,l) andIsotomidae (620 individual m,2), meanwhile Sminthuridae of Collembola did not appear in this phase. In the rice phase,however, Sminthuridae of the Collembola occurred in high numbers, i.e., 860 individual m,2 (field) and 6/0 individual m,l(bund).Regarding the population dynamics of soil microarthropods in rainfed paddy field, we can assumed that oribatids and some groups of collembolans (Hypogastruridae, Entomobryidae and Isotomidae) play an important role in improving the nutrient availability during the fallow phase. meanwhile the Sminthuridae of collembolan seemed to play such role in the rice field phase. more than the other soil microarthropods


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    The symptoms of post power syndrome are often experienced by individuals who are retired or has entered a period prior to retirement. This study aims to determine the relationship between optimism retirement preparation and post power syndrome. This study aims to determine the relationship of optimism during the preparation of retirement and post power syndrome. Research method is quantitative-associative. The population in this research is Civil Servant (PNS) of teachers in Makassar city and sampling of 29 people using accidental sampling technique, considering this research is non parametric where the sample may amount to less than 30 people. The result showed there is a negative relationship between optimism retirement preparation and post-power syndrome, r = - 0.822 (p = 0.000). That is, the higher the optimism of retirement preparation period, the lower the syndrome of powers on the teachers as civil servants. This suggests that there is a significant negative influence between optimism of retirement preparation period and post-power syndrome. This study implicates that it is necessary to instill an optimism attitude in order to face future retirement period as an attempt to avoid the post-power syndrome.Gejala sindrom purna kuasa yang dialami oleh individu yang sudah tidak bekerja atau sudah memasuki masa persiapan pensiun sering dialami oleh Pegawai yang akan berakhir maupun telah berakhir masa kerjanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan optimisme masa persiapan pensiun dan sindrom purna kuasa. Metode Penelitian adalah kuantitaif-asosiatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Guru yang ada di kota Makassar dan pengambilan sampel sebanyak 29 orang menggunakan teknik accidental sampling, mengingat penelitian ini bersifat non parametrik dimana sampel boleh berjumlah kurang dari 30 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif antara optimisme masa persiapan pensiun dan sindrom purna kuasa, r = - 0,822 (p = 0,000 ). Artinya, semakin tinggi optimisme masa persiapan pensiun maka semakin rendah sindrom purna kuasa pada Tenaga Pengajar (Guru) yang berstatus PNS. Hal tersebut menunjukkan ada pengaruh negatif yang siginifikan antara optimisme masa persiapan pensiun dan sindrom purna kuasa. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai informasi untuk menanamkan sikap optimisme dalam diri untuk menghadapi masa persiapan pensiun agar terhindar dari sindrom purna kuasa

    Pengaruh LKS Kimia Berbasis Problem Solving terhadap HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

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    Pentingnya keterampilan abad 21 yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa diantaranya berpikir tingkat tinggi (Higher Order Thinking Skills/ HOTS), berbagai upaya telah dilakukan agar Indonesia tidak lagi menempati peringkat bawah saat mengikuti tes Programme Internationale for Student Assesment (PISA) diantaranya melalui kurikulum 2013. Dalam kurikulum 2013 siswa diajak lebih aktif, mampu berpikir kritis, mampu memecahkan masalah dengan baik serta menggali kemampuan HOTS. Kemampuan menganalisis, mengkreasi dan mencipta merupakan komponen HOTS. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, salah satu media yang dapat membuat siswa aktif serta mendukung keterampilan HOTS siswa adalah dengan menggunakan LKS. Adapun Tujuan Penelitian ini sebagai berikut; 1) Mengetahui analisis deskripsi HOTS siswa sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran menggunakan LKS kimia berbasis problem solving, 2) Menemukan pengaruh penggunaan LKS kimia berbasis problem solving terhadap HOTS siswa Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen semu dengan desain Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di SMA Negeri 3 dengan subjek penelitian kelas XII MIPA sebanyak 2 (kelas) masing-masing sebagai kelas kontrol dan eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan meliputi metode dokumentasi dan tes HOTS. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, reliabilitas, tingat kesukaran dan daya beda Terhadap soal HOTS serta uji hipotesis uji hipotesis setelah melakukan pengujian prasyarat. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji statistic parametrik  yaitu  uji independent Sample t-test. hasil analis uji hipotesis menunjukan nilai sig.(2-tailed) sebesar 0,047, artinya nilai sig.(2-tailed) 0,047 < 0,05 dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada penerapan LKS problem solving terhadap HOTS pada siswa SMA Negeri 3 Cirebon


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    Problem solving skills are one of the skills needed by students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, so it becomes a challenge for a teacher to design creative learning. One of the media that supports students' problem solving skills is to use worksheets. Meanwhile, the worksheets used so far are general in nature. Suitable worksheets are developed that support students in solving problems, namely problem solving-based worksheets. This study aims to analyze the need for problem solving-based student worksheets. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. This needs analysis is part of the research and development of the 4D model, specifically the Define stage. The subjects in this study were students of class XII in SMA Negeri 3 Cirebon City and chemistry teachers as informants. The results showed that students needed worksheets that were more attractive and easy to understand. The worksheets available are in accordance with KD, KI and the 2013 curriculum, but not yet according to student needs. Based on data obtained from several analyzes including analysis of student perceptions, teacher perceptions, student characteristics, curriculum, assignments, concepts and analysis of learning objectives. So it is necessary to develop problem solving worksheets, especially in the matter of ionic equilibrium and pH of salt solutions which can train students to solve problems and relate theory to facts in everyday life

    Antioxidant Capacity Comparison of Ethanolic Extract of Soursop (Annona muricata Linn.) Leaves and Seeds as Cancer Prevention Candidate

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    Annona muricata Linn. (soursop) is one of  tropical plants which have relatively complete chemical compounds. It has flavonoid, tannin, phytosterol, alkaloid, etc. The high antioxidant compound in soursop is believed as cancer prevention so the cancer threat in the world can be minimized. The antioxidant compound in soursop can be found not only in its fruit, but also in other parts like leaves, seeds, etc. Based on that potency, this study aimed to compare antioxidant capacity of soursop leaves and seeds, also to study about the utilization of soursop parts which is usually not used. This research began with maceration to extract leaves and seeds with 96% ethanol. Ethanolic extract of soursop leaves and seeds were then tested for antioxidant capacity with DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. The result showed that antioxidant capacity of soursop leaves and seeds are 85,66875% and 39,0166, respectively. The antioxidant capacity of leaves is higher than seeds due to seed’s extraction difficulty so its antioxidant compound could not be extracted optimally. However, either leaves or seeds extract in this study are potential as antioxidant resources because there are no significant differences between antioxidant capacity of both extract

    Feeding Rate of Soil Animals in Different Ecosystems in Pati, Indonesia

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    The feeding activity of soil animals was measured by using bait lamina test in three main ecosystems, i.e. the teak forest, home garden and rainfed paddy field. Two additional ecosystems in rainfed paddy field, i.e. the old (permanently established bund around paddy fields) and new bunds were examined as well. Three blocks of bait-lamina sticks (each block consisting of 16 individual sticks) were exposed at each location. The bait lamina were retrieved from the soil after two days and visually assessed. Each hole is designated as “fed†(perforated) or “non-fed†hole. The feeding rate is measured as the absolute number of “fed†holes. Soil animals in the old bunds showed the highest feeding activity (55.20%), followed by home garden (39.10%), rainfed paddy field (16.50%), teak forest (15.60%), and new bund (7.80%). The frequency of animals attack to the bait strips also indicated the similar pattern as their feeding activity, i.e. high in the old bunds (0.90), followed by home garden (0.70), teak forest (0.40), new bunds (0.40) and rainfed paddy field (0.30), respectively. Key words: soil animals, feeding activity, bait-lamina tes

    Kelimpahan Fauna Tanah pada Ekosistem Pascabakar Kecamatan Mentebah, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia

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    Sistem pengelolaan hutan di Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu selama ini kurang optimal sehingga luas hutan dari tahun ke tahun mengalami penurunan yang mengakibatkan kualitas hutan semakin menurun. Eksploitasi hutan seperti penebangan hutan, peningkatan peralihan fungsi kawasan hutan menjadi pemukiman, perkebunan, perladangan berpindah, dan terjadinya kebakaran hutan merupakan ancaman yang serius terhadap ekosistem hutan terutama keberadaan fauna tanah dan hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati. Fauna tanah merupakan bagian dari ekosistem tanah yang menjaga ekosistem melalui proses dekomposisi dan siklus hara. Proses-proses tersebut bertujuan untuk memperbaiki serta mempertahankan sifat biologi, kimia, dan fisik tanah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kelimpahan fauna tanah dan pengaruh lingkungan terhadap kelimpahan fauna tanah pada ekosistem hutan sekunder, lahan pascabakar 1 tahun, belukar muda (2-3 tahun) dan belukar tua (5-20 tahun). Sampel tanah diambil dengan menggunakan metode transek sepanjang 100 m dengan 10 titik sampling pada kedalaman 0-5 cm. Ekstraksi fauna tanah dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat modifikasi Berlese Funnel Heat Extractor. Identifikasi ordo dilakukan dengan mikroskop cahaya stereo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap ekosistem memiliki kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman yang berbeda. Kelimpahan fauna tanah terbesar dan terendah adalah 1.350 dan 461 individu /m2 pada ekosistem hutan sekunder dan lahan pascabakar 1 tahun. Keanekaragaman terbesar terdapat pada ekosistem hutan sekunder dan belukar tua (1,82;1,95) dengan kategori keanekaragaman sedang. Kelimpahan fauna tanah didominasi dari kelas Hexapoda (insecta) dan terendah dari kelas Symphyla

    Peran Kompos dan Mikoriza pada Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum) di Tanah Berpasir

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    Kompos merupakan bahan pembenah tanah (amelioran) yang umum digunakan dan dapat ditingkatkan kualitasnya dengan penambahan mikrob fungsional seperti mikoriza. Mikoriza adalah kelompok fungi yang dapat bersimbiosis dengan tanaman pada sistem perakaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pemberian kompos dan mikoriza terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman tomat (Solanum lycopersicum) pada tanah berpasir. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 11 perlakuan yang terdiri dari kontrol dan dua faktor perlakuan. Faktor pertama adalah persentase dosis kompos dan faktor kedua adalah dosis mikoriza. Faktor persentase dosis kompos terdiri atas 150% kompos (K1), 100% kompos (K2), 75% kompos (K3), 50% Kompos (K4), dan 25% Kompos (K5), sedangkan faktor dosis mikoriza terdiri atas 5g (M1) dan 2.5g (M2). Pertumbuhan tanaman diamati hingga fase vegetatif lalu dilakukan analisis kimia dan penghitungan persentase kolonisasi akar serta jumlah spora mikoriza. Perlakuan 150% kompos dengan dosis 2.5g mikoriza memilik nilai tinggi tanaman terbaik sebesar 74.70 cm dan jumlah helai daun sebanyak 314 helai. Kadar N-total tertinggi yaitu 0.30% terdapat pada kombinasi perlakuan 150% kompos dengan 5g mikoriza ataupun dengan 2.5g mikoriza. Persentase kolonisasi akar tertinggi sebesar 50% dan kadar P-tersedia tanah tertinggi yaitu 32.5 mg/100g pada perlakuan 150% kompos dengan dosis 5g mikoriza

    Implementation State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Core Values at RSUD Banten

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    President Joko Widodo officially introduced the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to core values and employer branding. As a public servant, policy implementer, and unifier of the nation, ASN plays a critical and strategic function, requiring unity of steps in the concept and work methods from the national government to local governments. The goal of these basic principles is to develop civil servants' culture so that they can operate professionally, particularly in the delivery of public services. The mentality issue in dealing with work pressure and change or disruption that necessitates a shift in thought and innovation has not been entirely resolved. A service-oriented mentality is one of the key values. RSUD Banten is one of the public-sector health-care organizations in Banten Province. With the establishment of RSUD Banten, it is envisaged that the needs of public health services in Banten Province can be satisfied to the greatest extent possible, one of which necessitates professional implementing human resources as service providers. The research method uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Data analysis techniques using the model of Miles et al. The results showed that BerAKHLAK's core values have been implemented well by employees at RSUD Banten
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