10 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Upah Bayangan untuk Memperkirakan Penawaran Tenaga Kerja USAhatani Kasus pada USAhatani Ubikayu di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Shadow wages can be used for estimation labor supply of farm household with Cobb-Douglas production function. The research conducted in five villages, i.e., Pageraji, Pejogol,Cilongok, Pernasidi, and Cikidang in Banyumas Regency. The respondents were chosen byCluster Random Sampling. The research result showed that the shadow wages as a supplyfunction of cassava farm in dry land were flatter then in paddy land. The more shadow wagesthe more labor supply

    Prospek Pengembangan Agroindustri Minuman Lidah Buaya Di Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah (Agroindustrial Development Prospect of Aloe Vera Juice in Purworejo Regency, Central Java)

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    Purworejo Regency is one of the most potential areas in Central Java which has high potency in the developing of Aloe Vera agro business. This fact inspires the writer to make a research aimed to search: (1) for the financial analysis of Aloe Vera agroindustry (nata de aloe); (2) for the added value from the process of nata dc aloe; and (3) for the strategy of developing the agro industry of nata de aloe. The writer uses the purposive method in determining the research object. And it is determined that PM Bagas Aji in Purworejo Regency is the object of the research. The result of the research shows that aloe vera agroindustry is profitable because its R/C value is bigger than one (1, 28); the actual total production are 5000 boxes and the actual revenue is Rp. 96.000.000,00,. Those numbers are bigger compared with the actual numbers when it reaches BEP, the total production are 1383 boxes and the total revenue is Rp. 26.457.377,00; it means that the added value is Rp. 1.574,00 per kg. The strategies to develop this business are improving the quality of the taste and the package of the product, investing more capital spreading the market, dan doing the efisiency production It is suggested that there must be financial development in Aloe Vera agro industry in Purworejo Regency. It is suggested that Bagas Aji Drinking Water Company should improve the quality of the taste and the package of the product and continue marketing it. The government should give financial support to promote the nata de aloe as one of the outstanding products in Purworejo Regency


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan anggota KWT Mekar Sari dari usaha tani pemanfaatan pekarangan Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) dan mengetahui efisiensi usaha tani dengan pendekatan R/C rasio. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Sasaran penelitian adalah anggota KWT Mekar Sari penerima dana bantuan kegiatan KRPL di Kelurahan Bobosan Kabupaten Banyumas sejumlah 20 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan, serta R/C rasio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan KRPL memberikan manfaat bagi anggota KWT Mekar Sari, yaitu pekarangan menjadi lebih produktif serta kebutuhan pangan keluarga terpenuhi dengan baik. Usaha tani lahan pekarangan yang dilakukan oleh anggota KWT Mekar Sari terdiri dari usaha tani sayuran, buah, dan TOGA seperti cabai, pisang, dan jahe, sedangkan ternak ayam terdiri ayam kampung jantan dan betina, dan budidaya ikan gurame, mujair, bawal, patin, melem, tawes, dan lele. Total biaya per bulan untuk usaha tani sebesar Rp 1.814.750,00, total penerimaan sebesar Rp 3.365.183,00, dan total pendapatan sebesar  Rp 1.550.433,00. Kegiatan pemanfaatan pekarangan sudah efisien dan menguntungkan, terbukti dari nilai R/C rasio sebesar 1,85 yang artinya setiap Rp100.000,00 biaya yang dikeluarkan akan memberikan penerimaan sebesar Rp185.000,00


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    Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) merupakan konsep lingkungan perumahanpenduduk yang secara bersama-sama mengusahakan pekarangannya secara intensif untukdimanfaatkan menjadi sumber pangan secara berkelanjutan dengan mempertimbangkanaspek potensi wilayah dan kebutuhan gizi warga setempat. Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT)Mekar Sari, Kelurahan Bobosan, Kecamatan Purwokerto Utara, Kabupaten Banyumas dipiilhsecara sengaja karena merupakan wilayah yang masih aktif menjalankan program KRPLsampai saat penelitian dilakukan (2016). Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi agarprogram tersebut berlanjut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui: (1) Hasil evaluasipelaksanaan program KRPL pada KWT Mekar Sari di Bobosan (2) Persepsi KWT MekarSari mengenai kegiatan KRPL, (3) Kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan program KRPLpada KWT Mekarsari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus, dengan sasaranpenelitian anggota KWT Mekar Sari di Kelurahan Bobosan Kabupaten Banyumas. Penentuanresponden dilakukan secara sensus sebanyak 31 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaituanalisis deskriptif dan sistem skoring menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukanbahwa: (1) Pelaksanaan kegiatan KRPL di KWT Mekarsari tergolong baik. (2) Persepsianggota KWT terhadap pelaksanaan KRPL bersifat positif (3) Kendala yang dihadapi dalampelaksanaan program antara lain cuaca yang memiliki intensitas hujan tinggi dan organismepengganggu tanaman (OPT)

    Exploration and remediation ability test of indigenous bacteria from rice field pemalang regency on lead (Pb) contamined soil

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    The research aims to obtain isolates and determine the morphological characteristics of bacteria that are resistant to Lead (Pb) contamination. The materials and tools used were soil from conventional rice farming land, Nutrient Agar (NA) medium, alcohol 70%, aquades, PbNO3 solution, aluminum foil, cling wrap, heat-resistant plastic, spiritus, physiological solution of 0.85% NaCl, autoclave, test tubes, petri dishes, erlenmeyer flasks, measuring cylinder, beaker glass, laminar air flow (LAF), shaker, magnetic stirrer, micropipette, refrigerator, analytical balance, ose needle, pH meter, vortex, ice box, shovel , tube racks, bunsen, stationery, labels, and other supporting materials and equipment. This research is a sampling research and continued with laboratory tests including bacterial isolation, colony count calculation and macromorphological characterization. The data obtained from morphological observations are presented in the form of descriptions, while quantitative data are presented in the form of numbers and are used as primary data. The results of isolating bacteria with NA medium added with 5 ppm lead, there are five bacterial isolates were selected, namely KMPb O, KT1Pb C, KT2Pb H, KB1Pb H, and KB2Pb K. Based on the TPC (Total Plate Count) test with a range of 30-300 colonies, the number of bacterial colonies ranged from 10,45 x 106 – 28,9 x 106 CFU/ml. The colony morphological characteristics of the five bacterial isolates were dominated by round in shape, smooth texture and flat elevation


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    Waste cooking is a vegetable oil that can be processed into laundry soap products. Business opportunities based on waste cooking soap that are environmentally friendly need to be researched. This study aims to create an environmentally friendly laundry soap business design using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) method. Sources of data obtained from in-depth interviews with household scale soap producer Inti Herba. Based on the results of the analysis, there are 9 blocks used in designing an environmentally friendly laundry soap business based on waste cooking. Environmentally friendly products have a value proportion to green products which are products that are in demand by environmental activists/green consumers. Therefore, in this eco-friendly laundry soap business design, the market segment is housewives who are environmental activists. The other seven blocks studied using BMC show important aspects related to the design of an environmentally friendly laundry soap business from waste cooking


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    This research aims to identify: (1) linkage between agricultural sectors towards Central Java economy; (2) agricultural sector contribution on added value increasing, especially for household income; and ·(3) what agricultural sector commodities are priorities on Central Java economy. The 2000 and 2004 input-output table of Central Java are analyzed by linkage analysis, output and income multiplier. The results show that agricultural sector growth in Central Java able to enhance any other sector activities. Tobacco, poultry, and its outputs are agricultural sector commodity which use a lot of any other economic sector outputs as its input. Then, sugar cane is agricultural sector output which is used as input by a lot of other economic sector. Central Java agricultural sector has role in increasing the added value, especially for household income. Agricultural sector commodities which have high rate of output multiplier are tobacco, poultry and its outputs. Central Java agricultural sector which becomes short term priority sector, has big investment impact toward total production increasing, and has role toward household income increasing are poultry and its outputs, tobacco, rubber,coffee, sugar cane and animal husbandry and its outputs. Furthermore, longterm priority sector, i.e. sectors which able to enhance any other sectoractivities, includes clove and any other plantation, agricultural services,wood, coffee, any other food substance and coconut

    Preferences of Consumers Citrus Fruit in the District of Banyumas

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze consumer preferences of citrus fruit (Citrus nobilis) in Banyumas Regency, based on the attributes of fruit color, size, cleanliness and thickness of fruit skin, aroma and taste of fruit, texture of fruit flesh, freshness of fruit, accessibility and price of fruit perg. Respondents collected 82  citrus fruit consumers who live in Banyumas Regency. Sampling was done by distributing questionnaires through Google form and analyzed by conjoint analysis. The results showed that the consumer preference for citrus fruit (Citrus nobilis) is fruit with a yellow color, medium size, clean skin hygiene, medium skin thickness, pungent aroma, sweet taste, medium fruit texture, freshness for very fresh, very easy to buy and the price is above Rp. 12,000, - The value of the relative importance of consumer preferences for citrus fruit is the attributes of fruit taste, fruit skin color and fruit size, respectivel