30 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Sistem Dinamik Ketercapaian Kontribusi Biodiesel Dalam Bauran Energi Indonesia 2025

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    Biodiesel industry in Indonesia commercially emerged in 2005 driven by concerns on energy security triggered by high oil price, increasing environmental demand to reduce CO2 emission, while leveraging on Crude Palm Oil feed stock availability. The Government of Indonesia mandated biodiesel to contribute 10.22 million kilo litre in 2025 energy mix target, beside current weak industry performance of 27% low utilization ratio of biodiesel plant installed capacity of 4.2 million ton per annum. A system dynamic model, called Indonesia Biodiesel Industry Dynamic Model, has been developed as a platform to study the structure and behaviour of the biodiesel industry enriched with inputs from biodiesel related experts panel discussion and interview and to simulate the impact of energy policy interventions, such as biodiesel subsidy, diesel subsidy reduction and removal, blending mandate, and diesel environmental tax to the performance of biodiesel production, industry profitability EBITDA and Carbon Emission Reduction (CER) during simulation period of 2005-2030. Based on the scenario 1 of MDIBI, targeted 10.22 million tones per annum contribution of biodiesel in 2025 Indonesia\u27s energy mix would not be achieved with current structure and condition, mainly due to three factors, which are (i) low mixture of biodiesel-diesel mandate, (ii) a relatively limited supply of CPO raw materials which must be allocated for competing demand from cooking oil, oleofoods, oleochemicals and biodiesel industries, and (iii) currently available limited public service obligation (PSO) market

    Identifikasi sumber bahaya, penilaian risiko dan pengendalian risikio di pt Royal Korindah Kabupaten Purbalingga tahun 2013

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    Cling wrap has properties similar to Tegaderm�, an expensive band-aid that has been used as a transport membrane of keratinocytes. PRP gel and fibrin glues are proved to be useful as the cellular adhesive on cellular transplantation. We hypothesized that either PRP gel or fibrin glues can enhance plastic-keratinocytes adhesion and can be used as a replacement material for Tegaderm�. In order to have an evidence of our hypothesis, an invitro study was designed to determine passage 2 human keratinocytes adhesion on cling wrap and compared to Tegaderm�. Forty micro liters of 1 x 105 keratinocytes/mL were dropped onto cling wraps and Tegaderm� either coated by fibrin glues or PRP gel. Measurement of keratinocytes adhesion was using the MTT-assay, performed after 72 hours incubation, and read by 570 nm of spectrometer. Improving of research validity was performed by eight times repeated procedures. The means of optical density of blue formazan among various groups were analyzed using the one-way Anova and Kruskal Wallis test with post hoc analysis by Mann-Whitney test. The results showed adhesion of keratinocytes on uncoated cling wrap better than uncoated Tegaderm� (P<0,05). Fibrin glue coating on the cling wrap significantly (P<0.05) enhanced the adhesion of keratinocytes. This adhesion is equal to fibrin glue coated Tegaderm �. This fact is not found among PRP gel coated cling wrap. Conclusion, cling wrap can be used as keratinocyte transport membrane in cellular graftin

    Strategi Pemulihan Industri Jasa Logistik Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

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    Dampak Pandemi Covid berdampak pada industri jasa logistik baik secara kinerja maupun finansial. Dalam kondisi pandemi Covid-19, beberapa bisnis di industri jasa logistik tidak berjalan tidak seperti biasanya (busines as usual mode), tetapi bagaimana dapat bertahan (survival mode) dan dapat bergerak untuk ke tahapan pemulihan dan pertumbuhan (recovery and growth mode). Namun, tidak semua industri jasa logistik terkena dampak negatif dari Pandemi Covid-19, untuk itu diperlukan proses pemetaan industri terdampak dan yang dapat bertahan sehingga dapat dibuat strategi pemulihan bisnis pasca pandemi Covid-19.Dampak dan respon Industri Jasa Logistik terhadap upaya pemulihan sangat bervariasi, secara umum strategi pemulihan melambat karena kontradiksi antara “keinginan untuk meraih pasar baru” dan “kondisi tidak siap berinvestasi untuk pemulihan akibat tersendatnya aliran kas selama pandemi. Kontradiksi tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan beberapa “Prinsip Inovasi” pelayanan logistik, termasuk dengan referensi “Praktek Baik” yang sukses di masa pandemik untuk menjadi standar Model Bisnis layanan logistik nasional.Perubahan model bisnis yang dapat menjamin aliran kas dapat membantu terkumpulnya keberanian untuk berinvestasi, dengan semangat menciptakan pasar baru dan memperkuat sistem layanannya agar segera pulih dan tumbuh. Ketika komunitas industri tidak sanggup untuk mengubah bisnis modelnya karena keterbatasan pendanaan dalam masa pandemi, maka Pemerintah dapat hadir dengan stimulus keuangan yang dapat memicu dan memacu pergerakan angkutan barang. Perubahan “Mekanisme Anggaran” (APBN/APBD/BUMN) diperlukan untuk menjamin aliran kas di dunia usaha sehingga mempercepat pergerakan barang dan ekonomi nasional