39 research outputs found

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    Antibiotik sebagai Induktor Buah Tanpa Biji pada Anggur

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    Four kinds of antibiotics were examined, viz. streptomycin (SM) and gentamicin (GM) as bactericidal antibiotica and tetracycline (TC) and spectinomycin (SE) as bacteriostatical antibiotics. Kyoho an Pione (tetraploid hybris cultivars) were used as the plant materials. Among the four antibiotics, SM and SE were effective to induce seedlessness in Muscat of Alexandria (MOA) and less effective for Kyoho and Pione. The seedless induction effect of SM and SE seemed not to be affected by their mode of action. Using the four cultivars, Kyoho, Pione, MOA, and Neo Muscat (NM), either SM or SE most effective to induce seedlessness when applied 3 days before full bloom. The ineffectiveness of antibiotics for Kyoho and Pione was indicated by the higher percentage of empty-seeded berries in these cultivars compared to MOA and Nm. Since there was no normal seed in the antibiotic-treated berries, this phenomenon indicated that the outer parts of the tetraploid ovules were more resistant to antibiotic treatments than those of diploid ovules.   Key word: Grape, Seedless, Antibiotic


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    A study on the effects of the application date of antibiotic on seedlessness and berry size was conduced using 'Muscut of Alexandria'(MOA) and 'Neo Muscut'(NM) grapevines. Two antibiotics were used as seedlessness inducer,streptomycin(SM) and spectinomycine(SE) applied in the concentoration of 200mg/L by dippinng the clusters.The tested of dates of application were 6 and 3 days before full bloom, at full bloom (50% anthesis),and 5days after full bloom.The 3-days before full bloom application gave the highest percentage of seedless berry within each antibiotic in both cultivars.Application after than 3days before full bloon increased production of empty-seeded berries, though the later application was able to increase the berry size and berry weight.'マスカット・オブ・アレキサンドリア’と’ネオ・マスカット’について、無核化のために行う抗生物質処理の時期がその効果と果粒の肥大に及ぼす影響を調査した。無核化剤としてストレプトマイシンとスペクチノマイシンを用い、満開日(小花の50%が開花)とその6,3日前、および5日後に200mg/MLで果房の浸漬処理を行った。両品種とも、3日前に各抗生物質を処理すると無核化率が最も高かった。それより遅い処理では果粒サイズは大きかったが、空洞種子(empty seed) を含む果粒が多く着生した

    Growth and Yield of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) First Ratoon on Residual of Filter Cake and Residual of Inorganic Fertilizer

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    Intensification of upland sugarcane is one way to increase national sugar production. This research aimed to study the responses of growth and yield of two sugarcane varieties to residual filter cake and inorganic fertilizers in upland sugarcane. The research was conducted from August 2019 to July 2020 in the experimental field of PT Kebun Tebu Mas, Lamongan on the first ratoon cane with a split-split plot design. The treatment consisted of three factors, variety (PS 881 and PS 862 as main plots), residual filter cake (0, 5, and 10 tons ha-1) as subplots, and inorganic fertilizer residues (25, 50, 75, and 100% recommended doses about 600 kgs ha‑1 ZA and 400 kgs ha‑1 NPK 15-15-15) as sub-sub plots. The results showed that the growth and yield of PS 862 were better than PS 881 in the performance of plant height, internode length, diameter, stem length, and stem number. The residue of blotong compost had significantly better effect at the level of 10 tons ha-1 on internode length. Residual inorganic fertilizer level of 75% resulted higher leaf number, shoot number, stem number, and stem diameter. The PS 862 with 5 tons ha-1 residual blotong compost produced the highest stem weight of 0.48 kg m-1. PS 881 variety has an optimum value of 71.19% residual inorganic fertilizer to achieve a sugarcane yield of 60.31 tons ha-1. Keywords: intensification, PS 881, PS 862, sugar, uplandIntensifikasi tebu keprasan lahan kering merupakan salah satu cara dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi gula nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari respon pertumbuhan dan hasil dua varietas tebu terhadap residual kompos blotong dan pupuk anorganik pada budidaya tebu lahan kering. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Agustus 2019 sampai dengan Juli 2020 pada tebu keprasan pertama di lahan percobaan PT Kebun Tebu Mas, Lamongan, Jawa Timur dengan rancangan split split plot. Perlakuan terdiri atas tiga faktor yaitu varietas (PS 881 dan PS 862) sebagai petak utama, residual kompos blotong (taraf 0, 5, dan 10 ton ha-1) sebagai anak petak, dan residual pupuk anorganik (25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% dosis rekomendasi sebesar 600 kg ha‑1 ZA dan 400 kg ha‑1 NPK 15-15-15) sebagai anak-anak petak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan varietas PS 862 lebih tinggi daripada PS 881 pada keragaan tinggi tanaman, panjang ruas, diameter, panjang batang, dan jumlah batang. Residual kompos blotong memiliki pengaruh nyata lebih baik pada taraf 10 ton ha-1 pada panjang ruas. Residual pupuk anorganik taraf 75% menyebabkan respon yang nyata lebih baik pada peubah jumlah daun, jumlah tunas, jumlah batang dan diameter. Varietas PS 862 dengan 5 ton ha-1 residual kompos blotong menghasilkan bobot batang terbaik sebesar 0.48 kg m-1. Varietas PS 881 memiliki nilai optimum sebesar 71.19% residual pupuk anorganik untuk mencapai hasil tebu sebesar 60.31 ton ha-1. Kata kunci: gula, intensifikasi, lahan kering, PS 862, PS 88

    Fruit Coating with Chitosan and Beeswax to Increase Papaya Shelf Life

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    Papaya (Carica papaya) is a climacteric fruit with an increased respiration rate during ripening process. Papaya respiration rate can be inhibited by providing a coating on the surface of the fruits, including chitosan, a polysaccharide derived from shrimp shell waste, or beeswax.The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of chitosan and beeswax coating on the shelf life and quality of papaya Callina fruit during storage. Results of the experiments showed that fruit coating with chitosan and beeswax can extend the shelf life of papaya Callina by four to five days compared to control due to inhibition respiration rate of papaya fruits during storage.The use of chitosan and beeswax was beneficial to maintain the physical and chemical quality of papaya Callina fruits

    Pemanfaatan Pupuk Majemuk sebagai Sumber Hara Budidaya Tomat secara Hidroponik

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    The objective of this research was to know the effect of compound fertilizer as nutrient source for hydroponics tomatoes. This experiment was conducted from Mei to September 2002, at Cikabayan Experiment Station of The Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agriculture Institut (IPB). The compound fertilizers used were Grow More, Gandapan, Hyponex, and Joro AB mix as control. Experimental design used was Randomized Block Design with three replications. The results of this experiment indicated that Joro and Gandapan have the greatest effect for vegetatif phase. There was no significant difference between control (Joro) and the treatments (Grow More, Gandapan, and Hyponex) in number of flower, fruit set, fruit weight, and bad fruit weight, fruit quality, percent total solid. This indicated that the fertilizers could be used as nutrient source for tomato cultured in hydroponics.  Key words : Hydroponic, Multi fertilizer, Vegetatif, Generative phase

    Efektivitas Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Caisin (Brassica Chinensis L.)

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    Lahan pertanian Indonesia yang terdegradasi mengakibatkan menurunnya produktivitas sayuran. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu penggunaan pupuk anorganik tanpa pengembalian sisa tanaman dan bahan organik ke dalam tanah. Perlunya usaha dan strategi yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kualitas lahan, serta mempertahankan kesuburan dan kesehatan tanah dengan pemanfaatan pupuk hayati. Pupuk biologi adalah produk biologi yang aktif memproduksi berdasarkan mikroba-mikroba yang dapat meningkatkan keefisienan pemupukan, kesuburan dan kesehatan tanah. Pemanfaatan dari pupuk hayati diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan tanaman yang lebih sehat, bebas dari hama dan penyakit, produksi yang tinggi, ramah lingkungan, berkelanjutan dan dapat mereduksi pupuk anorganik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk hayati pada pertumbuhan dan hasil caisin di lapangan yang dilakukan di Leuwikopo, Darmaga, Bogor Indonesia pada Februari hingga April 2011. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak dengan 7 perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang dimkasud yaitu tanpa pupuk hayati dan NPK (P0), 1 dosis NPK (P1), Biofertilizer + 1 dosis NPK (P2), biofertilizer + 0.75 dosis NPK (P3), biofertilizer + 0.5 dosis NPK (P4), biofertilizer + 0.25 dosis NPK (P5) dan biofertilizer (P6). Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan pupuk hayati tidak dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman caisin yang diukur seperti tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan panjang akar. Kombinasi pupuk hayati dengan 0.5 hingga 1 dosis NPK mampu memproduksi berat basah tajuk tanaman dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan NPK saja. Dengan demikian, penggunaan pupuk hayati dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk anorganik urea, SP-36 dan KCL sebesar 50%

    Evaluasi Kematangan Pascapanen Pisang Barangan untuk Menentukan Waktu Panen Terbaik Berdasarkan Akumulasi Satuan Panas

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    Buah pisang termasuk buah klimakterik dengan umur simpan pendek. Penanganan pascapanen buah pisang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kualitas dan umur simpan buah. Tingkat kematangan buah ketika dipanen dapat mempengaruhi kualitas buah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh perbedaan umur petik terhadap kriteria kematangan pascapanen dan menentukan umur petik terbaik pisang Barangan berdasarkan akumulasi satuan panas. Percobaan dilaksanakan di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Kebun Parakan Salak, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat dan Laboratorium Pascapanen, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan 5 perlakuan umur petik: 68, 73, 78, 83, dan 88 hari setelah antesis (HSA). Setiap perlakuan diterapkan pada 5 tandan sebagai ulangan. Buah pisang Barangan dapat dipanen pada umur petik 78 HSA dengan akumulasi satuan panas sebesar 1 200-1 250 °C hari dan umur simpan mencapai 13-14 hari setelah panen (HSP). Buah pisang Barangan dengan umur petik lebih tua lebih cepat mencapai kematangan pascapanen dibandingkan buah dengan umur petik muda. Perlakuan umur petik 68-88 HSA mempengaruhi bobot buah, susut bobot, kekerasan kulit buah, kandungan vitamin C, padatan terlarut total (PTT), asam terlarut total (ATT), dan rasio PTT/ATT, namun tidak mempengaruhi kekerasan daging buah dan edible part

    The Fruit Characteristics of Ambon Forest Nutmeg (Myristica fatua Houtt) and Banda Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt)

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    Ambon Forest nutmeg (Myristica fatua Houtt) is one of the endemic plants in Indonesia. The morphological characteristic of Ambon Forest nutmeg is slightly different from that of Banda nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) i.e., it is not used as spices, but its oil is used as a lamp oil. This study aimed to determine the chemical components and essential oils of Ambon Forest nutmeg derived from its seeds, mace, and flesh compared to Banda nutmeg. Extractions of essential oils were performed using a steam hydro-distillation. Analysis of chemical compositions and contents of essential oil was carried out using a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) instrument and SNI 06-2388-2006 method.  The essential oil contents in Ambon Forest nutmeg were relatively low, i.e., 0.63% in the seeds, 0.30% in the mace, and 0.04% in the flesh compared to Banda nutmeg i.e., 1% in the seeds, 40% in the mace, and 3.5% in the fruit flesh. The chemical compositions of essential oils showed that M. fatua Houtt contained 12 compounds in the seeds, 24 compounds in the mace, and 17 compounds in the fruit flesh, while for Banda Nutmeg, the contents of essential oils were  found 18 compounds in the seeds, 10 compounds in the mace, and 15 compounds in the fruit flesh. M. fatua Houtt contained the highest Copaene, i.e., 28.41% in the seeds, 10.42% in the mace, and 23.33% in the fruit flesh. Myristicin, as the main marker compound of nutmeg oil, was also found in Ambon Forest nutmeg i.e., 1.3% in the seeds, 1.16% in the mace, and 5.19% in the fruit flesh. However, these results showed lower contents when compared to Banda nutmeg with Myristicin contents of 8.72% in the seeds, 10.14% in the mace, and 10.46% in the fruit flesh. Keywords: Essential oil, Myristica fatua Houtt, Myristica fragrans Houtt, Nutme