320 research outputs found
Kebijakan Penetapan Tarif Seksio Sesarea Tanpa Penyulit dengan Metode Activity Based Costing Berdasarkan ICD-9CM dalam Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Rumah Sakit X Kudus
Universitas Diponegoro
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Konsentrasi Administrasi Rumah Sakit
Amirati Dwishinta Widhiasri Widjajanto
Kebijakan Penetapan Tarif Seksio Sesarea Tanpa Penyulit dengan Metode Activity Based Costing Berdasarkan ICD-9CM dalam Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Rumah Sakit X Kudus
xvii + 96 halaman + 14 tabel + 2 gambar + 18 lampiran
Tarif Seksio Caesarea (SC) dalam program JKN jauh berbeda dengan tarif SC yang berlaku di Rumah Sakit. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang Kebijakan Penetapan Tarif Seksio Sesarea Tanpa Penyulit dengan Metode Activity Based Costing (ABC) Berdasarkan ICD-9CM dan Kesesuaiannya dengan Tarif INA CBGs dalam Pelaksanaan Program JKN di Rumah Sakit X Kudus
Penelitan ini merupakan studi kasus analitik dengan tiga tahap. Pertama, penyusunan Clinical Pathway (CP) SC Tanpa Penyulit dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode FGD dan Metode Delphi. Tahap kedua adalah Implementasi CP dan penghitungan unit cost SC Tanpa Penyulit dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan metode ABC. Tahap ketiga merupakan analisis hasil dan tindak lanjut kebijakan internal RS dalam menghadapi program JKN. Tahap ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan metode FGD dalam pengumpulan data.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan CP berperan penting dalam upaya penyeragaman sumber daya yang digunakan sehingga menjadi alat dalam efisiensi biaya dan kendali biaya. Hasil penghitungan unit cost SC Tanpa Penyulit kelas II Rp. 5.320.957,- dan kelas I 5.484.564,-. Bila ditambahkan dengan jasa pelayanan maka biaya yang dikeluarkan RS untuk SC Tanpa Penyulit kelas II menjadi Rp. 7.485.745,- dan kelas I menjadi Rp. 8.380.564,-. Angka ini masih di atas standar tarif JKN yang berlaku. Selama ini kebijakan RS dalam penetapan tarif mengutamakan komponen kompetitor sebagai faktor pertimbangan. Biaya satuan telah dihitung namun belum memasukkan biaya gedung dan tanah sebagai salah satu sumber daya yang harus diperhitungkan. Dalam menghadapi program JKN, RS akan meninjau kembali struktur tarif RS, berupaya untuk meningkatkan fungsi Tim Kendali Mutu dan Kendali Biaya (TKMKB), serta mengupayakan peningkatan CoB (Coordination of Benefit) sebagai peluang income generating dengan meningkatkan mutu layanan di kelas Utama dan VIP sebagai daya tarik.
Disarankan kepada RS untuk segera menerbitkan CP, meninjau ulang tarif RS dengan melibatkan seluruh sumber daya yang dimiliki, mencari inovasi layanan selain CoB, peningkatan peran tim TKMKB, serta mengupayakan seluruh lini RS sadar biaya dalam rangka efisiensi biaya dan kendali biaya.
Kata kunci : Kebijakan Tarif SC Tanpa Penyulit, JKN.
Kepustakaan : 59 (1978-2016)
Diponegoro University
Faculty of Public Health
Master’s Study Program in Public Health
Majoring in Hospital Administration
Amirati Dwishinta Widhiasri Widjajanto
A Policy of Tariff Determination of Uncomplicated Sectio Caesarea using a Method of Activity Based Costing based on ICD-9CM in Implementing Program of National Health Insurance at Hospital X in Kudus
xvii + 96 pages + 14 tables + 2 figures + 18 appendices
A tariff of Section Caesarea (SC) in a program of National Health Insurance (NHI) is completely different from a tariff which is used at a hospital. Therefore, there needs to study a policy of tariff determination of Uncomplicated SC using a method of Activity Based Costing (ABC) based on ICD-9CM and its adjustment with a tariff of INA CBGs in the implementation of the NHI program at hospital X in Kudus.
This was an analytic case study using three steps. First, arrangement of Clinical Pathway (CP) of uncomplicated SC using descriptive-qualitative approach. Data were collected by using methods of FGD and Delphi. Second, the implementation of CP and calculation of uncomplicated SC unit cost using quantitative approach. Data were collected using methods of observation and ABC. Third, analysing results and following up internal policy of a hospital in facing the NHI program. This step was undertaken using qualitative approach and the method of FGD to collect data.
The results of this research showed that CP had an important role in uniforming used resource in order to be tools in cost efficiency and cost control. Uncomplicated SC unit cost class II was Rp 5,320,957 and class I was Rp 5,484,564. If these costs were added with service cost, the costs that were spent by a hospital would be Rp 7,485,745 for class II and Rp 8,380,564 for class I. These costs were higher than the current standard of NHI tariff. To date, a policy of a hospital in determining the tariff prioritised a component of competitor as a considering factor. Unit cost had been calculated but it had not included costs of building and land as resources that had to be considered. In facing the NHI program, a hospital would review a structure of the hospital tariff, would improve functions of Quality and Cost Assurance Team (QCAT), and would increase Coordination of Benefit (CoB) as an opportunity of income generating by improving service quality at primary and VIP classes to attract.
A hospital needs to release CP, review the hospital tariff by involving all available resources, find innovation instead of CoB, increase a role of the QCAT team, and make an effort for all departments at a hospital in order to recognise the importance of cost efficiency and cost control.
Keywords : Policy of Uncomplicated Sc Tariff; NHI
Bibliography: 59 (1978-2016
Pengaruh Bokashi Kotoran Sapi terhadap Beberapa Sifat Fisik Entisol Lembah Palu
This research aimed to determine the effect of adding cow manure bokashi on some physical characteristics of Entisols of Lembah Palu. The research conducted from March to December 2015 at Soil Science Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty of Tadulako University. Soil sample was taken from Sidera village, Sigi Biromaru sub district of Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi province. The research used a randomize block design with the cow manure bokashi as treatment. The cow manure bokashi was added at various rates i.e. 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance to determine the cow manure effect and Least Significance Ddifferent Test to determine the differences between the treatments. The 15% cow manure bokashi treatment resulted in lowest bulk density (1,28 g cm-3), plasticity index (36,43) and liquid limit (54,17). The same treatment also produced largest porosity (50,75%), field capacity (33,22%) and saturated water (56,38%) content
Metode Partisipatif Dalam Perancangan Film Pendek 'Titik Balik' Untuk Lomba Film Pendek Festival Ramadhan Net Tv Tahun 2021
Film pendek merupakan sebuah fenomena budaya yang berkembang beberapa tahun belakangan ini, yang merujuk pada kemunculan genre baru dalam industri film di Indonesia dan di dunia, yaitu film yang diproduksi oleh kelompok komunitas atau masyarakat atau sineas independen. Adapun ciri-ciri film pendek adalah film berbiaya kecil, peralatan sederhana, pemeran dari kalangan bukan aktris atau aktor profesional dan kru dari masyarakat umum, komunitas sineas tertentu. Bak jamur di musim hujan, produksi film pendek karya sineas independen meningkat tajam, seiring berkembangnya platform Youtube. Bukan hanya pemerintah, banyak pihak juga menaruh perhatian pada para pembuat film pendek, termasuk perusahaan stasiun televisi.Salah satunya adalah NET TV, sebuah stasiun televisi nasional yang memiliki slogan terbar
At least, children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) force the children to follow long period protocols. This situation was complex due to children and parents. When they permit the treatment, it make more easy to survive but depend on parents support. This research is to explore parents caring role on children with ALL. This qualitative study held in Yogyakarta at June 2014, data collected by indepth interview with 8 parent’s from children with ALL. Data was recorded, transcribing and analized using collaizi method. During the illness, parent caring the children at home with independendent care, bringing to the hospital and giving complementary medicine. At early treatment they decide to go to traditional medicine, but at present it didn’t show more benefit than follow the ALL protocol’s. Complexity situation of treatment cause parents role strain. They face this stressor by delegating caring role of health children and economic function to the other family members.. Parent changing role during caring the children was one way to maintain family structure.
Key words: parents, action, role, leukemi
Pengaruh Pemberian Gipsum terhadap Perubahan Beberapa Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Entisols Lembah Palu
This study aimed to determine the changes in physical and chemical characteristics of Lembah Palu Entisols added with gypsum. The research used a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates thus there were 24 experimental units. Four gypsum rates were applied including no gypsum added, gypsum added at 10 t ha-1, 20 t ha-1, and 30 t ha-1. The effect of gypsum was analysed using the Analysis of Variance and the differences between treatments were determined using Least Significant Difference test. Experimental variable observed were saturated water content,field capacity water content, bulk density, soil porosity, plasticity index, electrical conductivity, and cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), Ca-exch content. The addition of gypsum significantly affected all soil variables observed except soil porosity and CEC
Efektivitas Teknik Pembacaan Narasi Visual dalam Pemutaran Film untuk Disabilitas Netra
“Bioskop Berbisik” adalah sebuah bioskop mini untuk penyandang disabilitas netra yang dibangun pada tahun 2015 oleh Sentra Abiyoso, sebuah Unit Pelayanan Teknis Kementrian Sosial Republik Indonesia yang berlokasi di Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Seperti namanya, Bioskop Berbisik mengacu kepada sebuah aktivitas berbisik yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah orang kepada para disabilitas netra ketika sedang menonton sebuah film. Pada tahun 2017, tekniknya dikembangkan dengan perangkat sound system yang dikoneksikan dengan audio film, sehingga sejumlah pembisik digantikan oleh seorang narator yang menarasikan visual film. Bioskop Berbisik merupakan manifestasi kehadiran negara dalam pelayanan sosial berupa hiburan menonton film bagi orang-orang berkebutuhan khusus, dalam hal ini adalah orang yang memiliki kekurangan indera penglihatan, demikian juga, sebagai perwujudan salah satu target pencapaian SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goal’s), yakni mengurangi ketimpangan. Untuk para penyandang disabilitas netra, nonton film bermakna hiburan dan literasi. Sebagai satu-satunya fasilitas sejenis yang dimiliki oleh Departemen Sosial Republik Indonesia, Bioskop Berbisik Sentra Abiyoso merupakan obyek penelitian yang menarik, terutama untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif pengaruhnya kepada perubahan perilaku audiens. Riset ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif evaluatif melalui aktivitas questioner kepada para penonton setelah melaksanakan beberapa tahap aktivitas. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari riset ini menunjukkan bahwa narasi visual yang dibacarakan oleh seorang narator berfungsi secara efektif dalam mengubah perilaku para penonton yang merupakan para penyandang disabilitas netra.
Tujuan penelitian mengkaji jarak tanam antara rumput gajah var. odot dan ubi jalar var. cilembu terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi rumput gajah var. odot dan ubi jalar var. cilembu. Penelitian dilaksanakan April sampai Oktober 2021 di Desa Kalongan, Kecamatan Ungaran Timur, Kabupaten Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Percobaan faktorial 2 x 4 rancangan acak kelompok dengan 3 kali ulangan digunakan dalam penelitian. Faktor pertama jarak tanam rumput gajah var. odot yaitu J1 : 90 x 60 cm dan J2 : 90 x 45 cm. Faktor kedua jarak tanam ubi jalar var. cilembu : T1 : 90 cm x 30 cm, T2 : 90 cm x 40 cm, T3 : 90 cm x 50 cm dan T4 : 90 cm x 60 cm. Parameter yang diamati rumput gajah var. Odot terdiri dari tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, dan produksi bahan kering. Parameter yang diamati ubi jalar var. cilembu yaitu panjang sulur, jumlah umbi, dan produksi bahan kering. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan analisis ragam untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan. Pada parameter yang terdapat pengaruh nyata diuji lanjut menggunakan Uji Duncan pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh nyata interaksi jarak tanam rumput gajah var. odot dan ubi jalar var. cilembu terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi rumput gajah var. odot dan ubi jalar var. cilembu termasuk pada jumlah anakan dan produksi bahan kering rumput gajah var. odot dan panjang sulur, jumah umbi dan produksi bahan kering ubi jalar var. cilembu. Namun perlakuan jarak tanam rumput gajah var. odot berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman rumput gajah var. odot dimana perlakuan J1 nyata lebih tinggi dibanding perlakuan J2. Kata kunci : rumput gajah var. odot, tumpangsari, ubi jalar var. cilemb
Wayang Authoring: A Web-based Authoring Tool for Visual Storytelling for Children
This research focuses on the development of the Wayang Authoring tool as it aims to assist children in creating and performing stories, developing an appreciation for cultural artifacts, and enhancing intercultural empathy while building a young storyteller community in a virtual world. This study seeks a framework of interaction design of an authoring media which is appropriate to support children s narrative development. The concept of the tool is based on the narrative element of the ancient Indonesian art form wayang, a traditional two dimensional shadow puppet theater. To understand the user s requirements and the cultural dimension, children and professional story performers who use wayang have been involved in the design process. In order to evaluate the tool, several workshops have been conducted with children from different cultural backgrounds as well as with their teachers. Wayang Authoring is composed of three elements: the imagination-building element, the creative acting element and the social interaction element. Children take existing materials as an inspiration tool, imagine what they themselves want to tell, create a story based on their own ideas, play with their creations, share their stories and creations with others, and reflect on their experiences at the end. This virtual creative production tool is expected to provide a space for young people to change their role from a simple user to a (co-)creator in the virtual and narrative worlds. The core contributions are in the field of web technology for storytelling. The uses of web-based authoring media enable children to put themselves into the process of developing stories. When they are connecting stories, they are connected and immersed with other children as well. They have to act and play by themselves or with others within the stories in order to experience the narratives. They train to have the skills to interact, to share their ideas and to collaborate constructively. This makes it possible for them to participate in today s media-driven culture. This research found that a better understanding of how stories are crafted and brought to life in a performance tradition offers a better design of interaction of an authoring media. The handling of cultural artifacts supports the ability to understand different cultural codes and to pursue the learning process surrounding the original culture behind these artifacts
Analisis Profil Dan Masalah Industri Kecil Dan Rumah Tangga: Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur
This paper attempts to analyse the development of small and home establishments (SCE) in Ngawi, one of districts in the East Java province. Java province, special attention is given to major characteristics and problems of SCE. The rapid growth of large and medium establishments (LME) since the 1970s has overshadowed the sluggish growth of SCE
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