417 research outputs found

    Uji Aktivitas Penangkapan Radikal Dpph Ekstrak Produk Teh Hitam (Camellia Sinensis (L.) O.k.) Dan Gambir (Uncaria Gambir (Hunter) Roxb) Serta Profil Klt-densitometernya

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    The purpose of this research was to compare the DPPH scavenging activity of black tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) OK) and gambier (Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb) product extract and to determine their TLC-densitometer profile. This research was conducted in two stages, first stage was to examine the DPPH scavenging activity of black tea and gambier product extract. This assay used some concentrations of black tea product extract, gambier product extract, and standard vitamin C (10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 200, and 320 µg/mL). The second stage was to determine the extracts profile by TLC-densitometer. The result of this research showed that the DPPH scavenging activity of gambier product extract was greater (IC50 = 88,57±0,64 µg/mL) than black tea product extract (IC50 = 311,54±2,79 µg/mL). The result of profile determination of black tea product extract at a mobile phase of MeOH:toluene (50:50) showed that no spot was supposed a volatile oil group; at mobile phase of ethyl acetate:formic acid:acetic acid:H2O (100:11:11:26) showed two spots that was supposed a flavonoid group, spot with Rf 0,41 (?max 365 nm) and spot with Rf 0,97 (?max 280 nm); at mobile phase of CHCl3:MeOH (90:10) showed that spot with Rf 0,87 (?max 275 nm) was supposed an alkaloid group; at mobile phase of acetic acid:diethyl ether:n-hexane:ethyl acetate (20:20:20:40) showed that spot with Rf 0,62 (?max 290 nm) was supposed a tannin group. While the result of profile determination of gambier product extract at mobile phase of ethyl acetate:formic acid:acetic acid:H2O (100:11:11:26) showed two spots that was supposed a flavonoid group, spot with Rf 0,81 (?max 280 nm) and spot with Rf 0,92 (?max 280 nm); at mobile phase of acetic acid:diethyl ether:n-hexane:ethyl acetate (20:20:20:40) showed that spot with Rf 0,42 (?max 285 nm) was supposed a tannin group

    Uji Aktivitas Chelating Logam Ion Besi Minuman Gambir Kombucha Lokal Bali secara In Vitro yang Berpotensi untuk Pengobatan Alzheimer

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    Alzheimer adalah penyakit progresif dan neurodegeneratif fatal yang secara klinik ditandai dengan adanya penurunan kemampuan kognitif dan daya ingat. Salah satu terapi yang disarankan untuk penyakit ini adalah penggunaan kombinasi antioksidan dan chelating logam ion besi. Minuman gambir kombucha lokal Bali telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Namun kemampuan chelating logam ion besi dari minuman tersebut belum dibuktikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas chelating logam ion besi dari minuman gambir kombucha lokal Bali menggunakan metode Ferrous Ion Chelating (FIC) dan aktivitasnya dibandingkan dengan standar (+)-katekin dan larutan produk gambir. Metode FIC mengukur kemampuan suatu senyawa untuk bersaing dengan ferrozine dalam mengkelat logam ion besi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa minuman gambir kombucha lokal Bali memiliki aktivitas chelating logam ion besi (IC50 37, 85 mg/mL) lebih lemah dibandingkan larutan produk gambir (IC50 7,76 mg/mL) dan standar (+)-katekin (IC50 3,35 mg/mL) (p<0,05)

    Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Branding Mie Kedondong Surabaya

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    Mie Kedondong adalah depot yang memproduksi hidangan pangsit mie dan masakan Indonesia sejak tahun 1977, yang berasal dari Surabaya. Mie Kedondong belum mempunyai identitas brand, hal tersebut membuat Mie Kedondong tidak dapat dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai penyedia masakan mie khas Surabaya. Dengan adanya perancangan identitas visual brand ini, diharapkan masyarakat luas dapat mengenal Mie Kedondong sebagai penyedia makanan me khas Surabaya yang sudah berpengalaman

    Perception of Senior High School Teachers Towards School Organization Support

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi bentuk-bentuk dukungan organisasi sekolah yang dirasakan (Perceived School Organization Support) oleh guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei. Subjek berjumlah 97 orang guru SMU yang terdiri atas 4 sekolah mewakili Kabupaten Bantul dan 1 sekolah mewakili Kodya Yogyakarta. Pemilihan subjek penelitian dilakukan dengan melalui teknik multistage cluster random. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket terbuka yang memungkinkan subjek penelitian menjawab secara bebas. Validitas angket diperoleh lewat professional judgment. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: (1) empat dimensi dukungan sekolah yang merupakan bentuk-bentuk dukungan organisasi sekolah yang dirasakan guru antara lain Kenyamanan lingkungan fisik kerja (41%), pengembangan profesi (27%), perhatian pimpinan (18%), dan Kenyamanan lingkungan sosial kerja (14%); (2) respon emosi yang muncul dengan adanya dukungan sekolah antara lain senang, puas, nyaman bekerja, menambah semangat kerja, positive thinking terhadap sekolah, perasaan mampu mengembangkan diri, termotivasi, merasa sejahtera, dan merasa dihargai

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi E-Marketing pada PT Jeah untuk Memenangkan Persaingan Usaha

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    The purpose of this research is to design a system that could give information to customers about the provided product and also as the order media. The research method used is based on the principle of The Seven Stages of Internet Marketing to create e-marketing application, also library research, field research, analysis and designing methodology by doing survey to PT JEAH and analyzing the result. So far, the transaction process of PT JEAH is done through manual that is customer came to the store to do purchase transaction. After the e-marketing application is done, it is hoped that could give better service to customers. E-marketing concept in this system will increase efficiency and affectivity especially into order process and product information to community. Based on the research, it is concluded that with this e-marketing application as the center information and purchase media, it is hoped that the company could get loyalty from the customers and gather new market in online users

    The surface science of quasicrystals

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    The surfaces of quasicrystals have been extensively studied since about 1990. In this paper we review work on the structure and morphology of clean surfaces, and their electronic and phonon structure. We also describe progress in adsorption and epitaxy studies. The paper is illustrated throughout with examples from the literature. We offer some reflections on the wider impact of this body of work and anticipate areas for future development. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version

    Downregulation of 26S proteasome catalytic activity promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

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    The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) endows carcinoma cells with phenotypic plasticity that can facilitate the formation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) and contribute to the metastatic cascade. While there is substantial support for the role of EMT in driving cancer cell dissemination, less is known about the intracellular molecular mechanisms that govern formation of CSCs via EMT. Here we show that β2 and β5 proteasome subunit activity is downregulated during EMT in immortalized human mammary epithelial cells. Moreover, selective proteasome inhibition enabled mammary epithelial cells to acquire certain morphologic and functional characteristics reminiscent of cancer stem cells, including CD44 expression, self-renewal, and tumor formation. Transcriptomic analyses suggested that proteasome-inhibited cells share gene expression signatures with cells that have undergone EMT, in part, through modulation of the TGF-β signaling pathway. These findings suggest that selective downregulation of proteasome activity in mammary epithelial cells can initiate the EMT program and acquisition of a cancer stem cell-like phenotype. As proteasome inhibitors become increasingly used in cancer treatment, our findings highlight a potential risk of these therapeutic strategies and suggest a possible mechanism by which carcinoma cells may escape from proteasome inhibitor-based therapy

    Identifikasi Kandungan Kimia Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Herba Sambiloto

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    Herba sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Ness) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional untuk berbagai penyakit. Herba sambiloto telah dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas sebagai antiinflamasi, antibakteri, antipiretik, antioksidan, hepatoprotektor,dan antidiabetes. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kandungan kimia yang terdapat dalam ekstrak terpurifikasi herba sambiloto. Ekstrak terpurifikasi dibuat dengan mengekstraksi serbuk herba sambiloto dengan metode maserasi menggunakan etanol 90%. Kemudian dilakukan purifikasi bertahap menggunakan pelarut n-hexan, etil asetat dan air. Identifikasi kandungan kimia yang dilakukan terhadap ekstrak terpurifikasi untuk medeteksi golongan kandungan kimia minyak atsiri, alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, steroid dan terpenoid. Hasil uji menunjukan bahwa ekstrak terpurifikasi herba sambiloto mengandung senyawa golongan terpenoid dan flavonoid

    Spermidine-mediated hypusination of translation factor EIF5A improves mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and prevents non-alcoholic steatohepatitis progression

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    Spermidine is a natural polyamine that has health benefits and extends life span in several species. Deoxyhypusine synthase (DHPS) and deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH) are key enzymes that utilize spermidine to catalyze the post-translational hypusination of the translation factor EIF5A (EIF5AH). Here, we have found that hepatic DOHH mRNA expression is decreased in patients and mice with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and hepatic cells treated with fatty acids. The mouse and cell culture models of NASH have concomitant decreases in Eif5aH and mitochondrial protein synthesis which leads to lower mitochondrial activity and fatty acid β-oxidation. Spermidine treatment restores EIF5AH, partially restores protein synthesis and mitochondrial function in NASH, and prevents NASH progression in vivo. Thus, the disrupted DHPS-DOHH-EIF5AH pathway during NASH represents a therapeutic target to increase hepatic protein synthesis and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and prevent NASH progression
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