15 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Prostaglandin F2a Untuk Peningkatan Spermatozoa Pada Kambing Peranakan Ettawa Dengan Pengencer Kuning ...

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian menggunakan empat ekot kambing jantan Peranakan Ettawah dewasa, diacak secara sempurna. Pemberian Prostaglandin F2a dengan dosis (a) 0, (b) 0,5 (c) 1,0, (d) 2,0 mg dilakukan secara intra muskuler 10 menit sebelum koleksi semen. Koleksi semen dilakukan dengan menggunakan Vagina buatan interval 3 hari. Evaluasi dilakukan terhadap kualitas semen yang meliputi motilitas, konsentrasi dan prosentasi hidup spermatozoa. Pengaruh pemberian PGF2a sebelum dilakukan pengenceran dengan kuning telur sitrat dan susu skim dapat meningkatkan motilitas spermatozoa (P 0,05), tidak dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi spermatozoa (P> 0,05) dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap periode koleksinya (P> 0,05), serta tidak dapat meningkatkan prosentase hidup spermatozoa (P 0,05) dan terhadap periode koleksinya (P> 0,05). Sesudah dilakukan pengenceran dengan menggunakan kunigntelur sitrat dan susu skim, pemberian PGF2a dapat meningkatkan motilitas spermatozoa, sedang periode koleksi rata-rata mengalami penurunan yang tidak begitu tajam, dapat meningkatkan prosentase hidup spermatozoa, tapi ada sebagian yang tidak berpengaruh, begitu jug periode koleksi tidak senivanya mengalami penurunan, pepmerian PGF2a juga dapat meningkatkan prosentase hidup spermatozoa, namun ada sebagian periode koleksi yang mengalami penuruan. Diantara kedua pengencer antara kuning telur citrat dan susu skim didapatkan bahwa pengencer kuning telus citrat mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih baik daripada pengencer susu skim

    Assessment of heat stress in dairy cows related to physiological responses

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    Climate change will continue to occur in the years to come and threaten dairy cows. As a result of climate change, various risks can change due to changing ecological conditions in various places on earth. The study aimed to assess heat stress in dairy cows (calf, heifer, lactating, and dry cow). The heat stress assessment method uses the equation presented by the temperature-humidity index (THI). Heart rate, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature are physiological parameters to determine heat stress. The data collection of cattle's temperature, humidity, and physiological parameters was carried out simultaneously. Data analysis used one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey's further test. The results of the heat stress assessment showed that the THI values reached 82.8 and 78.2 in the afternoon and evening, causing the calves, lactating cow, and dry cow to be exposed to heat stress. The rectal temperature of the calf increased by 39.10C, the heart rate and respiration rate of lactating cows increased by 66.5-69.2 times/minute and 51.7 times/minute, and the respiration rate of dry cows increased by 49.2 times/minute. Efforts are needed to control heat stress in dairy cows at all age phases so that dairy cows are in comfortable environmental conditions

    Persepsi Peternak terhadap Pengobatan Haemonchosis pada Domba dengan Serbuk Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) di Desa Ngadirojo, Kecamatan Secang, Kabupaten Magelang: The Farmers' Perceptions on The Treatment of Haemonchosis in The Sheep Using Powder of Noni (Morinda citrifolia) in Ngadirojo Village, Secang Sub District, Magelang District

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    Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Ngadirejo, Kecamatan Secang, Kabupaten Magelang. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis persepsi peternak terhadap pengobatan haemonchosis pada domba menggunakan serbuk buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) dan mengetahui hubungan karakteristik peternak terhadap persepsi peternak dalam pengobatan haemonchosis pada domba dengan serbuk buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia). Desain kajian yang digunakan yaitu one-shot case study, menggunakan 35 responden dipilih mengunakan metode sensus. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Variabel dalam kajian ini terdiri dari variabel independen yaitu faktor internal umur, tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman beternak dan faktor eksternal intensitas penyuluhan serta variabel dependen yaitu persepsi peternak. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa persepsi peternak terhadap pengobatan haemonchosis pada domba menggunakan serbuk buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia), dalam kategori baik yaitu dengan nilai sebesar 2831 dan rata rata 80,89. Berdasarkan uji analisis statistik regresi linier berganda variabel umur, tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman beternak dan intensitas penyuluhan secara simultan atau bersamaan memiliki pengaruh sangat signifikan (P<0,01) terhadap persepsi peternak. Secara parsial atau individu variabel umur, pendidikan dan pengalaman beternak berpengaruh signifikan dengan persepsi peternak (P<0,05) sedangkan untuk intensitas penyuluhan berpengaruh tidak signifikan dengan persepsi peternak (P>0,05)

    Hubungan Tingkat Kosmopolitan dan Karakteristik Inovasi dengan Sikap Peternak Sapi Potong pada Pengobatan Luka Traumatik Menggunakan Salep Ekstrak Tanaman Yodium

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    The research was conducted in Mangunrejo Village, Tegalrejo District, Magelang Regency. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the level of cosmopolitan and innovation characteristics with the attitude of beef cattle breeders, in the treatment of traumatic wounds using Iodine plant extract ointment. Data were collected by means of observation and questionnaires. The variables observed were the level of cosmopolitan, innovation characteristics and attitudes. The study design used is the One Shot Case Study method. The population used is the Amanah farmer/livestock group with a sample of 32 people determined using the saturated sample technique. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis and statistical analysis (simple correlation or Pearson product moment and multiple correlation). The results showed a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between the cosmopolitan level and the attitude of goat breeders with a correlation coefficient (ryx1) of 0.395 (positive), indicating a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between the characteristics of innovation and the attitudes of cattle farmers. cut on the treatment of traumatic wounds using an iodine plant extract ointment and the correlation coefficient (ryx2)= 0.355 (positive). Taken together, there was also a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between the level of cosmopolitan and innovation characteristics with the attitude of beef cattle farmers on the treatment of traumatic wounds using plant extract ointment (Ryx1x2) of 0.473 (positive). This study can be concluded that there is a relationship between the level of cosmopolitan and innovation characteristics with the attitude of beef cattle farmers in the treatment of traumatic wounds using plant extract ointment

    Respon Peternak terhadap Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Penyakit Cacing Gastrointestinal Pada Kambing di Desa Klopo Kecamatan Tegalrejo Kabupaten Magelang

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    This study was conducted to determine the response of farmers to the prevention and treatment gastrointestine worm disease in goats and know factors that influencing farmer response Tools and materials used are stationery, questioner, folder, worm drug and vitamin of B complex. The respondents were  30 people. Data was taken from pre-test and post-test by conducting direct interview regarding prevention and treatment gastrointestine worm disease in goat by using questioner. Based on the regression analysis obtained by multiple linear equations as follows: Y = 28.946 + 5.084X1 - 0,215X2 + 0,171X3+ 0,548X4 + e. From model of regresion above, it can be intepreted that each increase in the vallue of X1 (education) equal to 1 % will add respon equal to 5.084, each increase in the value of X2 (age) by 1 % will reduce the respon by 0.215, each increase of value of X3 (experience of farming) by 1 % will add value of respon equal to 0.171, and each increase of value of X4 (amount of the ownership of livestock) by 1 % will add value of 0.548. This study concluded that there was an increase in knowledge aspects of 14.87 with EP 82.6% and EPP 77.36%, attitude aspects amounting to 10.47 with EP 90.88% and EPP 82.12% and skills aspects of 5.1 with EP 86.6% and EPP 79.19% and an increase in response value from aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of 30.39%, namely from a low response to a high response to the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal worm disease in goats. Education is the most significant factor that has a very significant effect of (P 1 ≤0.01) on the farmer response average.  Keywords: prevention, treatment, gastrointestine worm, goat, respons


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    This study determines effects of raw material feed (derived from corn, bran, soybean pods, concentrates and Indigofera zollingeriana local to Magelang) on the performance of native chicks. Performance was measured by feed consumption, body weight gain, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), mortality, and morbidity. This experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three different feed treatments, and each treatment consisted of 30 free-range female chicks as replicants, from 0-4 weeks old. Super native chick feed was formulated by trial and error by mixing all ingredients: corn, bran, soybean pods, Indigofera zollingeriana, and premix. After mixing, a proximate test determined the nutritional content of the feed. Feed was then administered to chicks. Quantity of feed was administered according to age. The results obtained in the study were analyzed descriptively and statistically using the Variance Test (ANOVA) for the variables of body weight gain, feed consumption, and FCR. The Kruskal Wallis test was used via SPSS 26 program for mortality and morbidity variables with three treatments (T1, T2, and T3) and three replications. Each treatment consisted of 30 research individuals. Results showed that the super native chicks on varied protein diets had a significant difference in performance (P0.05), with feed 3 performing the best feed 3 produced a feed consumption of 430.20 g/chick and body weight gain of 174.67 g/chick, along with 2.46 FCR, 0% mortality, and 3.33% morbidity. The conclusion this study is holistic feed made from local ingredients with the addition of Indigofera zolliengeriana had a significant effect on increasing average daily gain, increasing feed consumption, and reducing feed conversion ratio (FCR)  in native super chick


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    This present project was carried out to determine the effect of apus bamboo (Gigantochloaapus )leaves infusion to mortality rate and morphometry of Haemonchus contortus adult worms in vitro. The formulated tools were collected through camera, 3 ml syringe, object glass, deck glass, mortar, drip dropper, waterbath, microscope, stopwatch, counter check, oven, erlenmeyer flask, electric scale, surgical scissor, and pipette. The allocated materials used in this studywere bamboo leaves infusion, Haemonchus contortus adult worms, aquadestilata, ethanol and NaCl 0.62%. The research was firstly concernedwith making 0.1% and 1% apus bamboo leaves infusion. The samples were obtained from Haemonchus contortus collection. Adult worms were obtained directly from abomasum of naturally infected goats that were cut at Animal Slaughter House (RPH). To investigate the matter, mortality rates of adult worms at various doses and times of observation as well as differences in Haemonchus contortus morphometry were analyzed using ANOVA. The findings disclosed that apus bamboo leaves infusion demonstrated a significant difference in the mortality rate of adult worms Haemonchus contortusat various doses and times of observation. This report presented the findings of research that the best dose to increase the mortality of worms was 1% bamboo leaves infusion. Moreover, apus bamboo leaves infusion affected the morphometry of Haemonchus contortus adult worms, especially in body length, cervical papilla width, and spicules length in males, and body length, cervical papilla width, and vulvar length in females.  

    In Vitro Anthelmintic Areca catechu Crude Aqueous Extract Against Haemonchus contortus in The Sheep

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    Haemonchosis is a gastrointestinal parasitic disease in sheep caused by Haemonchus contortus. The biggest economic losses due to this disease are mortality, decreased production, stunted growth, and low body weight. The existence of resistance to synthetic anthelmintics causes the development of research on alternative treatments to herbal anthelmintics to be a strategic step. This study aims to analyze the effect of Areca catechu on Haemonchus contortus in vitro so that the Lethal Concentration 50 (LC 50) can be determined. This study was divided into 9 groups. Group I was treated with 2.5% A. catechu crude aqueous extract; group II was treated with 5% of A. catechu crude aqueous extract; group III was treated with 7.5% A. catechu crude aqueous extract; group IV was treated with 10% of A. catechu crude aqueous extract; group V was treated with 12.5% A. catechu crude aqueous extract; group VI was treated with 15% A. catechu crude aqueous extract; Group VII was treated with 17.5% A. catechu crude aqueous extract, group VIII was a negative control (0.9% NaCl) and group IX was a positive control (Albendazole). The mortality of H. contortus was recorded every hour until the worm mortality was 100%. The results were then analyzed using the Reed and Muench method. Based on the in vitro test of Areca catechu crude aqueous extract against H.contortus it can cause mortality in worms with an Lethal Concentration 50 (LC 50) calculation result of 11.11%

    Daya Antelmintik Serbuk Kulit Nanas (Ananas comosus) terhadap Cacing Haemochus contortus pada Domba

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    The problem facing sheep breeders in breeding sheep was digestive tract parasite of worm (nematodiasis and haemonchosis). Resistance to anthelmintics was the reason for the study of alternative medication of H. contortus infection. It aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the application of pineapple peel powder as H. contortus anthelmintic in sheep and the dose of the pineapple peel powder as the H. contortus anthelmintic. It used 15 sheep that were assigned to 5 groups. Group I served as positive control with the application of albendazole (Kalbazen) anthelmintic, Group II was treated using the pineapple peel powder at the dose of 150 mg/kg BW. Group III was treated using the pineapple peel powder at the dose of 200 mg/kg BW. Group IV was treated using the pineapple peel powder at the dose of 250 mg/kg BW. And, Group V served as negative control without any treatment. The treatments were conducted for 14 days and the resulting statistic data were analyzed using comparative descriptive method by comparing initial data (before the treatments) and final data (after the treatments). The comparative data showed that there was significant change in the observed variables. The results of the study showed that the pineapple peel powder could be used as the anthelmintic of the H. contortus in the sheep and the dose of 250 mg/kg BW most significantly decreased the mean number of the eggs of the worm per gram of fece

    The Role of Farmer Groups in The Development of Rice Farming in Warnasari Village, Tamban Catur District, Kapuas Regency: A Descriptive Analysis

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    This study aims to determine the role of farmer groups in the development of rice commodity farming in Warnasari Village, Tamban Catur Subdistrict, Kapuas Regency. This study used the deskriptif quantitative method which was carried out from August to December 2022. The selection of village subdistricts and farmer groups was carried out proposively, while the sampling of respondent farmers used proportional random sampling. The type of data used is primary data and skunder data as supporting data.  The results of data analysis showed that the role of farmer groups in the development of rice farming in Warnasari Village as a learning class was categorized as medium with a value of 69.2%, the role of farmer groups as a vehicle for cooperation was also categorized as medium with a value of 60.8%, while the role of farmer groups as production units was categorized as high with a value of 78.5%. After obtaining the results of the research, it was recommended to farmer groups to increase group activities that are mutual assistance, for example during “gropyokan”, rat control, and other pest control to increase farmer participation and responsibility, thus it was hoped that the role of farmer groups as a vehicle for cooperation can be increased