202 research outputs found

    Bioaccumulation of Pb and Cd on Broiler Chicken Fed in Difference Diets

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    The study was aimed to compute Pb and Cd bioaccumulation in different organs of broiler. Carcass, heart, liver, gizzard, intestine, and excreta. The data were obtained from broiler reared in the litter cage. Four treatments of feed were given to the broiler chicken, i.e.  T1 = X brand of commercial feed, T2 = Y brand of commercial feed, T3 = self-prepared feed without fish meal addition and T4 = self prepared feed without fish meal but contaminated with cadmium chloride (Cd.Cl2.4H2O). For each treatment, five broiler chicken were grouped each week (from week I up to week VI). Results of the first stage of this study was analyzed descriptively. A polinomial regression equation was used as an empirical model to describe the heavy metal bioaccumulation phenomenon in broiler carcasses. The quadratic equation  turned out to be the most suitable model for describing the bioaccumulation of heavy metal in broiler carcasses. From the simulation, it was found that  quadratic model fit to 61.31% and 54.17%  bioaccumulation data of Pb and Cd respectively. According to the model, initially metal concentrations declined since the first week and started to rebound at the fifth week, both in terms of chronological and physiological age. The patterns of Pb and Cd bioaccumulation in this study can be used as a reference to determine the proper slaughter period. It can be concluded that for reducing the risk of metal contamination the proper slaughter time of the broiler is before the fifth week


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    Setiap tahun penggunaan pestisida mengalami peningkatan, namun diikuti juga dengan meningkatnya pencemaran lingkungan dan gangguan kesehatan pada petani dan konsumen. Perilaku yang tidak aman petani dalam menggunakan pestisida telah menjadikan budaya di petani Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggali serta menganalisis perilaku petani dalam menggunakan pestisida serta mengembangkan toolkit reduksi risiko pestisida berbasis analisis risiko dan HACCP sebagai upaya pencegahan pajanan pestisida. Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Curut Kecamatan Penawangan Kabupaten Grobogan Jawa Tengah. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 54 petani yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Pengolahan data menggunakan perhitungan analisis risiko untuk menentukan tingkat risiko (RQ) serta menggunakan Critical Control Point (CCP) untuk menyusun toolkit. Pajanan pestisida dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh petani melalui kulit,pernapasan dan pencernaan. Petani terpajan pestisida pada waktu membawa,menyimpan, memindahkan konsentrat, mencampur, menyemprot serta membersihkan alat semprot. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan RQ, 54 petani mendapatkan nilai lebih dari 1 yang berarti lebih dari batas aman yang diperkenankan. Perilaku petani yang tidak aman dalam menggunakan pestisida antara lain 50% petani menggunakan bahan aktif dalam sekali pencampuran 7-8 jenis. 61,1% petani tidak memperhatikan petunjuk pada label kemasan, tidak menggunakan alat pelindung diri. Analisis risiko memberikan gambaran pajanan pestisida dalam tubuh petani melalui identifikasi bahaya, dosis respons, penentuan pajanan serta penetapan karakteristik risiko. Toolkit reduksi risiko pestisida merupakan hasil pengembangan instrumen yang disusun berdasarkan analisis risiko dan penetapan titik kendali kritis. Diharapkan dengan tersusunnya toolkit ini dapat merubah perilaku petani dalam menggunakan pestisida sehingga mengurangi pajanan pestisida pada petani dan pencemaran lingkungan. Kata kunci: Petani, Pestisida, Kesehatan, Lingkungan, Analisis Risiko.   The use of pesticides has been increasing every year, yet it is followed by the increase of environmental pollution and health problems of farmers and consumers. The unsafe behaviours of the farmers in the use of pesticides have become part of everyday practices of farmers in Indonesia. The objectives of this study were to explore and analyse the behaviours of farmers in the use of pesticides, as well as to develop a pesticide risk reduction toolkit based on risk analysis and HACCP to prevent the exposure of pesticides. The research method of this study was quantitative in which survey method was used as the research design. This study was conducted in Curut Village District of Penawangan Grobogan, Central Java. By applying inclusion criteria, 54 farmers were included as the research sample.The data was analysed by using risk analysis calculation to determine the risk level (RQ) and by using Critical Control Point (CCP) in order to develop the toolkit. The pesticide exposures could detrimentally affect farmers through skin, respiratory and digestions systems. Farmers might be exposed to pesticides when they carried, stored, transferred the concentrate, mixed, sprayed and cleaned the spray equipments after they were used. Based on the calculation of RQ, 54 farmers received more than 1 point, which meant that the risk limit was more than the safe limit allowed. The unsafe behaviours in using the pesticides included 50% of the farmers used a mixture of 7-8 types of active ingredients at once, 61.1% of the farmers did not pay attention to the instructions on the label and did not use personal protective equipments as well. The risk analysis has provided the description of the pesticide exposures in the body of the farmers by means of hazard identification, dose response, exposure determination and identifying risk characteristics. The toolkit pesticide risk reduction was the result of the development of an instrument which was based on the risk analysis and the determination of the critical control point. It was expected that by using this toolkit farmers would alter their behaviours in using pesticides so that the pesticide exposure for the farmers and the enviromental pollution could be reduced. Keywords: Farmers, Pesticide, Health, Environmental, Risk Analysi

    Serum Transferrin Receptors of Iron Deficiency Anemic Rats That Feeding Tempe Fortification Combination Iron and Vitamin A

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    Abstract. This research investigated tempe fortified with iron and vitamin A on serum transferrin receptors. Experimental research Randomized Pre Test-Post Test Control Group Design was conducted on 30 Sprague-Dawley rats with iron deficiency anemia. The rats divided into 6 groups randomly, was treated for 6 weeks with a standard feed supplemented by soybean tempe fortified with iron and vitamin A. Group 1 control group was given standard feed AIN93G (SF), group 2 SF+T0, group 3 SF+T1, group 4 SF+T2, group 5 SF+T2+V15, (6) SF+T2+V50. T0 was tempe without fortification. T1 and T2 was tempe that was fortified with 230 ppm and 271 ppm of iron (FeSO47H20, respectively. V15 and V50 was tempe that was fortified with 15 ppm and 50 ppm of vitamin A (retinyl acetate, respectively. Statistical test was used Kruskal Wallis test. The result showed that before intervention, there was no significantly different on mean of serum transferrin receptors (sTfR) (p=0,280). After intervention, sTfR became 13,04,0; 8,72,8; 8,52,6; 7,43,4; 7,21,7 and 1,90,4 g/mL, respectively. Tempe fortification with iron and vitamin A significantly decreased sTfR (p=0,004). Average of sTfR lowest in the treatment of SF+T2+V50 (standard feed+tempe was fortified with 271 ppm of iron + 50 ppm vitamin A)

    Microplastics contamination in cockles and green mussels distributed in local markets in Semarang-ICAFAT 2018

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    Indonesia has been indicated as the second largest contributor of mismanaged plastic waste ending up in the ocean. Java, as the most populated island in Lrdonesia, contributes 0.116 - 0.145 million tonnes plastics waste per yeaf. This may lead to massive accumulation of microplastics in this coastal area and through thropic transfer these pollutants may contaminate commonly consumed seafood species. Our previous study revealed the presence of microplastics in some seafood species collected from coastal areas in Semarang. In this study, we investigated microplastics contamination in widely consumed bivalves that are distributed in Semarang. Cockles (Anadara granosa) and green mussels (Perna viridis) were taken from three local markets in Semarang. The microplastic materials were extracted using alkaline digestion and followed by NaI treatrnent to isolate the particles. The microscope observation was performed to detect microplastic particles. The result showed that both cockles and green mussels taken from the local markets in Semarang contained microplastics in the form of fragment, fiber, spheres, and film. These findings highlight that microplastics have been contaminated our daily food. Further investigation on the risk of ingested microplastics to human health will be urgently neede


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    Artikel ini dimuat di Jurnal Environmentarl Science and Pollutan Research
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