12 research outputs found


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    Abstract Banjar Tegal Gundul as tourist villages in the province of Bali, which visits by foreign and domestic tourists. Every years the number of foreign and domestic tourists to the Banjar Tegal Bald is increases. This situation makes the tourism sector as the main livelihood of local people. That's condition become the background of this research, they are: 1) to understand how to influence tourist entities to the English language skills of local people in Banjal Tegal Gundul and 2) how language attitude of local society towards English. The research uses the method of observation and questionnaire submitted to 24 respondents, who are local people as workers and business owners in the area. This study is found that the language functions used by local people to communicate with foreign tourists is: Greetings, Offering, asking for information, giving information, Saying Like, Giving an opinion, persuading, asking someone to do something, Accepting invitations, apologizing, persuading, and saying / returning thanks. The sentences are used in grammatical rules in English. The language attitudes towards English seen from the cogBanjar Tegal Gundul is one of the tourist villages in the village area of ​​Tibubeneng, North Kuta, Badung, Bali, which receives visits by foreign and domestic tourists. Every year the number of foreign and domestic tourist arrivals to the Banjar Tegal Gundul region has increased. The situation makes the tourism sector as the main livelihood of the local community Banjar Tegal Gundul. The situation is the background of this research, namely: 1) to find out how the influence of foreign tourist entities on the English language ability of local people in Banjar Tegal Gundul and 2) how the attitude of the local people's language towards English. The research uses the method of observation and distributes questionnaires to 24 respondents, who are local people as workers and business owners who are in the area of ​​the area. The step taken in this study is to analyze the language functions used by local people when communicating with foreign tourists. The results obtained in this study indicate that local people are able to communicate with foreign tourists, by using language functions such as: Greeting, Offering, asking for information, giving information, Saying Like, Giving opinion, persuading, asking someone to do something, Accepting invitation, apologizing, persuading, and saying / reply to thank. The sentences are used in accordance with grammatical rules in English. For language attitudes towards English seen from the cognitive, affective and conative components, showing positive language attitudes by local people towards English. That is because the equality of local people's thought orientation will benefit from English, for the livelihoods of local people, both in terms of workers or business owners in the Banjar Tegal Gundul region

    Makna “Mengambil” Bahasa Bali: Pendekatan Metabahasa Semantik Alami (MSA)

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    This research describes the meaning of the verb 'mengambil' in Balinese language based on the theory of Natural Semantics Metalanguage (NSM) by using one of NSM theory is noncomposition polysemy. This research is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the realization of the lexical verb “mengambil” in Balinese languange, The data of this research was obtained from Balinese people serounding who communicate in Balinese languange and the author's own intuition because the author is a native speaker of the Balinese language used.  The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method, the data will be analyzed by using the theory of NSM by following the steps as follows: the classification of the data, analyze the semantic structure of the verb 'mengambil', and describes the components obtained resulting configuration meaning the user to obtain the feature distinctive. Furthermore, the technique of paraphrasing would look if there lexicon 'mengambil' that has a paraphrase of the same or different depending on the meaning of default is used. Based on the analysis conducted found that the verb “mengambil”' in Balinese language can be expressed in some lexicons, they are: “nyemak/ngambil, nyuang, nuduk, nimba, ngarebut, nyopèt, ngarampok, nyambrèt, ngamaling dan ngutil” Keywords: Semantic role, verb “mengambil” Balinese language, natural semantic metalanguag

    Venders’ English Speaking Ability in Tourism Object in Bali: A Survey Study

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    Bali is known as a tourist destination which is always filled with tourists, both domestic and foreigners. Besides being famous for its culture, the beach is one of the main attractions for tourists. Berawa Beach is one that is always crowded with foreign tourists because it has large waves which are great for surfing and also to enjoy the beautiful sunset. This phenomenon provides opportunities for local people as a source of income by becoming food and beverage sellers around Berawa beach. This encourages local people to use English when they transact with foreign tourists. Practically, the English language used by traders is practical English with transactional functions. This study aims to describe the ability of English use by food and beverage traders in Berawa Beach, Tibubeneng village, North Kuta District, Badung Regency in terms of the speaking aspect. In order to determine the traders speaking ability, the researcher uses scoring rubric descriptions that contain several aspects such as, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary. Data is collected through several instruments such as interviews, direct observation, and field notes. The results of this study can be used as input for stakeholders of Tibubeneng Village to determine the steps in improving the English language skills of food and beverage traders who ultimately can contribute positively to Badung Regency in advancing the tourism industry while introducing various kinds of local culinary

    Indeksikalitas Makanan Tradisional dalam Upacara Pawiwahan Masyarakat Desa Tibuneneng

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    Traditional ceremonies are part of the culture and traditions of the Tibubeneng village community and are also related to the activities of the Hinduism. In the implementation of customs there are rules and prerequisites that must exist, one of which is traditional food. This study aims to find out the function and existence of a food in the traditional ceremony of the Tibubeneng tourism village community. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The ethnographic method is used by researchers to analyze the function and meaning of traditional foods used in traditional ceremonies, judging from the current form of performance whether there is a difference with a requirement in the rules of a traditional ceremony. To analyze activities, activities, meaning of traditional food used in traditional ceremonies, researchers will conduct in-depth interviews with the Bendesa adat, Pemangku adat and Stakeholders. There are 8 types of food that must be present in the Pawiwahan event, namely: Sambal embe, satay, lawar, Jukut, tum, urab, be'urutan, betutu. Every food that must be served as the main staple food in the Pawiwahan ceremony has meaning and is believed to be a category. prayer for the bride and groom when entering domestic life. These foods are also categorized as sacred/holy foods, because they are used as offerings/bantens in religious ceremonies or customs of the Balinese ethnic community. Along with the rate of population growth in Tibubeneng Village, many immigrants from various ethnicities and religions settled in Tibubeneng village, influencing the original culinary culture of the Tibubeneng village community. However, the strong application of awig-awig by the surrounding community is able to maintain the indexicality of traditional foods that must be present in the Pawiwahan ceremony. &nbsp

    Pelatihan Food Hygiene and Sanitation Bagi Pelaku Kuliner Desa Bongan

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    Pengembangan desa wisata diakui sebagai agenda pembangunan nasional yang cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat di desa. Dengan memberi kesempatan masyarakat lokal untuk mengelola dan mengembangkan potensi wisata yang ada didesanya, mampu memberikan efek yang positif bagi perekonomian masyarakat desa. Pokdarwis desa Wisata Bongan memiliki peran strategis dalam mengembangkan dan mengelola daerahnya sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Mulai dari pengelolaan alam, budaya, kuliner, maupun homestay. Dalam pengelolaan usaha kuliner, Pokdarwis desa wisata Bongan bekerjasama dengan Politeknik Internasional Bali. Kerjasama dilakukan dalam bentuk pedampingan desa wisata Bongan sebagai desa binaan. Salah satu pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh PIB adalah kegiatan pelatihan standar food hygiene and sanitation yang wajib diterapkan oleh pelaku kuliner desa wisata saat ini. Pelatihan tersebut merupakan bentuk implementasi dari penerapan protokol kesehatan Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability/CHSE yaitu unsur kebersihan, kesehatan, keselamatan dan kelestarian lingkungan berperan penting guna mencegah dan mengendalikan penyebaran Covid-19 di daerah tujuan wisata yang di dalamnya termasuk desa wisata. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kebersihan pengolahan makanan yang sesuai dengan standar food hygiene and sanitation. Manfaat Kegiatan PKM ini yaitu masyarakat Desa Bongan dapat mempraktikkan pengetahuannya mengenai kebersihan dalam usaha makanan sesuai dengan standar kebersihan saat mengolah ataupun menyajikan produk kuliner yang ditawarkan. Dengan mengetahui bahwa standar food hygiene and sanitation kepercayaan pengunjung/wisatawan bahwa hasil produk makanan dari desa wisata bongan aman untuk di konsums

    Deixis Analysis on the Pink Sweat$ Song’s Lyric

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    A song can be said as a form of expression of the songwriter, about the life experiences he has gone through. Pink Sweat is an American singer and songwriter with the R&B genre of music. Pink Sweat made its record debut in the music world in 2018 to date. The song Honesty was released in 2018 and received a certificate platinum from the RIAA. In 2020, songs 17 and At My Worst get more than 100 million fans who downloaded the song on the spotify US digital platform. The song from Pink Sweatastheobjectofresearch,howthesimplicityofthelyricscontainsmanymeaningsandabletoattractmusicfanstolistentoit.Torevealthis,theresearcherusesthedeixistheoryofGeorgeYule(1996)inapragmaticstudy.Researchersusedaqualitativeresearchmethodapproachinthisstudy.Theresultsshowedthattheuseofpersonaldeixiswasusedmoreinthethreesongs,comparedtotemporaldeixisandspatialdeixis.DeixispersonareferstoPinkSweat as the object of research, how the simplicity of the lyrics contains many meanings and able to attract music fans to listen to it. To reveal this, the researcher uses the deixis theory of George Yule (1996) in a pragmatic study. Researchers used a qualitative research method approach in this study. The results showed that the use of personal deixis was used more in the three songs, compared to temporal deixis and spatial deixis. Deixis persona refers to Pink Sweat himself, it can be said that this song is his personal love life experience

    Pelatihan F&B Service dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Konsumen di Desa Wisata Bongan

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    Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a term that is already familiar to people in Indonesia. The development of technology and information occurs so quickly that it has a huge impact on the industrial world as well as human behavior. This behavior affects how the tourism industry players provide services to consumers who come to visit the tourist village of Bongan Tabanan - Bali. Bongan Village as a tourist village also has culinary products that use the main ingredients of the Gonda plant. Gonda plant itself is known as one of the commodities that have economic value apart from rice plants. Ease in the cultivation process and lower operational value are an advantage for farmers compared to planting rice. Processed products from the gonda plant are offered directly when tourists come to visit the tourist village of Bongan. To achieve tourist satisfaction and increase purchases of Gonda processed products, culinary actors must be able to provide services or services that are managed professionally so as to provide satisfaction to customers or foreign tourists who visit. During the Covid-19 pandemic, technological advances began to be used as F&B services, one of which was using online media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other websites. The purpose of Community Service Activities in Bongan Village is expected through F&B Service Training to improve the quality of service to consumers in the tourist village of Bongan, Tabanan


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan peran kebahagiaan kerja dan komitmen karyawan memediasi pengaruh kebahagiaan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah karyawan perusahaan swasta di Bali. Besarnya sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 200 orang dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Path Analysis dengan menggunakan pendekatan SEM-PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebahagaan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Kebahagiaan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku inovatif dan kebahagian kerja juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasional. Selanjutnya, perilaku inovatif berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dan komitmen organisasional berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Perilaku inovatif mampu memediasi parsial secara signifikan pengaruh kebahagiaan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan dan komitmen organisasional mampu memediasi secara signifikan pengaruh kebahagiaan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan.  Oleh karena itu penting bagi pimpinan di perusahaan untuk memperhatikan mengembangkan perilaku inovatif dan komitmen organisasional sehingga kebahagiaan kerja mampu meningkatkan kinerja karyawannya


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    Introduction: Short children or commonly called stunting is a prevalent nutritional issue found among children globally. Indonesia has a notably high prevalence of stunting throughout the Southeast Asian region. Stunting malnutrition children will experience disturbances in the process of tooth growth, affecting the teeth during pre-eruption.  Aim to provide an overview of the impact of stunting malnutrition on dental health in children. Materials and Methods: This study uses the PRISMA method, with the steps: (1) Question framework (literature study); (2) Search for articles in databases (on Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar), and journal databases with articles published from 2020 to 2022; (3) Selection of relevant research; (4) Data extraction; (5) Synthesis with narrative method. Results and Discussions: The study obtained 7 articles to be reviewed, proving that stunting malnutrition children experienced delayed tooth eruption in 3 articles; 4 articles analyzing the impact of stunting malnutrition on dental caries; and experiencing unhealthy dental health status in 1 article. Conclusion: The impact of stunting malnutrition children on orodental health is delayed tooth eruption, and severe dental caries


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    This present study discusses the attitude of the third semester students of the department of hotel management of Dhyana Pura University Bali towards the English language. It is intended to explain: a) the speech attitude of the third semester students of the department of Hotel Management of Dhyana Pura Bali towards the English language, and b) the factors which contribute to the speech attitude of the third semester students of Dhyana Pura University Bali towards the English language. It was conducted based on the theory of speech attitude as part of the theory of sociolinguistics. It is a descriptive qualitative study. The data were collected through observation and interview. The information on the speech attitude of the students was obtained through observation. The interview was divided into two; they are the open interview and the structured interview in which questionnaire was used. The interview was performed in order to obtain the factors which contributed to the students’ speech attitude. The result of analysis showed that the speech attitude of the students towards the English language tended to be positive. However, their writing skill tended to be less positive, as shown by the fact that what they could write did not match the standard English grammar they had learned. The factors contributing to their speech attitude can be divided into two; they are the internal and external factors. The internal factors included a) their understanding of the fact that the speech attitude towards the English language needed a serious learning process; b) the extent to which they liked English. The external factors included the cognitive, affective and conative aspects which could not be separated from the campus environment which supported the speech attitude towards the English language, and to what extent society could accept the students’ speech attitude towards the English language