52 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi Ancaman Bencana Tanah Longsor Di karangkemiri-Pekuncen, Kabupaten banyumas

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    Bencana tanah longsor menjadi momok bagi warga Karangkemiri-Pekuncen-Banyumas pada setiap musim penghujan tiba. Hal ini disebabkan longsor selalu terjadi pada musim hujan di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sosialisasi kepada warga guna menanamkan kesiapan melakukan mitigasi mandiri merupakan upaya yang harus dilakukan. Sisialisasi ini dilakukan melalui serangkaian kegiatan kajian pustaka mengenai riwayat longsor di karangkemiri, kajian lapangan dengan melihat lokasi longsor sebelumnya dan kegiatan sosialisasi kepada warga desa. Kesadaran akan adanya ancaman dan bagaimana mensikapi hal tersebut dapat ditanamkan pada masyarakat melalui sosialisasi kondisi batuan, morfologi, tanah, struktur batuan dan penataan lahan di kawasan tempat tinggal warga. Pengetahuan warga akan kondisi lingkungan, menjadikannya mereka memiliki kemampuan mensikapi ancaman bencana dalam pemanfaatan lahan dan pemukiman mereka.  Kata kunci : longsor, hujan, batuan, tanah, struktur.&nbsp

    Geomorfologi Sungai Klawing Daerah Bobotsari, Kabupaten Purbalinggga, Jawa Tengah

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    Klawing watershed is in Banyumas basin area, Purbalingga, Central Java. The river's flow is cut Tertiary rocks in the mountains of North Serayu, which includes Halang Formation, Kumbang, and Tapak and also Quaternary volcanic rocks of Slamet Volcano. The morphology of the surrounding area of the river is a volcanic mountains of Slamet Volcano in the western, homocline mountainous in the north and the hills / plains in the east and south. Geomorphological processes of Klawing River has formed alluvial deposition and the plain around the river. Alluvial deposits form the terrace around the Klawing River. At least three terrace rivers developed around the study area. The three terrace rivers are each up to elevations of 2.9 m, 22.9 m and 34.9 m from the surface of the Recent river

    Fase-Fase Tektonik Pembentuk Ruang Mineralisasi Emas Di Daerah Selogiri Wonogiri

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    Metallic mineral deposits in Tumbu Hill and the surrounding area of Selogiri, Wonogiri Regency in Central Java Province formed relate to some process of tectonism. The metallic mineral deposits in this area are the result of epi thermal processes, filling previousl y existing fractures. This fracture system is closely related to structures that are the result of regional tectonic phases. Veins in the research area strike in many different directions and each has distinct metallic content from the others. This research utilizes the know ledge of result of magmatism process and also regional tectonic phases which formed the fractures where the veins are located and relationship with veins direction that have potential metallic content especially gold and silver

    Potensi Batuan Induk Batu Serpih dan Batu Lempung di Daerah Watukumpul Pemalang Jawa Tengah

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    Shale and claystone of Watukumpul Area have capability to become the source rock of hydrocarbon because of the ability to conserve the organic material better. Potential of the rock become source rock is depend on its maturity and total organic carbon.This research test eight example of rock to analysis their total organic carbon (TOC) and rock eval pyrolisis. Only one sample is claystone, while the seven others are shales. The analyses provide data of total organic carbon, hydrogen index, and vitrinite reflectances which was used to interpret source rock potential of research area.Through this research is known that the organic material content of shale and claystone of research area own the fair level of total organic carbon. Organic material is included Kerogen Type III with the origin of land organism or plant.These kerogens of research area prefer to produce gas or gas prone. Organic material or kerogens have reached the matured phase to generate hydrocarbon (mature level). Special follow the rock sample came from Location 8 which have over mature level. Its high maturity is suspect have relationship with the intrusion of diorite igneous rock in this research area. Further research is needed to investigate the relationship between diorite intrusion and organic material in this research area

    Struktur Geologi dan Sebaran Batubara daerah Bentian Besar, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    This study is a surface geological mapping work to determine the geological conditions in the study area and in particular the presence of coal of Bentian Besar District, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The goal is to determine the position and spread of coal layer, coal quality and quantity of coal resources in the study area. Research on the existence of coal deposits is done through field survey methods, by observing, define and measure elements of geological structures encountered. At this stage of field work carried identification, observation, measurement of the coal position and takes it sample. In the study area encountered 2 (two) rock formations, Pamaluan, and Pulubalang Formation. Coal deposits found in rock unit known as Pulubalang Formation. Direction of the dip of the rock layers in the study area form a syncline structure. At this structure of the coal seam, there are three dip directions, namely: rocks on the southeast side of syncline axis tilted toward the northwest, rocks on the northwest side of the syncline axis tilted to the southeast, while the dip of the rocks on the southwest side Syncline tilted toward the northeast

    Geomorfologi Sungai Klawing Daerah Bobotsari, Kabupaten Purbalinggga, Jawa Tengah

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    Klawing watershed is in Banyumas basin area, Purbalingga, Central Java. The river's flow is cut Tertiary rocks in the mountains of North Serayu, which includes Halang Formation, Kumbang, and Tapak and also Quaternary volcanic rocks of Slamet Volcano. The morphology of the surrounding area of the river is a volcanic mountains of Slamet Volcano in the western, homocline mountainous in the north and the hills / plains in the east and south. Geomorphological processes of Klawing River has formed alluvial deposition and the plain around the river. Alluvial deposits form the terrace around the Klawing River. At least three terrace rivers developed around the study area. The three terrace rivers are each up to elevations of 2.9 m, 22.9 m and 34.9 m from the surface of the Recent river

    Extentional Fault Pada Daerah Compressive Tectonic Zone Sebagai Batas Cekungan Di Jawa Tengah Selatan

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    The extensional structure as a normal fault could be found in many places at the southern part of Java compressive tectonic regime. The research area is in the eastern part of the South Serayu Mountains. This normal fault structure is the boundary of the South Serayu Mountains at the eastern part with Kulon Progo Tertiary volcanic Mountains. In the field, these normal fault lineament zones create the Bogowonto river as a boundary of two different geological styles. The influence of this structure on the geological dynamic of the South Serayu Mountains and the Kulon Progo Mountains is important to be explained. The study was conducted by measuring and analyzing fault data and lithology that developed in the area around the two basins boundary. The distribution of the Kulon Progo volcanic rocks indicates the presence of the extensional fault structure. The volcanic facies distribution of the volcano is cut and becomes narrow in the west, while the northward is very wide. Normal fault striations analysis on the fault plane along the fault line shows the least stress trending west-northwest that has worked to create North-South normal faults. The fault-controlled by stress with the vertical main compression area. They have worked to create North Northeast-South Southwest (NNE-SSW) normal faults with westward dipping

    Pengaruh Struktur Geologi Terhadap Potensi Geodiversitas Di Daerah Sungai Klawing, Kabupaten Purbalingga-Jawa Tengah

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    The Klawing River is located in Purbalingga Regency, in the central part of Central Java. The headwater of the river is in northern area of Bobotsari and flows to Serayu River as the main river. The Klawing and its tributaries cut Tertiary rocks in the mountains of North Serayu, which includes Kumbang and Tapak Formation, and Quaternary volcanic rocks of Slamet volcano. Morphology around the river is formed of volcanic mountains in the west, the steep hills sloping folds in the north and undulating plains at the east and south. Alluvial plain is produced around the Klawing river. This sediment is form terraces morphology around the main river. The main geological structures that develop in the research area is a bedding plane or the slope of the rock layers. This structure produces a typical potential distribution pattern of primary jasper at the igneous lava as well as the andesite rock mine potential. Homocline hills ranks as an object of geology is also controlled by geological structure. Geological structure of the young rocks in the study area is a horizontal bedding plane. This structure controls the distribution of sediment deposition in the secondary jasper at the terrace steps around the river

    Kontrol Struktur Pada Longsor Di Daerah Sampang-Karangkobar Kabupaten Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah

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    Bencana longsor merupakan ancaman bagi masyarakat di daerah pegunungan di seluruh Indonesia. Bencana ini terjadi karena berbagai faktor penyebab. Masalah yang di kaji dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelurusan struktur, morfologi dan batuan daerah longsor Sampang-Karangkobar. Kompleksitas struktur terterntu, morfologi yang terjal dan litologi tertentu dapat menjadi pemicu bagi fenomena longsor. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pengamatan lapangan dan analisis kelurusan peta. Pengamatan morfologi dan kelerengan topografi dilakukan di peta dan di lapangan. Daerah Sampang-Karangkobar tersusun atas batulempung dengan sisipan pasir karbonatan sebagai batuan yang tertua dan juga tersusun atas breksi sebagai batuan yang lebih muda. Batulempung merupakan batuan yang mudah tererosi. Pengikisan batulempung tua di bagian bawah menyebabkan labilnya masa breksi diatasnya. Daerah penelitian merupakan zona pertemuan kelurusan struktur geologi yang mengenai batulempung dan breksi yang memiliki morfologi terjal


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    Atlet pencak silat dalam setiap latihan atau pertandingan sering mengalami cedera, tetapi  mereka tidak mengetahui tentang penanganan cedera. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengetahuan yang baik dari atlet pencak silat sehingga tindakan pencegahan dapat dilakukan. Dengan demikian, untuk mencapai perubahan tersebut perlu dilakukan edukasi terhadap atlet pencak silat supaya dapat mengetahui tentang penanganan dan pencegahan cedera. Edukasi yang baik dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan media audiovisual. Media audiovisual merupakan media yang dapat memberikan gambaran yang lebih nyata karena menarik dan mudah untuk di ingat. Untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan penanganan cedera melalui media audiovisual pada anggota Merpati Putih SMA Negeri 2 Purbalingga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pre eksperimental with one group pre test-post test design. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 2 Purbalingga dengan jumlah sampel 24 responden dan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang dianalisis dengan Paired Sample T - test. Penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pemberian intervensi menggunakan media audiovisual dengan hasil nilai p value menunjukkan 0,000 (< 0,005). Media audiovisual berpengaruh sangat signifikan terhadap pengetahuan penanganan cedera pada anggota Merpati Putih SMA Negeri 2 Purbalingga.