51 research outputs found

    Cold atoms in light fields: from free space optical lattices to multimode optical cavities

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    The electromagnetic mode density of the vacuum can be dramatically modified by the presence of an optical resonator. In the strong coupling regime, spontaneous emission in a cavity becomes a reversible process and the intracavity photon number undergoes Rabi oscillations. We load up to 200x10^3 ^133Cs atoms into a nearly confocal lossy cavity and reach the collective strong coupling regime. Normal mode splitting, the hallmark of this regime, is observed and cooperativities up to C_coll = (186±5) are measured. In a second experiment we investigate for the first time the multi-mode character of the coupled cavity-atom system. In a confocal cavity the higher-order transverse cavity modes are degenerate in frequency and accessible to the spontaneous emission of the atomic ensemble. We observe an increase of the coupling constant measured via modal decomposed transmission analysis, which could be attributed to the presence of the higher-order modes. Normal mode splitting proportional to the square root of the atom number was visible for all of the different mode components. Furthermore, we observe a redistribution of the relative weights in the modal transmission composition, which scales with the atom number in the cavity mode. In a second set of experiments, ^87Rb atoms were loaded into a dissipative lin ⊥ lin lattice. By driving the lattice with a biharmonic force, transport can be observed when the systems symmetries are broken: the so called ratchet effect. Research in this area is concerned with the appearance of current reversals. We were able to identify dissipation related symmetry breaking as the underlying cause of an observed current reversal, which occurs as a function of the driving frequency. Furthermore, in a second experiment, we use the ratchet effect as a probe of the optical potential depths. We show that an oscillating force with a frequency far above any other system-inherent timescale, can be used to renormalize the optical potential. The ^87Rb atoms experience an average position dependent force, which becomes controllable over the amplitude of the applied driving

    Current reversals in a rocking ratchet: the frequency domain

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    Motivated by recent work [D. Cubero et al., Phys. Rev. E 82, 041116 (2010)], we examine the mechanisms which determine current reversals in rocking ratchets as observed by varying the frequency of the drive. We found that a class of these current reversals in the frequency domain are precisely determined by dissipation-induced symmetry breaking. Our experimental and theoretical work thus extends and generalizes the previously identified relationship between dynamical and symmetry-breaking mechanisms in the generation of current reversals

    Vibrational mechanics in an optical lattice: controlling transport via potential renormalization

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    We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally the phenomenon of vibrational resonance in a periodic potential, using cold atoms in an optical lattice as a model system. A high-frequency (HF) drive, with frequency much larger than any characteristic frequency of the system, is applied by phase-modulating one of the lattice beams. We show that the HF drive leads to the renormalization of the potential. We used transport measurements as a probe of the potential renormalization. The very same experiments also demonstrate that transport can be controlled by the HF drive via potential renormalization.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Compact setup for the production of Rb-87 vertical bar F=2, m(F) =+2 > Bose-Einstein condensates in a hybrid trap

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    We present a compact experimental apparatus for Bose-Einstein condensation of 87Rb in the |F  =  2, mF = + 2〉 state. A pre-cooled atomic beam of 87Rb is obtained by using an unbalanced magneto-optical trap, allowing controlled transfer of trapped atoms from the first vacuum chamber to the science chamber. Here, atoms are transferred to a hybrid trap, as produced by overlapping a magnetic quadrupole trap with a far-detuned optical trap with crossed beam configuration, where forced radiofrequency evaporation is realized. The final evaporation leading to Bose-Einstein condensation is then performed by exponentially lowering the optical trap depth. Control and stabilization systems of the optical trap beams are discussed in detail. The setup reliably produces a pure condensate in the |F = 2, mF = + 2〉 state in 50 s, which includes 33 s loading of the science magneto-optical trap and 17 s forced evaporation

    Nondestructive in-line sub-picomolar detection of magnetic nanoparticles in flowing complex fluids

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    Over the last decades, the use of magnetic nanoparticles in research and commercial applications has increased dramatically. However, direct detection of trace quantities remains a challenge in terms of equipment cost, operating conditions and data acquisition times, especially in flowing conditions within complex media. Here we present the in-line, non-destructive detection of magnetic nanoparticles using high performance atomic magnetometers at ambient conditions in flowing media. We achieve sub-picomolar sensitivities measuring \sim30 nm ferromagnetic iron and cobalt nanoparticles that are suitable for biomedical and industrial applications, under flowing conditions in water and whole blood. Additionally, we demonstrate real-time surveillance of the magnetic separation of nanoparticles from water and whole blood. Overall our system has the merit of inline direct measurement of trace quantities of ferromagnetic nanoparticles with so far unreached sensitivities and could be applied in the biomedical field (diagnostics and therapeutics) but also in the industrial sector

    Mirrorless lasing: a theoretical perspective

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    Mirrorless lasing has been a topic of particular interest for about a decade due to promising new horizons for quantum science and applications. In this work, we review first-principles theory that describes this phenomenon, and discuss degenerate mirrorless lasing in a vapor of Rb atoms, the mechanisms of amplification of light generated in the medium with population inversion between magnetic sublevels within the D2D_2 line, and challenges associated with experimental realization

    Searching for axion stars and QQ-balls with a terrestrial magnetometer network

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    Light (pseudo-)scalar fields are promising candidates to be the dark matter in the Universe. Under certain initial conditions in the early Universe and/or with certain types of self-interactions, they can form compact dark-matter objects such as axion stars or Q-balls. Direct encounters with such objects can be searched for by using a global network of atomic magnetometers. It is shown that for a range of masses and radii not ruled out by existing observations, the terrestrial encounter rate with axion stars or Q-balls can be sufficiently high (at least once per year) for a detection. Furthermore, it is shown that a global network of atomic magnetometers is sufficiently sensitive to pseudoscalar couplings to atomic spins so that a transit through an axion star or Q-ball could be detected over a broad range of unexplored parameter space

    Characterization of the global network of optical magnetometers to search for exotic physics (GNOME)

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    The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers to search for Exotic physics (GNOME) is a network of geographically separated, time-synchronized, optically pumped atomic magnetometers that is being used to search for correlated transient signals heralding exotic physics. The GNOME is sensitive to nuclear- and electron-spin couplings to exotic fields from astrophysical sources such as compact dark-matter objects (for example, axion stars and domain walls). Properties of the GNOME sensors such as sensitivity, bandwidth, and noise characteristics are studied in the present work, and features of the network’s operation (e.g., data acquisition, format, storage, and diagnostics) are described. Characterization of the GNOME is a key prerequisite to searches for and identification of exotic physics signatures