592 research outputs found
Act of Representative Within Obama's Speech at Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown, Connecticut
One particular tool commonly used by people in delivering thoughts is speech, in this case, formal speech. Collecting Illocutionary Actions within formal speech is very interesting activity. By analyzing Illocutionary Actions, people can reveal the intended meaning of the speaker. The data source in thisresearch is taken from the script of Obama‟s formal speechdelivered at Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown, Connecticut.The objectives of this research are to propose a list of Act ofRepresentative and to provide an analysis about Act of Representative inside the speech, by connecting the Act of Representative found with the prevailing circumstances in USA when the speech were delivered. By collecting some of the representative acts in the Obama‟s speech, the writer is able to provide some thorough analysis toward some truths and factsspoken by Obama himself, as the president of the United States of America. There are 22 representative acts in the Obama‟s Speech delivered at Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown, Connecticut. The truths and facts themselves talk about some different themes, such us religious themes, family, future US policy, shootings tragedy, and the circumstances in the relatedneighborhood
Peningkatan Kreatifitas dan Kemampuan Kognitif Siswa melalui Outdoor Learning Activity
The aims of this research is improvements studets ceativity and cognitive achievments through outdoor learning activity at the SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro Bantul. This research is a classroom action research with kemmis and Taggart Model. The stage are planning, acting and observing, reflecting. The research had done in 2 cyclic with topics ingenhouz and sachz experiments. Subject of this research were 30 students in grade VII E. The instruments were teaching guide, worksheet, instructional media, creativity observation sheet, and test of cognitive. Data of instructional process and students creativity were analized by descriptive analysis. Data of students cognitive was analyzed by gain score. The results showed that students creativity increased. It have three category of students creativity were poor, fair, and good. In cyclic I, category of poor was 42,38%, fair was 45,17% and good 11,9%. In cyclic II, category of poor was 27,14%, fair was 43,33%, good was 29,53%. The students cognitive has increased from 54,67 in pracyclic, 80,67 in cyclic I, and 96,67 in cyclic II with fair in gain score
ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan daerah tropis dengan pelapukan batuan berlangsung intensif. Pelapukan menghasilkan tanah residual yang mencapai 53% luas daratan. Keberadaan tanah residual menimbulkan permasalahan geologi teknik, umumnya berkaitan dengan kekuatan dan dayadukung tanahnya. Daerah Sindang Panji, Cikijing, Majalengka merupakan daerah rawan gerakan tanah yang terjadi pada lapisan tanah residual. Makalah ini menyajikan hasil analisis karakteristik fisik dan keteknikan tanah di daerah gerakan tanah berdasarkan hasil uji Sondir (CPT) dan uji laboratorium. Hasil dari analisis data diketahui bahwa kedalaman tanah residual berkisar 1-1,6 m dan 1,6-2,5 m. Pada kedalaman 1-1,6 m kadar air 22,7-48,1 % dan indeks plastis tanah 17,7 -51,2 %. Sementara itu pada kedalaman 1,6-2,5 m, tanah memiliki kadar air 34,56-54,82 %, indeks plastis tanah 20,47-44,4 %. Tanah memiliki kuat geser rendah dengan kohesi efektif (0,0827-0,484 kg/cm2) dan sudut geser efektif (14,09o-34,62o), menyebabkan lereng di wilayah ini rentan terhadap gerakan tanah
Perancangan Permainan Interaktif Melatih Manajemen Waktu Untuk Anak-Anak Berusia 6-8 Tahun
Permainan “GoTime: How to Beats ur Time” adalah sebuah permainan papan yang bersifat edukatif dan interaktif untuk anak berusia 6-8 tahun. Permainan ini dibuat dengan menerapkan sistem bermain dan belajar, dimana para pemainnya diajak untuk mengenal dan menyelesaikan urutan kegiatan dengan tepat waktu. Tujuan permainan ini adalah membentuk kebiasaan manajemen waktu yang baik, sehingga anak menjadi pribadi disiplin dan bertanggung jawab
Hubungan antara Rasio Kredit Bermasalah dengan Rasio Profitabilitas: Studi Empiris pada Bprse-kota Tangerang Periode 2015
The aims of this study is to find empirical evidence, that there is a significant relationship between the Non Performing Loan Ratio is reflected in indicators of Non-Performing Loan (NPL) with a Profitability Ratio that is reflected in the indicators Net Profit Margin (NPM).The collecting of data method is secondary sources from Quarterly Financial Report Rural Banks (hereinafter referred to as BPR) as the city of Tangerang. The sample in this study is BPRin Kota Tangerang are categorized as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs). The hypothesis was tested by normality test and linear regression, The results of the study are not found empirical evidence that there is a significant relationship between Non-Performing Loan Ratios were reflected in NPL with Ratio Profitability indicators are reflected in indicators of NPM.These results indicate that required the mediating factor, namely the Contractual Interest Income from Loans and Expenses of Assets Allowance (hereinafter referred PPAPWD)
Keywords: Non-Performing Loan, Net Profit Margi
Manfaat EVA sebagai Predikator EPS (Studi Empiris Bank Umum Milik Pemerintah Periode 2011 - 2015)
The aims of this study is to find the empirical evidence, that the Economic Value Added positive (EVA> 0) can predict the Earnings per Share (EPS). In this study, the collecting of data method is the documentative the Annual Financial Statements have been audited (FS Audited) of all government-owned commercial bank).The approach in this study is Descriptive Quantitative and associative.The sample in this study is the 4 (four) commercial bank, which BBRI, BBNI, Mandiri, and BBTN.The results of research that found empirical evidence that EVA> 0 can predict the EPS, This is revealed in simple linear regression equation Y = 76.315 + 3,052X + ε, R Square = 0.981, Sig. 0,000.
Keywords: EVA, EP
Ekspresi IFN-Γ oleh Sel T CD4+ dan CD8+ Setelah Stimulasi Antigen Fusi ESAT-6- CFP-10 pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Aktif
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem. T-cells mediated immunity contribute to protection from Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells secreted interferon gamma (IFN-γ) to stimulate fusion of phagolyzosome and produce free radicals for killing mycobacteria. Early secretory antigenic target 6 kD(ESAT-6) and culture filtrate protein 10(CFP-10) are dominant M. tuberculosis antigens in inducing IFN-γ. This study compared CD4+ and CD8+T-cells expressing IFN-γ with and without ESAT-6- CFP-10 fusion antigen stimulation in active tuberculosis patients. Peripheral blood mononuclear cellsfrom active TB patients were cultured with and without ESAT-6-CFP-10 fusion antigen. CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells expressing IFN-γ were examined using flow cytometry.CD4+ T-cells expressing IFN-γ after antigen stimulation compare to controls(1.51%±1.7 vs 1.23%±0.86; p=0.08),and CD8+ T-cells (1.58%±0,99 vs 1.92%±1.13; p=0.86).CD4+ and CD8+T-cells expressing IFN-γ after antigen stimulation (1.51%±1.7 vs 1.58%±0,99; p=0.94).There were no significant differences of CD4+ and CD8+T-cells expressing IFN-γ after ESAT-6-CFP-10 fusion antigen stimulation in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients
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