219 research outputs found


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    Complex problems often encountered in the company, especially the production. The company should beable to increase production capability by increasing the utility of existing resources and accuracy in thecompletion of production to match the deadlines set by scheduling planned well. As a company producesCPO and kernel continuously so the scheduling screw press machine should be well planned so thatproduction can be completed on time, damage to the engine and overtime can be avoided. This study aimsto analyze the utilization schedule and screw press machine at the station felt that optimal production canbe achieved and determine the cause of the delay production time resulting in overtime. The method usedis the method of indicators that can be applied to the machine which is parallel with different capacities.This method minimizes the turnaround time by prioritizing machine with a large capacity whilemaintaining the efficiency of the engine and the completion time has been determined. Proposedscheduling using indicators generate optimal schedule, 13840 hours of work available only used 12373.5hours with five machine screw press, the clock difference is 1408.5 hours of work hours are unemployedand 58 hours of treatment machine screw press, and produce five utilities screw press machine onaverage up to 89.40% and utilities average every month five screw press machine is 89.46%. The delaytime of CPO production process and the kernel has been caused by damage to machine screw presswhich occur during the production process takes place so that if the production capacity is reduced andovertime hours cannot be avoided. Screw press machine maintenance can be done by the enginemaintenance schedule time without having to wait for the machine was broken beforehand and this canreduce the cost of production.Keywords : Indicator Method, Scheduling Engin


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    Daerah las yang paling rentan terhadap korosi adalah pada bagian HAZ (Heat Affected Zone). Hal ini dikarenakan daerah tersebut terjadi tegangan sisa akibat pemanasan las serta perubahan struktur mikro akibat pemanasan. Penelitian menemukan bahwa serangan korosi pada daerah HAZ ini hampir 3 kali lebih cepat laju korosinya dari pada logam induk yang digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas lapisan dengan kuningan jenis Leaded Brass dan Cast Brass terhadap ketahanan korosi dan ketahanan retak. Penelitian ini menggunakan mild steel jenis ST 37 dengan ketebalan 4,5 mm disambung dengan las busur elektroda ter¬bung¬kus dengan jenis sambungan V. Logam hasil pengelasan dilapis kuningan pada jalur daerah logam las. Teknik pelapisan dilakukan dengan las gas ”oksi asetilen”. Jenis bahan kuningan yang digunakan sebagai pelapis adalah tipe K yaitu Leaded Brass (64% Cu- 35%Zn) dan tipe B yaitu Cast Brass (60% Cu- 38%Zn). Hasil pelapisan kuningan dilakukan 5 jenis pengujian yaitu pengujian komposisi kimia, pengujian korosi, pengujian lengkung, pengujian kekerasan dan pengujian struktur mikro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kuningan jenis K (Cast brass) memiliki keuletan lebih tinggi dibandingkan jenis B dari foto SEM. Dari uji korosi, sambungan las tanpa lapisan kuningan maupun dengan lapisan kuningan (baik tipe B maupun tipe K) memiliki laju korosi yang hampir sama yaitu sekitar 25 MPY. Uji bending menunjukkan lapisan brazing dinyatakan lolos uji pengujian bending dengan standar AWS. Kekerasan HAZ pada benda uji yang dilapis kuningan tipe B memiliki kekerasan terendah. Ditemukan pula bahwa pemakaian lapisan kuningan dengan metode las asitilen dapat memperlunak daerah logam las dan HAZ sehingga mengurangi kekuatan sambungan. Kata kunci: HAZ, kuningan, las asitilen, korosi. FT, 2007 (PEND. TEK. MESIN


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    Penelitian tentang material semikonduktor titanium dioksida (TiO2) terus berkembang dalam berbagai aplikasi. Salah satunya adalah dalam aplikasi fotokatalis. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menghasilkan efisiensi yang tinggi antara lain memperkecil ukuran material dalam skala nanometer. Ukuran yang semakin kecil akan memperluas permukaan sehingga lebih efisien. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan sintesis nanomaterial TiO2 menggunakan metode sonokimia. Prekursor Titanium Klorida (TiCl4), Acetyl Acetone dan Aqua Bidestilation dipapar gelombang ultrasonik dengan frekuensi 20 kHz. Pemaparan ultrasonik dilakukan pada tiga prekursor yang sama dengan waktu yang berbeda – beda ½, 1, dan 2 jam. Sampel kemudian dimasukkan dalam oven dengan temperatur 80 oC selama 12 jam dan sintering dengan temperatur 500 oC selama 2 jam. Material TiO2 yang dihasilakan berupa serbuk berwarna putih. Material TiO2 hasil sintesis digunakan dalam pendegradasian larutan methylene blue 10ppm dibawah cahaya matahari. Hasilnya diuji menggunakan spektrofotmeter UV-Vis untuk mengetahui persentase degradasi methylene blue. Persentase degradasi terbaik sekitar 97,46% pada sampel dengan 1 jam pemaparan ultrasonik

    Impaired Function of Regulatory T Cells in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Pathogenesis of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is often associated with chronic low-grade inflammation. This kind of inflammation is characterized by an increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1β. From an immunological point of view, an inflammatory response is always followed by an anti-inflammatory response as negative feedback to avoid excessive tissue damages. Regulatory T cells are a subset of cluster of differentiation (CD)4+ T cells that have the function to maintain peripheral tolerance and suppress immune response. This review would discuss the impaired function of regulatory T cells in type 2 DM. DM is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia due to a defect of insulin secretion or a combination of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. Chronic low-grade inflammation has been known as a key factor in the development of insulin resistance. Regulatory T cells (Treg cells) action through contact and non-contact inhibition could suppress inflammatory response in innate and adaptive immune systems. In type 2 DM, the proportion and function of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell decreases due to the reduced number of Treg cells and the Treg cells depletion contributes to metabolic conditions such as insulin resistance. Moreover, Treg cells are more susceptible to apoptosis, the ability of Treg cells to produce anti-inflammatory cytokines such as transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) and IL-10 decreases, and there is an imbalance between the proportion of Th1/Th17 cells and Treg cells. This inadequate anti-inflammatory response gives rise to the chronic low-grade inflammatory condition in type 2 DM.Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus, inflammation, regulatory T cel

    Kualitas Perairan Sungai Bengawan Solo di Wilayah Kabupaten Bojonegoro Berdasarkan Indeks Keanekaragaman Plankton

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    Salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Timur yang dilalui Bengawan Solo adalah Bojonegoro. Di kabupaten tersebut, air Sungai Bengawan Solo dimanfaatkan  untuk berbagai keperluan seperti pertanian, perikanan, industri bahkan kegiatan domestik, yang berpotensi mencemari Sungai Bengawan Solo. Salah satu penilaian kualitas perairan secara biologis adalah berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman plankton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi  jenis-jenis plankton dan mendeskripsikan kualitas perairan Sungai Bengawan Solo di Bojonegoro berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman plankton. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan observasional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Sungai Bengawan Solo dari Kecamatan Kalitidu sampai Kecamatan Bojonegoro Kota dengan jarak 26 km yang meliputi enam stasiun penelitian. Identifikasi plankton dilakukan di Laboratorium Taksonomi Jurusan Biologi Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Data Jumlah plankton, kualitas perairan dihitung dan dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon Wienner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Sungai Bengawan Solo Kabupaten Bojonegoro ditemukan fitoplankton yang terdiri atas 36 spesies serta zooplankton yang terdiri atas 3 spesies. Kualitas perairan Sungai Bengawan Solo Kabupaten Bojonegoro secara keseluruhan berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman plankton adalah 2,3481, yang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Kata kunci: Bengawan solo, kualitas perairan, indeks keanekaragaman plankto

    Vitamin D suppresses inflammatory responses in insulin resistance

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     Vitamin D has been known as a vitamin for bone health and mineral homeostasis. However, since the discovery of vitamin D receptor (VDR) in various types of cell, that statement has changed. Immune cells are known to express VDR and enzyme 1α-hydroxylase that could convert vitamin D into its active form, 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D. In immune cells, vitamin D works as an immunomodulator which affects various levels of immune response. The net effects of vitamin D are increasing mucosal immunity, but dampening the adaptive immune system. Vitamin D deficiency is commonly found in people with diabetes mellitus (DM) and obesity. It is also associated with increased insulin resistance and poor glucose control. This review will explain how vitamin D as immunomodulator dampens insulin resistance. In immune cells from subjects with insulin resistance, administration of vitamin D could reduce the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines through the NF-κB and MAPK pathways, thus the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-6 are decreased. The same thing happens in preadipocytes and mature adipocytes cells. In these cells, vitamin D suppresses the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators such as IL-6 and MCP-1. Although in the invitro studies, the administration of vitamin D showed a promising effect in modulating the immune system, the clinical effect of vitamin D supplementation in reducing insulin resistance in individuals with type 2 DM (T2DM) and prediabetes is still inconclusive
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