13 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tani Sayuran melalui Intensifikasi Ekologi Menggunakan Eko-Teknologi Non-Mikroba di Sekitar Kebun Raya Kendari

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    Agricultural Innovation in the green revolution contains high ecological risk, so that eco-technology innovation is needed for the sustainability of agricultural productivity. Unfortunately, not all farmers know about of this innovation, including members of the Nanga-Nanga Makmur Farmers Group around the Kendari City Botanical Gardens. This Community Partnership Program aimed to: (i) increase the knowledge and skills of target farmers regarding the management of abundant organic waste around farmers' fields to be used as non-microbial biofertilizer products; and (ii) provide knowledge to target farmers about conducting soil quality testing as a reference for farmers to determine the dose of non-microbial biofertilizer on managed agricultural land by members of the farmer groups. The method applied to achieve this goal is to do incidental counseling through face-to-face activities, training activities through mentoring in plot demonstration actions. Data on the increasing knowledge and skills of farmers were recorded through photos during mentoring and pilot demonstrations and analyzed descriptively. The results of these activities have increased the knowledge and skills of farmers in evaluating soil fertility using KIT for soil analysis, and determining the need for organic matter and fertilizers. Partner farmers have been able and skilled to produce biochar, compost tea, and compost as non-microbial biofertilizer by utilizing liquid organic waste and organic solid waste. Farmers can to manage soil quality and plant health through the application of non-microbial biofertilizer to soil and plants. Farmers also have insight into pest/disease control through an eco-technology approach.Agricultural Innovation in the green revolution contains high ecological risk, so that eco-technology innovation is needed for the sustainability of agricultural productivity. Unfortunately, not all farmers know about of this innovation, including members of the Nanga-Nanga Makmur Farmers Group around the Kendari City Botanical Gardens. This Community Partnership Program aimed to: (i) increase the knowledge and skills of target farmers regarding the management of abundant organic waste around farmers' fields to be used as non-microbial biofertilizer products; and (ii) provide knowledge to target farmers about conducting soil quality testing as a reference for farmers to determine the dose of non-microbial biofertilizer on managed agricultural land by members of the farmer groups. The method applied to achieve this goal is to do incidental counseling through face-to-face activities, training activities through mentoring in plot demonstration actions. Data on the increasing knowledge and skills of farmers were recorded through photos during mentoring and pilot demonstrations and analyzed descriptively. The results of these activities have increased the knowledge and skills of farmers in evaluating soil fertility using KIT for soil analysis, and determining the need for organic matter and fertilizers. Partner farmers have been able and skilled to produce biochar, compost tea, and compost as non-microbial biofertilizer by utilizing liquid organic waste and organic solid waste. Farmers can to manage soil quality and plant health through the application of non-microbial biofertilizer to soil and plants. Farmers also have insight into pest/disease control through an eco-technology approach

    Mobilitas Sosial di Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT) Arongo (Studi Kasus Petani Transmigran Etnis Jawa dan Petani Lokal Etnis Tolaki)

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    The aim of this research is to observe social mobility of  Java people as transmigrant community and Tolaki as local people in southeast Sulawesi. This study used qualitative approach, and  carried out in January to July 2014. The key informants in this study are six people,  Javanese farmers community leaders and local farmers,  and javanese transmigrant farmers whose are social climbing mobility (upwar social mobility) and local farmers with social sinking mobility (downward social mobility). Research result show that vertical social mobility of Javanese transmigrant farmers through productions organisations, expertise organizations, and institutional village i.e. cooperative, farmers group and gapoktan, and political organization. Relations of productions on Java farmer and in the status peasant transformed from no land into farmer as land owner. However, the local ethnic has declined on social status through path of the culture system and marriage custom. Research result showed that through individual land ownership local people have easily for buying their land. Relations of productions is change especially for Tolaki  people through transmigration program that change the communal land ownership to individual land ownership. Keywords: social mobility, transmigrations, Tolaki, Javanese, UPT. ArongoTujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat sejarah kedatangan komunitas transmigran dan mengetahui proses mobilitas sosial transmigran etnis Jawa dan Tolaki. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan mengambil kasus komunitas transmigran di UPT Arongo, Kecamatan Landono, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengara.  Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Juli 2014. Key Informant yang bertindak sebagai sumber informasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 6 orang yaitu tokoh masyarakat etnis Jawa dan Masyarakat local etnis Tolaki serta kepala keluarga petani etnis Jawa yang mengalami mobilitas sosial naik atas nama dan petani etnis Tolaki yang mengalami mobilitas sosial turun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mobilitas sosial vertikal naikpetani transmigran etnis Jawa melalui saluran proses jual-beli, organisasi keahlian, dan kelembagaan desa yakni koperasi, kelompok tani dan gapoktan, serta organisasi politik. Relasi produksi yang terjadi pada petani Jawa adalah berubahnya status petani tunakisma saat berada di wilayah asal kemudian berubah menjadi petani pemilik dangan lahan yang relatif luas.Hasil penelitian menunjukan melalui kepemilikan lahan secara pribadi, memudahkan orang-orang Tolaki kehilangan lahan. Pada akhirnya tanah yang dimiliki semakin berkurang atau semakin sempit dan terjadinya penurunan volume hasil kegiatan usahatani. Relasi produksi yang terjadi pada orang-orang Tolaki adalah, awalnya tanah dimiliki bersama,melalui transmigrasi menjadi petani pemilik sacara individu.  Kata kunci: mobilitas sosial, transmigrasi, Tolaki, Jawa, UPT. Arong

    Local Capitalism of Bajo

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    Transformasi ekonomi pedesaan tidak terkecuali juga dialami oleh komunitas nelayan suku Bajo. Transformasi yang dialami masyarakat Bajo saat ini juga merujuk pada perubahan masyarakat pedesaan berbasis pada pertumbuhan dan mekanisme kapitalis pasar. Mola adalah gambaran unik komunitas nelayan Bajo yang telah mengalami transformasi sosial dalam bentuk modernisasi. Kenyataan ini jauh berbeda Mantigola. Perubahan masyarakat Bajo kearah kapitalisme ditengarai oleh peran dari pertukaran ekonomi, dan penetrasi nilai-nilai yang dibawa oleh An Tje. Perubahan orientasi ekonomi ke arah kapitalisme juga disebabkan oleh peran besar dari orang Mandati yang adalah para kapitalis, yang memberikan iklim yang kondusif dalam berusaha. Sebaliknya, Bagi Bajo Mantigola, kemandekan ekonomi disebabkan adaptasi terhadap diskriminasi yang dilakukan oleh orang Kaledupa, pembatasan terhadap ruang nafkah oleh taman nasional, pelarangan untuk menangkap di perairan Australia, dan ketergantungan dari orang-orang Mola. Kemudian, agama juga menjadi faktor pendorong terjadinya kapitalisme di Mola. Kapitalisme lokal suku Bajo juga berkembang melalui etika, namun etika yang dianut oleh masyarakat Bajo Mola yang kapitalis lokal tidak seperti etika yang dianut oleh para kapitalis penuh ala masyarakat Barat yang sangat individualisme. Maka dengan melihat ranah sejarah tersebut, teori Weber lebih bisa menjelaskan sejarah munculnya kapitalisme di aras individu. Sementara teori Marx digunakan untuk memahami bentuk eksploitasi yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Mola terhadap saudaranya, namun bukan seperti eksploitasi yang sangat serakah seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Marx, karena masih bercokolnya nilai-nilai tertentu yang mengatur kehidupan berekonomi ala suku Baj

    The Vulnerability of Mantigola Bajo Household In Wakatobi Marine National Park

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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is for describing vulnerability’s typologies by Bajo Mantigola household as a result of the prohibition of fishing activity in Maromaho reef, after the establishment of zonation and regional autonomy as the starting point of marine tourism development in Wakatobi Regency. The research was conducted from March to May 2017, on Bajo fishing community in Mantigola Village, South Kaledupa Subdistrict, Wakatobi Regency, South-east Sulawesi Province. This research was a descriptive study using quantitative research paradigm and supported by qualitative (post-positivistic) research. The results showed that based on a side of human capital, Bajo fisher head of households were a very low formal education. This fact have consequences to Bajo Mantigola households. They can not expand their livelihoods other than capture fisheries activities. In terms of social capital, Bajo fishermen’s households are relatively more vulnerable when they related to kaledupa land-dweller who do not provide opportunities for their economic development in Kampung Mantigola. Meanwhile, physical capital side, Bajo Mantigola Kampung is low in economic facilities such as the market, which should be a catalyst for economic development in the village of Bajo Mantigola. These four capital conditions eventually result in vulnerability to economic capital. Low income in the West wind season related to debt traps, consumptive attitudes, and less alternative income. The vulnerability can ultimately lead to illegal fishing practices that damage the environment due to the emergence of livelihood instability. And also, this paper will criticize the role of Bajo identity concerning to vulnerability dimension of The Bajo.Keywords: Vulnerability, Household, Mantigola Bajo, WakatobiABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui gambaran tipologi kerentanan yang dialami oleh rumahtangga nelayan Bajo di Mantigola akibat dari pelarangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan pada wilayah Karang Maromaho setelah terbentuknya TNKW dan otonomi daerah sebagai starting point pengembangan wisata Bahari di Kabupaten Wakatobi. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2017 di komunitas nelayan Bajo di Desa Mantigola, Kecamatan Kaledupa Selatan, Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan paradigma penelitian kuantitatif dan didukung oleh penelitian kualitatif (post-positivistic). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari sisi modal manusia, nelayan Bajo berpendidikan formal sangat rendah sehingga rumahtangga nelayan Bajo Mantigola tidak bisa memperluas mata pencaharian selain kegiatan perikanan tangkap. Dari sisi modal sosial, rumahtangga nelayan Bajo relatif lebih rentan ketika terkait dengan interaksi dengan orang darat, khususnya orang darat Kaledupa yang tidak memberikan peluang bagi berkembangnya perekonomian di Kampung Mantigola. Dari sisi modal fisik, Kampung Bajo Mantigola rendah dalam fasilitas ekonomi antara lain pasar, yang semestinya menjadi katalisator perkembangan ekonomi di kampung Bajo Mantigola. Kondisi empat modal ini akhirnya menghasilkan kerentanan pada modal ekonomi. Pendapatan rendah di musim angin Barat, rentan dengan jebakan hutang, sikap konsumtif, dan kurang alternative nafkah selain menangkap ikan. Kerentanan pada akhirnya bisa memicu timbulnya perilaku perikanan illegal yang merusak lingkungan akibat munculnya ketidakstabilan mata pencaharian. Tulisan ini juga mengkritisi peran identitas Bajo terhadap dimensi kerentanan orang Bajo.Kata Kunci: Kerentanan, Rumahtangga, Bajo Mantigola, Wakatob


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    Pulau Saponda Laut yang terdapat di Kabupaten Konawe Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi wisata kepulauan yang sedang dikembangkan oleh pemerintah daerah. Kegiatan pelatihan pengolahan ikan tongkol dalam bentuk bakso ikan di Desa Saponda Laut Kecamatan Soropia Kabupaten Konawe ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat nelayan melalui olahan ikan tongkol menjadi bakso ikan, juga dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomisnya dengan memberikan alternatif pangan kepada masyarakat. Ikan tongkol sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan bakso ikan karena jenis ikan ini bergizi tinggi, mudah didapatkan dan pada saat musim penangkapannya tersedia dalam jumlah melimpah dengan harga mudah. Sedangkan bakso ikan dipilih karena panganan ini merupakan paganan ini digemari oleh masyarakat secara umum dan masyarakat di Desa Saponda Laut khususnya. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan cara demontrasi langsung keseluruhan proses pembuatan bakso ikan tongkol di depan ibu-ibu rumah tangga di Desa Saponda Laut. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu dapat menambah pemahaman masyarakat nelayan terhadap jenis-jenis produk hasil diversifikasi olahan ikan. Metode yang dilakukan dengan metode ceramah serta demonstrasi yang berkenaan dengan proses pembuatan olahan ikan tongkol dalam bentuk bakso ikan mulai dari penanganan bahan baku, cara penggunaan alat-alat produksi, proses pencampuran bahan, pemasakan sampai pengemasan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mampu memberikan kontribusi yang luar biasa bagi para peserta, yaitu mereka mampu mengolah ikan tongkol menjadi bakso ikan yang sehat. Selain itu para peserta juga menghendaki kegiatan serupa diadakan secara berkala dengan jenis produk olahan yang didemonstrasikan dalah produk yang berbeda

    Sustaining livelihoods from the seas : Sama Bajo vulnerabilities and resilience

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    Indonesia is the largest archipelagic state in the world, with the fourth largest population (260 million). It is therefore unsurprising that the fisheries sector is a vitally important segment of the national economy. Over six million people are engaged directly with inland and wild-caught marine fishing and fish farming (FAO 2014). The majority of small-scale operators utilise low technology equipment and vessels (<10 gross tonnes). All remain tied in varying degrees to seafood-based trading and consumption to sustain their livelihoods. But many more Indonesians are dependent on the fisheries catch for their sustenance, with fish and seafood consumption now providing 50 per cent of the national protein supply, and per capita consumption rising over fourfold, from 10.6 kg/year in the 1970s to 46.49 kg/year in 2017 (CEA 2018). In addition to freshly harvested fish, an important proportion of the catch (eight per cent) is also consumed in dried, salted, smoked and fermented forms (FAO 2014). Urbanisation is one of the driving forces underlying the trend of growing demand (Foale et al. 2013)

    Bridging and Bounding Social Capital: Social Interaction Analysis of Islets Islanders in Wakatobi Marine National Park

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the differences in the strength of social capital that is bonding and bridging two community groups, namely land-dwellers and Sama Bajo boat-dwellers in three islands in Wakatobi Marine National Park. This study used a post-positivistic research paradigm, and the primary data were collected by using a questionnaire to 240 respondents who represented the group of land-dwellers and Sama Bajo boat-dwellers on the islands of Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, and Tomia. This research was also supported by qualitative data through in-depth interviews from several informants and desk studies. The results showed that bridging social capital relations tend to be weak in the two forms of interactions between the Sama Bajo and the land-dwellers on Wangi-wangi Island and Kaledupa Island, while bridging social capital tend to be secured in Tomia Island. We found that the social context through the historical links in the past and identity played a role in the relationship of bridging social capital and bonding social capital in the three communities as an analytical unit of this research. &nbsp

    A contrast among farmers’ ethnic groups: is this a social polarization tendency?

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    The aim of the study was to capture the differences between Tolaki, Javanese, and Bugis ethnic in relation to their livelihoods in paddy upland farming activity. The study uses the post-positivism paradigm. In our research setting in Sulawesi drylands ecology, Tolaki local farmer, inhabit most areas of dry land, tend to be sub-subsistence and subsistence-oriented, their planting system is shifting cultivation, or the swidden farming, which was the legacy of their ancestors. Javanese tend to be subsistence and supra-subsistence oriented, while the Bugis farmer is expansive and supra-subsistence oriented. Another important message showed the symptoms of social polarization between the Tolaki and the Bugis as ethnic immigrants. The climax conditions will lead to social conflicts between Tolaki local farmer, Javanese, and Bugis migrants as a result of the emergence of social polarization