30 research outputs found

    Algae reactors for wastewater treatment

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    The onset of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) will challenge water utilities to further reduce their wastewater phosphorus discharges to < 0.5 mg.L- 1 . Whilst conventional treatments, such as chemical dosing, are able to meet these new discharge consents, the strategies are representative of a linear economy model where resources are unrecovered and disposed. An alternative solution which can contribute to the aspiration of a circular economy is microalgae. Microalgae are ubiquitous in wastewater environments and assimilate phosphorus during their growth, to residual concentrations complementary of the WFD. Furthermore, microalgal biomass can be anaerobically digested to produce biomethane offering the potential for an energy neutral approach. However, uptake of microalgal systems are lacking in the UK through limited knowledge of operation; and the belief that such solutions are synonymous to large, shallow open ponds with extensive treatment times. The development of alternative microalgal reactors are increasingly investigated to overcome these implementation challenges. Of these, immobilised microalgae has shown great potential; and whilst within its infancy demonstrates the greatest opportunity for development and optimisation. This thesis determines the critical operational parameters that influence the remediation efficacy of immobilised microalgae for tertiary nutrient removal; including species selection, biomass concentration, treatment period and lighting; with recommendations for optimal performance. These recommendations are then applied to the design and operation of an immobilised bioreactor (IBR) to understand the key design and operating components that influence the overall economic viability. In doing so, the potential for an IBR to be economically viable, within the next decade, in comparison to traditional approaches are discussed

    Impacts of microalgae pre-treatments for improved anaerobic digestion: Thermal treatment, thermal hydrolysis, ultrasound and enzymatic hydrolysis

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) of microalgae is primarily inhibited by the chemical composition of their cell walls containing biopolymers able to resist bacterial degradation. Adoption of pre-treatments such as thermal, thermal hydrolysis, ultrasound and enzymatic hydrolysis have the potential to remove these inhibitory compounds and enhance biogas yields by degrading the cell wall, and releasing the intracellular algogenic organic matter (AOM). This work investigated the effect of four pre-treatments on three microalgae species, and their impact on the quantity of soluble biomass released in the media and thus on the digestion process yields. The analysis of the composition of the soluble COD released and of the TEM images of the cells showed two main degradation actions associated with the processes: (1) cell wall damage with the release of intracellular AOM (thermal, thermal hydrolysis and ultrasound) and (2) degradation of the cell wall constituents with the release of intracellular AOM and the solubilisation of the cell wall biopolymers (enzymatic hydrolysis). As a result of this, enzymatic hydrolysis showed the greatest biogas yield increments (>270%) followed by thermal hydrolysis (60–100%) and ultrasounds (30–60%)

    Influence of microalgal N and P composition on wastewater nutrient remediation

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    Microalgae have demonstrated the ability to remediate wastewater nutrients efficiently, with methods to further enhance performance through species selection and biomass concentration. This work evaluates a freshwater species remediation characteristics through analysis of internal biomass N:P (nitrogen:phosphorus) and presents a relationship between composition and nutrient uptake ability to assist in species selection. Findings are then translated to an optimal biomass concentration, achieved through immobilisation enabling biomass intensification by modifying bead concentration, for wastewaters of differing nutrient concentrations at hydraulic retention times (HRT) from 3 h to 10 d. A HRT <20 h was found suitable for the remediation of secondary effluent by immobilised Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella vulgaris at bead concentrations as low as 3.2 and 4.4 bead·mL−1. Increasing bead concentrations were required for shorter HRTs with 3 h possible at influent concentrations <5 mgP L−1

    The impacts of replacing air bubbles with microspheres for the clarification of algae from low cell-density culture

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    Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is a well-known coagulation–flotation system applied at large scale for microalgae harvesting. Compared to conventional harvesting technologies DAF allows high cell recovery at lower energy demand. By replacing microbubbles with microspheres, the innovative Ballasted Dissolved Air Flotation (BDAF) technique has been reported to achieve the same algae cell removal efficiency, while saving up to 80% of the energy required for the conventional DAF unit. Using three different algae cultures (Scenedesmus obliquus, Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira maxima), the present work investigated the practical, economic and environmental advantages of the BDAF system compared to the DAF system. 99% cells separation was achieved with both systems, nevertheless, the BDAF technology allowed up to 95% coagulant reduction depending on the algae species and the pH conditions adopted. In terms of floc structure and strength, the inclusion of microspheres in the algae floc generated a looser aggregate, showing a more compact structure within single cell alga, than large and filamentous cells. Overall, BDAF appeared to be a more reliable and sustainable harvesting system than DAF, as it allowed equal cells recovery reducing energy inputs, coagulant demand and carbon emissions

    Energy recovery from immobilised cells of Scenedesmus obliquus after wastewater treatment

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    Biomethane batch test of alginate beads and beads with algae at different stages of utilisation in the wastewater treatment plants showed that immobilised S. obliquus yield similar biogas and biomethane than freely suspended algae (between 60.51 ± 4.19 and 82.32 ± 2.17 mL g-1 VSadd) and that a pre-treatment stage was not necessary for the digestion process

    Flow cytometry-based evaluation of the bacterial removal efficiency of a blackwater reuse treatment plant and the microbiological changes in the associated non-potable distribution network

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    The study evaluated the changes in bacterial numbers across a full-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) blackwater reuse system. Flow cytometry was used to quantify total and intact bacterial concentrations across the treatment train and during distribution of the recycled water. Membrane passage reduced bacterial numbers by up to 5-log units resulting in coliform-free permeate. A 2-log increase in bacterial cell concentration was subsequently observed after the granular activated carbon unit followed by a reduction in intact cells after chlorination, which corresponds to an overall intact bacteria removal of 3.4-log units. In the distribution network, the proportion of intact cells greatly depended on the free chlorine residual, with decreasing residual enabling regrowth. An initial target of 0.5 mg L−1 free chlorine ensured sufficient suppression of intact cells for up to 14 days (setting the time intervals for system flushes at times of low water usage). Bacterial regrowth was only observed when the free chlorine concentration was below 0.34 mg L−1. Such loss of residual chlorine mainly applied to distant points in the distribution network from the blackwater reuse treatment plant (BRTP). Flushing these network points for 5 min did not substantially reduce cell numbers. At points closer to the BRTP, on the other hand, flushing reduced cell numbers by up to 1.5-log units concomitant with a decreasing proportion of intact cells. Intact cell concentrations did not correlate with DOC, total nitrogen, or soluble reactive phosphate, but it was shown that dead biomass could be efficiently converted into new biomass within seven days

    EQAL to the task: stakeholder responses to a university-wide transformation project

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    This qualitative case study examines a university change initiative that was unprecedented in pace, scope and scale for the institution concerned: a post-92 UK university. Project documentation, interview and survey data are analysed to present an account of the context, content and process of change; an account that highlights different stakeholder perspectives and offers lessons learned

    Tertiary nutrient removal from wastewater by immobilised microalgae: impact of wastewater nutrient characteristics and hydraulic retention time (HRT)

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    Immobilising microalgal cells has been proposed as a process solution to overcome the barriers associated with the implementation of microalgae for wastewater remediation. This work evaluated the performance and remediation mechanisms of immobilised microalgae for continuous wastewater treatment under varying hydraulic retention times (HRT). Three domestic secondary wastewaters with differing concentrations of orthophosphate (PO4-P), ammonium (NH4-N) and nitrate (NO3-N) were treated by Scenedesmus obliquus immobilised within 2% calcium alginate. Trials were run in continuous operation at HRTs of 3, 6, 12 and 20 h. Removal rates for PO4-P improved with increasing HRT, with minimum residual concentrations of 0.3–3.1 mg·L−1 observed at 3 h and 0.01–0.2 mg·L−1 at 20 h. Ammonium remediation was not linked to HRT or NH4+ concentration with minimum residual concentrations of <0.001 mg·L−1. Reduction in NO3-N improved with increasing HRT, with minimum residual concentrations of ≀19.3 at 3 h and ≀0.4 mg·L−1 at 20 h. Remediation was achieved through a combination of mechanisms including biological uptake and precipitation as a by-product of photosynthesis and nutrient metabolism. As such, immobilised microalgae have been proven to be an effective alternative solution for PO43− and NH4+ remediation of wastewater effluents at HRTs of 6–12 h

    Recovery and reuse of alginate in an immobilised algae reactor

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    The use of microalgae for nutrients removal from wastewater has attracted more attention in recent years. More specifically, immobilized systems where algae cells are entrapped in beads in a matrix of a polysaccharide such as alginate have shown a great potential for nutrients removal from wastewater to low levels with reduced retention times and hence smaller footprint. However, a significant operational cost in the up-scaling of alginate-immobilized algae reactors will be the gelling agent alginate. To reduce expenditure of this consumable a proof-of-concept is given for an alginate recycling method using sodium citrate as a dissolving agent. Using algae beads made from virgin and recycled alginate yielded comparable removal rates for both phosphorus and nitrogen compounds from wastewater. At labscale, an alginate recovery of approximately 70% can be achieved which would result in a net operational cost reduction of about 60%

    Arthrospira (Spirulina’) strains from four continents are resolved into only two clusters, based on amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis of the internally transcribed spacer. FEMS

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    Abstract We present the results of a phylogenetic study, based on amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis of the rDNA operon, of 37 Arthrospira (`Spirulina&apos;) cultivated clonal strains from four continents. In addition, duplicates from different culture collections or markedly different morphotypes of particular strains established as clonal cultures were treated as separate entries, resulting in a total of 51 tested cultures. The strain Spirulina laxissima SAG 256.80 was included as outgroup. The 16S rRNA genes appeared too conserved for discrimination of the strains by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis, and thus the internally transcribed spacer was selected as molecular taxonomic marker. The internally transcribed spacer sequences situated between the 16S and the 23S rRNA were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and yielded amplicons of about 540 bp. Direct use of cells for polymerase chain reaction seemed to inhibit the amplification reaction. This was overcome by the design of a crude lysis protocol and addition of bovine serum albumin in the polymerase chain reaction mix.The amplicons were digested with four restriction enzymes (EcoRV, HhaI, HinfI, MseI) and the banding patterns obtained were analyzed. Cluster analysis showed the separation of all the strains into two main clusters. No clear relationships could be observed between this division into two clusters and the geographic origin of the strains, or their designation in the culture collections, or their morphology.