935 research outputs found

    SERVE Model: A Hands-On Approach to Volunteer Administration

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    There is an increasing need for Extension professionals to understand the needs and expectations of present and future volunteers. The SERVE Model for Volunteer Administration represents a good starting point to begin to understand the purposes, needs, and positions of volunteers. The model has seven stages that allow volunteers and volunteer administrators to move freely from stage to stage according to the needs of the organization. SERVE, an acronym for strategize/search, educate/energize, recruit/resource, volunteer/volunteer administrator, and evaluate, is designed to help volunteers and volunteer administrators work hand-in-hand on various projects to fulfill one another\u27s needs

    Systems of Care and the Prevention of Mental Health Problems for Children and their Families: Integrating Counseling Psychology and Public Health Perspectives

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    The purpose of this paper is to present systems of care as an example of how counseling psychology and public health overlap with regards to prevention and intervention approaches for children\u27s mental health. A framework for prevention is presented as is the state of children\u27s mental health promotion, with a particular focus on ecological and systemic approaches to children\u27s mental health and how these approaches cut across multiple perspectives. Systems of care are highlighted as an example of the congruence of prevention and ecological or systemic approaches to address the mental health promotion of children and their families, with the potential to impact at the universal, selective, and indicated levels of risk. Results from a longitudinal outcome study of a school-based system of care are presented to exemplify the positive outcomes experienced by children. An increase in the awareness and implementation of systems of care across mental health perspectives is recommended, along with continued research from the public health and counseling psychology communities focused on which prevention and intervention services within systems of care work, why they work, and how they can be improved upon

    Parenting Stress as a Mediator of Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events and Behavioral Health Outcomes in Children and Youth

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    The research team has been examining parenting stress, defined as stress that parents feel in their parenting role, as a mediator of behavioral health outcomes for children exposed to potentially traumatic events. The results of our studies demonstrate the interplay between a child’s exposure to potentially traumatic events and their parent/caregiver’s report of stress related to parenting their child

    Predictors of Parenting and Infant Outcomes for Impoverished Adolescent Parents

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    Adolescent mothers and their children are at risk for a myriad of negative outcomes. This study examined risk and protective factors and their impact on a sample (N = 172) of impoverished adolescent mothers. Multiple regression analyses revealed that depressed adolescent mothers report higher levels of parenting stress and that their children are more at risk for maltreatment and are developmentally behind other babies. In addition, adolescent mothers with restricted social support have babies who are at higher risk for maltreatment. Finally, mothers who were older during pregnancy were more likely to stay in school. Implications for program development are discussed

    An Examination of Exposure to Traumatic Events and Symptoms and Strengths for Children Served in a Behavioral Health System of Care

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    The present study examined how exposure to traumatic events impacts children with severe emotional disturbance who are being served in a school-based system of care. Multilevel growth curve models were used to examine the relationships between a child’s history of traumatic events (physical abuse, sexual abuse, or domestic violence) and behavioral and emotional strengths, internalizing problem behaviors, or externalizing problem behaviors over 18 months. Results indicate that children receiving services (N = 134) exhibited increased emotional and behavioral strengths and decreased internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors from enrollment to 18 months follow-up. Children with a history of traumatic events improved more slowly than children without such a history on both strengths and internalizing problem behaviors, even after controlling for dosage of services received and other characteristics previously found to predict outcomes. Gender was also related to improvement in internalizing symptoms. Results highlight the continued need to assess the impact of exposure to traumatic events for children served in a system of care

    The Impact of Youth and Family Risk Factors on Service Recommendations and Delivery in a School-Based System of Care

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    The present study examines the impact of child and family risk factors on service access for youth and families in a school-based system of care. Regression analyses examined the relationships between risk factors and services recommended, services received, and dosage of services received. Logistic regression analyses examined the relationship between risk factors and whether or not youth received specific types of services within the system of care. Results revealed that youth with a personal or family history of substance use had more services recommended than youth without these risk factors, while youth with a family history of substance use received more services. Youth with a history of substance use received a significantly higher dosage of services overall. Finally, history of family mental illness was associated with receiving mental health and operational services (e.g., family advocacy, emergency funds). Implications and limitations are discussed. Systems of care were developed in response to the need for more appropriate and accessible preventive and treatment services for children with severe emotional and behavioral difficulties and their families. In 1992, the United States Congress established the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services (CMHS) for Children and Their Families Program, which has provided funding to 126 communities over the past 14 years for the development of local systems of care.1 A system of care is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is created to meet the challenges of children

    Experimental Constraints on the Partitioning Behavior of F, Cl, and OH Between Apatite and Basaltic Melt

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    The mineral apatite is present in a wide range of planetary materials. The presence of volatiles (F, Cl, and OH) within its crystal structure (X-site) have motivated numerous studies to investigate the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt with the end goal of using apatite to constrain the volatile contents of planetary magmas and mantle sources. A number of recent experimental studies have investigated the apatite-melt partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH in magmatic systems. Apatite-melt partitioning of volatiles are best described as exchange equilibria similar to Fe-Mg partitioning between olivine and silicate melt. However, the partitioning behavior is likely to change as a function of temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, apatite composition, and melt composition. In the present study, we have conducted experiments to assess the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt over a pressure range of 0-6 gigapascals, a temperature range of 950-1500 degrees Centigrade, and a wide range of apatite ternary compositions. All of the experiments were conducted between iron-wustite oxidation potentials IW minus 1 and IW plus 2 in a basaltic melt composition. The experimental run products were analyzed by a combination of electron probe microanalysis and secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). Temperature, apatite crystal chemistry, and pressure all play important roles in the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt. In portions of apatite ternary space that undergo ideal mixing of F, Cl, and OH, exchange coefficients remain constant at constant temperature and pressure. However, exchange coefficients vary at constant temperature (T) and pressure (P) in portions of apatite compositional space where F, Cl, and OH do not mix ideally in apatite. The variation in exchange coefficients exhibited by apatite that does not undergo ideal mixing far exceeds the variations induced by changes in temperature (T) or pressure (P) . In regions where apatite undergoes ideal mixing of F, Cl, and OH, temperature has a stronger effect than pressure on the partitioning behavior, but both are important. Furthermore, fluorine becomes less compatible in apatite with increasing pressure and temperature. We are still in the process of analyzing our experimental run products, but we plan to quantify the effects of P and T on apatite-melt partitioning of F, Cl, and OH

    'What vision?': experiences of Team members in a community service for adults with intellectual disabilities.

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    BACKGROUND: In the UK, the closure of 'long-stay' hospitals was accompanied by the development of community teams (CTs) to support people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) to live in community settings. The self-reported experiences of staff working in such teams have been neglected. METHODS: Focusing on a single county-wide service, comprising five multi-disciplinary and inter-agency CTs, we measured perceptions among the health care and care management Team members of (1) their personal well-being; (2) the functioning of their team; and (3) the organisation's commitment to quality, and culture. RESULTS: Almost three-quarters of the questionnaires were returned (73/101; 72%). The scores of health care practitioners and care managers were very similar: (1) the MBI scores of more than half the respondents were 'of concern'; (2) similarly, almost four in ten respondents' scores on the Vision scale of the TCI were 'of concern'; (3) the perceived commitment to quality (QIIS-II Part 2) was uncertain; and (4) the organisational culture (QIIS-II, Part 1) was viewed as primarily hierarchical. DISCUSSION: The perceived absence of a vision for the service, combined with a dominant culture viewed by its members as strongly focussed on bureaucracy and process, potentially compromises the ability of these CTs to respond proactively to the needs of people with IDs. Given the changes in legislation, policy and practice that have taken place since CTs were established, it would be timely to revisit their role and purpose.We are grateful to all our participants in the IDP, without whom the study could not have taken place, to Professor Eivor Oborn (Warwick Business School) for her insights in the development of the study. Funding was provided by the NIHR’s Collaboration for Health Research & Care (CLAHRC) for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. The preparation of the paper was funded by the NIHR’s CLAHRC East of England (ICHC, KAW, AJH, AL, EJ, APW). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.1231

    Experimental Study into the Stability of Whitlockite in Basaltic Magmas

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    Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH), merrillite Ca18Na2Mg2(PO4)14, and whitlockite Ca9(Mg,Fe2+)(PO4)6[PO3(OH)] are the primary phosphate minerals found in most planetary materials including rocks from Earth, Moon, Mars, and asteroids [1-2]. For many years, the terms merrillite and whitlockite have been used interchangeably in the meteorite literature. Much of the confusion regarding the relationship between terrestrial and extraterrestrial "whitlockite" is based on the presence or absence of hydrogen in the mineral structure. Whitlockite has approximately 8500 ppm H2O, and the term "merrillite" has been adopted to identify the hydrogen-free form of whitlockite [2]. The atomic structures of merrillite and whitlockite were examined in detail by Hughes et al. [3-4]. On Earth, whitlockite has been found in rocks from evolved pegmatitic systems [2-4] and in some mantle rocks [e.g., 5]. Furthermore, terrestrial whitlockite has been shown to have some merrillite component [4]. For the meteoritic and lunar materials that have been investigated, merrillite appears to be far more common than whitlockite, and it has been proposed that the whitlockite component is unique to terrestrial samples [4]. There are some reports of "whitlockite" in the meteorite literature; however, these likely represent misidentifications of merrillite because there have been no reports of extraterrestrial whitlockite that have been verified through crystal structural studies or analyzed for their H contents. Hughes et al. [3] reported the atomic arrangement of lunar merrillite and demonstrated that the phase is similar to meteoritic merrillite and, predictably, devoid of hydrogen. In a follow-up study, Hughes et al. [4] reported the atomic arrangements of two natural samples of whitlockite, one synthetic whitlockite, and samples of synthetic whitlockite that were heated at 500degC and 1050degC for 24 h. The crystal chemistry and crystal structures of the phases were compared, and it was discovered that the latter treatment resulted in the dehydrogenation of whitlockite to form merrillite. The presence of merrillite vs. whitlockite was widely thought to serve as an indication that magmas were anhydrous [e.g., 6-7]. However, McCubbin et al., [8] determined that merrillite in the martian meteorite Shergotty had no discernible whitlockite component despite its coexistence with OH-rich apatite. Consequently, McCubbin et al., (2014) speculated that the absence of a whitlockite component in Shergotty merrillite and other planetary merrillites may be a consequence of the limited thermal stability of H in whitlockite (stable only at T less than1050degC), which would prohibit merrillite-whitlockite solid-solution at high temperatures. In the present study, we have aimed to test this hypothesis experimentally by examining the stability of whitlockite in basaltic magmas at 1.2 GPa and a temperature range of -1000- 1300degC
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