54 research outputs found

    A spatially continuous magnetization model for Mars

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    [1] Using a three-component magnetic field data set at over 100,000 satellite points previously compiled for spherical harmonic analysis, we have produced a continuously varying magnetization model for Mars. The magnetized layer was assumed to be 40 km thick, an average value based on previous studies of the topography and gravity field. The severe nonuniqueness in magnetization modeling is addressed by seeking the model with minimum root-mean-square (RMS) magnetization for a given fit to the data, with the trade-off between RMS magnetization and fit controlled by a damping parameter. Our preferred model has magnetization amplitudes up to 20 A/m. It is expressed as a linear combination of the Green’s functions relating each observation to magnetization at the point of interest within the crust, leading to a linear system of equations of dimension the number of data points. Although this is impractically large for direct solution, most of the matrix elements relating data to model parameters are negligibly small. We therefore apply methods applicable to sparse systems, allowing us to preserve the resolution of the original data set. Thus we produce more detailed models than any previously published, although they share many similarities. We find that tectonism in the Valles Marineris region has a magnetic signature, and we show that volcanism south of the dichotomy boundary has both a magnetic and gravity signature. The method can also be used to downward continue magnetic data, and a comparison with other leveling techniques at Mars ’ surface is favorable

    Magnetization of the Lunar Crust

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    Magnetic fields measured by the satellite Lunar Prospector show large scale features resulting from remanently magnetized crust. Vector data synthesized at satellite altitude from a spherical harmonic model of the lunar crustal field, and the radial component of the magnetometer data, have been used to produce spatially continuous global magnetization models for the lunar crust. The magnetization is expressed in terms of localized basis functions, with a magnetization solution selected having the smallest root-mean square magnetization for a given fit to the data, controlled by a damping parameter. Suites of magnetization models for layers with thicknesses between 10 and 50 km are able to reproduce much of the input data, with global misfits of less than 0.5 nT (within the uncertainties of the data), and some surface field estimates. The magnetization distributions show robust magnitudes for a range of model thicknesses and damping parameters, however the magnetization direction is unconstrained. These global models suggest that magnetized sources of the lunar crust can be represented by a 30 km thick magnetized layer. Average magnetization values in magnetized regions are 30-40 mA/m, similar to the measured magnetizations of the Apollo samples and significantly weaker than crustal magnetizations for Mars and the Earth. These are the first global magnetization models for the Moon, providing lower bounds on the magnitude of lunar crustal magnetization in the absence of multiple sample returns, and can be used to predict the crustal contribution to the lunar magnetic field at a particular location

    Volcanic activity and hazard in the East African Rift Zone

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    Over the past two decades, multidisciplinary studies have unearthed a rich history of volcanic activity and unrest in the densely-populated East African Rift System, providing new insights into the influence of rift dynamics on magmatism, the characteristics of the volcanic plumbing systems and the foundation for hazard assessments. The raised awareness of volcanic hazards is driving a shift from crisis response to reducing disaster risks, but a lack of institutional and human capacity in sub-Saharan Africa means baseline data are sparse and mitigating geohazards remains challenging

    IUGG in the 21st century

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    The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) has vigorously responded to a number of the natural, scientific, and technological challenges and driving forces that have marked the 21st century thus far. This paper reviews the actions of the Union that were precipitated by disasters caused by natural hazard events, climatic and environmental changes, and important scientific advances, as well as the opportunities to support International Years and other cooperative programs. This period has also given rise to a number of structural changes within the Union. IUGG added an eighth association, the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences, and inaugurated the new categories of affiliate and honorary memberships, introduced new grants, science education, and recognition programs, and formed new Union commissions on climatic and environmental change, data and information, planetary sciences, and a working group on history. Electronic communication was welcomed as a cultural norm. Overall, the development of the scientific landscape in the 21st century and a healthy future for the Union requires emphasis on fundamental Earth and space sciences as well as on transdisciplinary science to resolve urgent problems of society. IUGG will continue to evolve throughout the coming decades in step with the changing world of science and its international organizations, by responding to challenging problems as they arise.</p

    Climatology of the Auroral Electrojets Derived From the Along-Track Gradient of Magnetic Field Intensity Measured by POGO, Magsat, CHAMP, and Swarm

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    The auroral electrojets (AEJs) are complex and dynamic horizontal ionospheric electric currents which form ovals around Earth’s poles, being controlled by the morphology of the main magnetic field and the energy input from the solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere. The strength and location of the AEJ varies with solar wind conditions and the solar cycle but should also be controlled on decadal timescales by main field secular variation. To determine the AEJ climatology, we use data from four polar Low Earth Orbit magnetic satellite missions: POGO, Magsat, CHAMP, and Swarm. A simple estimation of the AEJ strength and latitude is made from each pass of the satellites, from peaks in the along-track gradient of the magnetic field intensity after subtracting a core and crustal magnetic field model. This measure of the AEJ activity is used to study the response in different sectors of magnetic local time (MLT) during different seasons and directions of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). We find a season-dependent hemispherical asymmetry in the AEJ response to IMF By, with a tendency toward stronger (weaker) AEJ currents in the north than the south during By>0 (By<0) around local winter. This effect disappears during local summer when we find a tendency toward stronger currents in the south than the north. The solar cycle modulation of the AEJ and the long-term shifting of its position and strength due to the core field variation are presented as challenges to internal field modelling