849 research outputs found

    Affordable heat: A whole-buildings efficiency service for Vermont families and businesses

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    Policy Leadership Initiative Year III Addressing Energy Challenges for Low-income Families in Northern New Englan

    Cycle tourism development in the Peak District National Park, United Kingdom

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    ABSTRACT Protected areas are at the centre of nature-based tourism, which is increasingly popular across the world. As visitor numbers increase, so does awareness of the harmful effects that large crowds may have on both natural resources and individuals’ recreational experience. This volume considers the challenge of transportation to and within natural and protected areas, the improvement of which has already been recognised as having great potential for mitigating the environmental impacts of ecotourism. While several books have focused considerable attention to the management of protected areas in general, little has been said about the specific issue of sustainable transport, an emerging trend that is already reshaping visitation patterns in natural settings. This book provides current knowledge on issues associated with the transportation of visitors in natural and protected areas, and a comprehensive overview of the technical and strategic options available to tackle these issues. It approaches the subject via three main topics: preferences, or the visitors' attitudes towards transportation; practices, where current approaches are assessed through examples and case-studies of successful experiences and methodologies from around the world; and policies, where suggestions and recommendations are put forward for both local scale strategies and broad-scale regulatory action with global relevance. Contributors include academics in the field of natural resource management and tourism, with extensive experience in protected area management and active partnerships with natural park administrations

    Utilization of the Old Testament by the author of the fourth gospel in the book of signs

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    Modelling framework to support decision-making in manufacturing enterprises

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    Systematic model-driven decision-making is crucial to design, engineer, and transform manufacturing enterprises (MEs). Choosing and applying the best philosophies and techniques is challenging as most MEs deploy complex and unique configurations of process-resource systems and seek economies of scope and scale in respect of changing and distinctive product flows. This paper presents a novel systematic enhanced integrated modelling framework to facilitate transformation of MEs, which is centred on CIMOSA. Application of the new framework in an automotive industrial case study is also presented. The following new contributions to knowledge are made: (1) an innovative structured framework that can support various decisions in design, optimisation, and control to reconfigure MEs; (2) an enriched and generic process modelling approach with capability to represent both static and dynamic aspects of MEs; and (3) an automotive industrial case application showing benefits in terms of reduced lead time and cost with improved responsiveness of process-resource system with a special focus on PPC. It is anticipated that the new framework is not limited to only automotive industry but has a wider scope of application. Therefore, it would be interesting to extend its testing with different configurations and decision-making levels

    Providing Public Transport for Tourists in Rural Areas

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    Travel, both to the destination area and within the area, accounts for a high proportion of tourism’s emissions. Yet, relatively little attention has been directed at reducing emissions through encouraging visitors to use public rather private transport. This paper reports the findings of surveys of bus passengers within British rural tourist areas and demonstrates how they bring extra visitors and spending to attractions, while reducing car use. It discusses the potential of using public transport to enhance the tourism offer and the problems, and some solutions, of funding such services. Recent developments are introduced

    Covariant C and O Isotope Trends in Arctic Carbonate Crusts and ALH 84001: Potential Biomarker or Indicator of Cryogenic Formation Environment?

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    This work seeks to use the chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical characteristics of secondary carbonate minerals produced during brief aqueous events to identify the conditions of the aqueous environment in which they formed. Liquid water near the surface of Mars is subject to either rapid freezing and/or evaporation. These processes are also active on Earth, and produce secondary minerals that have complex chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic textures and compositions that can include covariant relationships between Delta C-13 (sub VPDB) and delta O-18 (sub VSMOW). The extremely well studied four billion year old carbonates preserved in martian meteorite ALH 84001 also show covariant delta C-13 and delta O-18 compositions, but these variations are manifested on a micro-scale in a single thin section while the variation observed so far in terrestrial carbonates is seen between different hand samples

    An integrated model driven approach in support of next generation

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    Shortened product life cycles and globalization have induced dynamism and uncertainty into world markets. Hence manufacturing enterprises (MEs) can gain competitive advantage from being reconfigurable. But appropriate application of agile and lean Manufacturing philosophies must complement the application of reconfiguration techniques. However, choosing and applying the best philosophies and techniques are far from being well understood and well structured processes because most MEs deploy complex and unique configurations of processes and resource systems, and seek economies of scope and scale in respect of a number of distinctive product flows. It follows that systematic methods of achieving model driven configuration of component based manufacturing systems are required to design, engineer and change next generation MEs. This paper discusses research aimed at developing and prototyping a model-driven environment for the design, optimization and control of reconfigurable manufacturing enterprises with an embedded capability to handle various types of change. The developed environment supports the engineering of common types of strategic, tactical and operational process found in many MEs. Also reported are initial findings of manufacturing case study work in which coherent multi-perspective models of a specific ME have facilitated process reengineering and associated resource system configuration. The paper outlines key areas for future research including the need for research into unified modelling approaches and interoperation of partial models in support of complex organisation design and change (OD&C)
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