77 research outputs found

    Legal aspects of athletes' image rights usage in the light of marketing activities

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    Usually the law is at least one step behind the market demands. Economic potential of athletes’ image rights has been recognized by marketing specialists many years ago. Selling image rights brings huge amounts of money to professional athletes each year. In market practice and in the realities of professional sport, commercial character of the image rights has become a fact.                Also noticeable tendencies in development of Polish law interpretation seems to acknowledge that fact. Latest attempts of redefining nature of the image rights as economical or mixed economical-personal one deserves for approval.                The importance of the issue of professional athletes’ image has found its reflection in legislation. Art. 14 par. 1-3 of the Sports Act of 25th June 2010 sets lex specialis to art. 23 and 24 paragraphs 1-3 of the Polish Civil Code as well as to art. 81 par. 1 and 2 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 4th February 1994 which sets general legal frameworks for image rights in Poland. Abovementioned provisions of the Sport Act grants the Polish sports unions and the Polish Olympic Committee with the exclusive right to use, in order to their business goals, image of the athletes wearing, respectively, the Polish national team outfit or the Olympic team outfit.                Specific legal provisions functioning in relation to the professional athletes’ image were also the subject of the case law of the Supreme Court. Of key importance for the interpretation of art. 14 paragraphs 1-3 of the Sports Act has a Supreme Court judgment of 16th December 2009, I CSK 160/09, which was issued on the basis of art. 33 paragraph 1 and 2 of the repealed Qualified Sport Act.                For issues of athletes image usage not without significance is the fact that professional athletes usually have the status of a commonly known persons. In the light of art. 81 par. 2 of Sports Act disseminating the image of an athlete who is commonly known person as well, does not require the consent of such a person, provided that the image has been made in connection with the performance of public functions, in particular social or professional ones.                Regarding to the issue of entities authorized to disseminating athletes image there is considerable diversity. Depending on the factual situation, except of an athlete itself, such entitled entity might become the Polish Olympic Committee, the Polish sport union, sport club or organization for collective management of rights of athletes.                Having regard to the multidimensional issue of the athletes' image, and bearing in mind how common practice concluding of the marketing contracts concerning image rights has become, it should be postulated that observable changes concerning issue in question, shall be made towards meeting the needs espoused by the market

    The right to do sporting event show in the light of new technologies development

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    The sporting event, unlike the broadcast from the sports event - which called a videogram, is not subject to copyright protection. Copyright for the videogram, that is the recording, is formed when the work - a recording (videogram) - is being made. There is no legal basis that would establish the right to broadcast sports broadcasts before the broadcast itself is done. Consequently, all and any contracts concerning the sale of sports broadcasting rights have no legal basis for the subject matter of those contracts. The consequences of this legal gap and the risks it brings are particularly evident in the context of technological development and the widespread possibility of recording of a sports events (in whole or in part) using commonly available tools such as a mobile phone by a common viewer. Apart from the issue of compensation for infringement of the stadium regulations, which still remains disputable for imprecise content, the author of the recording (a common viewer equipped with just a mobile phone) is entitled by virtue of the law to own copyrights to the resulting work. The copyrights of the viewer-creator are in conflict with the rights of entities acquiring "broadcasting rights" on the basis of appropriate agreements. Moreover it should be noted that, in business practice, the distribution of sports events broadcasting rights is dealt with by national or international sports organizations, and not by sports facility owners, who distribute tickets for sporting events. As a consequence of the above, the concept of granting the related rights, which subject of which are sporting event, in relation to the so called "Law of the Stadium" as unsatisfactory. The above concept, as well as any other ideas given in the literature of this subject do not offer satisfactory solutions, especially considering the dynamically changing conditions of organizing and broadcasting sports events. Accordingly, as a model of solutions introduced in the legal systems of some foreign countries, it is appropriate to consider the amendment to the Polish Sporting Act and to grant the exclusive right to commercial exploitation of a sporting event to a national sport entity superior over the participants, so the organization responsible for the organization of the sports events. The proposed solution should also provide for a fair redistribution of incomes derived from the commercialization of sporting competition

    Trademarks in sports

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    Przez uzyskanie prawa ochronnego na krajowy znak towarowy, rozumie się używanie znaku towarowego w sposób zarobkowy lub zawodowy na całym obszarze RP. Natomiast analogiczne uprawnienie wynikające z rejestracji wspólnotowego znaku towarowego, dotyczy stosowania znaku na terytorium całej Wspólnoty. Używanie znaku towarowego polega w szczególności na umieszczaniu tego znaku na towarach objętych prawem ochronnym lub ich opakowaniach, oferowaniu i wprowadzaniu tych towarów do obrotu, ich imporcie lub eksporcie, a także oferowaniu lub świadczeniu usług pod tym znakiem oraz posługiwaniu się takim znakiem w celu reklamy. W dobie wielkich pieniędzy, które bezsprzecznie rządzą dzisiejszym sportem, prawa ze znaków towarowych, obok praw do transmisji z wydarzeń sportowych, zyskują dla wszystkich sportowych jednostek organizacyjnych znaczenia kluczowego. Kluby, związki i federacje sportowe czerpią zyski z praw do znaków towarowych, głównie poprzez udzielanie przedsiębiorcom licencji na ich używanie. Proces ten najłatwiej zaobserwować  przy okazji organizacji dużych wydarzeń sportowych.Jako cel badań niżej podpisany obrał wskazanie prawnych zasad zarządzania znakami towarowymi w sporcie, w obliczu ich ciągle rosnącego znaczenia. Publikacja obejmie prezentację sposób i zasady wykorzystywania zarejestrowanych już znaków sportowych przez sportowe jednostki organizacyjne, a także płynących stąd korzyści. Realizacja celu badawczego będzie dokonywana, przede wszystkim, przy zastosowaniu metody dogmatycznej. Analizie poddane zostaną akty prawa krajowego i unijnego. Podejmowana problematyka rodzi jednak konieczność uwzględnienia dorobku także innych nauk, zwłaszcza marketingu, biznesu i ekonomii. Wśród materiałów poddanych analizie, oprócz aktów prawa powszechnie wymienić należy także dane zgromadzonych w rejestrach znaków towarowych UP RP i OHIM. Za główny wniosek płynącym z niniejszego opracowania uznać należy konstatację, iż jakość w nowoczesnym sporcie przejawia się również, a w kwestii finansowej być może przede wszystkim, w jakości zarządzania znakami towarowymi


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    Trabalho de Conclusão (Residência). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Comissão de Residência Multiprofissional e Uniprofissional em Saúde. Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família.A aprovação da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS) e a posterior criação dos Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF), representam importantes marcos no processo de evolução do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os NASF, atuais Nasf-AB, são compostos por equipes multiprofissionais, os quais têm como objetivo central dar apoio à Estratégia de Saúde da Família e ampliar o escopo de suas ações, sem ser caracterizados como porta de entrada para a Atenção Básica à Saúde (ABS). Dentre as ações que podem ser desenvolvidas pelos NASF, com o propósito de auxiliar nas demandas de saúde dos usuários de determinado território, estão os grupos de Práticas Corporais e Atividades Físicas (PCAF). Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi refletir sobre os grupos de PCAF na ABS. Por meio de revisão narrativa percebeu-se que, no cotidiano das práticas em saúde os grupos de PCAF têm se apresentado como importante contato inicial dos usuários, representando uma reorganização do SUS. Esse fato apresenta pontos positivos, como a ocupação dos espaços e equipamentos do território, a formação e o fortalecimento do vínculo dos usuários com a unidade de saúde e com as Equipes de Saúde da Família e o reconhecimento das PCAF como importantes ferramentas de cuidado em saúde. Porém, também foram observados alguns pontos negativos, como: a fragmentação do cuidado, o desalinhamento das atividades desenvolvidas com as necessidades reais do território e a responsabilização do setor saúde pela oferta de espaços de PCAF para lazer. Com base nessa reflexão, destaca-se a problemática da dificuldade da organização do serviço, relacionada à falta de aplicação das políticas e diretrizes do SUS

    Robert Schumanns sangsyklus "Frauenliebe und Leben" : Mesterlig musikk-t�pelig tekst?

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    Robert Schumanns sangsyklus Frauenliebe und Leben st�r fremdeles p� den klassiske musikkens repertoar. Den ble komponert i 1840, og bygger p� Adelbert von Chamissos diktsyklus med samme navn. Blant musikkforskere har konsensusen i overveiende grad v�rt at disse diktene er middelm�dige, og at de bygger opp under bildet av en underdanig kvinne. Man anser fremstillingen av denne kvinnen for � v�re et mannlig �nskebilde snarere enn en reell beskrivelse. I denne oppgaven pr�ver jeg � nyansere dette bildet. F�rst ser jeg n�rmere p� dikteren, hans tid og diktning. Deretter diskuterer jeg hvorvidt dette virkelig dreier seg om en underdanig kvinne, og dette gj�r jeg med utgangspunkt i det romantiske kj�rlighetsideal som vokste frem mellom 1750-1830. I denne diskusjonen trekker jeg ogs� inn psykologisk faglitteratur. For � finne ut hva som kan ha trukket Schumann til denne syklusen ser jeg p� hans arbeid som liedkomponist og hva han �nsket at lieden skulle uttrykke. Deretter ser jeg f�rst p� analytiske utfordringer ved liedanalyse f�r jeg knytter dette opp mot en analyse av Frauenliebe und Leben. Tilslutt i oppgaven ser jeg n�rmere p� fremf�ringsaspekter i forhold til liedens utvikling p� ulike omr�der, og jeg har ogs� en samtale med den kjente norske mezzosopranen Randi Stene hvor jeg unders�ker hvilke tanker hun gj�r seg om denne syklusen

    Znaki towarowe w sporcie = Trademarks in sports

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    Westfal Krzysztof M. Znaki towarowe w sporcie = Trademarks in sports. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(12):666-677. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.44781http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%2812%29%3A666-677https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/695075Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Original Text published © The Author (s) 2015 Westfal Krzysztof M. Znaki towarowe w sporcie Trademarks in sports. Quality in Sport 2015;1(4):63-71. eISSN 2450-3118. The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport (null) 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.12.2015. Revised 25.12.2015. Accepted: 29.12.2015. Krzysztof M. WestfalKatedra Prawa Cywilnego, Handlowego i UbezpieczeniowegoUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Znaki towarowe w sporcieTrademarks in sports   StreszczeniePrzez uzyskanie prawa ochronnego na krajowy znak towarowy, rozumie się używanie znaku towarowego w sposób zarobkowy lub zawodowy na całym obszarze RP. Natomiast analogiczne uprawnienie wynikające z rejestracji wspólnotowego znaku towarowego, dotyczy stosowania znaku na terytorium całej Wspólnoty. Używanie znaku towarowego polega w szczególności na umieszczaniu tego znaku na towarach objętych prawem ochronnym lub ich opakowaniach, oferowaniu i wprowadzaniu tych towarów do obrotu, ich imporcie lub eksporcie, a także oferowaniu lub świadczeniu usług pod tym znakiem oraz posługiwaniu się takim znakiem w celu reklamy. W dobie wielkich pieniędzy, które bezsprzecznie rządzą dzisiejszym sportem, prawa ze znaków towarowych, obok praw do transmisji z wydarzeń sportowych, zyskują dla wszystkich sportowych jednostek organizacyjnych znaczenia kluczowego. Kluby, związki i federacje sportowe czerpią zyski z praw do znaków towarowych, głównie poprzez udzielanie przedsiębiorcom licencji na ich używanie. Proces ten najłatwiej zaobserwować  przy okazji organizacji dużych wydarzeń sportowych.Jako cel badań niżej podpisany obrał wskazanie prawnych zasad zarządzania znakami towarowymi w sporcie, w obliczu ich ciągle rosnącego znaczenia. Publikacja obejmie prezentację sposób i zasady wykorzystywania zarejestrowanych już znaków sportowych przez sportowe jednostki organizacyjne, a także płynących stąd korzyści. Realizacja celu badawczego będzie dokonywana, przede wszystkim, przy zastosowaniu metody dogmatycznej. Analizie poddane zostaną akty prawa krajowego i unijnego. Podejmowana problematyka rodzi jednak konieczność uwzględnienia dorobku także innych nauk, zwłaszcza marketingu, biznesu i ekonomii. Wśród materiałów poddanych analizie, oprócz aktów prawa powszechnie wymienić należy także dane zgromadzonych w rejestrach znaków towarowych UP RP i OHIM. Za główny wniosek płynącym z niniejszego opracowania uznać należy konstatację, iż jakość w nowoczesnym sporcie przejawia się również, a w kwestii finansowej być może przede wszystkim, w jakości zarządzania znakami towarowymi. Abstract                    By getting the right protection for national trade mark, it is understood use of the mark for profit or for professional purposes throughout the territory of Poland. In contrast, a similar right conferred by a Community trade mark, concerns the application of the mark throughout the Community. Use of the mark is in particular the placement of the sign to the goods covered by the right of protection or their packaging, delivering and placing the goods on the market, import or export, as well as offering or providing services under that mark and the use of such a sign for advertising purposes. In the era of big money that undoubtedly govern the sport today, the law of trademarks, beside the rights to broadcast sporting events, gaining for all sporting significance of key organizational units. Clubs, associations and sports federations benefit from trademark rights, principally through the granting of licenses to entrepreneurs to use them. This process is most easily seen by the way the organization of major sporting events.                    As the aim of the research undersigned has chosen an indication of the legal rules governing trademarks in sports, in the face of ever increasing significance. The publication will include a presentation method and rules for the use of sports characters already registered by sports entities, as well as the benefits flowing from here. The implementation of the research will be carried out primarily by the method dogmatic. The analysis will be subject to national laws and EU. Taken the issue arises, however, need to take into account the achievements of other sciences, especially marketing, business and economics. Among the materials analyzed, in addition to the acts of commonly mention should also be stored in the data registers trademarks UP RP and OHIM. Behind the main conclusion flowing from this report should be regarded assertion that quality in modern sports, also manifests itself, and the financial aspects, perhaps above all, the quality of management of trademarks.  Słowa kluczowe: OHIM, sport, prawo własności przemysłowej, Urząd Patentowy, znaki towarowe Keywords: OHIM, sport, industrial property rights, patent office, trademark

    “You Never Get a Second Chance”: First Impressions of Physicians Depend on Their Body Posture and Gender

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    A first impression matters, in particular when encounters are brief as in most doctor-patient interactions. In this study, we investigate how physicians’ body postures impact patients’ first impressions of them and extend previous research by exploring posture effects on the perception of all roles of a physician – not just single aspects such as scholarly expertise or empathy. In an online survey, 167 participants ranked photographs of 4 physicians (2 female, 2 male) in 4 postures (2 open, 2 closed). The results show that male physicians were rated more positively when assuming open rather than closed postures with respect to all professional physician roles. Female physicians in open postures were rated similarly positive for items related to medical competence, but they tended to be rated less favorably with respect to social skills (such as the ability to communicate with and relate to the patient). These findings extend what is known about the effects of physicians’ body postures on the first impressions patients form to judge physicians’ medical versus social competencies. We discuss practical implications and the need for more research on interaction effects of body postures and physician gender on first impressions

    Paradigmatic Approach to Support Personalized Counseling With Digital Health (iKNOW)

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    iKNOW is the first evidence-based digital tool to support personalized counseling for women in Germany with a hereditary cancer risk. The counseling tool is designed for carriers of pathogenic gBRCA (germline breast cancer gene) variants that increase the lifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Carriers of pathogenic variants are confronted with complex, individualized risk information, and physicians must be able to convey this information in a comprehensible way to enable preference-sensitive health decisions. In this paper, we elaborate on the clinical, regulatory, and practical premises of personalized counseling in Germany. By operationalizing these premises, we formulate 5 design principles that, we suggest, are specific enough to develop a digital tool (eg, iKNOW), yet wide-ranging enough to inform the development of counseling tools for personalized medicine more generally: (1) digital counseling tools should implement the current standard of care (eg, based on guidelines); (2) digital counseling tools should help to both standardize and personalize the counseling process (eg, by enabling the preference-sensitive selection of counseling contents from a common information base); (3) digital counseling tools should make complex information easy to access both cognitively (eg, by using evidenced-based risk communication formats) and technically (eg, by means of responsive design for various devices); (4) digital counseling tools should respect the counselee's data privacy rights (eg, through strict pseudonymization and opt-in consent); and (5) digital counseling tools should be systematically and iteratively evaluated with the users in mind (eg, using formative prototype testing to ensure a user-centric design and a summative multicenter, randomized controlled trial). On the basis of these paradigmatic design principles, we hope that iKNOW can serve as a blueprint for the development of more digital innovations to support personalized counseling approaches in cancer medicine

    Moje doświadczenia edukacji osób z niepełnosprawnością. Autoetnografia

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    Celem badań jest zmiana w kompetencjach badawczych uczestniczek, nabycie wiedzy metodologicznej, umiejętność jej zastosowania w praktyce, jak również przyjrzenie się własnym doświadczeniom związanym z edukacją osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Autorki opisały doświadczenia, które były dla nich przełomowe, szokujące albo zmieniały ich sposób patrzenia na osoby z niepełnosprawnością, wykorzystując metodę autoetnografii, która dla większości była nową formą wypowiedzi pisemnej. Wykorzystując wątki autobiograficzne, autorki ujawniają refleksje nad doświadczeniem edukacyjnym. Praca nad artykułem pozwoliła autorkom na zmianę w podejściu do badań naukowych, na poznanie metody autoetnograficznej i zmianę w postrzeganiu opisywanej rzeczywistości społecznej. Każda autorka artykułu jest jednocześnie badaczką i badaną.The aim of the research is a change in research competency of participants, getting methodology knowledge, ability of using it in practise and reflection on their own experiences in education of people with disabilities. Using autobiography elements authors reveal their reflections on education experiences. Working on the article allowed authors to change their approach to scientific research, getting to know autoethnographic method and a change in perception of the described social reality. All article’s authors are researchers, as well as the ones who were examined

    Relativity in social cognition: basic processes and novel applications of social comparisons

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    A key challenge for social psychology is to identify unifying principles that account for the complex dynamics of social behaviour. We propose psychological relativity and its core mechanism of comparison as one such unifying principle. Social cognition is relative in that it is shaped by comparative thinking. If comparative thinking is indeed a central mechanism in social psychology, then it should be affected by, and affect itself, a wide variety of phenomena. To support our proposal, we review recent evidence investigating basic processes underlying and novel applications of social comparisons. Specifically, we clarify determinants of assimilation and contrast, evaluative consequences of comparing similarities vs. differences, attitudinal effects of spatial relativity, and how spatial arrangements determine perceived similarity, one of the antecedents of social comparisons. We then move to behavioural relativity effects on motivation and self-regulation, as well as imitation behaviour. Finally, we address relativity within the more applied areas of morality and political psychology. The reviewed research thereby illustrates how unifying principles of social cognition may be instrumental in answering old questions and discovering new phenomena and explanations