15 research outputs found

    New evidence for the age of the Athol Formation (Middle Jurassic : Bajocian) in the Tusk-1 and Tusk-2 wells, offshore Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

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    The co-occurrence of ammonites with palynomorphs in the Athol Formation of the Tusk-1 and Tusk-2 wells drilled in the offshore Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia confirms the Early Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) age of the Dissiliodinium caddaense dinoflagellate cyst Oppel Zone. The macrofaunas refine this Early Bajocian age to the early Laeviuscula Chronozone. A belemnite from the Tusk-1 well has a strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) ratio consistent with the biostratigraphical age. All the identifiable ammonites belong to Pseudotoites robiginosus (Crick). Pseudotoites is prominent in the Early Bajocian of the Indo-Pacific Realm, being known mainly from onshore Western Australia and the Southern Andes, together with rare occurrences in Irian Jaya (west New Guinea); somewhat surprisingly, it is also rarely present in southern Alaska. The palynofloras studied from the Tusk-1 and Tusk-2 wells contain abundant specimens of the marine dinoflagellate cyst Dissiliodinium caddaense, and are assigned to the Dissiliodinium caddaense Oppel Zone. The Athol Formation is a correlative of the Newmarracarra Limestone of the onshore Perth Basin, Western Australia; the distribution of both these units indicates a marine transgression onto the Australian block during the Early Bajocian

    Jurásico medio en el Perú - [Boletín D 9]

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    El estudio reporta la distribución geográfica y sucesión estratigráfica del Jurásico Medio en el Perú, detallando que los afloramientos representativos se localizan en el Centro y Sur del país. En el Centro se extienden desde Huancayo al Norte y Abancay al Sur, pasando por la región de Chunumayo (Cuadrángulos de Paras, Huancapi y Santa Ana, al sur de Ayacucho), representado por calizas y areniscas continentales. En el Sur del Perú, el Jurásico Medio se halla circunscripto a dos fajas principales, una Oriental inmediatamente al Oeste del Lago Titicaca -entre Puno y Santa Lucía-, y otra Occidental mayormente representada sobre la Costa del Océano Pacífico –entre Pisco y el límite con Chile-. En ambas regiones se ha documentado la presencia de amonites calovianos. Bajo una síntesis estratigráfica se examinan la presencia de fósiles, de acuerdo a secciones aflorantes, por Edades: el Aaleniano, el Bajociano marino, la posible existencia del Batoniano y el Caloviano. Se concluye que la distribución y posibles vías de dispersión de la fauna de amonites durante el Jurásico Medio, tendría un elemento de interés para los modelos de tectónica de placas, la inferencia de rutas de migración entre el Pacífico Oriental y el Tethys Occidental, involucrando la existencia de una comunicación marina centro Atlántica-Americana. Incluye bibliografía

    Terrestrial processes affecting unlithified coastal erosion disparities in central fjords of Svalbard

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    Terrestrial influences of coastal cliff morphology and hydrological impact on coastal erosion in unlithified cliff sediments in the inner fjords of Svalbard are assessed. Differential global positioning system measurements have been taken annually over the past two to four years at four field sites in central Svalbard. Measurements were combined with aerial imagery using ArcGIS and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System to calculate rates of erosion in varying geomorphological cliff types. A total of 750 m of coast was divided into two main cliff types: ice-poor and ice-rich tundra cliffs and further divided based on their sediment depositional character and processes currently acting upon sediments. The results show that the most consistent erosion rates occur in the ice-poor cliffs (0.34 m/yr), whereas the most irregular and highest rates occur in ice-rich cliffs (0.47 m/yr). Throughout the study, no waves were observed to reach cliff toes, and therefore erosion rates are considered to reflect an effect of terrestrial processes, rather than wave action. Terrestrial hydrological processes are the driving factors for cliff erosion through winter precipitation for ice-poor cliffs and summer precipitation for ice-rich cliffs. Sediment removal from the base of the cliffs appears to be mainly conducted by sea ice and the ice foot during break up as waves did not reach the base of the studied cliffs during the observed period

    Effects of subsurface drip irrigation rates and furrow irrigation for cotton grown on a vertisol on off-site movement of sediments, nutrients and pesticides

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    Abstract – Subsurface drip irrigation can reduce off-farm movements of fertilizers and pollutants and improve the water use efficiency of irrigated agriculture. Here we compared the effects of furrow and subsurface drip at different irrigation rates, based on a percentage of daily crop-evapotranspiration rates (ETc), on run-off and off-site movement of suspended sediment, nutrients and pesticides from cotton crops grownon a vertisol. Our results show that furrow irrigation significantly increased suspended soil loss, of 5.26 t ha−1, compared to that of subsurface drip irrigation at 120% of ETc, of 2.53 t ha−1, whereas no erosion was recorded with deficit subsurface drip irrigation. Off-site movement of nitrogen in furrow, of 18.63 kg ha−1, was five times greater than subsurface drip irrigation at 120% ETc. It was much less with 105% ETc(0.37 kg ha−1) and 90% ETc (0.15 kg ha−1), and absent for 75% and 50% of ETc. Phosphorus loss from furrow, of 778 g ha−1, was greater than for the wetter subsurface drip treatments that gave 23 g ha−1 for 90% ETc and 19 g ha−1 for 120% ETc. No P loss was recorded from drier subsurface drip irrigation rates. Herbicides such as atrazine and diuron were applied in the year prior to the experiment, but considerable amounts were recorded in furrow run-off in both years, but only at 90 and 120% ETc subsurface drip irrigation in the first year. Concentrations of applied herbicide residues in the runoff exceeded the minimum threshold level for 99% species protection and, although the total amount of herbicide movement was higher in furrow, at times the concentration was greater for wetter subsurface drip irrigation run-off. Residues of insecticides, such as endosulphan applied in a previous year and dimethoate applied in the current years, were recorded in runoff from subsurface drip at 120% and furrow irrigation. Their concentrations in each year exceeded minimum threshold level. Subsurface drip irrigation at 75% ETc offered the best trade-off between off-site run-off, erosion and pesticide movement and yield and water use efficiency