132 research outputs found

    The Effects of Temperature on Hot Melt Removal

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    This experiment attempted to reveal the role temperature plays on the removal of hot melt adhesive from corrugated medium. Three repulping trials were conducted· on stock containing a previous applied EVA base hotmelt. The trials were conducted at the following temperatures: 160°F, 100°F and 40°F. The stock was then screened and centrifical cleaned at varying temperatures. Handsheets were made before and after each stage, and visually inspected for hot melt content. Trial 2A gave a final sheet with virtually no hot melt content. Further lab work was conducted. At 160 ° the hot melt was found to tear into pieces. At 40° it was cold and fractured during repulping but at 100° the hot melt was durable to withstand the hydrapulper action and remained in large pieces easily removable

    Aspects of infectious agents and cancer : effects of human Papillomavirus 16 and Escherichia coli on the innate immune defense of human keratinocytes

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    Persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) is the causative agent of cervical cancer and bacterial vaginosis (BV) caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli ) has been implicated as a contributing factor. The innate immune system is our body's first defense against these invading pathogens. Using a novel 3-D organotypic tissue culture model to recreate the viral life cycle of HPV16 we examined mRNA expression of crucial innate immune molecules such as integrins, toll-like receptors (TLRs), and interferons (IFNs). Our model was comprised of normal immortalized keratinocytes (NIKS) and NIKS containing full-length HPV16 (NIKS+HPVI6). These models were also exposed to E. coli , which simulated a BV infection. Models were characterized by examining morphology via hematoxylin and eosin (H + E) staining, keratin expression, DNA synthesis, and viral gene and protein expression. Extraction methodologies were optimized prior to continuing experiments. Extracted RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA and mRNA was detected for α and ÎČ integrins, toll-like receptors 3, 4, and 9, and their downstream molecules interferons -ÎČ, -Îł, and -λ. Integrin expression was the highest in the control NIKS samples. Expression of α5 integrin was significantly increased in NIKS+E. coli compared to NIKS, which implicates its role in facilitating bacterial infections. Expression of α5 significantly decreased in HPV16 positive samples that could be associated with the increase in proliferation found in HPV infected tissues. Expression of TLRs showed similar trends to previously published data, indicating decreases in all TLRs in HPV16 positive samples. An increase in TLR3 was found in samples containing E. coli , which implicates the role of TLR3 in facilitating E. coli infections. IFN-ÎČ was found to increase in the presence of E. coli and HPV16 and this could be associated with the expression of E7, an event that has been implicated in increasing IFN-ÎČ production (previously unpublished results). Expression of this interferon was truly unique as it was upregulated in samples exposed to E. coli , while no change was seen in NIKS and NIKS+HPV16 samples. Implications of IFN-ÎČ have yet to be elucidated and further investigation into their role in established carcinoma cell lines as well as ex vivo tissues would be ideal. The use of a novel tissue culture model in assessing the status of innate immune molecules provides a new vehicle of investigation. Further investigation into both the adaptive and innate immune response could lead to better treatment options for those affected by persistent and non-persistent HPV infections

    Utveckling av en ny modell för webbdesignprocessen : Ett arbete pÄ uppdrag av marknadsföringsbyrÄn Genero

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    Examensarbetet görs pÄ uppdrag av den digitala marknadsföringsbyrÄn Genero, som har bett mig ta fram en ny modell för webbdesignprocessen. Mobile first ska vara en naturlig del av den nya processen och det ska tydligt framgÄ vilka skeden som ingÄr i den. Jag har valt att lÀgga mest fokus pÄ designskedet av processen eftersom det skedet korrelerar med mina studier i Online Media and Art Direction. Forskningen inleds med att Ätta anstÀllda pÄ Genero intervjuas med syfte att kartlÀgga de utmaningar som de upplevt sig stöta pÄ i webbdesignprocessen samt deras önskemÄl inför en ny modell. Intervjuerna med de anstÀllda utförs som kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och transkriberas efterÄt. Forskningsmaterialet bestÄr av transkriberingar av intervjuerna samt tidigare forskning och litteratur rörande webbdesignprocesser. Transkriberingarna analyseras med hjÀlp av kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehÄllsanalys för att finna likheter och olikheter i intervjusvaren. Baserat pÄ resultatet av analysen vÀljs riktningen för fortsatt forskning. Teorier vÀljs ut och jÀmförs med de anstÀllda pÄ Generos önskemÄl och ett eget processramverk tas fram. Jag kommer fram till att det bÀsta alternativet för Genero Àr att anvÀnda sig av en egen hybrid-modell i stÀllet för att anamma en av modellerna som presenteras. Den nya hybrid-modellen har mÄnga drag av den agila modellen, men lÄnar ocksÄ en del principer av Vattenfallsmodellen. Jag plockar det bÀsta ur bÄda modellerna för att skapa en hybrid som stÀmmer överens med vad som framkommit i intervjuerna. Processen tas upp som helhet och i delar. De steg som presenteras i modellen har valts ut med grund i intervjuerna och i tidigare forskning. Jag gÄr igenom vad varje steg innebÀr och jag gör en noggrannare djupdykning i designskedet och tar upp lösningar och förslag som framkom i intervjuerna. I slutet av arbetet sammanfattar och visualiserar jag processen.This degree thesis is commissioned by the digital marketing agency Genero, that has asked me to develop a new model for their web design process. Mobile first is to be a natural part of the new process and the steps included in it should be clearly stated. I have chosen to put extra focus on the design part of the process since it correlates with my studies in Online Media and Art Direction. I start my research by interviewing eight of the employees at Genero, with the purpose of mapping out the challenges they have faced in the web design process during their time at Genero and what their wishes for a future model are. The interviews are conducted as qualitative semi-structured interviews and are transcribed. My research material consists of the transcribed interviews and prior research and literature regarding web design processes. The transcribed interviews are analysed with qualitative and quantitative content analysis to uncover similarities and differences in the answers. Based on the results of the analysis the path for further research is chosen. Theories are picked out and compared to the wishes of the employees at Genero and a new process is developed. I reach the conclusion that the best alternative for Genero is to create their own hybridmodel instead of simply adapting one of the presented models. The new hybrid-model shares many similarities with the Agile model but also shares some principals with the Waterfall model. I have chosen the best parts of both models and merged them into a hybrid that correlates with what was revealed in the interviews. I discuss the process as a whole but also in smaller parts. The steps presented have been chosen carefully based on what was said in the interviews and on prior research. I go through every step carefully, the design parts in particular, in which I present solutions and suggestions made during the interviews. In the end of the last chapter I summarize the new process and present it visually

    Dogs' behavioural responses to repeated positive events

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    Assessing the emotional state in animals is important in order to establish the quality of their welfare, therefore it is important to investigate under what circumstances animals experience these emotions and to find indicators of their existence. The aim of this thesis was to detect possible behavioural indicators for positive emotions in dogs. These behavioural indicators could be helpful to increase both dogs’ and humans’ overall well-being in today’s society since they could help e.g. dog owners and caretakers to interpret behaviours displayed by dogs and their intentions so they can respond accordingly. The subjects used were 9 research beagles and each dog participated in three different treatments, assumed to be experienced as positive situations, where communicative interaction was initiated with the dog by engaging in 1) physical contact (P), 2) verbal contact (V) or 3) both physical and verbal contact simultaneously (PV). Each treatment lasted for 21 min where the possible positive situation was alternated with a neutral at 1-min intervals. During the neutral sequence the dog was completely ignored by the handler. The difference in behaviours expressed during the positive and neutral situation were analyzed, as well as the effect of the interaction type performed. Dogs’ behavioural responses to the positive and neutral situations over time were also studied. Results showed that dogs displayed increased levels of attentive behaviour towards the handler and higher frequencies of lip licking at the front part of the mouth during treatment PV and P than during treatment V. On the contrary, dogs initiated more physical contact with the handler and displayed higher levels of passive behaviour during treatment V than during PV and P. Over time dogs showed a decrease in frequencies of lip licking at the front part of the mouth during all treatments and during treatment V this decrease in frequency was also displayed for lip licks at the right part of the mouth. Dogs kept an attentive interest towards the handler during treatments PV and P, although the duration of expressed attentive behaviour was higher in the treatment PV. However, dogs displayed a rapid decrease in expressed attentive behaviour during treatment V over time. Dogs were the most passive in treatment P and V, in comparison to treatment PV. Furthermore, it was shown that dogs increased their passive behaviour over time during treatment PV and V. These results seem to indicate that treatment PV was experienced as the most positive for the dogs and that treatment V was experienced as least positive for the dogs. This is in accordance with earlier research suggesting that physical and verbal contact upon reunion with a familiar person increases lip licking behaviour in dogs. It has also been found that dogs express higher frequencies of lip licking and attentive behaviour towards their owner upon reunion after longer times of separation. Reunion with an owner or a familiar person is suggested to be experienced as more positive for the dogs than the reunion with a stranger. Assuming that the PV treatment was experienced as most positive for the dogs, we suggest that lip licking at the front part of the mouth and attentive behaviour are plausible indicators of positive arousal in dogs

    ElÀinlÀÀkkeiden haittavaikutuksista ilmoittaminen on tÀrkeÀÀ

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    ElÀinlÀÀkkeiden haittavaikutukset 2018

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    Rare human papillomavirus 16 E6 variants reveal significant oncogenic potential

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether low prevalence human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 E6 variants differ from high prevalence types in their functional abilities. We evaluated functions relevant to carcinogenesis for the rarely-detected European variants R8Q, R10G and R48W as compared to the commonly detected L83V. Human immortalized keratinocytes (NIKS) stably transduced with the E6 variants were used in most functional assays. Low and high prevalence E6 variants displayed similar abilities in abrogation of growth arrest and inhibition of p53 elevation induced by actinomycin D. Differences were detected in the abilities to dysregulate stratification and differentiation of NIKS in organotypic raft cultures, modulate detachment induced apoptosis (anoikis) and hyperactivate Wnt signaling. No distinctive phenotype could be assigned to include all rare variants. Like L83V, raft cultures derived from variants R10G and R48W similarly induced hyperplasia and aberrantly expressed keratin 5 in the suprabasal compartment with significantly lower expression of keratin 10. Unlike L83V, both variants, and particularly R48W, induced increased levels of anoikis upon suspension in semisolid medium. R8Q induced a unique phenotype characterized by thin organotypic raft cultures, low expression of keratin 10, and high expression of keratins 5 and 14 throughout all raft layers. Interestingly, in a reporter based assay R8Q exhibited a higher ability to augment TCF/ÎČ-catenin transcription. The data suggests that differences in E6 variant prevalence in cervical carcinoma may not be related to the carcinogenic potential of the E6 protein

    Inledning : Uppror i elfenbenstornet: En bok om praktikforskning i socialt arbete

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