788 research outputs found

    Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus occlusion-derived virus-associated protein, HA100, affects oral infectivity in vivo but not virus replication in vitro

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    ORF100 (ha100) of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV) has been reported as one of the unique genes of group II alphabaculoviruses encoding a protein located in the occlusion-derived virus (ODV) envelope and nucleocapsid. The protein consists of 510 aa with a predicted mass of 58.1 kDa and is a homologue of poly(ADP–ribose) glycohydrolase in eukaryotes. Western blot analysis detected a 60 kDa band in HearNPV-infected HzAM1 cells starting at 18 h post-infection. Transient expression of GFP-fused HA100 in HzAM1 cells resulted in cytoplasmic localization of the protein, but after superinfection with HearNPV, GFPfused HA100 was localized in the nucleus. To study the function of HA100 further, an ha100-null virus was constructed using bacmid technology. Viral one-step growth curve analyses showed that the ha100-null virus had similar budded virus production kinetics to that of the parental virus. Electron microscopy revealed that deletion of HA100 did not alter the morphology of ODVs or occlusion bodies (OBs). However, bioassays in larvae showed that the 50% lethal concentration (LC50) value of HA100-null OBs was significantly higher than that of parental OBs; the median lethal time (LT50) of ha100-null OBs was about 24 h later than control virus. These results indicate that HA100 is not essential for virus replication in vitro. However, it significantly affects the oral infectivity of OBs in host insects, suggesting that the association HA100 with the ODV contributes to the infectivity of OBs in vivo

    Do parents reinforce somatic complaints in their children?

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the influence of parental solicitousness on self-reported somatic complaints in school-age children. DESIGN AND MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Participants were 564 children (mean age 10 years) and their parents. Children completed self-report measures of somatic complaints, parental solicitousness, depressiveness, fear, and sense of coherence. Somatic complaints were assessed again 6 months later. Parents also completed a questionnaire about solicitousness. RESULTS: Parental solicitousness as reported by children or parents was unrelated to the frequency of self-reported somatic complaints. Symptoms of depression, fear, and lower sense of coherence were associated with more somatic complaints, but did not interact with parental solicitousness. CONCLUSION: Parental solicitousness seems unrelated to more frequent somatic complaints in schoolchildren

    Model-based segmentation and classification of trajectories (Extended abstract)

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    We present efficient algorithms for segmenting and classifying a trajectory based on a parameterized movement model like the Brownian bridge movement model. Segmentation is the problem of subdividing a trajectory into parts such that each art is homogeneous in its movement characteristics. We formalize this using the likelihood of the model parameter. We consider the case where a discrete set of m parameter values is given and present an algorithm to compute an optimal segmentation with respect to an information criterion in O(nm) time for a trajectory with n sampling points. Classification is the problem of assigning trajectories to classes. We present an algorithm for discrete classification given a set of trajectories. Our algorithm computes the optimal classification with respect to an information criterion in O(m^2 + mk(log m + log k)) time for m parameter values and k trajectories, assuming bitonic likelihood functions

    Interactive Segmentation and Visualization of DTI Data Using a Hierarchical Watershed Representation

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    Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) measures diffusion of water molecules and is used to characterize orientation of white matter fibers and connectivity of neurological structures. Segmentation and visualization of DT images is challenging, because of low data quality and complexity of anatomical structures. In this paper, we propose an interactive segmentation approach, based on a hierarchical representation of the input DT image through a tree structure. The tree is obtained by successively merging watershed regions, based on the morphological waterfall approach, hence the name watershed tree. Region merging is done according to a combined similarity and homogeneity criterion. We introduce filters that work on the proposed tree representation, and that enable region-based attribute filtering of DTI data. Linked views between the visualizations of the simplified DT image and the tree enable a user to visually explore both data and tree at interactive rates. The coupling of filtering, semiautomatic segmentation by labeling nodes in the tree, and various interaction mechanisms support the segmentation task. Our method is robust against noise, which we demonstrate on synthetic and real DTI data

    Simultaneous visualization of language endangerment and language description

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    The world harbors a diversity of some 6,500 mutually unintelligible languages.As has been increasingly observed by linguists, many minority languages are be-coming endangered and will be lost forever if not documented. Urgently indeed,many efforts are being launched to document and describe languages. This under-taking naturally has the priority toward the most endangered and least describedlanguages. For the first time, we combine world-wide databases on language de-scription (Glottolog) and language endangerment (ElCat, Ethnologue, UNESCO)and provide two online interfaces, GlottoScope and GlottoVis, to visualize thesetogether. The interfaces are capable of browsing, filtering, zooming, basic statis-tics, and different ways of combining the two measures on a world map back-ground. GlottoVis provides advanced techniques for combining cluttered dotson a map. With the tools and databases described we seek to increase the overallknowledge of the actual state language endangerment and description worldwid

    Nervousness and Performance Characteristics as Predictors of Peer Behavior Towards Socially Anxious Adolescents

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    Social anxiety in adolescents has frequently been linked to negative outcomes from social interactions. The present study investigated whether socially anxious adolescents are treated negatively by their classmates and which characteristics of socially anxious adolescents could explain negative social responses. Classroom observations of class behavior were made during oral presentations of 94 students (60% females) in the ages of 13–18 years. Speakers’ social performance, speech quality, and nervousness during the presentation were also rated. Findings showed that the social performance of socially anxious students was a predictor of class behavior, whereas their overt nervousness was not. Surprisingly, the quality of their speech was negatively related to class behavior. Implications of these findings for the treatment of socially anxious adolescents are discussed