1,026 research outputs found

    Anomalous Diffusion in Velocity Space

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    The problem of anomalous diffusion in the momentum space is considered on the basis of the appropriate probability transition function (PTF). New general equation for description of the diffusion of heavy particles in the gas of the light particles is formulated on basis of the new approach similar to one in coordinate space (S. Trigger et al.). The obtained results permit to describe the various situations when the probability transition function (PTF) has a long tail in the momentum space. The effective friction and diffusion coefficients are found.Comment: 11 pages, no figures and table

    The niche construction perspective: A critical appraisal

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    Niche construction refers to the activities of organisms that bring about changes in their environments, many of which are evolutionarily and ecologically consequential. Advocates of niche construction theory (NCT) believe that standard evolutionary theory fails to recognize the full importance of niche construction, and consequently propose a novel view of evolution, in which niche construction and its legacy over time (ecological inheritance) are described as evolutionary processes, equivalent in importance to natural selection. Here, we subject NCT to critical evaluation, in the form of a collaboration between one prominent advocate of NCT, and a team of skeptics. We discuss whether niche construction is an evolutionary process, whether NCT obscures or clarifies how natural selection leads to organismal adaptation, and whether niche construction and natural selection are of equivalent explanatory importance. We also consider whether the literature that promotes NCT overstates the significance of niche construction, whether it is internally coherent, and whether it accurately portrays standard evolutionary theory. Our disagreements reflect a wider dispute within evolutionary theory over whether the neo-Darwinian synthesis is in need of reformulation, as well as different usages of some key terms (e.g. evolutionary process)

    Induced mass in N=2 super Yang-Mills theories

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    The masses of the matter fields of N=2 Super-Yang-Mills theories can be defined as parameters of deformed supersymmetry transformations. The formulation used involves central charges for the matter fields. The explicit form of the deformed supersymmetry transformations and of the invariant Lagrangian in presence of the gauge supermultiplet are constructed. This works generalizes a former one, due to the same authors, which presented the free matter case.Comment: 15 pages, Late

    The microwave induced resistance response of a high mobility 2DEG from the quasi-classical limit to the quantum Hall regime

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    Microwave induced resistance oscillations (MIROs) were studied experimentally over a very wide range of frequencies ranging from ~20 GHz up to ~4 THz, and from the quasi-classical regime to the quantum Hall effect regime. At low frequencies regular MIROs were observed, with a periodicity determined by the ratio of the microwave to cyclotron frequencies. For frequencies below 150 GHz the magnetic field dependence of MIROs waveform is well described by a simplified version of an existing theoretical model, where the damping is controlled by the width of the Landau levels. In the THz frequency range MIROs vanish and only pronounced resistance changes are observed at the cyclotron resonance. The evolution of MIROs with frequency are presented and discussed.Comment: 4 pages, presented at EP2DS, to be published in Physica

    Fatty acid profile of plasma NEFA does not reflect adipose tissue fatty acid profile

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    Adipose tissue (AT) fatty acid (FA) composition partly reflects habitual dietary intake. Circulating NEFA are mobilised from AT and might act as a minimally invasive surrogate marker of AT FA profile. Agreement between twenty-eight FA in AT and plasma NEFA was assessed using concordance coefficients in 204 male and female participants in a 12-month intervention using supplements to increase the intake of EPA and DHA. Concordance coefficients generally showed very poor agreement between AT FA and plasma NEFA at baseline SFA: 0·07; MUFA: 0·03; n-6 PUFA: 0·28; n-3 PUFA: 0·01). Participants were randomly divided into training (70 %) and validation (30 %) data sets, and models to predict AT and dietary FA were fitted using data from the training set, and their predictive ability was assessed using data from the validation set. AT n-6 PUFA and SFA were predicted from plasma NEFA with moderate accuracy (mean absolute percentage error n-6 PUFA: 11 % and SFA: 8 %), but predicted values were unable to distinguish between low, medium and high FA values, with only 25 % of n-6 PUFA and 33 % of SFA predicted values correctly assigned to the appropriate tertile group. Despite an association between AT and plasma NEFA EPA (P=0·001) and DHA (P=0·01) at baseline, there was no association after the intervention. To conclude, plasma NEFA are not a suitable surrogate for AT F

    Velocity-Dependent Friction and Diffusion for Grains in Neutral Gases, Dusty Plasmas and Active Systems

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    A self-consistent and universal description of friction and diffusion for Brownian particles (grains) in different systems, as a gas with Boltzmann collisions, dusty plasma with ion absorption by grains, and for active particles (e.g., cells in biological systems) is suggested on the basis of the appropriate Fokker-Planck equation. Restrictions for application of the Fokker-Planck equation to the problem of velocity-dependent friction and diffusion coefficients are found. General description for this coefficient is formulated on the basis of master equation. Relation of the diffusion coefficient in the coordinate and velocity spaces is found for active (capable to transfer momentum to the ambient media) and passive particles in the framework of the Fokker-Planck equation. The problem of anomalous space diffusion is formulated on the basis of the appropriate probability transition (PT) function. The method of partial differentiation is avoided to construct the correct probability distributions for arbitrary distances, what is important for applications to different stochastic problems. Generale equation for time-dependent PT function is formulated and discussed. Generalized friction in the velocity space is determined and applied to describe the friction force itself as well as the drag force in the case of a non-zero driven ion velocity in plasmas. The negative friction due to ion scattering on grains exists and can be realized for the appropriate experimental conditions.Comment: 21 page

    Confinement and scaling in deep inelastic scattering

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    We show that parton confinement in the final state generates large 1/Q21/Q^2 corrections to Bjorken scaling, thus leaving less room for the logarithmic corrections. In particular, the xx-scaling violations at large xx are entirely described in terms of power corrections. For treatment of these non-perturbative effects, we derive a new expansion in powers of 1/Q21/Q^2 for the structure function that is free of infra-red singularities and which reduces corrections to the leading term. The leading term represents scattering from an off-mass-shell parton, which keeps the same virtual mass in the final state. It is found that this quasi-free term is a function of a new variable xˉ\bar x, which coincides with the Bjorken variable xx for Q2Q^2\to\infty. The two variables are very different, however, at finite Q2Q^2. In particular, the variable xˉ\bar x depends on the invariant mass of the spectator particles. Analysis of the data at large xx shows excellent scaling in the variable xˉ\bar x, and determines the value of the diquark mass to be close to zero. xˉ\bar x-scaling allows us to extract the structure function near the elastic threshold. It is found to behave as F2(1x)3.7F_2\sim (1-x)^{3.7}. Predictions for the structure functions based on xˉ\bar x-scaling are made.Comment: Discussion of target mass corrections is added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Asymptotic Freedom for Non-Relativistic Confinement

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    Some aspects of asymptotic freedom are discussed in the context of a simple two-particle non-relativisitic confining potential model. In this model asymptotic freedom follows from the similarity of the free-particle and bound state radial wave functions at small distances and for the same angular momentum and the same large energy. This similarity, which can be understood using simple quantum mechanical arguments, can be used to show that the exact response function approaches that obtained when final state interactions are ignored. A method of calculating corrections to this limit is given and explicit examples are given for the case of the harmonic oscillator.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, RevTex

    On an asymptotic estimate of the nn-loop correction in perturbative QCD

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    A recently proposed method of estimating the asymptotic behaviour of QCD perturbation theory coefficients is critically reviewed and shown to contain numerous invalid mathematical operations and unsubstantiated assumptions. We discuss in detail why this procedure, based solely on renormalization group (RG) considerations and analyticity constraints, cannot lead to such estimates. We stress the importance of correct renormalization scheme (RS) dependence of any meaningful asymptotic estimate and argue that the unambiguous summation of QCD perturbation expansions for physical quantities requires information from outside of perturbation theory itself.Comment: PRA-HEP-92/17, Latex, 20 pages of text plus 5 figures contained in 5 separate PS files. Four of them (corresponding to Figs.1,2,3,5) are appended at the end of this file, the (somewhat larger one) corresponding to Fig.4 can be obtained from any of the mentioned E-mail addresses upon request. E-mail connections: J. Chyla - [email protected]) or h1kchy@dhhdesy3 P. Kolar - [email protected]

    Effect of Nyquist Noise on the Nyquist Dephasing Rate in 2d Electron Systems

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    We measure the effect of externally applied broadband Nyquist noise on the intrinsic Nyquist dephasing rate of electrons in a two-dimensional electron gas at low temperatures. Within the measurement error, the phase coherence time is unaffected by the externally applied Nyquist noise, including applied noise temperatures of up to 300 K. The amplitude of the applied Nyquist noise from 100 MHz to 10 GHz is quantitatively determined in the same experiment using a microwave network analyzer.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Author affiliation clarified; acknowledgements modified. Replacement reason clarifie