415 research outputs found

    A New Lower Bound on the Maximum Number of Satisfied Clauses in Max-SAT and its Algorithmic Applications

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    A pair of unit clauses is called conflicting if it is of the form (x)(x), (xˉ)(\bar{x}). A CNF formula is unit-conflict free (UCF) if it contains no pair of conflicting unit clauses. Lieberherr and Specker (J. ACM 28, 1981) showed that for each UCF CNF formula with mm clauses we can simultaneously satisfy at least \pp m clauses, where \pp =(\sqrt{5}-1)/2. We improve the Lieberherr-Specker bound by showing that for each UCF CNF formula FF with mm clauses we can find, in polynomial time, a subformula FF' with mm' clauses such that we can simultaneously satisfy at least \pp m+(1-\pp)m'+(2-3\pp)n"/2 clauses (in FF), where n"n" is the number of variables in FF which are not in FF'. We consider two parameterized versions of MAX-SAT, where the parameter is the number of satisfied clauses above the bounds m/2m/2 and m(51)/2m(\sqrt{5}-1)/2. The former bound is tight for general formulas, and the later is tight for UCF formulas. Mahajan and Raman (J. Algorithms 31, 1999) showed that every instance of the first parameterized problem can be transformed, in polynomial time, into an equivalent one with at most 6k+36k+3 variables and 10k10k clauses. We improve this to 4k4k variables and (25+4)k(2\sqrt{5}+4)k clauses. Mahajan and Raman conjectured that the second parameterized problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). We show that the problem is indeed FPT by describing a polynomial-time algorithm that transforms any problem instance into an equivalent one with at most (7+35)k(7+3\sqrt{5})k variables. Our results are obtained using our improvement of the Lieberherr-Specker bound above

    An Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery at Walkington Wold, Yorkshire

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    This paper presents a re-evaluation of a cemetery excavated over 30 years ago at Walkington Wold in east Yorkshire. The cemetery is characterized by careless burial on diverse alignments, and by the fact that most of the skeletons did not have associated crania. The cemetery has been variously described as being the result of an early post-Roman massacre, as providing evidence for a ‘Celtic’ head cult or as an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery. In order to resolve the matter, radiocarbon dates were acquired and a re-examination of the skeletal remains was undertaken. It was confirmed that the cemetery was an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery, the only known example from northern England, and the site is set into its wider context in the paper

    Generalized parton distributions and double distributions for q q-bar pions

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    We consider two simple covariant models for pions (one with scalar and the other with spin-1/2 constituents). Pion generalized parton distributions are derived by integration over the light-cone energy. The model distributions are consistent with all known properties of generalized parton distributions, including positivity. We also construct the corresponding double distributions by appealing to Lorentz invariance. These ostensibly constructed double distributions lead to different generalized parton distributions that need not respect the positivity constraints. This inconsistency arises from the ambiguity inherent in defining double distributions in a one-component formalism (even in the absence of the Polyakov-Weiss term). We demonstrate that the correct model double distributions can be calculated from non-diagonal matrix elements of twist-two operators.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, RevTex4, reference added, typos correcte

    Strings on conifolds from strong coupling dynamics, part I

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    A method to solve various aspects of the strong coupling expansion of the superconformal field theory duals of AdS_5 x X geometries from first principles is proposed. The main idea is that at strong coupling the configurations that dominate the low energy dynamics of the field theory compactified on a three sphere are given by certain non-trivial semi-classical configurations in the moduli space of vacua. We show that this approach is self-consistent and permits one to express most of the dynamics in terms of an effective N=4 SYM dynamics. This has the advantage that some degrees of freedom that move the configurations away from moduli space can be treated perturbatively, unifying the essential low energy dynamics of all of these theories. We show that with this formalism one can compute the energies of strings in the BMN limit in the Klebanov-Witten theory from field theory considerations, matching the functional form of results found using AdS geometry. This paper also presents various other technical results for the semiclassical treatment of superconformal field theories.Comment: 52 pages, JHEP3 styl

    Urban and rural differences in older drivers' failure to stop at stop signs

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    Our purpose was to determine visual and cognitive predictors for older drivers' failure to stop at stop signs. 1425 drivers aged between ages 67 and 87 residing in Salisbury Maryland were enrolled in a longitudinal study of driving. At baseline, the participants were administered a battery of vision and cognition tests, and demographic and health questionnaires. Five days of driving data were collected with a Driving Monitoring System (DMS), which obtained data on stop signs encountered and failure to stop at stop signs. Driving data were also collected 1 year later (round two). The outcome, number of times a participant failed to stop at a stop sign at round two, was modeled using vision and cognitive variables as predictors. A negative binomial regression model was used to model the failure rate. Of the 1241 who returned for round two, 1167 drivers had adequate driving data for analyses and 52 did not encounter a stop sign. In the remaining 1115, 15.8% failed at least once to stop at stop signs, and 7.1% failed to stop more than once. Rural drivers had 1.7 times the likelihood of not stopping compared to urban drivers. Amongst the urban participants, the number of points missing in the bilateral visual field was significantly associated with a lower failure rate. In this cohort, older drivers residing in rural areas were less likely to stop at stop-sign intersections than those in urban areas. It is possible that rural drivers frequent areas with less traffic and better visibility, and may be more likely to take the calculated risk of not stopping. In this cohort failure to stop at stop signs was not explained by poor vision or cognition. Conversely in urban areas, those who have visual field loss appear to be more cautious at stop signs

    Hegemonic masculine conceptualisation in gang culture

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    This research sought to investigate the relationship between gang processes and differing forms of masculine expression. Three hundred and sixteen male participants, drawn from secondary schools within Cape Town, were included in the study. These schools were in areas differentially characterised by gang activity. The questionnaire included the newly devised Male Attitude Norm Inventory designed to explore hegemonic conceptualisations of masculinity. Factor analytic procedures rendered a three-factor model stressing the importance of male toughness, success and control. Through a series of t-tests for independent samples, as well as supporting qualitative data, participants from areas characterised by high gang activity were found to support these hegemonic elements to a significantly greater extent

    Effects of solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates on isothermal transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite

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    Nb is a very important micro-alloying element in low-carbon steels, for grain size refinement and precipitation strengthening, and even a low content of Nb can result in a significant effect on phase transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite. Solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates may have different effects on transformation behaviors, and these effects have not yet been fully characterized. This paper examines in detail the effects of solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates on isothermal transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite. The mechanisms of the effects have been analyzed using various microscopy techniques. Many solute Nb atoms were found to be segregated at the austenite/ferrite interface and apply a solute drag effect. It has been found that solute Nb atoms have a retardation effect on ferrite nucleation rate and ferrite grain growth rate. The particle pinning effect caused by Nb precipitates is much weaker than the solute drag effect

    Automated curation of large‐scale cancer histopathology image datasets using deep learning

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    Background Artificial intelligence (AI) has numerous applications in pathology, supporting diagnosis and prognostication in cancer. However, most AI models are trained on highly selected data, typically one tissue slide per patient. In reality, especially for large surgical resection specimens, dozens of slides can be available for each patient. Manually sorting and labelling whole-slide images (WSIs) is a very time-consuming process, hindering the direct application of AI on the collected tissue samples from large cohorts. In this study we addressed this issue by developing a deep-learning (DL)-based method for automatic curation of large pathology datasets with several slides per patient. Methods We collected multiple large multicentric datasets of colorectal cancer histopathological slides from the United Kingdom (FOXTROT, N = 21,384 slides; CR07, N = 7985 slides) and Germany (DACHS, N = 3606 slides). These datasets contained multiple types of tissue slides, including bowel resection specimens, endoscopic biopsies, lymph node resections, immunohistochemistry-stained slides, and tissue microarrays. We developed, trained, and tested a deep convolutional neural network model to predict the type of slide from the slide overview (thumbnail) image. The primary statistical endpoint was the macro-averaged area under the receiver operating curve (AUROCs) for detection of the type of slide. Results In the primary dataset (FOXTROT), with an AUROC of 0.995 [95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.994–0.996] the algorithm achieved a high classification performance and was able to accurately predict the type of slide from the thumbnail image alone. In the two external test cohorts (CR07, DACHS) AUROCs of 0.982 [95% CI: 0.979–0.985] and 0.875 [95% CI: 0.864–0.887] were observed, which indicates the generalizability of the trained model on unseen datasets. With a confidence threshold of 0.95, the model reached an accuracy of 94.6% (7331 classified cases) in CR07 and 85.1% (2752 classified cases) for the DACHS cohort. Conclusion Our findings show that using the low-resolution thumbnail image is sufficient to accurately classify the type of slide in digital pathology. This can support researchers to make the vast resource of existing pathology archives accessible to modern AI models with only minimal manual annotations

    Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study

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    A41 Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study In: Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2017, 12(Suppl 1): A4