287 research outputs found

    Enabling Flexible and Robust Business Process Automation for the Agile Enterprise

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    During the last decade process-aware information systems (PAISs) have become increasingly popular to digitize business processes and to effectively support them at the operational level. In many application domains, however, PAISs will not be accepted by users if rigidity comes with them. Ensuring PAIS robustness, in turn, becomes extremely complicated if high flexibility demands need to be fulfilled. To cope with the dynamic nature of business processes, we developed AristaFlow, a next generation process management technology that enables comprehensive process lifecycle support. In addition to standard process management services, AristaFlow can handle exceptions, change the execution of running business cases on the fly, efficiently deal with uncertainty, and support the evolution of business processes over time. This paper discusses how AristaFlow assists the various stakeholders of a PAIS to cope with errors and exceptional situations, while still meeting robustness needs. In particular, we focus on new error handling procedures and capabilities utilizing the flexibility provided by ad-hoc changes

    Matching events and activities by integrating behavioral aspects and label analysis

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    Nowadays, business processes are increasingly supported by IT services that produce massive amounts of event data during the execution of a process. These event data can be used to analyze the process using process mining techniques to discover the real process, measure conformance to a given process model, or to enhance existing models with performance information. Mapping the produced events to activities of a given process model is essential for conformance checking, annotation and understanding of process mining results. In order to accomplish this mapping with low manual effort, we developed a semi-automatic approach that maps events to activities using insights from behavioral analysis and label analysis. The approach extracts Declare constraints from both the log and the model to build matching constraints to efficiently reduce the number of possible mappings. These mappings are further reduced using techniques from natural language processing, which allow for a matching based on labels and external knowledge sources. The evaluation with synthetic and real-life data demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach and its robustness toward non-conforming execution logs

    Ansätze zur Entwicklung von Workflow-basierten Anwendungssystemen:eine vergleichende Darstellung

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    Workflow-Management-Systeme werden entscheidende Impulse für die Gestaltung von Informationssystemen der nächsten Generation geben. Ähnlich wie Datenbank-Systeme heute werden Workflow-Systeme zukünftig als Basistechnologie in komplexen Informationssystemen verwendet werden. Sie ermöglichen eine geschäftsprozeßnahe Darstellung der betrieblichen Ablauflogik und die explizite und zentrale Abbildung dieser Geschäftsprozeßlogik mittels spezialisierter Softwarekomponenten im Gegensatz zu der heute üblichen impliziten Codierung der Prozeßlogik in Applikationen. Ansätze zur Entwicklung von Workflow-basierten Anwendungen sind somit von großem Interesse. Anhand eines Vorgehens-Meta-Modells stellt der Beitrag zunächst wichtige in der Literatur vorgeschlagene Vorgehensmodelle zur Entwicklung von Workflow-Anwendungen einheitlich und klassifizierend dar. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt eine vergleichende Einordnung der verschiedenen Ansätze anhand von Kriterien, die basierend auf dem Meta-Modell hergeleitet werden.<br/

    Verifiable UML Artifact-Centric Business Process Models (Extended Version)

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    Artifact-centric business process models have gained increasing momentum recently due to their ability to combine structural (i.e., data related) with dynamical (i.e., process related) aspects. In particular, two main lines of research have been pursued so far: one tailored to business artefact modeling languages and methodologies, the other focused on the foundations for their formal verification. In this paper, we merge these two lines of research, by showing how recent theoretical decidability results for verification can be fruitfully transferred to a concrete UML-based modeling methodology. In particular, we identify additional steps in the methodology that, in significant cases, guarantee the possibility of verifying the resulting models against rich first-order temporal properties. Notably, our results can be seamlessly transferred to different languages for the specification of the artifact lifecycles.Comment: Extended version of "Verifiable UML Artifact-Centric Business Process Models" - to appear in the Proceedings of CIKM 201

    Eine XML-basierte Systemarchitektur zur Realisierung flexibler Web-Applikationen

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    Nach einer kurzen Einleitung in die Thematik dieser Arbeit werden am Beispiel eines Lebensmittel-Lieferservices dessen Schwachstellen analysiert und Verbesserungspotenziale aufgezeigt. Nach der Diskussion eines allgemeinen Franchisekonzeptes und dessen Anwendung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden zunächst Anforderungen an eine adäquate Systemarchitektur ermittelt, die Lösungen für die Schwachstellen bietet und das Franchisekonzept unterstützt. Aus den Anforderungen wird eine Systemarchitektur entwickelt und eine spezielle technische Umsetzung dieser Architektur vorgestellt. Es wird insbesondere auf die Anforderung der Personalisierung eingegangen, deren Realisierung im konkreten Beispiel PESS näher beleuchtet und durch eine Beispielsitzung illustriert wird. Eine technische Dokumentation der Implementierung des Prototypen PESS findet sich im Anhang.<br/

    Generating business process recommendations with a population-based meta-heuristic

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    In order to provide both guidance and flexibility to users during process execution, recommendation systems have been proposed. Existing recommendation systems mainly focus on offering recommendation according to the process optimization goals (time, cost…). In this paper we offer a new approach that primarily focuses on maximizing the flexibility during execution. This means that by following the recommendations, the user retains maximal flexibility to divert from them later on. This makes it possible to handle (possibly unknown) emerging constraints during execution. The main contribution of this paper is an algorithm that uses a declarative process model to generate a set of imperative process models that can be used to generate recommendations

    Refactoring Process Models in Large Process Repositories.

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    With the increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAIS), large process model repositories have emerged. Over time respective models have to be re-aligned to the real-world business processes through customization or adaptation. This bears the risk that model redundancies are introduced and complexity is increased. If no continuous investment is made in keeping models simple, changes are becoming increasingly costly and error-prone. Though refactoring techniques are widely used in software engineering to address related problems, this does not yet constitute state-of-the art in business process management. Process designers either have to refactor process models by hand or cannot apply respective techniques at all. This paper proposes a set of behaviour-preserving techniques for refactoring large process repositories. This enables process designers to eectively deal with model complexity by making process models better understandable and easier to maintain

    Clinical Processes - The Killer Application for Constraint-Based Process Interactions?

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    For more than a decade, the interest in aligning information systems in a process-oriented way has been increasing. To enable operational support for business processes, the latter are usually specified in an imperative way. The resulting process models, however, tend to be too rigid to meet the flexibility demands of the actors involved. Declarative process modeling languages, in turn, provide a promising alternative in scenarios in which a high level of flexibility is demanded. In the scientific literature, declarative languages have been used for modeling rather simple processes or synthetic examples. However, to the best of our knowledge, they have not been used to model complex, real-world scenarios that comprise constraints going beyond control-flow. In this paper, we propose the use of a declarative language for modeling a sophisticated healthcare process scenario from the real world. The scenario is subject to complex temporal constraints and entails the need for coordinating the constraint-based interactions among the processes related to a patient treatment process. As demonstrated in this work, the selected real process scenario can be suitably modeled through a declarative approach.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED