1,918 research outputs found

    Honeylocust Twig-gall Midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Michigan

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    Emergence and oviposition data were gathered for Neolasioptera brevis, a recently described pest of honeylocust. In 1984 the insects first emerged on 21 May and first oviposited on 4 June; in 1985 they first emerged on 28 April and first oviposited between 5-20 May. Average raceme length at emergence and at oviposition were 2.7 and 4.4 cm in 1984 and 2.6 and 4.8 cm in 1985. Approximate duration of the emergence period was one week. In 1985 observed oviposition wounds averaged 0.5/cm

    Quantification of food intake in Drosophila

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    Measurement of food intake in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is often necessary for studies of behaviour, nutrition and drug administration. There is no reliable and agreed method for measuring food intake of flies in undisturbed, steady state, and normal culture conditions. We report such a method, based on measurement of feeding frequency by proboscis-extension, validated by short-term measurements of food dye intake. We used the method to demonstrate that (a) female flies feed more frequently than males, (b) flies feed more often when housed in larger groups and (c) fly feeding varies at different times of the day. We also show that alterations in food intake are not induced by dietary restriction or by a null mutation of the fly insulin receptor substrate chico. In contrast, mutation of takeout increases food intake by increasing feeding frequency while mutation of ovoD increases food intake by increasing the volume of food consumed per proboscis-extension. This approach provides a practical and reliable method for quantification of food intake in Drosophila under normal, undisturbed culture conditions

    A cluster theory for a Janus fluid

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    Recent Monte Carlo simulations on the Kern and Frenkel model of a Janus fluid have revealed that in the vapour phase there is the formation of preferred clusters made up of a well-defined number of particles: the micelles and the vesicles. A cluster theory is developed to approximate the exact clustering properties stemming from the simulations. It is shown that the theory is able to reproduce the micellisation phenomenon.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, 6 table

    Quasi-Moessbauer effect in two dimensions

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    Expressions for the absorption spectrum of a nucleus in a three- and a two-dimensional crystal respectively are obtained analytically at zero and at finite temperature respectively. It is found that for finite temperature in two dimensions the Moessbauer effect vanishes but is replaced by what we call a Quasi-Moessbauer effect. Possibilities to identify two-dimensional elastic behavior are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, notation simplifie

    Predicting enhanced absorption of light gases in polyethylene using simplified PC-SAFT and SAFT-VR

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    International audienceAbsorption of light gases in polyethylene (PE) is studied using two versions of the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT): SAFT for chain molecules with attractive potentials of variable range (VR) and simplified perturbed-chain (PC) SAFT. Emphasis is placed on the light gases typically present during ethylene polymerisation in the gas-phase reactor (GPR) process. The two approaches are validated using experimental binary-mixture data for gas absorbed in PE, and predictions are made for mixtures of more components. For most cases studied both SAFT versions perform equally well. For the case of ternary mixtures of two gases with PE, it is predicted that the less-volatile of the two gases acts to enhance the absorption of the more-volatile gas, while the more-volatile gas inhibits the absorption of the less-volatile gas. This general behaviour is also predicted in mixtures containing more gases, such as typical reactor mixtures. The magnitude of the effect may vary considerably, depending on the relative proximity of the gas-mixture saturation pressure to the reactor pressure; for example it is predicted that the absorption of ethylene may be approximately doubled if diluent gases, propane or nitrogen, are partially or completely replaced by less-volatile butane or pentane for a reactor pressure similar to 2 MPa. In the case of a co-polymerisation reaction, it is predicted that increases in absorption of both co-monomers may be obtained in roughly equal proportion. Our findings cast light on the so-called co-monomer effect, in which substantial increases in the rate of ethylene polymerisation are observed in the presence of hexene co-monomer, while suggesting that the effect is more general and not restricted to co-monomer. For example, similar rate increases may be expected in the presence of, e.g., pentane instead of hexene, but without the change in the branch structure of the produced polymer that is inevitable when the amount of co-monomer is increased

    Trends of Incidence and Survival of Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors in the United States: A Seer Analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: To examine trends in detection and survival of hollow viscus gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) across time and geographic regions of the U.S

    HIV-TRACE (Transmission Cluster Engine):A tool for large scale molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 and other rapidly evolving pathogens

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    In modern applications of molecular epidemiology, genetic sequence data are routinely used to identify clusters of transmission in rapidly evolving pathogens, most notably HIV-1. Traditional 'shoe-leather' epidemiology infers transmission clusters by tracing chains of partners sharing epidemiological connections (e.g., sexual contact). Here, we present a computational tool for identifying a molecular transmission analog of such clusters: HIV-TRACE (TRAnsmission Cluster Engine). HIV-TRACE implements an approach inspired by traditional epidemiology, by identifying chains of partners whose viral genetic relatedness imply direct or indirect epidemiological connections. Molecular transmission clusters are constructed using codon-aware pairwise alignment to a reference sequence followed by pairwise genetic distance estimation among all sequences. This approach is computationally tractable and is capable of identifying HIV-1 transmission clusters in large surveillance databases comprising tens or hundreds of thousands of sequences in near real time, that is, on the order of minutes to hours. HIV-TRACE is available at www.hivtrace.org and from www.github.com/veg/hivtrace, along with the accompanying result visualization module from www.github.com/veg/hivtrace-viz. Importantly, the approach underlying HIV-TRACE is not limited to the study of HIV-1 and can be applied to study outbreaks and epidemics of other rapidly evolving pathogens

    Diploid males support a two-step mechanism of endosymbiont-induced thelytoky in a parasitoid wasp.

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    BACKGROUND: Haplodiploidy, where females develop from diploid, fertilized eggs and males from haploid, unfertilized eggs, is abundant in some insect lineages. Some species in these lineages reproduce by thelytoky that is caused by infection with endosymbionts: infected females lay haploid eggs that undergo diploidization and develop into females, while males are very rare or absent. It is generally assumed that in thelytokous wasps, endosymbionts merely diploidize the unfertilized eggs, which would then trigger female development. RESULTS: We found that females in the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica infected with thelytoky-inducing Wolbachia produce 0.7-1.2 % male offspring. Seven to 39 % of these males are diploid, indicating that diploidization and female development can be uncoupled in A. japonica. Wolbachia titer in adults was correlated with their ploidy and sex: diploids carried much higher Wolbachia titers than haploids, and diploid females carried more Wolbachia than diploid males. Data from introgression lines indicated that the development of diploid individuals into males instead of females is not caused by malfunction-mutations in the host genome but that diploid males are most likely produced when the endosymbiont fails to activate the female sex determination pathway. Our data therefore support a two-step mechanism by which endosymbionts induce thelytoky in A. japonica: diploidization of the unfertilized egg is followed by feminization, whereby each step correlates with a threshold of endosymbiont titer during wasp development. CONCLUSIONS: Our new model of endosymbiont-induced thelytoky overthrows the view that certain sex determination mechanisms constrain the evolution of endosymbiont-induced thelytoky in hymenopteran insects. Endosymbionts can cause parthenogenesis through feminization, even in groups in which endosymbiont-diploidized eggs would develop into males following the hosts' sex determination mechanism. In addition, our model broadens our understanding of the mechanisms by which endosymbionts induce thelytoky to enhance their transmission to the next generation. Importantly, it also provides a novel window to study the yet-poorly known haplodiploid sex determination mechanisms in haplodiploid insects

    Scaling in Complex Systems: Analytical Theory of Charged Pores

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    In this paper we find an analytical solution of the equilibrium ion distribution for a toroidal model of a ionic channel, using the Perfect Screening Theorem (PST). The ions are charged hard spheres, and are treated using a variational Mean Spherical Approximation (VMSA) . Understanding ion channels is still a very open problem, because of the many exquisite tuning details of real life channels. It is clear that the electric field plays a major role in the channel behaviour, and for that reason there has been a lot of work on simple models that are able to provide workable theories. Recently a number of interesting papers have appeared that discuss models in which the effect of the geometry, excluded volume and non-linear behaviour is considered. We present here a 3D model of ionic channels which consists of a charged, deformable torus with a circular or elliptical cross section, which can be flat or vertical (close to a cylinder). Extensive comparisons to MC simulations were performed. The new solution opens new possibilities, such as studying flexible pores, and water phase transformations inside the pores using an approach similar to that used on flat crystal surfaces

    Occurrence and associative value of non-identifiable fingermarks

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    Fingermarks that have insufficient characteristics for identification often have discernible characteristics that could form the basis for lesser degrees of correspondence or probability of occurrence within a population. Currently, those latent prints that experts judge to be insufficient for identification are not used as associative evidence. How often do such prints occur and what is their potential value for association? The answers are important. We could be routinely setting aside a very important source of associative evidence, with high potential impact, in many cases; or such prints might be of very low utility, adding very little, or only very rarely contributing to cases in a meaningful way. The first step is to better understand the occurrence and range of associative value of these fingermarks. The project goal was to explore and test a theory that in large numbers of cases fingermarks of no value for identification purposes occur and are readily available, though not used, and yet have associative value that could provide useful information. Latent fingermarks were collected from nine state and local jurisdictions. Fingermarks included were those (1) collected in the course of investigations using existing jurisdictional procedures, (2) originally assessed by the laboratory as of no value for identification (NVID), (3) re-assessed by expert review as NVID, but with least three clear and reliable minutiae in relationship to one another, and (4) determined to show at least three auto-encoded minutiae. An expected associative value (ESLR) for each mark was measured, without reference to a putative source, based on modeling within-variability and between-variability of AFIS scores. This method incorporated (1) latest generation feature extraction, (2) a (minutiae-only) matcher, (3) a validated distortion model, and (4) NIST SD27 database calibration. Observed associative value distributions were determined for violent crimes, property crimes, and for existing objective measurements of latent print quality. 750 Non Identifiable Fingermarks (NIFMs) showed values of Log10 ESLR ranging from 1.05 to 10.88, with a mean value of 5.56 (s.d. 2.29), corresponding to an ESLR of approximately 380,000. It is clear that there are large numbers of cases where NIFMs occur that have high potential associative value as indicated by the ESLR. These NIFMs are readily available, but not used, yet have associative value that could provide useful information. These findings lead to the follow-on questions, “How useful would NIFM evidence be in actual practice?” and, “What developments or improvements are needed to maximize this contribution?